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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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★ CHAPTER 10 ★

**** Back inside the shop ****

what are you doing here ,fatima ask fearfully standing up to her fit quickly .

hey where are you jerking off to ,I don’t understand ,listen I’m here to say hi to someone that scam me is that a bad thing ? Trevor Tease ”

fine if I give you back your money you will leave me alone right ,I know I scammed you fine mr man sorry about that just leave me alone I will transfer your money to you .fatima pleaded

while Trevor scoff ”

indeed you can pay me but it have to be in another way , and again if you dare try to play cunny game here ,I will deal with you , Trevor said while fatima flinched back obviously afraid of how his voice sounded just now .

leave me alone I’m paying you , your money back and not in any other ways please leave my shop ,fatima yell pointing out to the door way still frightened”

I won’t leave here , Trevor insist and sat down on the chair ,

fine you can stay here all you want I will leave for you , and again expect your money because I’m going to transfer it back to you .fatima said and March some steps trying to leave but immediately she got closer to the side Trevor is ,he pull her back and she landed on his laps .

what the hell let me go ,fatima screamed ” but Trevor closed her month immediately .

shut up or else I will go to the police and tell them you scammed me . Trevor thr_@tening.

hahahaha nonesense ,who will believe that $h|t anyways where is your prove that a young lady like me scammed you ,fatima ask trying to stand up From his laps put his hold is too strong for her to overpower.

here , Trevor said pressing his phone and fatima gasped after listening to the record .
what you were recording out conversation ,fatima muttered ”

ofcourse that’s to show you the kind of person you are messing with , I’m smarter than you don’t you think so ? Trevor ask , smirking ”

I……I what do you want ? fatima ask ” glaring hard at Trevor who is still holding her so tight .

good questions ,I have ten things I will like you to do for me , Trevor said ” .
what !!! ten what hmm just tell me one first , fatima said,I f-__-ked up she thought .

good first of all your d@mn big @zz ,is making me hard , Trevor voiced out .

what ! are you that shameless ? fatima glared looking over to the babies side and fortunately they were both sleeping ,she look at the door and now one is coming . please sir let me go ,she pleaded ”

hmm is not sir ,my name is Trevor okay call me Trevor , He said ”

okay fine Trevor can you please let me go atleast let me get up from your laps ,fatima begged ”

immediately she finished saying that Trevor ,pull her waist closer to balance well on him .

let me go please ,Fatima pleaded feeling his hardness on her .

don’t you want to know the number one thing you need to do or you want to visit cell trust me I can make you stay there for decades , Trevor thr_@tening .

please okay just tell me the first thing I need to do.fatima ask crying inside of her for being foolish and end up putting her self In danger .

good ,I want you to twerk for me ,I mean twerk ,segzily on my laps ride it girl ,rock it that’s exactly what I want now .

what ! I can’t do that ,fatima said and jerk off but Trevor was also fast enough to pull her down back to his laps ,

don’t attract a third party to our discussion ,if you dare , Trevor glares ,

while Fatima shivered inwardly ,I felt like crying ,fatima thought .

are you doing it or not , Trevor ask

I’m I’m I’m doing it ,Fatima strammed ” and bow her head .

what are you waiting for go ahead and do the twerking ,Trevor said feeling like stopping his dirty mind game ,to avoid loosing his self control but his stubborn and persistent to keep fatima in her place .

emm there is no music here .fatima said .

really I see there is no music then you have to follow me to my house and then ,Trevor said spanking her big @zz .

stop it , please I can’t come with you leave me alone ,fatima pleaded as the tears finally roll down her cheeks .

Trevor quickly look away , follow me now and make sure to act happy in front of anyone , Trevor said and walk out.

**** fatima ****

so what have done to myself ,what if he rape me ,

what if he request for segz ?

what if he wants to ki|| me ,I thought and hold my heart which is already breathing heavily and faster than its normal rhyme .

calm down fatima ,you don’t want to go to prison right ? I ask myself and wipe my tears ,I went outside .

ooh mine fatima you are here ,Sir Trevor was telling me you people are going out ,buy something for me while coming back oooh ,Emelia said to me immediately I step out of the shop .

Hmmm indeed we are going somewhere ,I thought .yes we are going out but I will be back soon ,I said faking a smile .

okay then his a good man ,you have a good taste girl , don’t forget to get something for me while coming back okay ! Emelia said waving at me .

okay I promise I won’t forget take care of yourself of the kids ,I replied and entered the car while Trevor follows .


★ EVAN ★

what !!! you mean she entered someone car and left with the person ? I screamed over the phone angrily ,

yes sir she followed the person but honestly I don’t know who the person was person I was in a petty distant place ,but he looks like a Rich dude ,the person over the phone said ”

jeez I can’t believe that she is that shameless and stupid how dare she follow someone else ,he should prepare for his death for coming closer to my property find the person details and send to me follow them
,I yelled and cut the call .

nonesense ,I screamed and throw my stuff’s in anger ,I took a stick of cigarette and lighten it to cool of my anger .

Fatima I know I R@P£D you ,I’m really sorry please forgive ,it’s all Brenda fault I thought angrily .

I love you now and you belongs to me I will ki|| any guy that dares try to take me away from you ,I thought and throw a heavy punch on the wall.

I’m the fool anyways how can I allow a girl to deceive me why I’m I all walked up self she was my girlfriend then ,so is not raping is just normal segz , and besides is not a new thing for me ,I f-__-k who ever u want to f-__-k ,I smirk .

suddenly my phone rings .

hello ,I said ”

evan how are you ,heard you are back how is business ,the person ask.

who are you are you want me to end the call I said angrily .

shut up ,the person yell .

what me ,$h|t ,I mumbled wishing the person is here to collect a blow .

is genevieve ,so you Don’t save my number are you stupid .

hey don’t insult me ,gen how are you ,I ask laughing .

ooh now you can laugh and ask how I’m doing right ? ,she ask

common I never knew that it was you okay chill ,I said laughing .

so you left since to the united state and you never bother to ask about us ,she said .

hahahaha ,you won’t understand I went there for jobs and studies you know dad persisted I finish my education up ,I replied.

wh@ťěver ,you are back now ,I heard from my boys that the Dragon clan is giving us issue over there you know I kept my runs there to avoid my husband being suspicious of me ,now you are back i hope you settle it up .

hmmmm you are right that idiot have the impetus to attack me ,he Even took some of my boys with him ,I said ”

what how dare that little brat of yesterday ,we f-__-king need a plan I don’t know whether I should come over with ,finn or you will come over ,she ask.

don’t worry I will think about that ,I said “.

common evan there is no time ,do something you know.

I said I will think about it don’t hush me please ,I said ”

fine @$$h0le ,bye ,she said and ended the call .

wow,the dangerous gen ,is angry I thought and my mind suddenly went back on how that idiot attacked me ,I will deal with him I promise .


who else think Trevor should stop ❗

fatima have really suffered she have met her match❗

This Evan I think he has mental disorder ,who rapes a lady and say is nothing ❓

who called evan ,is it the genevieve we all know ❓

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