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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Greg made to go to his room, but he stops and looks at Carding.

“Why aren’t you coming with me?”


“We should go to bed together, Or are you planning on f-__-king her, when I’ve gone to bed?”

“Of course not” Carding said and quickly stood up.

“Goodnight little sis” Greg said sarcastically, and Paige glared at him.

Greg laughs before leaving with Carding.

She later went to her room, she took off her wet clothes, and puts on something lighter.

Thinking about the fact that she and Carding are now together, made her squeals so excitedly, flinging her legs on the air.

She quickly got her phone and dials Desiree’s number, and as if Desiree was waiting for Paige to call, she picked at first ring.

“Howdy bestie” Desiree said over the phone.

“I and Carding are together” Paige said excitedly.

“Huh? I thought you said you wanted to wait for him to adjust to his new life first?” Desiree asked throwing the nylon of the cheese she just ate to the floor, taking another cheese.

“Yeah but it happened unexpectedly. He wasn’t at home earlier, I got scared and….”

“And you burst out your feelings when you saw him, right?”

Paige giggles.

“Seems like my Best friend is supper excited to be someone’s boyfriend”.

“Yes I’m. I just called to tell my best friend about it” Paige said.

“Awww. Wish you all the best in your new found love”.

“You should also get a boyfriend too” Paige said.

“I don’t want to have hypertension, ok”

Paige laughs.

“Alright bestie, see you tomorrow then” Paige said.

“Sure. Can’t believe I’ll hanging out with Nadia the entire day tomorrow, just so we can get equipments for our artwork”.

“Just give her a try Desiree, she seems like a nice person”.

“That’s the problem Paige. I’m allergic to nice people. From all the stories and movies I’ve read and watched, the nicest person always turns out to be the villian or villainess”.

“Who knows Nadia might be exceptional, let’s just give her a try bestie”.

“Fine, just for you. And one thing”


“Don’t even think about leaving the whole assignment about the artwork on Carding, all in the name of he’s my boyfriend”.

Paige laughs so hard.

“How did you know I was going to do that?” She asked still laughing.

“Cuz I know my best friend so well, so don’t stress life out of the poor, okay?”

“Fine, I won’t”.

“Goodnight best friend” Desiree said and ends the call.

Paige falls back to the bed smiling.

“Can’t believe we’re together” Paige muttered, bitting the hem of the duvet cover smiling.


Desiree smiles after she ended the call with Paige.

“I’m so happy for her” She said dropping another nylon of cheese on the floor.

To summarize the whole story, the living room Bryan spent time tidying up, was filled with particles of cheese on the floor and also the nylons too.

Bryan came out from the kitchen after he was done cooking, since Desiree literally does nothing in the house, but to eat, watch movies and sleep. Every house chores, including cooking and washing was always done by Bryan.

Bryan’s eyes widen when he sees how messy the living room was, and he was a Stan of cleaniness. He and cleaniness were like the backs of a coin, that can never be seperated.

“You dirty girl” He said hitting her with ladle he was holding.

“Ouch!! Are you bananas!!” Desiree yells at him.

“Are you from the Bush? How can you mess up the whole place like this!!”

“Is my house, I can mess it up anyhow I want”

“Really? Your house? When have you ever pick up a broom to even tidy up the house? I’m always the one having the place cleaned up and a dirty girl like keep untidying it”.

“Did you just call me a dirty girl?” Desiree asked.

“Yes I did. Why’re you always giving me double work Desiree? Despite attending to a lot of customers at your dad’s convenience store, I still created time to tidy up the house, since you will never do that, but you just sent my effort to the jungle” Bryan complained.

“And why’re you complaining when your just a freeloader in our house. Your just leeching from dad and I” Desiree said and Desiree’s Dad came out from the room, since he has been hearing their voices.

“Really Desiree. A freeloader? Leeching?” Bryan asked bitterly and Desiree scoffs looking somewhere else.

Bryan just fight back his tears and went to his room, locking the door.

Mr. Carlos hits Desiree so hard on the head.


“Did you have necessary have to call him a freeloader, huh? And how is he a freeloader when he’s the one clearly doing everything in this house. He cooks, wash the dirty dishes and even your clothes too. He doesn’t have any friends because he spends all his time at the convenience store trying to work out money for us. So how is he a freeloader when he’s helping out a lot!” Mr. Carlos scolds Desiree.

“Dad I…..”

“Make sure you apologize to him tomorrow” Mr. Carlos said and went back to his room.

Desiree sighs fraustratingly.


The following morning, Desiree came out from her room and sees Bryan setting the table for breakfast.

He has woken up early just to prepare breakfast.


“I already prepared breakfast, you can call your Dad to eat” Bryan said not looking at her.

“Bryan I’m….”

“I’ll be going to the convenience store” He said cutting her short.

Without further words, he Left the house.

“He must be so mad” Desiree muttered.



“So we should go for painting?” Dylan asked Stacey over the phone.

“Yes we should”.

“Okay. What kind of painting?” Dylan asked.

“Landscape painting”.

“Landscape painting, noted. Where should we met?”.

“Anywhere you want. Let’s just get this done and over with” Stacey said.

And Dylan nods.

“Dylan, is Angelo there with you?” Stacey asked, hoping he’d be with Dylan.

“No he’s not. He might probably be with Sabrina, discussing about the kind of artwork they will do” Dylan answers.

“Oh, I see” She muttered.

“Are you okay?” He asked.

“Yeah I’m fine. Let’s meet up tomorrow” Stacey said and ends the call.

Dylan heaves and was about putting on his headphone to listen to the medical lessons from his tutor when Barney barged inside his room.

“What’re you doing here?” Dylan asked, but Barney answered his question with a kiss.

And it took a lot of effort before Dylan was able to push her away.

“What’s your problem!!!” He yells at her.

“What’s wrong in wanting to have s*x with my fiance” Barney said trying to kiss Dylan again, but Dylan push her and she used her back to hit the wall.

“Get out from my room Barney”

“Until when will you stop distancing yourself from me Dylan? I’m your fiancee for crying out loud!!!”

“You and I know I never wanted this relationship. So take your madness out of my room” Dylan said as his brain began to hurt.

“I want you Dylan. I f-__-king want you!!!” Barney screams, making his brain hurt the more.

Dylan takes her by the hand and push her out of the room.

“Dylan! Dylan!! Open the door. I want you Dylan!!!” Barney screams banging her hand on the door.

Dylan ignores her words and sits on the bed, as his brain hurts so much.

It was a good thing his parents weren’t home, they would have forced him to do what Barney wants.

Inside his head hurts hellishly, and he held his head trying to suppress the pain, but it got worst the more.

He groans painfully as blood keeps coming out from his nostrils and ear.

Hurtful tears falls down his eyes, as the pains hits him the more.

“What’s wrong with me” He muttered with so much as blood keeps coming out from his ears and nostrils.

He tried to stand up to his feet, but his eyes became heavy and blurry, and he collapse right there on the floor.


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