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Friday, October 18, 2024
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(The Mind Reader)
Episode 38
Written by Author Nath
Briskly, he skimmed through a narrow lonely bushy road. His footsteps had the same velocity with his staff. His dusty sandals were as old as his feet. The brown bogus trousers on his waist could enter six more legs, yet, still longs for more. As he skimmed, a part of it kept sweeping the floor, polluting the sandy road.The motion for his motion could tell the product of his emotions which were neither tingling nor delicate, but full of anger and confusion.

Nevertheless, he got to his destination. A mud house with ancient totem engraved on the walls. Tiringly, he sat down on a bench outside, took off his cap and placed it beside him just like he had his staff placed in between his legs. He had journeyed all the way from DeMar to Achara. Such a journey by an old man wasn’t a joke. The fatigue could be seen on his sweating face and head without hair. Suddenly, he heard footsteps coming out from the mud house but didn’t care to look up because he knew who that could be.

“How dare you show your face here, Geb?” a female voice came from the entrance of the door.

Geb finally looked up to that direction. He saw Obiageri slowly coming out with her walking stick. He exhaled. “Crucifix is in trouble, a bigger trouble!” he complained.

“And whose fault is that?!” she approached vehemently. “I warned you to leave the child with me here in Achara but you wouldn’t listen! Now, his life is a disaster.”

“We learn from every natural disaster. Whether it’s a fire or a flood, we learn something from it so we can respond to the next one better.”

“Then why are you here?”

Geb stood up. “I no longer want to pretend as if I do not know what that boy is passing through at his age.” he lamented, pointing at a bush. “Crucifix has gone astray! He’s suffering emotionally and otherwise! Yes, I’ve failed in bringing him up the way he should but I won’t allow his sister destroy the reaming life in him. That’s why I came!”

“Is he aware of Cynthia?” Obiageri asked.

“Yes, he solely wants to meet her!” Geb began to breath sharply, generating silence between both of them. Anger could be detected from his voice, so Obiageri sluggishly sat down on the bench followed by Geb, who rubbed one of his palms on his skin cut.

“Sometimes it takes a natural disaster to reveal a social disaster.” Obiageri’s voice trailed cleverly. “Anger won’t help here. For every minute you remain angry, you give up sixty seconds of peace of mind. When Obe ceme here, a girl came after him.”

Geb looked at her. “You mean Margret?”

“Yes, the one he loves so much and had himself bundled in the bondage of lovcilia. When she came, within some time, another girl arrived.”

“Let me guess, Raina.” Geb chipped in.

“Yes. When both of them appeared here, i had the feelings that Crucifix would be in a serious and frustrating situation. Then I adviced him to go for his peace of mind and he could only get that from the descendants of Ajar, those the descendants of Obra can not read their minds.” Obiageri explained.

“Wait,” Geb straightened up. “The Ajarites which are rare to find are the only one who could get the ribbon of his ancestors easily. That’s why you told him there his peace of mind lies because you don’t think he will marry Margret.”

“Yes, I don’t see both of them ending up.”

“I said it!” Geb wiggled his legs and spread his hands. “Raina would have been better for that boy, but he said if not Margret, the firmaments of heaven will hang off and fall on earth.”

“Raina would have been worst!” Obiageri retorted.

“What?!” the old man became surprise.

“I don’t see the two girls ending up with him. What I do see is what I can’t explain; his heart, the undying love he has for that girl called Margret. It’s so deep that I can’t explain why.” The woman exhaled. “Though he might succeed but the chances are very narrow and might take his life.” she added.

“His life revolves around these two girls. How possible could he not end up with any of them? One loves him while he loves the other.” Geb exhaled too, bending his head down and tapping one of his feet on the stony ground. Suddenly his voice softly trialed, “I wish I never took him to the town. He has made a lot of mistakes on my watch.” he paused.”

“Let’s allow the boy to follow his heart for now. I believe he will conquer at the end. He shall get everything he wants. It may not be from the two girls or anybody, but one day he will get the peace of mind he longs for”

“But you know better than anyone that the bruises of his decision runs deeper than the skin. They runs all the way to his soul and leave a permanent splinters in his heart. Sincerely, all Crucifix could get is death.” he shook his head.

