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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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AGREEMENT – Episode 47

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” Ahana.. Trust me honey… You didn’t leave me with a choice…” Ansh said.

I wasn’t aware about what was he talking. What choice? I didn’t have a choice either. I had to marry him.
He was making me frustrated with every passing minute.

I was angry with mixed emotions in my heart. I couldn’t take it more. I haven’t been affected so much in my life. Just because of one person.

” Liar…. I h@ťě you… I h@ťě…” But before I could complete myself Ansh pulled me towards him and crashed his lips on mine. I tried to push him but his strength was unbeatable. And then, finally I gave in.

Initially it was easy for me to resist him but since we returned from Maldives I missed him. I missed his warm lips and his manly, yet soft touch. As soon as his lips met mine I got lost in them. They were moving in a perfect sync.

He was gentle yet demanding, showing his possession on me. And I loved it that way. No matter what I couldn’t stop the Mõ@ɲ escaping my lips. I don’t know when did I become so weak. Ansh made me feel weak.

It’s easy to live when you don’t have any weakness but when you have one, it’s gonna screw you badly.
I pulled his hair and he deepened the kiss although we were lost at breadth we couldn’t find a way to stop. He kissed my cheeks, my nose and was back to my lips. His hand had captured my waist perfectly and one of my hand was on his shoulder.

” Ahana… I love you. Please love me back.” He said between the kiss and captured my lips again.
“I love you… Please…” He said again.

” Ansh!! I…” But before I could compete myself she shut me up again. Kissing my upper lip and pulling me in a tight hug.
” Ansh!! I-I love you too… I can’t stop doing that.. ” I manged to say between the heated moment.

He gave me a strong kiss and kissed my forhead. At once I realised what I said. I wasn’t suppose to give in so easily. I opened my eyes and I saw his face with that typical Ansh’s wink and cunning smile. His cheeks were wet too. His hair messy and the culf of his sleeves were folded up twice.

” I knew it…. I just knew it… One can’t keep herself from loving a guy like me. Isn’t it Sweetheart?” He said moving his hand through his hair.
I pushed him away from my embrace. I swear these pregnancy hormones will be my death one day.
I was really breathing hard now.

I don’t know what to answer to this guy in front of me.
I moved backwards. I don’t know how to avoid that attraction. I couldn’t see his face.

” Ahana…. Please give me a chance. I will explain. All of it from the very beginning. ” I heard his plead when I turned my back to him.

God make me strong.
” Ahana… Please give us a chance. Please give our love a chance. We love each other. Don’t we need one chance to make things right? ” There were already stream of fresh tears falling. I want to give us a chance but I am afraid that it will go in a waste.

” It won’t go for a waste Ahana…
Trust me. Our hearts are connected.”
Finally, I turned around. He always did read my heart and mind. As I turned I saw a ray of hope in his eyes.
People say You Mustn’t Snatch A Person’s Hope Ever…
Coz it is possible that, thats all they have….
And I think our situations were similar. Dire need of some hope.

” Ansh… Enough already….” I tried to gather myself.
” I married you because I wanted to. I wasn’t forced. From the very first business party, when I saw you I knew you were something – someone different…..” He said before I could complete my sentence.

I quietly walked and sat on the bed while he stood beside the desk with his back supported by it. I wanted to listen and it’s surely going to be a long tiring night. I desperately want to know his side of the story, his untold story.
” I can’t say it was a love at first sight coz it wasn’t one. I was still dating some stupid girl whose name I never remembered. I still remember, that night you were awarded for the business woman of the year….” He paused and then continued.

” Not once did you notice me. Although, I was standing so close to your Dad. You had that aura and charm but you didn’t give a d@mn about me. Normally all the girls around me try to throw themselves on me but you were different, and that’s when I thought you are someone whom one could like to keep with oneself forever.”

I was shocked. And puzzled. Am I really hearing this ? I never thought that Ansh wasn’t forced into this marriage. His behavior was so confusing from the very first meeting.

It’s not that I didn’t notice him that night. Of course who wouldn’t notice
Mr. Ansh Raichand, the most eligible bachelor in the city with a bunch of affairs. Rumours always finding a way to him. He had received the award a year ago. And I was aware about him because he always made it to the headlines. Sometimes in the business editorial or sometimes in celebrity goof ups.

