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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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BAD BOY DYLAN – Episode 18

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( After We Met Again… )


By, Naomi Cindy B.





( DON’T GO )

“Ouch!” Dylan whimpered immediately as the head started bleeding, he held the forehead as he stood.

He looked back at Mavis and Delaney once again before walking away fast.

“Done” Mavis said after patching Delaney’s wound.

“Thanks” she replied, standing with him.

“You should learn to take care of your body, you’re a girl” he said.

“Are you scolding me now?, It’s my body” she rolled eyes, and he smiled.

“I h@ťě when girls get hurt” he said, and she scoffed.

“Of course” she said and started walking away.

“Șëx¥ love!” He shouted after her, and she looked back with a glare.

“I mean…Șëx¥ badass” he smiled, and she rolled eyes before walking away completely.

“So Șëx¥” he smiled, getting his phone as it started ringing, it’s his mum.

A frown appeared on his face immediately, then he made his way to her office.

He got there and met her on seat, he didn’t bother to sit.

“Sit” she ordered.

“I don’t want to” he replied, and she brought out a nylon containing cigarette butts , she dropped it on the table.

“Explain this” she said sternly.

“The cleaners found them in the restroom again?, Then they’re obviously mine, I’m the only smoker in this school anyways” he replied, and Mrs Gregor stood.

“How do you want me to express myself again?, I’ve told you countless times to stop this habit of smoking!, Smoking causes cancer Mavis!” She hit her hands on the table.

“I don’t mind cancer!, Just leave me alone!, Let me live my life the way I like!, You always do what you want, right?, Why the hell can’t I do same?” He replied.

“What I want?”

“Didn’t I tell you about Mr Stewart?, I h@ťě him like $h|t but aren’t you gonna get married to him?”

“I thought we talked about this already, Zayn is a very nice man and…

“Aren’t you getting married to him cos of his company?, You’re obviously interested in that, not him! I know you more than anyone!, You married my late dad cos of his company too and when the company went bankrupt before his death, you divorced him and called him an unfortunate man!, You’re a Ɓîtçh mum!” He shouted , and his face was greeted with a thunderous slap instantly.

Mrs Gregor slapped him.

His eyes turned red, and she regretted it immediately she dropped her hand.

“Mavis I… I’m…I’m sorry I…

He stepped back and left the office immediately, closing the door with a loud slam.

“Gosh, I angered him more, not again” Mrs Gregor muttered, falling back on her chair.


Delaney was still on her way back to the class when she walked past a restroom, and she heard voices from inside.

“Why were you staring at her so much to the point of falling?, Now look…you hurt your head” Trevor’s voice said.

“It’s not my fault, she was with Mavis and I….I lost focus cos he was already doing what I planned to do” Dylan’s voice said.

“Now look what we’ve got here, a big wound” Trevor said.

“Easy, it hurts!” Dylan replied.

“You made a bet with us on the graduation night two years ago to do something she’d never forget to her, you still haven’t told us what you did, it’s not something stupid right?, Or you did nothing?” Trevor asked.

Delaney moved slowly on her spot.

“It’s not only stupid but heartless and brainless and shameless, Trevor I don’t think she’d ever forgive me, she h@ťěs me till death, and I….I feel like dying” Dylan replied.

“You’re crying” Trevor replied.

“I wish she’d just tell me to go ki|| myself, if that’d make her forgive me I’ll do it” Dylan said.

“Stop saying trash, what did you do to her?” Trevor replied.

“I…I…I can’t talk about it yet” Dylan replied, and Delaney quickly hid when she sensed they’re already coming out.

They came out and Dylan’s head was already patched, he still has traces of tears on his face.

“Still surprising how the bad boy turned to a crybaby overnight” Trevor said, wiping the tears.

“Are you sure you don’t need to go to the hospital?, Your forehead swelled real bad” he said again.

“I’m fine” Dylan smiled

“Stop crying and just…let’s go” Trevor said and left with him.

Delaney came out and stood for a while before walking away.

She was about to enter their block when she came across Gigi

“Gianna!” She shouted, running after her immediately she stopped.

“Delaney!” She smiled.

“Where have you been?, You didn’t come to class” Delaney said.

“I…I…was at..

“And you’ve never come to class, I’ve never seen you in class, what’s happening?” Delaney interrupted.