Obiageri placed a hand on Geb’s thigh then looked up at him. “No” she shook her head. “When I look at the boy’s eyes, I see a burning desire to get his heart desires. He believes in himself. Your mind will always believe everything you tell it. Feed it hope. Feed it truth. Feed it with love.”

Geb exhaled. “What about Cynthia?” he whispered.

“At birth, we were told that she is destined to have her twin brother ki||ed. Blaming our past for not taking action to change our destiny for good is taken from a weak man’s playbook. Obe will conquer. He might be weak emotionally, but he’s strong physically.” she stood up in the silence. “I have a bowl of yam inside if you care.” she began to walk inside..
Now we know why Linda was classified as Crucifix’ peace of mind. Sadly, the girl didn’t know about herself or her background. She had no clue that she could solve half of Crucifix’ problem. Crucifix who had a glimpse didn’t know how, and now, Linda was with another mind reader, Cynthia, a sister to Crucifix who knows what Linda is capable of. Obviously, she knows more of their history than Crucifix.

The weather had gone dark when Cynthia arrived to Linda’s residence. It was a nasty local bungalow. Stepping into the living room, Cynthia saw a woman on a wheelchair. On her eyes were sunglasses, apparently, she was blind. Cynthia kept roaming her eyes to see a few local cushions and old pictures on the wall.

“You didn’t go to work today, Linda.” the woman from the wheelchair turned to the direction of their footsteps.

“I’m on shift today, granny.” Linda replied, surging to the woman then kissed her cheek.

“Who is she?” the woman asked.

“Granny, how do you know is a ‘she'”?

“The heart of a woman always beats louder.”

Linda smiled, looking at Cynthia. “Meet my granny, Elmira.” she introduced. Quickly, Cynthia approached to the wheelchair, took the woman’s hand and kissed it.

“Bless you, mama Elmira.” she whispered.

“We shall be in the room, granny.” Linda stepped away. The old woman kept quiet, listening to their footsteps that faded away as both girls entered into the nearest room. The next thing Elmira heard was a closed door after which tranquility returned to the house. She exhaled.

Linda’s room seemed more sophisticated than the whole house; neat and well arranged with a large bed at the corner. “Welcome, Cynthia. What should I get you?” she asked, standing in front of a mirror with fingers on her earrings which she wanted to remove.

“I’m fine.” Cynthia sat down on the edge of the bed, opposite the Ajarite. Her hands never departed from the pocket of the hoodie she wore where the pistol meant for Raina took refuge.

Linda stepped away from the mirror after dropping the earrings. She sat down beside her. “So where are you from?” she gazed at her lips.

“Not from the state. Came for a business.” Cynthia replied. “Will soon get back to Where I came from.” she added.

“Which is?”

“The Eastern Province”

“Oh, Kenema.” Linda ran her hands down her cheek. “You look beautiful.” she said.

Cynthia remained still, returning the seductive gaze thereby bringing in a suspenseful tension and quietness. Linda slid her hair. “You resemble someone I know.”

“I do hear that from people a lot.” She smiled. Linda used that opportunity to plant a kiss on her lips. Both gazed at each other before she planted the second one which lingered. In the process, she added another hand on the other side of her cheek, gradually stretched up in a way she would kiss her down the bed and eventually lay on her. Unfortunately, Cynthia caught her breath and quit the kiss. She stood up while Linda remained on the bed, looking at her lostfully.

“I’m sorry” Cynthia said, staring at her through the mirror. She totally face her with hands back to the pocket of the hoodie. “I don’t do girls.. I..” she swallowed hard. “I don’t know how to. I mean.. I’m straight.”

Linda exhaled. Her salivating Pů$$¥ began to dry up. “All this while, I thought you understood the eyes contact.” she stood up frustratingly towards the door.

“I did.” Cynthia replied. “But I didn’t follow you because of that. It’s because I need something from you.”

Hearing that, Linda turned, staring at her to continue.

“You are an Ajarite, a descendant of Ajar because I can’t read your mind. Only you can get me something of the ancient easily; the ribbon of my ancestors.”