I am serious Ahana. I never felt so serious in life, that too about a girl, after seeing you for the first time. You were so polite with everybody. I have seen a lot of people especially women when they reach such heights. You weren’t a bit like them. Then I did was a background check.”
” What!! Are you serious? Were you stalking me? And why do you always like doings these background checks.”

I said a bit frustrated now. He smiled weekly and offered me a glass of water. I gulped it a go.

” Hey!! No.. I wasn’t stalking. I just came to know that you were single and your Dad wanted you to marry soon since you were already 28. And you we’re going to turn 29 in few months. ”
I was bewildered.

” Seriously… You knew my B’day and still you didn’t wish me, Ansh!” I blurted. It was impromptu but it just flashed in my mind. I never forget things so easily..

” Ahana… Really Are you still upset with that…..” He asked laughing.
” Yes… I am. What remedy do you have?” I said folding my hand.
” Hmmm… Let me think… A long warm and loving cuddling and hugging might help. Right? ” He said coming towards me.

” No… Wrong. It won’t. You let me what did you do next?”
” Then I went straight to your Dad and asked for your hand for marriage.” He said casually.
” What?? But how could you do that? That too without my permission and how in the world you wanted to marry me when we didn’t even speak to each other. ” I said getting up from my relaxed position.

” I really liked you. You seemed just perfect for me. I followed you once to the orphanage. I saw a very different and lively side of yours. The way the kids adored you was an amazing sight indeed.
And Dad asked you to meet me. Don’t you remember?” He said and I was thrown back in the flashback.

” Ahana…. Why don’t you at least meet him once? He is very good and I swear you can’t resist him. All the girls are crazy behind him and of all he has asked for you. And he is a business tycoon, like us.”
” So what Dad? There are thousands of businessmen out there but I can’t marry everyone… Right?”
” Ahana… Stop being arrogant. He likes you. ”

” Good… But I don’t like him and moreover I am not being arrogant. I will marry someone whom I like. A person who would respect my decision and dignity. Not a person like him who assumes things, already. See, he send his most expensive car to pick me up. He must have thought that I will agree at once and agree to meet him. What a Fool… Send his car back Dad. I ain’t marrying an arrogant selfish brat. ”

” He isn’t arrogant. Just meet him once.”
” Dad! I am free to take my decisions. And whoever he is, I am not marrying him. ”
I remembered it at once.
” I think you have recalled it already…”
” Ansh!!! It was you? You had send your Red Masserati. Arrgghhh…. ”
” You still remember the car too? ”
” Of course I do…. Why didn’t it click me when I saw it in the garage?”

How can I be so oblivious? And I can’t believe it that Dad fixed my marriage with him only although I said a firm NO.

How stupid of me that I didn’t even cross verify. Was I so busy or I just trusted my family? I don’t thing I regret it but if it hadn’t turned out like this, then.
Sometimes, When you wait so long for something in Life, especially if it’s LOVE, then…
God has planned something special for you.
It all happens for a Reason.

” Well, I never drove it since you rejected it.” He said bringing my attention to him and I looked at him until our eyes met.
But I am not going to be deceived by them.
Never. I told myself. I averted my glance.

” Ansh!! Then why and how did you marry me when I already rejected you. Why didn’t your respect my decision?” I said in near tears.
It’s not that I regret marrying Ansh but it shouldn’t have turned out like this. Perhaps it’s all a God’s Plan.
” I never like to face defeats, that too from my competitors. ” He said and I turned again to look at him. I was furious.

” To such an extent that you need to force someone into a marriage. Something that I considered so pure and divine. You had taken it like a challenge. Huh?

You can’t handle rejection?
What did you tell Dad and grandpa that they forced me such an extent? And why didn’t your Dad say something? ” There were a lot of unanswered questions and of all Ansh was ready to answer them patiently.

