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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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??{ His Human Mate }??

Written ✍️: Cisca. H.

Chapter 31:

” Miss!! Diana!! ” They called again, this time, sounding more terrified.

” What’s going on? ” May asked her.

” I don’t know, I really don’t know. I think you have to call the doctor! ”

She was shivering the more, causing the both ladies a heart attack. May quickly ran out of the room, to call the doctor.

She almost slipped and fell but was held halfway by a hand around her waist.

” Be careful, ” Michael’s soft voice sounded in her ear.

She made two steps away from him, adjusting her shifted gown. ” Is there a problem? ” He asked, noticing her expression.

” The doctor… The doctor… ” She stuttered.

” What happened to the doctor? ”

” Diana… Diana…”

” What happened to Diana? ” Bella asked as she came out of nowhere.

May stared at the both of them, not knowing who to answer first. ” Reyhon, he bit Diana and she’s convulsing. ”

Immediately, Bella and Micheal dashed out of sight to Diana’s room.

While May left to call the doctor and when she got to his chamber, she had to offer several knocks before he let her in.

” I’m sorry, May, I was so busy to have heard you knocking. ” studying her look, he asked. ” Did something go wrong? ”

” Yes, doctor. That so-called devil had bitten Diana and she’s in a real state. We really need you in her chamber, she’s convulsing as we speak. ”

Indeed, it was a real state. He grabbed his box, ” I’m right behind you. ”

They made it to Diana’s room, dropping his box to the ground he sat beside her body. The mark of her veins were black and visible on her skin.

He checked her eyes, nodding. ” What’s happening to her? ” Bella asked, worriedly.

” The bite is a poison to her blood and it keeps consuming her inner core. Thankfully it hasn’t gotten to her eyes. ”

” What if it does? ” She questioned.

The doctor stared at her for a while, he answered. ” She’s gonna die. ” He stared around, ” Where is the master? He has to be here. ”



Derek didn’t let go off him even as they fell from the high castle. His hand gripped his throat, and they kept exchanging scratches on their faces.

” I already warned you, you will regret why you had touched her. ” He said in a clenched teeth.

Reyhon chuckled, ” You can go ahead ki||ing me, I accept defeat but just know one thing for sure, she’s got only two options to choose. Either she turns to a wolf and joins my pack or she dies. ”

Derek angrily inserted his fangs into his belly, deep enough, jerking him high and landing his back on his ankle.

” Never thought you’d be this weak, Reyhon. I’m not finished yet, but I’ve got no time for you either. If I ever lay my eyes on you again, I swear, I’m gonna have you dig your grave. ” I dashed back to the castle, straight to Diana’s room.

He banged in, Diana’s body was already laying on the bed. ” How is she? ” He asked the doctor.

” I am getting to the bottom of this but we still need one more thing to stop the poisonous silver from spreading. ”

” What is it then? ” He asked, not minding what it could be.

” You have to bite her. ” He said.

Derek paused, ” What?! ”

” That’s the only way, Sire. I discovered that if you bite her, there is a hundred percent chances for her survival. You’re her mate, your’s will be acceptable. ”

” What if it doesn’t work out the way you expect? ” He questioned.

” Trust me, I’ve handled things worster than this. ” Derek went closer to her unconscious body, ” But, ” he paused, ” not only is there a hundred percent chance for her survival, there’s a chance for her to become a werewolf too. ”

Derek stared at her for a while. This wasn’t the life he wanted for her, this wasn’t the fate he chose. But… he has no other choice…


The morning sun rose and the day seemed to be calmer than expected. Diana’s eyes dully opened as she stared around her room.

Her eyes caught with Derek who was sleeping on the couch beside her bed. She shifted the duvet aside, groaning at the pains in her joints.

It hurts… Like hell.

She managed to step out of the bed but fell on his feet. She rose her eyes at him, hoping she didn’t wake him up with that.

He rubbed his eyes softly, trying to get a glimpse of what it was only to see it was Diana sitting before his feet.

