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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Paisley and Melanie entered the class and a loud gasp filled the classroom.

? Who’s that girl beside her?

? Gosh, they look so pretty

Lauren watched in surprise as Melanie and Paisley walked towards her. Julie isn’t in school yet.

“What’s going on? You’re back together?” Lauren asked when they finally got to her.

“Yea… We settled it,” Melanie smiled.

Paisley scoffed before looking away. She doesn’t seem to like Lauren that much since the first day she set her eyes on her, she felt like she might take Melanie away from her.

“Are you kidding me? After everything she did to you?!” Lauren half yelled.

“Lauren,” Melanie called slowly.

“Have you forgotten? She betrayed you, this girl f-__-king did! How could you still accept her so easily? Huh?”

“Gosh, you’re just so soft!” Lauren stormed out.

“Lauren! Lauren!” Melanie ran after her leaving Paisley all alone.

Paisley sniffed as tears trickled down her cheeks. She was wrong and she already regretted her actions, but when she said the word “I’m sorry” to Melanie, she deeply meant it.


“Lauren, c’mon!” Melanie held Lauren’s hand when they got outside.

“What? Leave me alone,” Lauren snapped, yanking her hand away.

“Really? Okay, fine” Melanie turned to walk away.

“Seriously? You won’t even beg me?” Lauren scoffed.

Melanie smiled widely before facing her, she held her arm.

“It was my parents who settled it” she said.

“Your parents?”

“Yea…” Melanie explained everything to her.

“She loves Ace? But still, that doesn’t give her the right to betray you, she should have controlled herself,” Lauren muttered.

“Let’s just forget about it, huh?” Melanie said.

“Are you fine with it? As long as you’re fine, then I’m okay,” Lauren said.

“Thank you,”

Paisley appeared behind them, her face was soaked with tears.

“I know I was wrong but can you just please forgive me?” She asked slowly.

“Well, on one condition…” Lauren spoke.

“That’s if you don’t steal Lanie away from me,” she eyed their dressing, feeling jealous already.

“We’re both friends with Annie and…”

“Annie?” Lauren scoffed.

“Where did you get your dresses? I want to get mine too,” she muttered.

Melanie bursted into a laugh.

“Are you serious right now?” She laughed.

“Yea… She’s tryna take you away from me and ion like it,” Lauren frowned.

“Then, do you want mine?” Paisley asked.

“Nevermind,” Lauren rolled her eyes and walked away.

“She’s really crazy,” Melanie laughed.

Paisley only smiled.


Sienna was taking a walk around the school when she saw Aiden walking towards her. She gasped and quickly adjusted herself.

“Hey,” she waved when he got to her.

Aiden simply nodded and walked away.

Sienna bit her lips sadly and let her hand down. He was never going to notice her, she’s so sure of that and it hurts like hell.

“When are you ever gonna stop crushing on him?” Audrey asked as she appeared behind her.

“The day you quit getting obsessed with Axel,” Sienna replied.


“Look who’s talking,” Sienna rolled her eyes and walked away.

“Everyone is just so annoying,” Audrey scoffed.

“And where the hell is he going to show up? Is he avoiding me now?” She scoffed.

Almost immediately, a car drove into the school, a car recognized as Axel’s.

“Speaking of him,” Audrey smiled and started walking towards the car.

Axel came out of his car and girls drooled over him immediately.

? Gosh, look at that perfection!

? Is it me or he’s getting hotter each day?

Audrey got to where he was and flashed a smile at him.

“Hey,” she waved, winking at him.

Axel ignored her and walked away, leaving her totally speechless.

? Did he just ignored her??

? Wait… Is the bad boy being loyal right now? He doesn’t wanna talk to any girl apart from Melanie anymore?

? Gosh, I’m so jealous.

Hearing that, Audrey folds her fist furiously and storms out of the place in anger.



Melanie and Lauren were both taking a walk around when they came across Aaron.

“Hi, Melanie,” Aaron smiled.

“Hi,” Melanie muttered, staring at him. Could he be the one who spread those rumors about her? Those were her thoughts.

“Can I talk to your friend for a while?” Aaron asked.

“Me?” Lauren pointed at her chest.

Aaron nodded. Melanie smiled knowingly and faced Lauren.

“See ya’ later” she waved and then walked away.

“Wait… Lanie!” Lauren screamed but she was gone.

She stared at Aaron before folding her arms across her chest, glaring at him.