” After you said a staunch ‘no’ I decided not to give up. So I had a meeting with your Dad and grandpa. Mine weren’t even aware about it. ”
I didn’t say anything. It was already too much to take in.
” He said that you didn’t have a boyfriend or a lover or even an admirer. He also wanted to marry you soon. Hence I proposed the merger of the company. He readily accepted it and asked for the meeting of both the families. They were happy about it and I thought you will agree on this matter too. ”

And I didn’t… How can I agree on something like this. Who marries for a merger nowadays? And we didn’t need a d@mn merger. We are in the 21st century for God’s sake… ” I was about to break down. Or maybe my tears were just flowing down.
” I knew we didn’t one but then there wasn’t any option left… ”

So many things happened behind my back and I wasn’t aware of it.
” Ha! Seriously…. And still Dad and grandpa forced me into this. But then why did you behave in such a rude manner when we met for the first time and don’t tell me your family didn’t know about all this….”
” Hmmm…. I thought I will throw some attitude showing that both of us were in the same boat and we can help each other sail with…..Love… I didn’t want you to know that I liked you. ”

” Ansh!! It’s already frustrating and making me furious. And it’s so d@mn stupid. How can you be so immature?
How can you do this? You lied to Dad and grandad. And moreover I am upset with my Dad and grandpa. I feel so cheated and deceived.”
” Dad was furious when I told him the night when we met. He thought that we knew each other and we were marrying out of love and grandad still thinks the same.

He doesn’t know anything. Please don’t tell him about this, he will never forgive me. I pleaded Dad to keep all this going for my sake and I will win your heart soon. I am a charmer anyways. And he really liked you on the very first meet and knew that you would be just perfect for me. ”

I don’t know what was happening. So many things happened and I wasn’t aware of it. There were non stop tears flowing for a reason I am not aware of. How can I be so weak? I Was never so fragile or a person who easily gives up. After all this, perhaps I am still upset that I will lose someone whom I love so much.

But there are still things that needs to be explained.
” Ansh!!……” I said still sniffing. He looked at me.
” Then, why didn’t you try to win my heart ? You liked me, right?
Why did YOU…” I said almost in a shout and standing to get my purse and pulling the AGREEMENT file.

” ….. Why the hell did you make me sign this d@mn $h|t!!!! When you wanted to win my heart. Why did you ruin something that I considered so pure? Why??” I said breaking down and then throwing that file on him. He caught it and came towards me.
” Ahana… I never thought you would consider it to be so serious. ” He said.

” Huh! Is it not a serious matter?
Ansh! Signing an AGREEMENT is not a serious thing? Really?
Be a bit professional at least. This is what we do day and night. This is our work. You made me sign such a serious piece of paper, reminding me about this almost every day and you say I shouldn’t consider it as something serious. ”
” Ahana, I wanted to confess you my feelings and tell the truth on the first night itself… But… ”

” But then you realised your mistake, Right? You realized that you cheated me. Didn’t you? ”
” Yes… I realised I shouldn’t have done that in first place. I should have respected your likings too. I should have tried to court you first, marriage had to be the next step. I liked you but you didn’t. I acted hurriedly. Hence to give you all the freedom I did this. I heard you talking to yourself an hour after we got married. ” He said.

I was searching for you and your luggage in the hotel when I heard your sniffs in the balcony. I followed it.
” God!! Please help me from this problem. I can’t love him. I can’t handle a forced relationship, I will suffocate…. I can’t stay happy in this manner.

Ansh stopped. I looking at him so that he would continue further but he didn’t. After a silence of a minute he spoke.

” I realised that Love can’t be forced. Hence when we returned home I printed this. It’s all fake. I even Googled to find some valid and formal statements to make it look like a real AGREEMENT. This notary thing isn’t real too.

” He explained.
I never felt so stupid in life. Bound by lies and nothing else. It looked so real. Perhaps I hadn’t looked at it closely enough. I was angry with Ansh when he made me sign it and then I just signed it up. Ansh was such an expert in his work that anyone could be deceived with these fake papers. Even Dad wasn’t spared.

But, nevertheless it was still a part of lives. The fake ones that we lived. I looked at the file in Ansh’s hand.

In a moment before I could realise, he tore the papers in a white confetti, right in front of me.
” It’s fake and I don’t need this in our relationship anymore. I want to start afresh now. I know there are a lot of lies spoken and you must think that everything in our relationship is false and fake. But trust me, the most beautiful truth is our marriage. The one that binds us together. My love for you is the greatest TRUTH of my life.

