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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HER LAST WISH – Episode 25

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Chapter 25.

Zeemah Writes . . .

“Mu..m” She whispered before crashing to the floor.

Her friends rushed to her worriedly. “Layla!”

She held out a hand to stop them from coming closer, she was breathing heavily and trying to regain her composure as fast as she could but she ended up spending minutes in that position.
She was seeing her friends for who they were now and not her parents and brother.
The memory had been so clear that it still made her dizzy.

Fel quickly poured some water for her and Layla accepted it gratefully, knowing the water would really help.

She downed it in one gulp and sigh.
It did help and some seconds later,she was getting on her feet.
She stared at them feeling so bad to have made them worried just when they were trying to make her happy by organising a surprise birthday party for her.

“Just come sit okay?” Anne led her to the table.
She sat down and drummed her hands on her laps nervously.
Anne passed a handkerchief to her and she wondered what for.
“Your tears” Fel said, sensing her confusion.
Layla touched her cheeks and they were indeed wet.

She had cried? . .
Without even knowing.

“Thank you” She said, accepting the handkerchief and wiping her wet cheeks.

They all waited patiently, the lit candles on the cake were starting to burn away.

“I’m sorry guys, I’m so sorry” Layla burst into tears after minutes of strained silence.
“C’mon, you’re sorry for what? It’s not your fault that happened. It can’t be controlled even if you had wanted to” Dan said, he was sitting next to her, rubbing her palm affectionately.
It was obvious Layla had been struck with some memories, they had all heard her whisper ‘mum’ .
“Yeah, it’s not your fault some memories replayed in your mind, it’s the most natural thing” Fel said.
“Do not beat up yourself over it, sweet Layla” Rylan patted her back and she smiled a little.

“I feel so bad right now to have ruined this surprise you guys organized for me” Layla said solemnly.
“Ruined?” Anne asked. “Well.. if you’ll like to blow the candles before it completely burn away”
“Oh” Layla smiled, getting up.
The candles had gotten shorter but the flames stood proudly, winking at her.

“Happy Birthday Layla” They chorused again and Layla blew off the flames, smiling happily.
“Thanks so much guys” She said, hugging them one after the other.

“Do not think of crying again, you look so ugly at it” Dan grimaced while she was hugging him and she laughed.
She couldn’t help the tears that dropped from her eyes as she stared at them.
How can people be so amazing, they suddenly appeared in her life when she thought there was no reason to live and gave her a reason to, they became one of the best things that has ever happened to her.
They’ve been wonderful to her so far and they remind her of her family so much.
Perhaps they were angels her parents and brother had sent to her.
She smiled, her eyes prickling with more tears ..
“Oh” Dan groaned and she laughed, wiping her tears away..

She feels so happy, glad to have met these wonderful person.

“I’m awed. Thanks so much guys” She said, smiling.
“It’s fine, sweet Layla” Rylan winked.
“Why do you keep calling her sweet?” Fel raised her brow.
“Because it’s her birthday and everyone tastes like cake on their birthday” Rylan smiled mischievously.
“So lame” Fel rolled her eyes.
“Okay, i think we should sit before these two start again” Dan said.

“Fel, this is what you meant by ‘see you later’ right?” Layla asked, grinning.
“You gat me!” Fel laughed.
“And Dan scolded me later, saying i almost burst the surprise” Fel rolled her eyes at Dan who scoffed.
“You almost did but i had shrugged it off, thinking you said that absentmindedly” Layla said.

“And Aria had told me not to put on my apron before coming to collect the orders at the VIP table and i didn’t even suspect a thing” Layla laughed.
“You weren’t expecting it” Feel said.
“Exactly. I was so stunned to see y’all. Above all, I’m so grateful you took out of your time to make me feel special, it means so much to me” Layla said.

“Enough of the ‘thank-yous’ let’s have some cake!” Fel danced as she got to her feet.
“Yaaaaay” They squealed like kids and then laughed afterwards.
Anne produced five clean saucers and a knife for the cake and they all watched Fel cut it into slices.

“By the way, your hairpin is so cute” Anne said admiringly.
“Been wanting to say that too” Fel nodded.
“You looked elegant when you appeared, white sure looks good on you” Dan winked and Layla blushed.
“You look so chic” Rylan said with a click of tongue and Layla found herself laughing hard.