“What do you want?” She asked.

“You,” Aaron walked closer to her.

“Have you gone crazy?” Lauren raised a brow.

“Yea, for you. I just can’t get your cute face outta my head, who are you exactly?” Aaron asked.

“Me? I’m Lauren, got a problem with that?” She rolled her eyes and walked away.

“Not again,” Aaron groaned and went after her. He grabbed her hand and pulled her to his chest directly, stealing a gasp from her.

They were both staring at each other’s eyes with Aaron’s own getting misty.

“What are you doing?” Lauren asked

“Look into my eyes and tell me what you see,” Aaron whispered slowly.

Lauren stared at his eyes which got Aaron’s heart palpitating wildly.

“What do you see?” He asked again.

“Eyes?” Lauren raised a brow.

“Wait… What?” Aaron’s eyes widened in incredulity.

Lauren scoffed before pushing him away.

“Stay away from me, ugly face” she stuck her tongue at him before walking away.

“Who’s she seriously?” Aaron asked himself.


“Bae, where are you?” Axel asked, talking to Melanie over the phone.

“I am somewhere beside the field I think,” Melanie replied.

“Can you wait? I’ll come to you,” he smiled.

“Sure,” the call ended.

Axel smiled as he hurried his steps, he just couldn’t wait to set his eyes on her again.


Melanie was waiting patiently for Axel when Kylie walked to her.

“Why are you here alone?” Kylie asked.

“Waiting for someone?” He asked again.

“Umm… Not really” Melanie said.

“Remember when I asked you that I’m gonna take care of you so you can love me back?” Kylie suddenly asked.

“I think I’m gonna start now,” he started moving closer to her.

“What are you doing?” He raised his hand and held her face, trapping her in between.

“Be my girlfriend for a week and I’m gonna make you fall for me,” he whispered.


Kylie leaned closer and made to kiss her, Melanie who was quick to get the message, moved her lips away and his lips landed on her cheek instead.

Axel appeared at that time. His jaws hardened and an unforeseen jealousy overwhelmed him immediately. He turned and left the place.

Melanie pushed Kylie away from her.

“I’m sorry, I can’t” she mumbled

“Why?” Kylie asked, hurt visible in his eyes.

“Because… Because, I have someone who I love already,” she whispered.

“Who? Axel?” Kylie asked, his voice shaking slightly.

“Just stop loving me, Kylie. I can’t reciprocate it, I’m sorry,” Melanie pats his arm and walks away.

Kylie stood there as tears rolled down his eyes. He could feel his heart getting broken.


Melanie was still walking angrily when she saw Axel not far away from her. She couldn’t believe she forgot he asked to meet up.

She smiled before walking to him.

“Hey,” she muttered.

Axel turned to her and sighed, he looked away.

“Hi,” he mumbled.

“What’s wrong? Are you okay?” Melanie tried to touch his cheek but he quickly moved his face away.

Melanie’s eyes flashed with hurt but she quickly covered it up with a fake smile

“Am I disturbing you?” She asked after some time.

“No,” Axel muttered. He just couldn’t get the scene of another guy touching her face out of his head

“It seems I am,” Melanie chuckled.

“I should leave,” she walked away.

A hand suddenly grabbed her, taking her to a place she didn’t know.

They both entered a room and he shut the door, slamming her back on it gently.

His lips went to her cheek immediately, kissing it slowly.

“What are you doing?” Melanie tried to push him away but he was stronger.

“You didn’t push him away when he did that to you,” Axel whispered, his face landing on her neck.

“What are you talking about?” She asked.

Axel raised his head to look at her.

“I don’t want to see any other guy’s touch on you, it’s driving me crazy, bae” he muttered gently.

“I miss you,” he whispered, pulling her to a warm and comforting hug.

Melanie quickly wrapped her arms around him, smiling too.

“Are you jealous?” She asked.

“Yes, I am,” he admitted quickly , which surprised Melanie.

He broke the hug and held her face in his hands tenderly.

He leaned closer and placed a short kiss on her lips.

“Let’s just make the bet, huh?” He asked slowly.

“You pass, you’ll be my girlfriend. And when you fail…” His lips went to her neck.

“I’ll be your boyfriend, bae,” he whispered, sniffing her sweet scent.

“I love you so much, Mel”

Melanie’s hand went to his waist, holding him as his lips started performing magic on her neck.


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