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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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LONELY HEARTS – Episode 64

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The council members held an emergency meeting , the news of prince yeon abdicating his position as crown prince was already viral and the meeting is at the result of that . The dowager ( Nadia ) sat on her throne staring down at them as they rant over the situation.

” My queen we can’t just allow him dump his position as crown prince ”
” Mr Zack is right my queen ,the prince can’t do something like this . We have to talk to him or better why don’t you talk to him ” the elders kept on ranting and after listening to them for about 30 minutes she finally rose up and noise around the hall died down .

“Prince yeon has made his decision and as a mother I have nothing to do about it ”

” But..” one of the elders tried to say but she lift her hand up gesturing him to shut up , he sigh and remain seated . She exhale and glance around the hall and just then the door the meeting hall was push open and Duri walk in slowly .

” you’re right on time Duri ” the dowager said with a smirk and Duri exhale, he could feel the gaze of the council member all on him as he made his way towards the throne and finally he stop right in front of the dowager .
“Greeting mother ” he said and she nodded .
” Your brother has abdicate his position as crown prince and now the crown has return back to you , so tell me what did you really do to make yeon do such a thing “the dowager ask , Duri just stare blackly at her for while .

“I did nothing to him , we All known I weird in many ways ” Duri said and the dowager nodded .
” Are you sure you didn’t thr_@ten him “a female council member ask and Duri grit his teeth and turn to the old lady .
” And why should I do something like that huh ” he holler .
” That’s enough Duri , listen up everyone Duri is now crown prince or corea and from now on everyone mark know their boundaries . A press conference will be held tomorrow by 8 am and I shall public announce to the world our new crown prince and future king “the dowager concluded ..

Just like the dowager had said a press conference was held and Duri was publicly announce crown prince , many were still curious to know what realy transpire between Duri and yeon for the crown to be given back to Duri .
Days flew by and yeon didn’t leave su-bin side , their union became stronger than ever but he didn’t tell her about what he had seen in the future . Meanwhile Lee and Bora where awkwardly becoming close and it seems their relationship is skyrocking to another level . In secret yeon work his @zz out hoping to find a way to help su-bin escape her cruel fate and on the other hand is Bora who is also trying her best to save her friend from what’s coming ahead .
Su-bin and yeon were watching movie together , she place her head on his chest listing to his slow heart beat .

“Tomorrow is Christmas yeon ” she said and yeon scoff
” We shouldn’t be worried about that Su-ra what we should be worried out is..”
” Mu death year which is coming up in 6 days time “she cut in and yeon sigh ,she sat up.

” Yeon time is too short for us and because of that I wanna make sure I have as much fun as I can because in a snap I will die ” she posted sadly but yeon shook his head negative .
” No firefly you won’t die and stop talking about it ,it makes my heart hurt is k think too much about that “he said hurtfully ,she smile and carress his cheek .
” I wish there’s a way to change our fate yeon ,I wish we can rewrite the hand of time . Maybe I will rather choice not to meet you and never to be born . Am a burden to you “she said and tears slide down her cheek .
” Don’t ever think of yourself as burden to me , you coming into my life showed me lots of things . You made me give up my quest for vengeance , you made me see reasons to forgive ” he said and wipe her tears , he force out a sad smile and kiss her forehead .

” If I can’t change your fate then I will have to go down with you “he thought .

Meanwhile despite how cold the December winter night was Bora stood at a high cliff staring down at the city from there.

“Hey Bora am done ” Lee said behind and she turn to him , he sat on a yellow colour mat and fruits and wine were also around the mat .
” Christmas eve picnic ha ” she chuckle and came up to him ,she sat down on the mat in front of Jim ad fold her legs in a meditation position .

“Yeah it’s nice up here just us nature , hummm feel so unique” Lee said sniffing and she chuckle and pick up an apple from the fruit basket in front of him .
“It’s only romantic to come to place like this with your girlfriend “she said and took a big bite from the apple ,Lee nodded and pick up a bottle of gen and she poured it into 2 cups .
“You’re right Bora but it’s also nice to bring friends to such places like this “he said and handed her one of the cup of wine .
” So you consider me as a friend ,wow am flattered “she said giggling .
” I consider more than just a friend’s Bora , I mean you gat a cool personality unlike me who is boring “he said and she laugh and put down her cup .
“Thank God you know you’re boring , am eve surprise you brought me to a place like this “she said and wave her hand while laughing .