“Nothing” Gigi smiled again.

“Last night…I saw bruises on your arm, why are they there?, Are you being bullied?” Delaney asked.

“Actually…” Gigi said, and Madelyn passed by with Gladys.

“None of your business” Gigi said immediately and left Delaney standing.

“What the hell is wrong with her” Delaney wondered.

“Sweetheart the next class is almost starting!, Let’s go and change!” Paisley shouted, running to her.

“Oh!” She smiled as Paisley pulled her to the locker room where they met the other girls.

“Where did your sugar take you to?” Melinda asked.

“Nowhere special” Delaney smiled as she changed into short thighs and crop top then slender heels.

“You look ravishing” Carina said, admiring her.

“Thanks!” Delaney smiled, turning around.

The others dressed same way though.

“Gianna is acting strange” Delaney suddenly said as they all walked out of the room.

“I know, I saw how she told you off the other time” Paisley replied.

“You saw everything?”

“Of course, but Madelyn and Gladys kind of glared at her before she did that” Paisley said.

“Maybe she’s really getting bullied” Melinda said.

“What’s the point?, No evidence” Carina retorted.

“We just have to find one” Delaney replied as they all entered the hall for the next class together.

? Mg!, Delaney is hot!

? Feel like f-__-king her!

? The curves!

? Sharp edges!, d@mn!

Guys started running their mouths immediately they saw her, it was crazy.

“See?, Babe you’re the real deal” Carina whispered.

“My sweetheart is always pretty” Paisley replied.

“I’m jealous!” Melinda said, and Delaney smiled.

“Come on girls!”

Different dressings filled up the whole place, the likes of Madelyn and Gladys are almost naked, same with some other girls

“Gladys you need to go change” Leo said immediately he saw her

“What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?”

“Everything babe, it’s too exposing” he replied.

“Listen Leo, next week is the first runway audition for Donni, I have to get noticed by the judges” she replied.

“The judges aren’t handling this class, it’s the seniors Gladys” he replied..

“Leo!” She shouted angrily.

“Ok I’m sorry, don’t change” he replied, and she smiled before kissing him.

“I love you!”

“I love you more” he replied.

“Got you!” Madelyn said when Dylan came in with a patched head.

She walked fast to him.

“Baby what’s up with your forehead?, Why is it…

“Let’s finish this class first, please” he cut her off and left her.

Right now, the headache he’s feeling from the wounded head is second to none.

“Dylan come back here!, Dylan!!!” She shouted, running after him.

Delaney sighed as she watched them, but immediately Mavis came into the class, she diverted to him.

“He’s not bright as usual, did something happen?” She asked herself.

“Mavis we need to talk” Nicholas said, suddenly coming to him.

“On what?, How you f-__-ked my ex and made us break up?” Mavis replied.

? Whoaa!!!

“Mavis I know I hurt you but I’m sorry I…

Before he could finish, Mavis punched him on the face, and that one punch sent him to the ground.

“Don’t f-__-king come close, smokers can ki||” Mavis glared and walked away.

“I knew it!, His best friend f-__-ked his girlfriend so they broke up, Nicholas is so shameless” Paisley said.

“Tell me about it” Melinda rolled eyes at Nicholas who’s just standing.

“Everyone gather around!” A male senior said, entering the hall with a female senior.

They all gathered, and the two stood in front of them.

“Call me senior Winnie” the female said.

“And I’m Lexi” the male said.

“We don’t need to add senior?” Delaney asked, and he looked at her.

His eyes widened but he quickly controlled it.

“Senior Lexi, I mean” he replied.

“Yes senior!” They chorused.

The males went to Lexi, and the females went to Winnie, then the walking class started.

Halfway through the class, it was Dylan’s turn to walk and give a ki||er pose, but immediately he started walking, blood dropped on his shirt in the front.

“Dude you’re bleeding!” Midas noticed.

Dylan looked at the blood and more started dropping from his nose, his head hammered hard, and he fell on his knees.

“I knew it!” Trevor said and started rushing to him with Midas.

“Babe!” Madelyn ran to him too, but he was already unconscious

He fell on Midas arms, and Trevor helped in heaping him on his back.

They took him out of the hall, and Madelyn followed.

Delaney bit her lip as she watched them rush him out, but she sighed and looked away.

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