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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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BAD BOY DYLAN – Episode 86

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Delaney kept walking, watching the two greedy humans as they screamed around fearfully.

Madelyn and Mavis were still smiling victoriously, and the other attendants of the ceremony were still looking shocked and confused at the same time.

Delaney finally got to them and unmounted the gun from her shoulders, then she placed a leg on a chair and aimed for Zayn’s head.

“Bang-Bang!” Madelyn laughed.

“No! No!!, Don’t $h00t!!!, Where the hell are the guards!!!” Zayn shouted.

“They’re playing Scrabble right now” Mavis said.

Delaney finally shot the gun, but it didn’t even sound cos it’s not loaded, she only brought it to scare them.

She smiled and brought down the gun, then Summer and Mrs Bills came in next, with ten police officers behind them.

“There they are, the greedy pigs” Mrs Bills pointed at them.

“Time to go to your rightful home” Summer smiled as the cops went closer than them.

“Mr Zayn Stewart, Mrs Flora Stewart, you’re under arrest for the murder of Mr and Mrs Wang, owners of Wang holdings” a cop said.

“Stealing of the company funds and several attempts to ki|| Delaney Wang, murder of Dylan Bills and Mr Lin Fang” another cop said.

“We have an arrest warrant” the first one pointed it up.

“And you both have the right to hire a lawyer, but till court, you’re advised to remain silent” another one said as they were handcuffed.

It seems like they’re dumbfounded as they were led out of the hall, and they kept looking back at Mavis and Madelyn till they were completely out.

“Gosh!, Finally!” Delaney sighed, hugging Mrs Bills.

“Yes, finally” Mrs Bills smiled, hugging her back.

“You both are one of my buddies now, ask me anything and consider it done” Summer faced Madelyn and Mavis.

“Big sis!” They both pouted at once and hugged her.

“And guess what?” Mrs Bills said, breaking the hug.

“I’m not good at guessing” Delaney smiled.

“Emma and that hacker have been arrested, thanks to Madelyn who gave us the route to the secret cottage” Mrs Bills replied.

“OMG!!!” Delaney screamed.


After the last court hearing today, Flora and Zayn were sentenced to years in jail, and both S group of companies and MMC were handed to her since both are her father’s money.

Emma got five years while Dave got eight.

As they all stepped out of the court house, Gigi was the first to scream out loudly.

“I’m so happy guys!!!!”

“Trust me I’m the happiest here today, so chairwoman Delaney, where are you taking us to?, For the booze” Carina winked.

“CEO Delaney say something!” Madelyn said, placing her fist in front of Delaney like a microphone.

“You’re crazy” Delaney laughed, and Madelyn giggled.

“Talk to us already!” Mavis said.

“The thing is… I’ll give you guys my black card, and you guys can go ahead and have all the fun you want” She said.

“What about you?” Melinda asked.

“I have to go somewhere” Delaney replied.

“Well…you can always meet us there” Madelyn said, snatching the black card from her.

“Was just about to say that” Nicholas said.

The guys left for their cars at once, and they drove off.

“You’re definitely going to Dylan’s grave again, I know” Summer said.

“I understand, don’t take long, and don’t cry” Mrs Bills said, and Delaney smiled sadly.


Delaney dropped her flowers on Dylan’s grave and smiled sadly, then she squatted beside it.

Mrs Bills told her not to cry, but is that even possible?, Dylan is not here like she wanted, so the tears rolled out of her eyes immediately.

“My bad boy….I wish you’re here, to witness how I took back my possessions, I wish….you were right beside me… Dylan” she sobbed quietly.

“How could you promise to stay forever when you knew you’d end up leaving?, The remaining seven public apologies, when are you gonna give them to me you jerk!, I miss you so much and Sweeney misses you more..” she cried profusely, her tears dropping on the grave.

“Who’d call me Dela now?, Who’d call me ma reine?, Who’d make me feel special?, Who’d bless my existence?, Who’d Sweeney call dad?, Who’d I call my husband-to-be?, Who’d play around with Sweeney?, How could you just go like that, how could you…” She cried again.

“I knew it” Mavis said behind her, and she looked back to see him standing there.

“I knew you came here to cry” he said and pulled her up.

He hugged her gently and started patting her back slowly as she cried.

He was on it till she let out all the tears, then he broke the hug.

“You have tears in your eyes too” she said.

“My dad was actually buried in this same site” he replied, and she sniffed as he took her to Mr Gregor’s grave.

“Here, his grave” he said, and she blinked as he looked at it.

“I actually came to return something” he said, bringing out the lighter from his pocket.

“Dad…. I guess I’ve finished using it, no smoking anymore, I wanna live a normal life…with my next girlfriend and the people around me” he smiled, dropping the lighter on the grave.

