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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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? (When a tomboy fall in love..)?


By:Shindara velvet .D.






“You have a nice name, Samuel” Brad smiled

“Thank you” Brad”Samantha replied staring at Blaze who nodded lightly.

“Why do you do have to answer for him,he has his mouth… Hey, Sam, Or wh@ťěver your name is called… Get to work, Start with the room and then wash the toilet and bathroom… Huhmmm, least I forget, I have some rules I want you to follow” Newton said as he sat in the comfy couch.

“What’s that?” Samantha eyes grew wide.
Newton scratched his neck and turned to Brad.”Can you do me a favor of telling her?”

Brad smiled and nodded, He walked towards Samantha and placed his arms around her shoulder.

“Sit… I’m gonna tell you few rules to follow while you work here, They aren’t my rules… They are for Newton’s. Please, Don’t try to go beyond or he might show you the monster in him… As you know, He gets pretty angry”Brad whispered. Samantha nodded as she sat close to Brad.

“Okay then! Rule Number One: Don’t ask annoying questions–

“No! I don’t ask annoying questions, If you think I ask annoying questions, Then you are wrong… Though, I have a sister that asks annoying questions but trust me I don’t… I’m the right person for the job” Samantha shone a bright smile

“Won’t you let him finish first!” Newton yelled. Samantha shaked and turned her face to him. His face looked so serious and she h@ťěd it. She bit her inside lips hard and bowed head lightly. “I’m sorry” She whispered.

“Continue, Brad” Newton said as he moved his $h00ting gaze back to Brad.

“Right! As I was saying…Rule Number Two: Don’t disturb him while he is having his bathe”

“Okay… I won’t…. Oh–No wonder?!” Samantha yelled raising her voice all of the sudden.

“What? Wonder what?” Blaze soft voice asked

“When I first came here, I knocked and Knocked but no body replied despite him being at home” Samantha replied

“He was probably bathing… He really h@ťěs when someone disturbs him when he’s having his bathe… Even, If you ask a question, He won’t reply… As far as you hear the showers coming from the bathroom… Don’t bother yourself till he’s out” Blaze explained

“But why? Don’t you think it’s weird” Samantha asked filled with curiousity. Newton scratched his throat loudly.

“See, he’s already breaking rule Number one so fast, Now… Out of 10 points… You’ve got only have 9, If your points get to Zero… You won’t be working here anymore” Newton commented

“Oh… I see, If so, Answer my question… My One point can’t just go like that, I didn’t even gain anything, Rather… I losed” Samantha scoffed

“Don’t bother, Because it’s a secret… Anyways… The Bathroom is his second home… So, Just take it that way, Okay?” Brad smiled.

“Okay” Samantha replied

“Now, Rule Number Three: Don’t invite any of your friends to this place– Brad paused and moved his lips closer to her ear.

“You can invite your friends when he isn’t around though” He added in a whisper. Samantha chuckled and nodded her head.

Newton smiled and scratched his throat.

“Now… As I was saying, Don’t invite any one to this place and don’t invite him to any where either… He h@ťěs getting noticed, Rule Number Four: Don’t help him in anyway till he asks… If he doesn’t, Forget about it, Okay?”

Samantha nodded and made an “okay” sign with her fingers.

“Okay…Is that all?” She asked

“Huh, I guess or Is there More?” Brad asked shifting his eyes to Newton

“That’s it for now but don’t get too excited, There’s more, So get ready…I’m gonna tell you whenever I think of one… You can get off to work now, There’s a vacuum cleaner to lessen the burden, The other cleaning stuffs are inside the bathroom” Newton said as he pointed his finger to the door. Samantha smiled and nodded.

“And also remember, You have just 9 points… You lose all,, You lose your job, Got it?” Newton said as he moved to the other room.

“Aye Aye Sir!” Samantha replied with mockery in her voice. She smiled and stood up and Brad did the same.

“I trust this place to your care, Sam! Fighting!” He cheered as he folded his fists.

“Fighting!” She replied sharply.

“Good luck and don’t let Newton get into your nerves”Brad said as he placed his both palms on her shoulder while looking at her eyes.
Samantha smiled and nodded nervously.Brad chuckled and removed his hand, Mistakenly, His palm touched her chest.

“Huh?” He whispered to her hearing looking at her.

“What? What’s it?” Samantha asked nervously

“It’s just… I feel kinda awkward with you, I wonder why?… And your chest?–

“What? What wrong with it?” Samantha cut in covering her chest with both hands. Brad stared at her and laughed.

“It’s soft… I guess you don’t work out,Huh…..Well, I Have a Good time,, Work hard, Softball” He smiled

“What? Softball? What’s that?” Samantha shouted laughing as she watched him leave into another room.

“That’s your new nickname, Only I get to call you that” He shouted back and entered the room.

“What’s that? It’s too cringe!” She yelled back and laughed. She turned and her eyes caught Blaze who laid tiredly on the soft couch with a headphone on his ear while his eyes were closed. She smiled as she looked at him. She found herself in another sweet imagination with him. Yeah! She wanted him badly and what made her happy was he actually knew she was a girl. It would be easy.
“I guess he’s asleep” She whispered as she walked close to where the vacuum cleaner was.

“Hey” Samantha audibly heard Blaze soft whisper. She slowly turned back to him. She met his eyes still closed. She was quite confused but replied. “Me?”

“Yeah… You, Let’s talk” He replied as he slowly opened his eyes.


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