Linda walked closer to her. “You are a mind reader? Wait.. I thought as much, you resemble Crucifix. You’re his sister. Hmmm..” She hummed in the silence. “Unfortunately, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“I do.” Elmira’s voice came along with the sound of the door. She wheeled in, stopping beside her granddaughter. “She needs the ribbon to break off from the bondage of lovcilia. But the last time I checked, only a male mind reader needs it not the female.”

“She has a brother named Crucifix who I think is in the bondage with a girl named Margret.” Linda clarified.

“Well, young girl.” Elmira continued. “Linda is capable of giving you want you want. It will only take her blood, your ancestral name and some incantations for her to travel to the past to get a piece of your first family, the family of Obra himself. Mind you, this will only happen for once. It can’t be repeated. Linda can give it to you in one condition.”

“Name it.” Cynthia said unabashedly.

Elmira smiled. “In a condition, you give my granddaughter what she wants.” she replied.

Silence creeped in. Cynthia directed her eyes to Linda who was already staring at her. Cleverly, she understood what the girl wanted in return, so she pulled off the hoodie, unbuckled her bra, zipped down her trouser and totally pulled it off, leaving a black pant on her waist.

“I’ll be outside.” Elmira wheeled out and closed the door.

Lastly, Cynthia gradually pulled the pant. Linda admired her from the voluptuous B-__-bs to the curvey and hairy Pů$$¥.

“Do to me wh@ťěver you wish. f-__-k me as you like.” Cynthia said to see Linda smiling and approaching….
The residence of Adams seemed peaceful and quiet except the volume of a television found in the living room which only Margret was watching. The beautiful damsel wore a bomshort and a blue spaghetti-hand crop top. In her hands were her phone which divided her attention from the television.

On the dining table was Raina, doing an assignment. The poor girl looked frustrated from the mathematics home work which she couldn’t solve. All of a sudden, she hissed loudly which attracted Margret. The girl directed her eyes to her from the living room to see her folding a paper and dropping it on the floor. She directed her eyes to the floor to see more folded error papers, so she stood up to her.

“Let me see that.” she requested pointing at the last paper Raina dropped.

Raina first looked up at her before bending down to pick the paper which she handed to her silently. Margret unfolded it, observing the simultaneous equation critically while Raina stared at her hopefully. Anticipatedly, Margret placed the paper on the table before her, pointing her fingers on it as she said, “You were getting it right already. Your only fault was change of signs after you collected ‘like terms’. This is +5, when you collect ‘like terms’ and it crosses over to this side, it becomes -5, then you add up and subtract where necessary before dividing both side by the coefficience.”

Raina exhaled. “Thank you.” she said.

“You’re welcome.” Margret began walking to her room with her eyes fixed on her phone while Raina stared at her. She just wondered what came over her. Of course they were fighting, so why the sudden kindness by the devil? She wondered.

“Hey, Margret.” Raina stood up. “We’re even, right?” she asked.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Raina.” she replied.

“Hell you know.” she stepped out from the table, surging towards her but suddenly stopped when she looked at the hall-way that leads to the visitor’s rest room. She was beginning to remember going there but wasn’t sure because she was drunk that day “There’s a rest room down the hall, right?” she asked.

“Yes, the visitor’s rest room.” Margret replied. “Any problem?”

Raina shook her head. “No, let me see some cool stuffs in your room.” she hurried and opened the room before the owner could do so. “Remind me not to open your cupboard. I might see a skeleton inside.” she added hilariously.

Margret smiled behind the door. “I have no skeleton in my cupboard, Raina.” she walked to the bed while Raina roamed her eyes to see many beautiful furniture and designs. “Wow!” she exclaimed. “She opened her wardrobe to see more beautiful clothes. When she saw the red gown, she remembered the very night she gave it to Crucifix. Oh, poor girl. She hadn’t even told Margret that all the things given to her by Crucifix, she was behind them.

“Raina?” Margret called back her attention. “You suddenly grow cold. What’s the problem?” she asked her.

Raina closed the wardrobe immediately. “Nothing, was just surprise by your numerous belongings. I think you and Crucifix are even too.” she kept walking around.