Ahana… I want you to decide for us now. ”
” Ansh!! ” I paused.
” You heard it but you didn’t hear it till end. Why… Why do you always abandon a conservation in between, be that you are a part of it or not. It’s your habit, isn’t it? A really bad one.” I could make that Ansh was confused beyond explaination.
“W-What do you mean??!”

” You didn’t hear it thoroughly.
That night, I said that…
” God!! Please help me from this problem. I can’t love him. I can’t handle a forced relationship, I will die…. I can’t stay happy in this manner…

But no matter what, I promise myself to see the bright side of all this. I shall consider it as an arranged marriage. We both can find Love. We are in the same boat. It may be difficult but it’s not impossible… I will make all this work out and give us a chance….” “I looked at Ansh and he was astonished. He had to be.

” For once Ansh if you had considered my point of veiw, things would have been different. If you hadn’t hurried and acted sensibly then…. ” I sighed as I was about to leave the room.

” Ahana… Where are you going? Please let me nurse those at least. And we ain’t done talking yet….”
” What more is left to talk, Ansh? We are done talking. It was all a misunderstanding. I still can’t make myself believe you. Because of your bad habit of abandoning me or because of you assuming things or because of your Bossy behaviour to take all the decisions…. ”

” Ahana… I accept all of my flaws… I really want you to accept me… I don’t have many reasons to give and justify myself so that you can accept me but… because I have only one reason…I love you…. ”

” Ansh! I really don’t want to wake up realising that you didn’t mean any of the things you said tonight. I can’t do that. Coz you have always made me believe that you can never love me. You even misunderstood my friendship.” I interrupted him. I don’t want to get carried away.

” Ahana… I really thought that you would never fall for me. I wanted to free you. I know I am a @$$h0le… a jerk… a stupid insecure person. I bought Jia into picture to distract myself so that it would be easy not to fall in love with you. But, suddenly Jaai showed up. I was scared to lose you to Jaai when I saw you for the first time with him in our house. You looked so happy together.

” And so as always you assumed things. Did you for once think that how could I have married you if I already loved someone and how many times did I tell you about us. ”
” I know… But I thought Dad must have forced you. But the more closer I saw you two the more I wanted you to be by my side. Your caring nature made me fall in love with you each day. From liking you, I went on to loving you.

Trust me, when I came to know that you were pregnant.. It was the best thing that happened. I was just scared and insecure that you wouldn’t accept us… ” I heard him say.
Perhaps his level of insecurity was away higher than mine. From his point of view things looked messed up but then he was responsible for messing them in first place. If at all…
” Ansh! How can you think that I wouldn’t accept them… That morning you said that… That… It was a mis-mistake… ” I said.

He looked at me. His eyes were equally red. He actually did cry. He came towards me. He held my hands in his.
” Ahana… I never said that it was a mistake. I was just sorry. I said that I didn’t want it to happen in such a way. No at that stage of our relationship. I just wished that I could have controlled my feelings. I thought that you would regret sharing that moment with me.

I didn’t want you to regret it. I thought that you will be upset coz it was special to you, something that you might want to share with the person you love. I didn’t regret it at all. I was true to my feelings that night… But.. I was a bit drunk… I thought… ”

” Ansh… I was sober. How can you think like that? Although I didn’t love you back then but I had accepted you as my husband and I didn’t regret it, not even a percent. Your habit of assuming things and making them worse will really hamper our relationship… ” I said.

” Ahana….. Please… I know I acted like an @zz the entire month, running away from you but trust me, Our angels aren’t any mistake… They are a proof that I really love you.. A lot…
I trust you more than I trust myself.”
He said a moment later. I don’t know why but it felt so good to hear that from him. I was still crying. Ansh kept on cleaning the falling tears.
Then, Ansh bend down on his knees and pulled something from his pocket.

OMG!! It was my wedding ring which I had removed when we fought that night I told him about Jaai and Zara. I realised that I missed it. He exteneded it towards me.