“How’re you doing up there?, It’s not too cold or lonely, right?” He sniffed.

“I promise to make you proud and be the best at what I do, just watch me ok?, Watch me” he smiled.

Delaney placed an hand on his shoulder, and he smiled as he looked at her.

“Don’t cry” she said.

“I won’t” he replied.


“I miss the white kids already, this house was the liveliest when they were still here” Mr Robertson yawned lightly in the living room as he read the paper.

“I miss them too” Joshua replied, coming in.

“Oh… Joshua, did you get the extra Tyre for the Honda?”

“Yes boss, and you have a visitor” Joshua smiled.


Mrs Robertson came in immediately, and his eyes widened.

“Lydia!” He almost screamed.

“Tishe” Lydia replied with a thin smile.

“It’s really you…. how come…” Mr Robertson said shockingly, and she walked fast to him immediately.

She hugged him so tight, shocking him more.

“My dad who was against the wedding…. he’s dead…he died three days ago” she said, and his eyes widened as he hugged her back.


“Let’s replan the wedding, Tishe” she smiled, hugging him tighter.

“I missed you” he muttered, crying slowly.

“I missed you more…Ol…Tishe” she cut herself short, and he laughed lightly.

“Oluwatishe, you still don’t know how to pronounce it fully” he said.

“Don’t blame me” she laughed too.

He broke the hug and pecked her, then they took turns to wipe the traces of tears on their faces.

“You grew prettier, my white flower” he said.

“You grew more handsome, my black man” she replied, and they smiled before hugging tightly again.


It’s 8pm when Carina entered the clubhouse, looking for the guys with her eyes since they’re all here

She came late cos she had to do something for her mum.

She bumped into a kissing couple first. Midas and Gigi.

They were kissing so hard in the middle of the crowd that they weren’t even aware that she bumped into them.

“Drunk in love” she smiled, going farther, then she came across another couple.

Trevor and Melinda, they were kissing too.

“Gawd” she muttered, moving forward.

She came across Lexi and Winnie next, they were dancing and caressing, and he was even kissing her B-__-bs in her blouse.

“Yuck!” Carina smiled, and someone suddenly grabbed her to a side.

She found herself in front of Tony, and she smiled wider.

“Senior Tony!”

“Been waiting for you, what took you so long?” He asked, and she bit her lip slightly.

“Had to do something for mum” she replied.

“Here” he smiled, handing her a cup of alcohol.

“I’m not tolerant” she said.

“It’s mixed with yogurt, you won’t get drunk easily” he replied, and she took it.

She gulped it all, and he smiled when she took the cup away from her lips.

“It’s sweet” she said.

“I know, right?” He replied, staring at her lips which was stained with yogurt.

“Let’s dance” she smiled.

“No let’s do this first” he replied, leaning in immediately.

He kissed her lips lightly, and her eyes widened, but she got over it and pulled him closer…

Their lips met romantically, and they started kissing wildly on stage.


Madelyn was smiling as Zayn was brought out to her, and immediately he settled in front of her, she laughed out loud.

“How could you do this to me, I’m your father Madelyn!” He shouted, looking so haggard.

His face and even body is full of bruises.

“I guess the jail thugs did a good job of beating you, you haven’t even spent up to a week and you’re already like this” she laughed.

“Madelyn!’ he yelled.

“I don’t see you as my father anymore!, I already uninstalled you from my life!, I came to tell you that!” She yelled back.


“Can’t believe I almost ruined myself cos I was following your footsteps, but thankfully, I removed myself from your web and retraced my steps already, now I’m free, but there you are in a jail uniform with beautiful bruises from the thug inmates!, I don’t pity you!, And I hope you die soon!” She spat and stood.

“Madelyn!” Zayn shouted, but she never waited.


“Bye!, Once upon a dad” she replied and started leaving.

The cops started taking Zayn back in.


Mavis was already sitting in front of Flora whose face is all swollen and red, and he has this blank look on his face.

“Did you come to see me after making me end up here?” She said, and he smiled.

“You think I regret it?”


“Why would I regret it when all you did all your life was make me feel like a ki||er when I’m not!” He shouted.

“You ki||ed Kayden, your father” she said.

“No I didn’t, cos autopsy revealed that he was supposed to die of cancer that same day, he had cancer and that day was his last day on Earth, you knew about it but you kept it all from me and started poking me with it instead!” He shouted.

“Mavis listen…

“No I don’t want to!” He stood sharply.

“Mavis wait!” She cried.

“To hell with you, greedy thing” he replied and started leaving too.


He stepped out of the jailhouse and met Madelyn waiting.

“Took you long enough” she rolled eyes.

“Sorry for keeping you waiting, stepsister” he winked, and she laughed as they got in the car together and drove off.


Mavis has been waiting since ten minutes ago. He actually planned to meet his anonymous friend here tonight.