“Thanks guys, the hairpin is actually a birthday gift from Phil” Layla said.
“What a perfect gift” Anne said.
“It looks so good on your hair” Fel smiled.

“Is Phil aware you guys are here?” Layla asked, afraid she might have to get back to work before Phil starts yelling.
“Of course, she gave us this table” Rylan said.
“What! Really?” Layla asked, perplexed.
“Yeah, she did. She said this would be the perfect spot for us and indeed it is” Fel grinned, pointing to the beautiful window view.
“You look so surprised” Anne noted to Layla.
“I am” Layla agreed, relaxing a bit.

“Well.. don’t be, your aunt decided to make your birthday celebration more fabulous” Rylan said.
“I guess so” Layla nodded thinking how Phil can be so full of surprises.

They started eating the cake amidst chatting and laughing.

“How could we forget the wines. Ah” Dan groaned.
“I think there’s a wine store by the end of the Street, let’s go get some” Rylan said, dropping a half slice of the fluffy vanilla cake in his mouth.
They both got to their feet the same time Aria appeared, bearing a tray of five cups of coffee.
They glanced at one another, wondering who ordered coffee.

She dropped it on the table gently with a smile.
“Enjoy! The coffee is on the house” Aria announced.
“Woah!” They squealed happily except Layla.
“Phil gave us this?” She asked Aria in a whisper.
“Yeah” Aria confirmed.
“Wow” Layla sigh.
“I would advise you to feast on Phil’s generosity today, you might not get it soon again” Aria said to her.
“I will” Layla smiled.

“And . . I hope the work is not too much for you alone?” Layla asked, feeling bad to have left Aria to all the work.
“Not at all, today is Wednesday remember and we don’t get much customers on Wednesdays. Have fun!” Aria kissed her cheeks before hurrying away.
Layla smiled, watching her till she disappeared out of sight.

She turned to her friends and saw they were already downing their coffee.
She chuckled softly, picking hers too.

“Enough of the cake, here comes the pies!” Anne announced, placing a box of bridie pies on the table.
“You baked pies for my birthday?” Layla asked, astonished.
“Yeah, you helped me become better at it and I thought it would be great for you to have a taste” Anne said “Thankfully it’s still warm” She added with a smile after taking the box cover off.

“Thanks so much” Layla said in a small voice that sounded like she’s about to cry.
“Do not!” Anne warned. “Or I will take it back home without giving you any”
Layla laughed . “Okay, i won’t”

Rylan pushed the cake aside and made to pick up a pie with a grin which turn into a growl when Dan slapped off his hand.

“Thanks Dan” Anne said.
“What!” Rylan looked at her, mock-horrified.
They laughed.
“Yeah, Dan is so thoughtful to have slapped off your hand. I baked these mainly for Layla and she should taste it first” Anne said with her soft smile.
“Wh@ťěver” Rylan rolled his eyes.
“Pained” Fel laughed mockingly and Rylan scoffed at her.

“So Layla .. ” Anne said, passing the box of pies to her.
Layla peered into it and smiled at how well arranged and mouth watering it looked. There seem to be about a dozen of it and they all sync in size and the color of a perfect golden brown.
Anne has really gotten it.. Layla thought.

She reached for one and bit into it.
“Oh my .. ” She closed her eyes for a while, completely overwhelmed by the delicious taste.
“This is perfect!” She said, taking more bites, while others watched her, salivating.
“Not only did it look perfect, it tastes perfect too. This is great Anne, i love it” Layla smiled, almost done with the one in her hand.
Anne smiled happily. “Everyone is free to take theirs”

Ry reached for one first and then Fel and Dan.
They commented on how great it tasted too and Anne was all smiles.

They continued chatting happily, taking pies and coffee.
“Who would have thought pies and coffee would be a badass combination” Rylan said.
“Yeah, it’s so great” Dan nodded.
“Im gonna try it more often now” Fel said.

“Layla do you think Aria and your aunt would mind some pies?” Anne asked.
“They definitely won’t mind some” Layla smiled.
“Okay” Anne said and picked some pieces and placed them in two saucers for Aria and Phil.
“I’ll be right back” She said, walking away with the pies.