” Ahana… I couldn’t trust myself that I could love you more than anything else in the world. I thought you couldn’t love a guy like me. I thought I would hurt you always. But trust me, I have realised that YOU and YOUR LOVE make me strong that I can even conquer the World coz my world resides in YOU and those little angels which you are carrying.

Ahana Raichand, You asked me to give this ring to someone whom it belongs so I am telling you that this ring belongs to only one woman and she is standing right in front of me. The Person who has my heart and presumably I have hers and the mother of my babies and many more to come.

Will you accept me as I am with some of my flaws but lots of Love to give you…
Will you forgive me and Love me forever and be my rightful wife in all sense? ” He said still kneeing on his knees.

I was speechless. I really didn’t expect this to be coming from Ansh.
Was he proposing me? But we are already married… It’s like.. I don’t experience such things daily in my life. He’s the first guy who’s kneeling down on front of me.

I noticed some tears in his eyes too and my vision was already blurred due to tears. I turned around and wiped them.
” Ahana…. Please…. Don’t leave me alone. I am not as strong as you, Jaai or Zara. I will surely die without you. The past year was wonderful with you.

But the coming years I would like to make them the best for you, for us.
Please give me a chance. Don’t take my happiness and my angels away. I promise to love you till death do us apart. I loved all our fights, all the kisses we shared and the moment we created. I shall cheerish it as well as you, always. You have made me something else ,you have competed me and I breathe so that I can see you and be with you….Ahana…”

I heard him call my name. It sounded so filmy. I kept on wiping the tears. My eyes were painful. I was searching for reasons not to love Ansh, not to look behind… But..
” I know it’s a bit filmy but I need to express myself. I also know that I am not a good man enough to deserve you… You just happen to be too good for a person like me. But, trust me you will never find a husband who will cook the best pasta in the world for you and our babies…

Perhaps you could find someone who loves you but you will never find someone who loves you as much as I do… Ahana… ” I know he was walking on his knees behind me and I am scared he will fall any moment.

” Ouch…”
” Ansh!!” As expected. I turned around to notice him, fallen on his nose. It was red coz he was so fair skinned. A light laugh left my lips. He was still leaning. He looked at me with those puppy eyes. I went towards him and slowly taking his support knelt in front of him. I wiped his tears and he held my face in his arms.

” Ansh!! I didn’t know that you had such a person hidden inside you. ”
” So you forgive me?”

” Well there is a punishment for you….”
” I can endure anything if you are with me sweetheart…. Anything for you…”
” Mind what you are saying…..” I said laughing.
” Wh@ťěver….. I can do anything and everything, honey….”
” Don’t be so sweet. And your punishment is that you aren’t going to get the opportunity to hold any of our babies for the very first time… It’s gonna be me… Not you… ”

” What??? You can’t be serious…..” He said and I nodded with a smirk.
” Honey…. You can tell me to do anything like washing your clothes or driving you to the office or standing in the sun for hours or…….Anything….. But this is cheating…..” He pleaded.
I can’t believe that’s we were still in that kneeling position. I rubbed Ansh’s nose gently.
I still had his black shirt tightly held in my hand. I still couldnt believe that I was holding it from such a long time. I missed Ansh so much that I had taken his shirt in my possession. Perhaps.. It’s because it still had his smell. I never knew I will love someone so much.
” It’s still red….” I laughed looking at his nose.

” Well, that’s not cheating. I don’t want to spoil or wear out my clothes. You are my husband and not my driver and I drive better than you and lastly I don’t want my so handsome and fair husband to get tan in the scorching heat. I am not a school teacher to give such punishments. And this serves you right…. Isn’t it sweety?” I said rubbing on my swollen tummy.
” Ahana….” He called slowly. I looked at him. His brown eyes v/s my Hazel Ones.
” I can endure anything until You Promise to Love Me and Not Leave My Side…..” He said looking straight in my eyes.

I pulled him closer by pulling the hem of his shirt.
” Ansh… I promi…..
Aahhh!!!! God!!! It’s hurting…” I shouted nearly collapsing on Ansh. He grabbed me. I rested my head on his chest.
” Ahana… Sweetheart… Look at me. Open your eyes… W-What happened??”


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