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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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? (When a tomboy fall in love..)?


By:Shindara velvet .D.






Malia sighed deeply as she watched Blaze deeply asleep on the table. She made sure she got him drunk.

She didn’t want Samantha to confess her feelings to Blaze, She didn’t want Samantha’s heart to be broken.However, She felt sorry.

She felt sad she couldn’t tell Samantha . Her friend’s heart was the fragile type.

To make things worst for Malia that night, Giselle called saying she couldn’t make it.

Malia angrily hunged the call and lied to Blaze that Elle was on her way,She offered a lot of alcoholic beverages to Blaze who drank and drank till he slept.
He had been sleeping since then.

Minutes Later, He opened his eyes and yawned loudly. He looked at the time and gasped shocked.

“Why didn’t you wake me?!” He snapped at Malia taking his jacket.

“I’m sorry but you were enjoying your sleep. I just felt you needed some rest” She replied

“So, where’s she?”


“What do you mean Who? I’m talking about your friend! Giselle. Where’s she? Don’t tell me she didn’t show up!”

“I’m sorry about that. But something came up. Don’t worry, I’m gonna keep you updated”

“That’s not the case right now. I made Samantha wait! Darn it… She’s gonna be mad at me. It’s all your fault!” He yelled leaving immediately.

Malia sighed deeply. She had her reasons. She was scared for Samantha and even hoped she would have gone home after being tired of waiting. It was surely late already.


Newton slowly left her lips with his eyes still closed. On the other hand, Samantha opened hers and stared at him. Her face was quite red and shocked. She wondered what they were even doing? It simply made no sense. Why would Newton kiss her when he knew her as a guy!.

Newton still refused to open his eyes. Samantha kept staring at him despite noticing his both hands on her face.

She almost gasped when Newton pushed his lips towards hers again.

“Not again!” She thought as she quickly shut her eyes tightening her grip more on his shirt’s waist line.

Suddenly, she held a loud thud! She quickly opened her eyes and saw Newton on the floor. He fell down hard. Samantha yelled terrified. She ran to him and shaked him virgously.

“Newton… Hey? You okay?” She asked now hitting his cheek.

“What’s happening to him?!” She thought looking at the door. “Won’t the others come already! It’s getting too late!”.

Samantha heard the door creak open. She sighed in relief. She looked on and saw Brad.

Brad’s eyes grew big when he saw the scene.

“What the–.! Oh, He’s drunk right?” Brad asked coming in.

“Yeah, He was” Samantha replied

“Is he okay?” She added.

“You shouldn’t be worried–He laughed.
“He’s asleep”

“What? Asleep? This guy! Seriously! And we were just–How could he fall asleep at that moment!” Samantha snapped angrily.

She turned to look at Brad with her arms on her waist.

“You? Where are you coming from? You are late?” She asked him.

“Oh. I met some old friends of mine so we decided to hang out. Time really flies! We didn’t notice the clock ticking by” Brad replied laughing.

They were interrupted by Blaze who rushed in like he was being chased. He was breathing heavily when he entered. He looked at Samantha and sighed softly.

“I’m sorry for failing my promise” He muttered quickly under his heavy breath.

Samantha sadly faced down and lifted her head to him.

“It’s fine. But to be sincere, I was dissapointed” She whispered

“I’m gonna take him in. You guys should sort your stuffs out” Brad commented. He held onto Newton and dragged him down to the bedroom.

“I’m deeply sorry,Please,Now… It’s us here… What do you wanna talk about. I’m sure it’s important”

“Blaze. Not today, I’m sorry. Let’s talk any other time. Goodnight” Samantha retorted trying to leave.

“Then? Till when?”

“I don’t know anymore. I’m still gonna watch as things goes, or don’t you think you would have done the same if you were in my shoes..” Samantha replied leaving the room. Blaze sadly sighed as he watched her leave.


Samantha sneaked into her room. She knew her mother would yell and scold her. Her father would be the worried and careful one.

Josh look would be “It isn’t my business” while Carly!Darn it! That girl! Yes, The big mouth. The Nō 1 reporter. Her look would be the “Good for you!” with her wicked smile that would run on the corner of her lips. Darn it! She’s really a smart witch.

“Look who we have here? Where are you coming from? At this time of the night?” Carly’s voice asked talking like their mother, Mrs Brooklyn.

Samantha heart skipped as she slowly turned behind.

“Sssh! Do you want money?” Samantha asked quickly. She didn’t have the time to beat around the bush and it was late. She wondered why Carly wasn’t asleep yet. Probably because she needed cash from her in order to keep her mouth shut! It was obvious!,It was her work after al

“5 bucks” Carly replied with a grin.

“Okay… Here! d@mn!…Don’t just put me in pool of trouble” Samantha sniffed walking towards her study table. She sat down on the chair and brought out the textbooks, pencil case, a ballpen, a mathematical set, a pretty jotter, a notebook and some essential things for her studying.

“Are you gonna stay all night?” Carly yawned

“I guess. I’ve to read, My examinations are right on the corner” Samantha replied opening her mathematics textbooks.

“Good luck with that. Unnie, Where were you through out today? Work? Today is Saturday though,so it not gonna be “work”..” Carly said

“Just somewhere. Don’t ask me where” Samantha retorted

“Wh@ťěver. I and Dad went somewhere” Carly chuckled coming close to her sister.

“Uurgh! Goodness, Will you let me be? You are distracting me” Samantha warned now partially raising her voice.

“Sawrry! Sawrry!” Carly mocked.

“Unnie, But won’t you ask me “where?”..Huh?” Carly asked with happiness on her face.

“Probably a place to eat good food or get pizza or something?” Samantha replied

“No. You failed it!” Carly laughed.

“Huh? So.. Where did you guys go to?” Samantha asked turning her gaze to Carly.

“Are you now curious?” Carly asked

“A bit” Samantha snapped taking her eyes back to her books.

“Well, We went to the police station–

“What? Why? What happened? Did someone get into trouble? Where’s Dad?!”Samantha exclaimed standing on her feet.

“Awww! Don’t get worked up! We went for a report”

“What? Report? Concerning what?”

“Dad’s accident! The hit-and-run case. The cops promised to catch the culprit–Samantha sighed deeply.

“I hope they catch the culprit real fast though”Carly yawned

“But why did dad make a report about it now? He said he was gonna forget about it” Samantha rolled her eyes.

“No, No, No. Not on my watch. I convinced Dad… Not even “convince”,, rather I “begged!”…Anyways, I can’t wait for the culprit to be caught. You know what, I’m already sleepy. I’m going to bed first. Good luck on your studying! Fighting!” Carly commented laughing as she retired to bed.

“What a mockery bird! Darn it, So annoying!” Samantha spat sitting back on the chair. She returned to her studies when suddenly, a little tint of the kiss scene she had with Newton jumped into her memory. She couldn’t help but smile.

She ran her fingers on her small frame soft lips and chuckled softly.
That was when she realised what she was doing, She was so distracted because of that. She bit her lips hard.

“Samantha! You had better get to your senses!” She snapped.
“Let’s continue reading. No distractions! Fighting!!” She cheered as she continued reading and began solving some problems on Arithemeric.


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