He checked the time again and smiled, getting impatient.

He stood and dipped his hands into his pockets, then he started pacing around till a white chic car stopped in front of the shop.

He stopped pacing and his eyes widened when a pretty girl came out of the car.

Long brown hair, fitting beret, long baby lashes and elegant dress. She’s simply beautiful.

“Hey!, Anonymous?” She smiled when she got to him.

“Yeah…” He smiled, still looking at her face.

“Whoa, you have a sweet aura” she said, and he smiled.

“Sweet aura?”

“Yeah, like a sugarcane” she said, and his eyes widened.


“Yeah… sugarcane” she continued smiling.

“By the way, my name is Naomi” she said, offering him an hand for a shake.

He took the hand and looked her in the eyes.

“Mavis Gregor” he said and pulled her closer with her hand.

“Sorry, you just stole my heart at first glance” he said and crashed his lips on hers immediately.

Naomi smiled into the kiss and held him by the sides, responding softly.


It’s 7:30pm when Delaney came down from her car in front of the aquarium.

She has been visiting the aquarium every night since Dylan’s demise, and it always feels like he’s with her anytime she does, so she’s always eager.

She was smiling prettily as she entered.

?️ Welcome CEO Delaney

?️ We’re glad to have you here again tonight, chairwoman

The receptionists greeted jovially, and she replied with a wave of her hand.

She needs no ticket to enter again, so she just went in.

It’s always reserved for her at this time of the night, so it’s just her.

She was smiling as she stared at the happy fishes, but her smile suddenly disappeared, and tears fell from her eyes when she remembered their Valentine’s here.

“I miss you, bad boy” she sniffed, burying her face in her knees.

Her tears fell more and more as the minutes passed, and she suddenly felt an hand on her shoulder.

Slowly, steadily, she raised her head, and her butt landed on the ground when she saw who it is ..

Her bad boy Dylan!

He’s on a wheelchair.

“Argghhhhh!!!!!” She screamed fearfully.

“It’s me, don’t be scared” he said simply with a light smile.

“No, no…” She muttered, shifting back on her butt.

“Touch me and confirm it” he said, pointing his arm forward.

Delaney stopped moving back and looked at his smiling face before starting to move closer again.

When she finally got to him, she touched his arm with trembling hands, and she really felt skin.

“Huh?” She said, touching more of the skin till she reached his shoulders, then his face.

“It’s me, Dela” he whispered, and her eyes widened.

“I was rescued by someone, but I was just scared to come back to you as a crippled husband-to-be. I lost my leg and an arm while pushing the car” he said, and tears ran down Delaney’s eyes.

“It’s…. it’s you…. it’s really…. Really you.. Dylan”

“Yeah, your jerk” he replied, rubbing her hands on his face.

Her tears came out more than before, and she cried out loudly as he pulled her into a tight hug.

He started crying too, stroking her hair fondly.

“I’m so sorry” he cried.

“No I’m more sorry, you lost your legs cos of me” She cried

“I’m so sorry” He cried again.

She hugged him tighter, letting out torrential tears from his eyes till his shirt became soaked completely.

After ten complete minutes, he slowly broke the hug and dipped his hand into his pocket, bringing out the ring box.

He opened it slowly, and her eyes shone when she saw the ring.

“Though… I’m now crippled, but I’ll shamelessly ask you to please…marr….

Before he could finish, Delaney took the ring from the box and inserted it into her ring finger by herself.

“Let’s get married, as soon as possible” she smiled tearfully, and Dylan pulled her into a tight hug again.

Mr Robb entered the place, smiling brightly.

“My son, shouldn’t you end the drama now?” He said, and they broke the hug.

Dylan smiled and pulled back his wheelchair, then he stood slowly from the wheelchair

Delaney’s eyes widened like hell!

He raised his right hand and leg freely.

“Truly, i lost an arm and leg, and Mr Robb scared me about not being able to walk again forever, but with his help, I got surgery done on the leg one month ago, though metal was inserted, but I can walk now” he said.

“Huh?” Delaney muttered.

“I can walk” he replied, and she walked slowly to him.

She bursted into another round of tears again, and he hugged her again.

“I’m sorry, for the prank” he smiled.

“Jerk!, Jerk!” She cried, hitting his back.

“Ouch!” He smiled, breaking the hug.

He held her face and wiped her tears gently.

“You’re still just as beautiful, ma reine” he smiled handsomely.

“And you’re still as jerky, bad boy” she replied, and he chuckled before kissing her forehead.

“I love you, Dela”

“I love you more, my bad boy Dylan” she replied and stood on her toes.

She kissed him lightly, but he held her waist.

“Harder” he said, and she smiled as he crashed his lips hungrily on hers.

Mr Robb smiled.



TB Continued…

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