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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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( Stand For Love… )


By; Succie Brown.







Nadine was still coughing and sneezing so hard. Her face were reddish and her eyes were producing painful tears.

“Someone please get me out of here. I’m dying!!” She screams crying.

The door of the basement opened and Nadia rush to her.


“Nadia, please get me out of here” Nadine said in low voice.

Nadia place her hand around Nadine’s shoulder and took her out of the basement.


Nadine was still coughing so hard despite being out of the basement filled with Teargas.

“Drink this, it will calm you down” Nadia said giving Nadine a bottle of chilled water.

Nadine quickly took it from her and gulped down everything in a sec.

“How did you know I was in the basement?” Nadine asked.

Nadia sighs.

“I saw Carding taking Paige to the school’s clinic, and she was unconscious. So I asked Desiree and she told me Paige was locked up in the art lab with smokes circulating inside, and I didn’t need a soothsayer to tell me is was your handwork. When I saw you leaving with Carding, I knew he definitely wants to get back at you”.

“Can’t believe he tried to ki|| me because of that Paige girl”.

“You hurt his girlfriend Nadine. Were you expecting him to give you candies for what you did to Paige”.

“That’s the more reason why I want to hurt that Paige the more”.


“I met Carding first Nadia. Carding knew me first before knowing that a certain Paige Castillo existed in this world. I should be Carding’s girlfriend and not Paige. I should be the one he’s protecting not Paige!!!” Nadine yells.

“Just give up on Carding, Nadine. If he wanted to love you, he will have done so, even before Paige came into the picture. Stop acting like a desperate Ɓîtçh” Nadia and Nadine landed a slap on Nadia’s face and pulls her hair forcefully.

Nadia winces.

“Did you possibly think simply because you saved me from the basement you can now lecture me, huh!!”

“Let go off me Nadine” Nadia said between pains.

“Is a good thing we aren’t identical Nadia, Cuz I will have long disfigured your face. Carding is mine, and I’m going to make sure he ends up with me!!” Nadine said and push Nadia to the ground.

Nadia falls to the ground, hurting her knee.

“Mind the words you say to me Nadia. Since I don’t consider you as my sister, it won’t be hard for me to take you out of this earth” Nadine said and leaves.

Nadia sits on the ground, crying slowly.


“Paige, Are you all right?” Desiree, Sabrina and Stacey asked at the same time.

Paige heaves and sits up on the bed.

“Yes I’m. Where’s Carding?” Paige asked.

“He said he needed to take care of something. He’ll be right back” Angelo answers.

“I was so worried about you Paige. You scared me big time” Desiree said worriedly.

“Sorry I made my best friend cry” Paige said cleaning Desiree’s tears.

Carding enters the ward, and when he sees Paige awake already, he quickly went to hug her.

“Are you all right? Did you get hurt anywhere? Should I call the nurse?” Carding asked worriedly.

“Carding” Paige whines like a baby.

“What’s wrong Paige?”

“My eyes hurts” She said pouting.

Carding quickly kiss her eyes.

“Sorry Paige”

“My nose hurts too” She whines.

Carding kiss her nose.

“Does it still hurts?” He asked worriedly.

“My lips hurts too” Paige whines like a child, and Desiree hits her head.

“Ouch!! Carding she hit my head” Paige said faking a cry.

“Desiree, do you want to ki|| my baby?” Carding asked and Paige sticks out her tongue for Desiree resting her head on Carding’s chest.

“Is obvious she’s faking it. She’s not hurt anywhere” Desiree said.

“Wow. I didn’t know my best friend can be this romantic” Dylan said.

“I know right. While growing up, he has always been distant from girls, I even thought he was going to die as bachelor, but it turns out he got a girlfriend before us” Angelo said.

“Then go get one. Nobody’s stopping you from having a girlfriend” Carding said.

Angelo chuckles and looks at Sabrina. Sabrina quickly coughed looking somewhere else when she sees Angelo looking at her.

Stacey takes in her lips, wearing a sad face.

“Carding” Paige calls his name childishly.

“Yes sweetheart” Carding said caressing her hair.

“This is the height of it, I can’t watch a live romance anymore” Desiree said and leaves the ward.

“Wait for me Desiree” Sabrina said going after Desiree.

Stacey just looked at Angelo, before leaving too.

“We will go ahead now” Dylan said.

Carding nods, and both Angelo and Dylan left.

“Are you sure your okay now? You scared me big time” Carding said, packing her long hair Into a ponytail.

“Yes I’m fine”.

“But your Paige Castillo, right? So how on earth where you locked up in that lab, without the Paige I know doing anything about it?” Carding asked.

Paige sighs and looks at him.


“Why is the art teacher not here?” Paige asked the junior student.

And all of sudden, the junior student pretended to be having difficulties in breathing.

“Kid. Are you all right?” Paige asked.

“Please help with my backpack… My inhaler is inside” She said pointing at a backpack that was at the extreme of the lab.

Paige quickly went to where the backpack was. She was busy searching for the inhaler, when she heard the sound of the door closing.

She turns around and couldn’t find the junior student anymore. And when she tried to open the door, smokes from nowhere began penetrating Inside the lab.

She began coughing so hard, trying to find a way to get out from the lab, but it was to no avail. And when the smokes took charge of her, she lost consciousness.


Carding hugs her tightly.

“Sorry I wasn’t there, when you needed me. I’m so sorry Paige”.

Paige smiles and broke the hug.

“Is not your fault Carding. I was caught off guard. And speaking of that little girl, I’m going to confront her and ask her why she did that to me. I’m sure is all Nadine’s doings”.

“You don’t have to Paige”.

“And Why not? That Nadine almost ki||ed me” Paige said.

“And I already returned the favor”.

Paige looks at him and Carding told her what he did.

“Really? You used Teargas on her?” Paige asked smiling.

“Anyone that dares hurt you will really get it from me. I’m not a fighter, but I’m ready to become one, if someone dares try to hurt you. So don’t ever get hurt again, ok. I was very scared earlier”.

Paige smiles and kiss his forehead.

“I really made the right choice, in picking the best boyfriend for me”.


And Paige nods smiling.

“Yes. A handsome caring boyfriend, just like you”.

“I didn’t plan to have a crazy girl as a girlfriend” Carding said and Paige frowns.


“I have always wanted to date a girl who’s not a noisemaker… But somehow in the line, I met a crazy oomph girl, and she stole my heart the very first day I saw her. And I found myself loving everything about her. I was always whipped by everything she does”.

Paige smiles blushingly.

“Who is she?” She asked smiling, when she already know is her.

“Paige Castillo” Carding said with a smile.

“Paige Castillo? Do I know her?” Paige asked and Carding laughs.

“Really Paige?” Carding asked laughing.

Paige giggles and rest her head back on Carding’s chest.

“I’ll be looking for a job again, when school ends. I couldn’t get one, the last time I searched for a job”

“Don’t over stress yourself, all right?”

“I won’t. Do you want to go back to class?”

“No. Let’s just stay like this. Your chest is so comfortable” Paige said balancing her head on Carding’s chest.

Carding smiles and began stroking her hair softly.


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