” Diana, ” he called helping her stand to her feet but she fell on him instead.

” I can’t feel my legs, ” she said weakly.

He lifted her up in his arms, dropping her back on the bed. He looked at her wrist, where Reyhon and he had bitten her but the teeth marks were gone. Only that which he had given her twelve years ago remained.

” Diana… ”

” Why did you have to sleep on the couch? ” She cuts in.

” I felt like spending the night with you. ” He said, shifting the strands of her hair.

” Why on the couch? You know, I would prefer if you had slept on the bed with me.”

” I didn’t wanna disturb you, that’s why. ”

” That isn’t disturbance, that’s just the right thing. ” She sat up, ” I think I need a cold bath. ”

He carried her to the bathroom, dropping her to her feet. He untied the robes of her nightgown, letting it pool around her feet.

But he quickly took off his eyes from her nakedness. She looked above her shoulder, he wasn’t staring at her. She stepped into the bathtub, sitting in the cold water.

He started rubbing her with the sponge, first from her back. ” Why did you take off your eyes? ” She asked, breaking the short silence.

He paused, then continued. ” Are you shy of looking at me? ”

” No, Diana, of course not. ”

She turned to look at him, ” But why? Why did you take your eyes off me? ”

He said nothing.

” Is there something I need to know? ” She questioned.

Even if there is, he can’t just go ahead telling her what happened. Especially the part where she almost died. From the look on his face, it told her that indeed, something really did happen.

But she decided not to ask… at least not now.

She sat back on the tub, facing her back at him to continue. After he was done bathing her, she said to him.

” I will do the rest. ” She said, a hint of disappointment sounded in her voice.

He left the bathroom to her room, searching for a dress. He brought a blue royalty gown, dropping it on her bed.

She stepped out of the bathroom to her room, she was having a towel tied around her chest. She stared at the gown on the bed.

” I can get you a different colour if you want. ” He said but she rejected.

” I’m cool with blue, it’s my favorite colour. ”

He took the gown from the bed, unzipping the zipper. Diana’s eyes were on him and when he noticed her gaze, he couldn’t take his off.

She untied the towel, letting it fall to her feet. Right before him she stood stark naked. He swallowed hard, his eyes studying her features.

He swallowed again, trying to take off his gaze from her but she held his face from looking away. ” Don’t resist me… Please. ”

His animal was responding to her plea, but he couldn’t. He didn’t want to hurt her, that has always been his fears.

Not that he wasn’t ready yet, but… It’s just not the right time for him to.

He kept staring at her until she had put on the dress, and he helped her zip the zipper back up. ” Thank you. ” She said, softly.

There was a knock at the door, she permitted whosoever it was in. The doctor has come to check her again.

” Doctor? ” She called, surprised. Then she looked at Derek.

” I’ll explain later. ” He said, but that wasn’t so convincing to her. ” I promise. But right now, Stanley has to check on you first. ” He turned to the doctor, giving him a nod.

He studied her wrist, ” wow, it’s gone. ”

Diana stared confused at him. ” What’s gone? ” She asked.

” The mark.” He said.

She scoffed, ” I’m sorry but what mark are you talking about? ”

” You haven’t told her yet? ” He asked, referring to Derek.

She looked at Derek, ” What is he talking about, what mark? And what haven’t you tell me? ”

” You have to, Sir. ”

He hesitated for a while, ” You were asleep when Reyhon walked into your room last night, ” he started. ” He bit you and… and you almost died but…” He paused, then continued. ” I had to, I had no choice. That was the only way I could stop you from losing your life. I couldn’t watch you die,I couldn’t… I wouldn’t want what happened Allison happen to you. ”

Diana was becoming scared. Is it what she is thinking? Does it mean…??

” D… Does it mean… I’m gonna turn to a wolf? A… Am I gonna be part of his… pack?? ” She stuttered, shivering.


If you were Derek, what will be your reply??? Guys, your massive comments…

To Be Continued…

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