“I think i’ve eaten to my fill” Fel said, groaning as she rested her back on the chair.
“No, I think you’ve eaten past your fill” Dan said.
“Wh@ťěver, all i know you all should get ready, my stomach might burst open soon” Fel chuckled and they laughed.

Anne returned with empty saucers and Layla was glad Phil hadn’t rejected it.

“Okay, so it’s time to present our gifts to Layla” Dan said.
They each brought out wrapped gifts, dropping it in one after the other in front of her.

“Do not cry!” They all warned at the same time and it sounded so funny that she bursted into laughter, though tears lurk the corner of her eyes.


Layla sat on her bed, in her pyjamas stunned yet again! at the unwrapped gift in front of her.

It was a phone.

An iPhone.

The latest brand.

From Dan.

~Never refuse a gift from a (special)friend, no matter how expensive you think it is or no matter how unworthy you feel of it.
It’ll hurt that friend real bad.

Dan. ~

She read the note stuck to the phone pack for the umpteenth time.
She had opened his present first and now she doesn’t think she has the fortitude to open the others.

She’s yet to open the phone pack to reveal the real phone, the color or to even explore the apps.
Her head was clouded with series of thought and for a while, she felt at loss on what to do.
She almost cringed at how expensive it must be, she wished Dan hadn’t spent so much just to get her a phone because . . She burst into tears at the thought.
She had promised herself not to think of this, at least for today but the thoughts won’t stop.
She splashed water on her face after crying till her eyes ached.

She stood in front of the bathroom mirror, wiping her pathetic-looking face with a towel.

She felt better. Still sad but better.

Her predicament can’t be changed, thinking about it, being sad about it or crying about it is lame.
She should make better use of her time, enjoy every good thing that comes her way while it lasts.

The thought brought a sad smile to her face and she feels so better now, less sad.
“The latest brand of iPhone is waiting on your bed to be explored Layla!!!” Her subconsciousness reminded her and she found herself running back to her room.

She jumped on her bed, squealing happily as she grabbed the phone.
She pulled the cover of the phone pack and behold the greatness it has been concealing.

“Wow” She almost screamed.
She doubt she has ever seen a phone so sleek, beautiful and admirable.
It was looking dead neat that she felt almost sorry to pick it up but she couldn’t resist touching it any longer. She picked it up slowly like it was the most fragile thing in the world.
It’s silver in color, the finest silver she has ever behold.

“I can’t believe this is mine” She said, breathless.
She held it like she was holding a medal and the next minute,she was hugging it to her chest, squealing.
The thought of getting to call Aunt Esther and David more often fueled her excitement.
Her legs were kicking the air and her bed was bouncing with her excitement.
The other presents jostled onto one another, rattling noisily but Layla’s full attention was on the phone she was hugging to tightly that if it could beg for release, it would.

Her squeal died down gradually but her excitement didn’t.
She sat up on her bed after getting herself together, she powered the phone, and in the course noticed the air pods and charger that was in the phone pack.
She smiled and winked at them admiringly, she hadn’t even noticed. Her attention had been on the phone.

She heard a soft beep after the phone was done powering up, staring at the screen, she saw a message notification and then clicked on it.

It’s from Dan, somehow her gaze had skipped the entire message to the bottom which stated the message was from him.

He even has the phone already registered for her.
She couldn’t be more glad.

She smiled as she finally relaxed to read the message.

I hope you get to see this message because that means you’re not thinking of rejecting the phone and returning it back to me.
The phone is already registered, so give me a call, I’ll be waiting (wink emoji) .


Her face was in a full grin after she was done reading the message and she found herself reading it over and over again, giggling to herself as she imagined his face as he typed it .
d@mn . . Was she blushing?!

She breath deeply before clicking the call button and she was still grinning like a fool as the call was connecting.

“Layla!” Dan’s voice filled her ears, he sounded surprised if not shocked.
Layla laughed. “I love it! Thanks so much Dan”
“Oh my . . You accepted it!?” Dan asked with disbelief.
“With all my heart, I’m so excited!” Layla giggled.
“Oh my God” Dan laughed on the other end, so surprised and glad his gift was accepted.

“Would you please send the pictures we took today and on the Thanksgiving party to me?” Layla asked shyly.
“Right away!” Dan said and laughed with how shy Layla sounded.


Thanks for reading ?

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