“Yes, I know he’s still hiding something from me, but I don’t think wh@ťěver it is worth his happiness. Moreover, I just want everything to go back to normal.”

“Well, not for us. Everything will not be normal until we get our properties back and ki||…”

The sound of the door interrupted Raina. Both turned to see Eda coming in with three bedsheets. As the girls stared at her, she opened the wardrobe and dropped them. She began to walk out as silence lingered, monitored by the two girls. Unexpectedly to them, Eda stopped at the door saying, “Maggie, I put a new bedsheet on your bed on your birthday but saw it removed the next day. Why?”

Margret spread her hands, wanting to say something but didn’t know what to see. She glanced at Raina who stared at her, waiting patiently for her answer. Yet, the girl went dumb.

“Or was it because of the blood stain I saw?” Eda was still asking.

“Oh, yes, I remember now.” Margret found her voice. “I was having a heavy flow that day.”

“You saw your period on your birthday?”

“Isn’t it possible, mama Eda?”

The woman didn’t reply rather stared at the girl. She exhaled and finally left the room. Obviously, Margret understood that the woman knew the truth, so she hastily stood up from the bed and went after her. She met her in her room then stood at the door, twisting her fingers.

“What is it, Maggie?” Eda asked from her bed.

“Mama.. I know you know. Please, don’t tell my mum.” she pleaded.

The woman said nothing.

Margret returned to her room to see Raina grinning like a Chinese cat. She ignored her and collapsed on the bed.

“Blood on a bedsheets, huh?” Raina folded her arms still grinning. Suddenly, her phone rang. Suzanna was calling. Quickly, Raina placed it on her ear.

“Jake finally talked after much torturing.” Suzanna’s voice came on the phone.

“What did he say?” Raina asked.

“A man named Deyo wants to take over your father’s territory here, and he sent an assassin to ki|| him and one others in the warehouse.”

“I need a picture, name and location of this assassin.” She glanced at Margret who laid helplessly on the bed. “I also need a gun.” she added.

Hearing that, Margret sat up.

“He doesn’t have her picture but he knows her location: Greenville Hotel, room 201”

“Get me what I told you. I’m coming right away.” Raina hung up the call to hurry out but Margret stoop up immediately saying, “What is going on, Raina?”

“Margret, please, I don’t want to lie to you or want us to go back to keeping malice.”

Margret approached closer to her with wide eyes. “Fine, then don’t lie to me and speak!” she said.

“I want to ki|| the person that ki||ed my father. That’s all I can say.” She clutched the doorknob. Margret was still standing, thinking about the guts she had to say such a thing when Raina returned to the room in a hurry. “Our mothers are in the living room!” she lamented.

Quickly, Margret opened her window for her. “Always use the window when the doors are locked” she advised.

Raina smiled. “That’s a bad advice, Margret.” she wanted to cross one of her legs over the window but Margret held her back and said, “Please, be careful.”

Raina smiled again. “I never knew you love me that much.” she finally used the window…
Same time, after Crucifix saw Lucy’s ghost, he heard a footstep outside the mud house then walked to the living room and opened the door for his grandfather who looked exhausted.

“Where have you been, papa?” he let him in.

Geb ignored him and sat down on the cushion. Crucifix sat opposite him too “I went to see Obiageri.” Geb began, leaning forward from the seat. “Crucifix, tell me, have you ever tried to read someone’s mind but couldn’t?” he asked.

“Yes, Obiageri said..”

“He or she is your peace of mind?” The grandfather interrupted.


“What she meant was that only the person can get you the ribbon of your ancestors without stress or death. Now, who is the person?”


Hastily, the old man stood up with his staff. “Stand up, we’re going to this Linda of a girl now!” He led the way.

With Emmanuel’s help, they located Linda’s house where they knocked continuously until the girl opened the door. She wore a night gown and was surprised to see Crucifix at her doorstep.

“Who’s that, Linda?” Elmira’s voice came from the house.

“Another mind reader, granny!” she replied.

“What do you mean by another mind reader, young girl?” Geb asked.

“It’s not been long Crucifix sister left here with a ribbon of her ancestors. I thought you sent her.” Linda concluded.