“She’s cute ” Lee thought and smile while staring at her .
” Well don’t blame me am more of an introvert “he pouted .
” A handsome one ” she added and he gasp .
” Wait did you just say am an handsome introvert”he ask grinning from ear to ear and she rolled her eyes .
“Is that why you’re blushing like a high school girls ” she said staring at his red ears , Lee claps his palm on his jaws .
” Am not blushing ” he defend .
“Says the guy wish red eyes and red cheek , geez you’re the first guy I have ever seen blushing” she added and Lee felt really embarrass .
“I said am not blushing why don’t you just stop ” he said and she smirk and nodded .
” Okay fine I won’t tease you again , so what’s your plans for Christmas which is tomorrow”she ask Lee who exhale heavily and look up at the sky .
“Am gonna visit the royal family orphanage it’s been long I have been there , prince yeon have already bought lots of gifts for the children . Haha they will be so happy to see him ” he said smiling and Bora rolled her eyes .
“Are you kidding me ,so you wanna spend your Christmas at an orphanage isn’t that boring “she ask , Lee gave her an are you serious kind of look .
” Spending time with children is divine , don’t tell me you h@ťě children “he suddenly ask and Bora kept mute for a while ,she noticed he’s starting keenly at her waiting for her response .
“Well …” He trailed and she sigh and fold her arms under her Břě@šť .
“I don’t it’s just that am not really good at associating with kids ,I find them boring and loud “she said .
” Well everyone gat their own opinion as for me I find them amusing and fun filled “he said and she nodded with a shrug , he exhale and clear his throat like he’s about to state a serious conversation .

” Bora I know this is gonna come out weird but I like you and I was thinking if we can”
” Be your girlfriend , is that why we are out here “she cut in and Lee bite his lower lips .
“Bora don’t get me wrong I bought us out here to have fun and to also tell you how I feel , I didn’t want to accept the feeling because am scared of being rejected . The moment we spent together kinds set my world ablaze with something I have never felt before fo anyone . Haha not like I have been in any serious relationship anyways but… “She cut him short with a kiss and Lee eyes shine wide like an electronic bulb , his brain explode like fireworks and he felt his heart leaping for joy . The feeling at the moment is overwhelming , she broke off from the kiss and smile .

“You talk too much Lee ” she said grinning and he just stared perplexed at her .
“So…” He trailed off and she nodded .
“I haven’t been in any relationship after the tragic dead of my boyfriend so maybe it’s time to open my heart for a new Season is love , am gonna be your girlfriend “she said and wink at him .
” You don’t know how happy I am today Bora ,this is the best Christmas gift ever ” he squealed and hug her tight and kiss her cheek , she pitch his nose hard .
“Ouch what was that for ” he wince and she shot him a glare .
” Don’t ever kiss my cheek Lee , Chee kiss are for children . If you wanna kiss me then do it as a gentle man ” she snap .
” Oh sorry so where do gentleman kiss “he ask and Bora almost explode .
“Oh I see so how do gentleman kiss ” he ask and she groan ,she felt like kicking his head right now .
” Have you ever been in a relationship before ”
” Well I have dated my reflection all my life .”
” You tomato brain don’t you have anything in that handsome head of yours , what the hell do you mean by you have been dating your reflection “she yelled and punch his face so hard and he fell flat on the ground …


Leon enjoy himself at a night club, he sat on a couch with a stick of cigarettes in his mouth while staring at the stripers dancing around the high stage . Most of them were naked while most wore P@ŋtîēṣ but weren’t wearing bra .
His suddenly sighted yeon standing close to the stage staring at him with smirk , Leon frown and before he could even notice it yeon mysteriously appeared in front of him .
” Why don’t we go on a ride old friend ” yeon said and grab Leon neck and they both vanish in to thin air .
They both appeared at a Subway , yeon flung Leon and he slam on the subway walls and it crack .
” f-__-k ” Leon wince ,yeon grab him by the neck ones again and slam him on the wall .
“Where is the dagger ” yeon as he Leon frown .
” How did he know , is this some kinda joke “Leon thought .

” Where is the God d@mn dagger ” yeon yell and Leon chuckle
” What dagger ” Leon ask .
” Don’t date play games with me Leon, where is it .” Yeon growl and tighten his grip on Leon neck ,Leon smirk and grit his teeth finding it hard to breath .

“Hehehe juding from the anger and fear in your eyes I guess you might have seen the future , wait your mother is the goddess of time so it means you might have access to the future . So tell me die I really ki|| Kim Su-ra but why are you scared , oh my don’t tell me I won ” Leon said giggled and yeon furiously throw Leon at the other side of the subway and he crash on the ground , Leon bounce back to his feet and yeon leap towards him . Leon charge forward also ,they both clash together raining punches at each other .
” You bastard am gonna ki|| you before you ki|| her ” yeon holler and fill his left fist with gold flame , the sound of a Fast approaching train fill the air as it’s bright light flash on yeon and Leon .
Yeon punch Leon with the gold flame and the impact sent Leon flying , Leon crash into the train and his body burst into creating a large hole on it . Yeon leap and landed on top of the train and as soon as he did Leon appeared few meters away front him , blood stains were on visible on Leon face as he glare yeon who had a calm unreadable expression .
“Bring it one mate ” Leon roar and his eyes glowed bright red and his body emitted red smoke ,he dash towards yeon who smirk and also charge forward . A red and gold light slam together and a powerful energy burst was produced ..


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