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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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BAD BOY DYLAN – Episode 72

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“Mavis!!!” Delaney rushed to him, but he was already unconcious when she got there, and blood was still gushing out of his head.

She snatched the key from him and started running to the door to open it, but before she could even get there, Dylan broke the door and came in.

“Dela!” He rushed to her, and she immediately turned to Mavis.

“What happened to him?” He asked shockingly.

“No time to explain, call the school ambulance” she replied quickly, and Dylan quickly did.

Even before the ambulance arrived, students were already rushing into the classroom to check out the situation.

In the last minute, Flora came in.

“Mavis!” She shouted when she saw him lying on the ground.

She was about to start running to him when the paramedics rushed in with a stretcher which they placed Mavis on.

“Mavis!, Mavis look at me!, Mavis!” She shouted, running after the stretcher as it was taken out, but she suddenly stopped and looked back.

“What exactly happened?, How did it happen!” She shouted.

“You should ask Delaney, she was in here with him like I heard” Sydney replied from the middle of her friends.

Flora walked briskly to Delaney.

“Explain everything, or I’m calling the cops” she said.

“He pulled me in here on my way to your office, he locked me in and….. kissed me forcefully, I pushed him away and … He fell and hit his head….

“You’re the same girl who has a baby, as if that’s not enough you tried to ki|| my son?, What have I ever done to you!, Why are you trying so hard to ruin me!” She shouted hotly.

“You heard her explanation right” Dylan intervened, and she sucked a breath.

“He locked her in here and no matter how I banged at the door, he didn’t open up, he kissed her against her will!, So what she did is called self defense if you aren’t clueless about the rules” he said, and Flora smirked.

“And about the baby, haven’t you heard the father’s part?, I’m the father, so scratch wh@ťěver you’re thinking of doing to her right now” he continued.

“You know the rules of this school is against pregnancy…

“She’s not pregnant!, She has a baby already!, Quit!” Dylan shouted, and Flora blinked repeatedly.

“Don’t tryna do anything to her, I won’t just sit and watch you hurt my girlfriend” he said again and took Delaney’s hand.

He pulled her out of the class, and Flora’s eyes landed on Emma.

Emma gave her signals before leaving the class, and she followed after some minutes.

When she got back to her office, Emma was already waiting. She sat on her chair with her legs on her desk.

“To think that you’re more curious about what I have to say than your dying son, what a deserving mother” she said and laughed loudly.

“Get your legs off my desk and stand, then say wh@ťěver you have to say” Flora said, and she stopped laughing before standing, then she walked to her.

“We have another team member, someone who knows her in and out” she said, her expression becoming darker.

Paisley came in, and Flora’s eyes widened.

“Paisley Addams?”

“She’ll give us additional information about her, so eliminating her will be just a piece of cake” Emma smiled.

“Really?, I thought you both are friends” Flora said with a devilish smile.

“Not anymore” Paisley replied, and Flora smiled again.

“Cool, tell us everything you know about her” she said.

Paisley opened her mouth to talk but her eyes widened immediately.

She blocked her mouth with her palm and held her stomach before running out of the office.

“Will she really be useful?” Flora faced Emma.

Emma left the office immediately.

Paisley got to the nearest restroom and threw up in the toilet bowl while hitting her chest.

She rinsed her mouth with water after she was done, then she took a deep breath.

“Why the hell am I vomiting?” She asked herself, feeling so weak.

She stood to leave, but she met Emma behind.


Emma grabbed her by her shirt in the front, then she pushed her back to the wall.

“Ahh!” She winced painfully.

“Are you trying to ruin my plans?, How dare you run out of the office like that!” Emma demanded loudly, still holding her captive.

“Let me go” Paisley replied with difficulty, and Emma narrowed her eyes.

“Don’t tell me it’s what I’m thinking, did you come here to vomit?” She said suspiciously, and Paisley looked her in the eye.