The two men became weak and confused.

“We can get another one, right?” Crucifix asked.

“No, son. It happens only once. Unless you see another Ajarite which I doubt you will ever see again.” Geb replied.

“Why would my sister do this to me?” Crucifix lamented and heard the door closed by Linda. “How did she even know Linda coz I’ve known her for months?” quickly, he dialed Emmanuel’s number and said through the phone, “If you know you’re my friend and you want to remain one, give me Cynthia’s location now!”

“Greenville Hotel, room 201.” Emmanuel replied on the phone.

Speedily, Crucifix ran out. “Papa, I’ll meet you at home!” he said on the way.

“Be careful, Crucifix!” the grandfather replied.
Meanwhile, Cynthia had booked a night flight that is going back to Kenema. Inside the hotel room, one could see her hurriedly parking her clothes. The last thing he wanted to put inside her bag was the ribbon; a piece of stick tied with red and blue fabric. She placed it inside the traveling bag and zipped up. Briskly, she left the hotel

Raina arrived to Greenville Hotel while Crucifix was till on his way. She could be seen speaking with the receptionist, a tall fair lady. “I want to meet someone in room 201.” she told the lady.

“You must be talking about Hee. She just left to the airport now.” the lady replied.

“Can I have her picture, i mean from the hotel footage?”

“That’s not allowed, please.”

“I know. Another thing I know is that money allows all things.” she bribed the lady..

With a gun in her purse, Raina arrived the airport. She sighted Cynthia at the counter in the midst of other passengers. At the same time, Cynthia turned to see her, so she collected her ticket and began to run to the tarmac. Raina pursued her. She stopped at the tarmac, watching Cynthia take the stairs of the airplane. She wanted to bring out the gun but police vehicles by the side, prevented her. Luckily for Cynthia, she was the last passenger. So as the stairs of the plane was closing up, she turned and both girls glared at each other. Raina structured her fingers in form of a gun and pointed them at her. “Pooff!” she whispered.

On the same hand, Cynthia pinned out her middle finger. “f-__-k you!” she also whispered then the plane finally closed.

Just the time the plane was taking off, Crucifix arrived, panting seriously. Raina was shocked to see him the same way he was.

“What are you doing here?” Both asked at the same time.

Meanwhile, Cynthia could see both of them from the plane which was running off the tarmac to eventually take off.

“Have you seen this girl?” Crucifix showed Raina Cynthia’s picture. “She’s my twin sister. I really need to see her. I was told she came to the airport.”

“You have a sister?” Raina wanted to be sure because is she is, that is to say Crucifix’ sister ki||ed her father and rendered them homeless.

“It’s a long story, Raina. Have you seen her?” Crucifix asked again.

“She’s in there” she pointed at the flying off plane.

“No, no, no, no,” Crucifix tried to run after the plane but stopped on the way. He turned to see Lucy again.

“You’re running out of time, Crucifix. ki|| Margret’s father or I’ll be forced to reveal you to the police and you’ll spend the rest of your life in jail.” the ghost told him.

“I know, I know, I will ki|| him. My head is filled up and my life is ending gradually. My own sister just took something precious to me. Please, abeg you. Please, please, please, please.” he kept saying pacing like a mad man.

Raina approached closer to him. “Crucifix” she called, but the boy was still pacing shouting, please, please, please. “Crucifix!” she called again, yet the same thing. She was forced to hold the boy’s arms shouting, “Croooss!”

Instantly, Crucifix kept quiet, staring at her with eyes full of tears.

“Who are you talking to, Crucifix?” she asked him.

The boy looked back but didn’t see Lucy again. He turned to Raina without knowing what to say. All he could do was shed tears. “Please, please, please..” he continued.

“Put yourself together, Crucifix!!” She shook the boy vigorously before he realized himself.

“Raina?” he called in tears.

“Yes, it’s me. What’s going on?”

The boy began to cry and found himself doing it on Raina’s shoulder. Where actually would he start explaining? The boy’s life had become worst than death. He wished he could just die and have his peace of mind in the grave, but he was determined to succeed alive. Oh, poor boy…

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