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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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“Is this where you live?” Carding asked looking at the poor environment, from inside his car

“It sucks right?” She asked, Carding looks at her and shakes his head.

“Let’s talk to your mom together” Carding said trying to get down from the car, but Paige held his hand.

“Is fine, I can handle it”

“Are you sure?” He asked and Paige nods.

“My mom is not educated, she might think negatively if she finds out that I spent the night at your place”

“So what are you going to tell her?”

“I’ll cook up something to tell her, when I entered the house” Paige said.

“Really?” .

“Yes. We should also forget what happened last night”


“I was drunk and not in my right mind, and it was wrong for me to kiss you, so let’s just forget it never happened ok” Paige said and Carding nods sadly.

“Alright Paige” He said and Paige smiles.

“Am glad we’re on the same page, I’ll call you when the results are out, is coming out today” Paige said, and Carding nods.

“See you at school then” She said again and Carding nods.

She got down from the car and waves at Carding, he waved back, before driving off.

Paige crimps her lips and immediately slaps herself.

“Why did you kiss him Paige? Why? Why?” She said scattering her hair.

“Am so stupid” She added bitting her lips.

“Let’s fix the problem at hand first” She said and enters the house, and sees Grey and his mom having their breakfast.

“Mom” She called slowly.

“Oh Paige your back” Helena said smiling.

“Back?” Paige asked.

“We were so worried about you last night, and mom had to call Desiree and she said you both went for night vigil, Are you just coming back now?” Greg asked.

“Yes… Yes I’m”

“You should have told us before hand Paige, I was so worried and to top it all, your phone wasn’t reachable” Helena said.

“Am sorry mom”

“Is okay, Join us for breakfast”

“I’m not hungry mom, I’ll be in my room” Paige said and leaves.

She dials Desiree’s number when she got to her room and Desiree picked at first ring.

“Hi babes”

“Night vigil, seriously?” Paige said smiling.

“That was the only lie I could cook up when your mom called and thankfully she believed” Desiree said and Paige smiles.

“Thanks Desiree, I own you one”

“Is nothing…. But where did you spend the night?” She asked.

“At Carding’s” Paige answered in a whisper.

“At Carding’s house!!!!! Is he your boyfriend?”

“Of course not Desiree, we’re just friends, I got drunk, and since he didn’t know where I live, he took me to his mansion, but don’t have a rotten mind ok, nothing happened between us” Paige said touching her lips.

“You don’t have to explain, Carding isn’t like that” Desiree said and Paige smiles.

“I just got a notification that the results are out, you should check yours too” Desiree said.

“Alright” Paige said and ended the call.

She went to the school’s portal and search for her name, and she was among the passing students.

“I really pass like he said” Paige said smiling, and she touch her lips again.

“His lips taste just like my vanilla lollipop” She said smiling cutely.


Carding rush to his mom and hugs her.

“Thanks alot mom” He said and Odessa looks at him.

“Are you happy?” She asked.

“Yes I’m, am very happy, thanks for putting her among the passing students” Carding said smiling, and Odessa smiles caressing his face.

“Anything for you son, and I like Paige already, she’s a sweetheart, but she did so poorly in the exam, you have to make sure she keeps up with a good grades, so your dad won’t find out when he comes back ok”

“I’ll mom, I’ll dedicate my whole life to see that she does well”

“I can’t believe my handsome son is so much in love” Odessa said playing with his cheeks, and Carding smiles.

“But don’t get her pregnant”


Odessa laughs.



Paige enters the school compound, now as a student of Empire High.

“Can’t believe am now a student here, thanks so much Carding” She said smiling.

*Don’t cause trouble in school, is your first day there* Helen’s voice sounded in her ear, and she sighs.

“I promise not to cause any trouble, if everyone respect themselves” Paige said and her phone buzzed, she looked at the message and it was from Desiree.


Paige looks at the message and smiles, she was about resuming her walk, when a ball from hits her face.

She turns and sees some students laughing at her.

“Who threw the ball at me?” Paige asked looking around.

Another ball was thrown at her, but she was quick to caught it before it landed on her face.

“Seems your good at caughting balls”

Paige looks at the direction where the voice came from and sees three boys looking at her, they were fat and tall.

“So you three fat fools were the once you threw a ball at me?” Paige rhetorically asked.

“Is called an orientation for those who came to this school on scholarship” One of them answers.

And Paige’s eyes fell on some students whose face were filled with bruises, and she could tell they were the students that pass the exam.

“I guess eating too much fatty food has lessened the sence you three broilers were supposed to have” Paige said.

And the three of them rush to her.

“Who did you call just call broilers” The three asked at thesame time.

“Who else but the three of you, or should I called you three amoebas instead” Paige said and one them slaps her on the face.

He was about slapping her again, but Paige held his hand.

“Once bitten, can’t be bitten twice” Paige said and twisted the wrist of his hand landing him on the ground forcefully.

“How dare you do that to my…..

The second fat guy was cut short with a punch from Paige.

And the students began murmuring to one another.

The third fat Guy was about hitting her with a stick, but Paige ducked, and despite his fatness, Paige carried him and landed him on the ground.

The three fat guys were on the ground, wailing in pain.

“You three don’t even have bones and yet you want to bully me… Who else wants to give me orientation!!!” She yells getting ready to fight.

And the students all moved backwards, already scared of her.

“Am so ready for you all, Don’t even think about crossing my part, cuz your Parents will pick y’all up in Africa” She said.

And as she made her way towards the school’s block, students began paving way for her to pass.


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