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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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“I’m glad your okay ma’am, I was worried about you” Cecelia said. She’s a maid in Vince’s mansion.

Odessa smiles.

“What about Vince?” Odessa asked.

“He’s in Washington right now, but he will be back soon” Cecelia said and Odessa smiles.

“Didn’t Carding come back with you? After he left the house that day, we haven’t heard from him” Cecelia said.

“He’s going to come around” Odessa said.

Carding enters the house with Paige.

“My hunch was right, you really came back just like you wanted” Carding said feeling so disappointed in her.

“Cecelia, excuse us for some minutes” Odessa said.

“Alright ma’am” Cecelia said and leaves.

“Son I…”

“I told you not to come me that anymore!!” Carding yells at her.

“Are you that angry with me for you to yell at me?” Odessa asked.

“Why? Were you expecting me to hire a disco singer and dancers to celebrate your return to the man that almost ki||ed you? Why’re you choosing that monster over me mom!!!”

“I’m not choosing him over you son, and please don’t make me choose, please don’t. Why can’t you understand that I want to be with the man I love. Understand where I’m coming from and come back home, we’re a family”.

“Family? When has that man ever treated us like one, we’re nothing in his eyes mom. But since you choose to stay here congratulations to you then, Cuz over my dead body will I come back to this house, you can die in his hand, I don’t f-__-king give a d@mn!!” Carding yells at her and storms out of the house.

Paige tried to leave too, but Odessa held her hand.

“I know you both are already dating, and I can testify that Carding loves you so much, which means he will definitely listen to you. Please Paige, convince him to come back home”.

“Sorry to disappoint you but I can’t do that”

“And why not”

“Because I will only be pushing Carding into more pains. He has gone through a lot in the hands of the man he calls a father, he deserves to be happy. Carding is a nice guy and he deserves more than what life is throwing at him”.

“So you aren’t going to convince him to come back home”.

“No I won’t. And I won’t ever allow him to come back to this hell holed of a house” Paige said and Odessa slaps her.

Paige held her cheek looking at Odessa with so much surprised.

“I see your the reason why my son is turning his back on me. He used to care about me and my happiness always matters to me, but now he’s slowly backsliding and your the cause of it!!!” Odessa yells at her.

“I’m not the reason why Carding is changing, but you. All through the time you were in coma, he work so hard so that he can provide a place for him, but you disappointed him when you choose to come back here. You claim you love your son, but you’re indirectly hurting him. You’re no different from Vince. The heavens are cruel for making you Carding’s mom, cuz you’re not worth it” Paige said.

“How dare you talk to me in that manner!!!” Odessa yells and tries to slap Paige again, but Paige caught her hand before it could land on her face.

“You should thank your stars that you’re the mother of the boy I love, if not I would have forgotten you were nice to me before and draw the map of America in your face” Paige said and let go off Odessa’s hand.

“I used to admired you, but not anymore. I h@ťě you more than anything in the world and I will seek to it that you never end up with my son!!!” Odessa shouted.

“That’s a decision for us to make and not yours Odessa” Paige said and tries to leave, but she stops and looks at her.

“I use to admire you too, but not anymore. With your actions of coming back to Vince, you just proved to me that you’re a robot… No even robots are more sensible than you’re. So your just a human without a brain” Paige said and leaves.

Odessa tighten her fist looking so angry.

“You’re never going to be with my son Paige. Never!!!” She yells.


“What took you so long to come out from that house” Carding asked.

*I used to admired you, but not anymore. I h@ťě you more than anything in the world and I will seek to it that you never end up with my son*

Odessa’s voice echoes in Paige’s ears and she will be a big liar if she said she didn’t get affected by Odessa’s words. She’s not the type to let others climb over her regardless of who it might be, and that’s why she said those mean words to Odessa, which she’s already regretting.

Odessa was her hope of being with Carding, if Vince tries to seperate them, but it looks like Odessa already h@ťě her, even if she clearly didn’t do anything wrong. Will she really be able to handle the pressure that’s ahead of her, was all what Paige kept thinking.

“Paige” Carding said tapping her and Paige snapped out from her thoughts.

“Are you all right? You look lost”

“I’m fine Carding” Paige said and held his hand.

“Let’s go home Carding, so you can prepare for the audition which is in two days time, you can’t let what’s happening affect you” Paige said trying so hard to hide her sadnesses with a smile.

“Alright Paige, I will also cook something delicious for you” Carding said and kiss her hand

Both left the premises of Vince’s mansion.



“Greg wait” Velvet said to him when Greg came out from the company’s building.

Greg stops walking on seeing her.


Velvet smilies and said.

“I have something to give to you. Is a token of you caring about me”.

“You don’t have to ma’am” Greg said.

“I insist Greg” Velvet said and was about giving him a jewelry box but a voice distracted her.


Greg turns to look at the person that called him and his eyes went wide opened in shock when he sees Nina standing a little distant from him, smiling enchantingly.

“Nina!!!!!” He screams excitedly and quickly went to her, hugging and swinging her at the same, Nina laughs.

Velvet looks like them wondering who Nina was and why Greg was so happy to see her.

“Maybe she is his sister” Velvet said and smiles before approaching them.

“Greg” She calls.

Greg who was still carrying Nina drops her with a smiling face, he was just too excited to see her.

“Who’s is she?” Velvet asked flaunting her hair.

Greg smiles and looks at Nina.

“Nina, meet my boss, she goes by the name Velvet” Greg introduce. Nina waves at Velvet smiling.

“Ma’am meet Nina, my girlfriend”

And the jewelry box Velvet was holding fall down from her.

“Wait, Your what!”



Desiree smiles as she looks at the watches inside the glass box.

“Do you want to get one for your boyfriend?” An attendance asked.

Desiree smiles.

“He’s not actually my boyfriend, but I’m planning on confessing my feelings for him today”

“Really? Then I know the best gift you can get him”

“You do?”

“Yes I do Miss. He’s surely going to be swayed by it, come with me” The lady said and Desiree excitedly followed her.



“I’m so sorry Bryan, please talk to me” Nadia said. She has been begging him ever since she came to the convenient store.

Bryan sighs and face her and Nadia wears a sad face.

“You really know how to get me, don’t you?”

Nadia held his hand.

“I’m sorry Bryan, is never going to happen again I was confused at that moment and that’s why I did that. But my dad already took down the video. I’m so sorry if I humiliated you that way”.

“Are you all right? Your Mom didn’t scold you, right?”

“Even if I didn’t win a dime in the runway event, she didn’t do anything to me”.

“That’s a relief then”.

“So have you forgiven me?” She asked.

“You know I can’t stay mad at you forever, my love for you, won’t let me”.

“And I love you so much too Bryan, sorry about what I did”.

Bryan smiles and wrapped his hands around her waist.

“Let’s forget about that, what matters is your here” Bryan said and kiss her lightly.

Nadia coiled her arms around his neck and both resume kissing each other.

Desiree excitedly enters the store, but the scene she saw made her halt her feet and the shopping bag she was holding fall from her.

Bryan and Nadia broke the kiss.

Desiree looks at them with a mixture of tears and surprised.

“What… going… on here?” she stuttered as she felt her heart being stabbed with a hot pencilled rod.


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