“This is interesting” Madelyn’s voice said from behind, and Emma released Paisley to face her.

“Madelyn Stewart, good thing you’re here” she smiled.


Delaney spranged up when the emergency unit door opened, and two doctors came out.

Dylan did the same, he came with her actually.

“How’s he doing?” She asked quickly.

“He’s stable for now, he lost a lot of blood so we’re transfusing him with it, he just needs to wake up and he’ll be fine”

“I’m relieved” she sighed, sitting back.

“Is all that true?” Flora asked, just coming in.

“Yes ma’am, he’ll be ok” the doctors replied, and she exhaled.

“That’s good news”

“We’ll ensure to try our best, so put your mind at rest… please”

“Sure, he’s a strong boy so I’ll do just that” she replied and turned to leave.

“You aren’t even going in to see him?” Delaney stood, and she stopped walking.

“He’s your son!, How could you just come here and leave just like that!” Delaney said, and she faced her.

“Like you said, he’s my son, not yours” she said.

“Sorry to say but you don’t even deserve to be his mother!” Delaney said.


“What kind of mother does things to her son’s discomfort?, You don’t deserve to be called a mother, Mrs Stewart” Delaney said.

“Talk all you want, something that’ll shut you up is coming soon anyways”Flora smirked and left eventually.

Delaney started crying on her spot, and Dylan had to hug her to comfort her.

“Stop crying, Dela”

He started patting her gently, and she kept crying on his shoulder.

“Delaney Wang?” A male voice called, and she broke the hug to look back.

Her eyes widened immediately.

“Mr Lin?”

The man smiled gracefully.

Mr Lin, Delaney and Dylan sat on a chair in the hallway. Delaney has stopped crying already.

“He was my late dad’s manager, call him Mr Lin” Delaney said to Dylan.

“Oh…. Nice to meet sir” Dylan said respectfully.

“Your boyfriend?” Mr Lin smiled, and Delaney nodded.

“It’s obvious you’re taking care of her, you got my approval with that” Mr Lin said, and Dylan smiled.

“How come you disappeared after the death of my parents?” Delaney asked.

“One week before it happened, I got into an accident which crippled me for long. I was restricted from walking so I stayed in the hospital bed, unable to even come out. When I heard the news about the accident, I badly wanted to come…but believe me I couldn’t, my legs hurts a lot and the doctors wouldn’t even allow me, they insisted that I stay one more week which I did, then a nurse was assigned to take me to the company, but it went bankrupt already. I went to your house but couldn’t find you, I found new owners instead, and I didn’t even know where to go in search of you” Mr Lin explained.

“Why did you search so desperately for her?” Dylan asked.

“Cos I wanted to protect her, from the ki||er of her parents” Mr Lin replied.

“Huh?” Delaney’s eyes widened.

“Truly, the company funds was stolen, and people believe your dad lost the wheel when he heard the news, but that’s nowhere close to true….your father’s car was hacked by the thief who stole the company’s funds” Mr Lin said.

“What!” Delaney stood.

“How did you know all these?” Dylan asked shockingly.

“He’s someone I’ve known for long, he’s Mr Wang’s most trusted staff, and to think that you’re in this same city with him” Mr Lin said.

“You mean….he’s in Australia too?” Delaney said.

“Yeah, let’s meet early tommorow morning and make plans on how to reopen the case” Mr Lin replied.

“No!, Tell me right now!!!” Delaney shouted.

“No Delaney, you’re emotional right now and it can ruin things, calm down your emotions, then we’ll talk tomorrow” Mr Lin replied and gave Dylan his phone.

He took it and typed his number before giving it back.

“I’ll give you a call to tell you where to meet at” he said and left the hospital.

Emma snuck back into the corner she has been listening from, then she got her phone and dialled Zayn’s line.

“Guess who just showed up?, Someone you need to ki|| before tommorow” She smiled wickedly.


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