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Friday, October 18, 2024
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❤️ The social

Phobic billionaire ?

(Alone in his world….)

Written by Ibrahim Gift

Chapter 23


“I’m sorry for making this happen, you guys had to keep my secret.”, Heaven said as they got outside.

“We also hid the fact that we know that he was just being used, so don’t just blame yourself. We are all at fault.”, Mrs Janice.

“This wouldn’t have happened if only I solved my problem myself.”, Nevaeh thought.

“Do you think Mr Rowan will ever forgive us? He looks very mad this time around.”, Leon said trying to control his tears.

“I’m sure Mr Rowan will forgive us as time goes on, we just need to keep apologizing to him.”, Ruby said comforting him.


“How could I not know that they were all making a fool out of me? How could they do this to me?”, He said and he angrily smashed another glass on the wall.

“Nevaeh was in love with harry all these while, Mr James kept such a big secret from me, dad and Harry just used me.”

“Why did everyone betray me?”, He said as he teared off.

He didn’t need anyone to tell him that he was gradually going back to how he was.

He tried going out but at the end of the say he couldn’t, the panic came again and it was worse this time around.

He went back to wearing the mask that he never thought he would go back to wearing..

His happiness only lasted for a while, he finally got to experience what everyone does but now it’s impossible.

Heaven came to see him the next day, she knocked and knocked but he didn’t open and same thing happened for the remaining people.

They all knew that he was inside but he just didn’t want to talk to any of them

Then Harry came by knocking on the door, Rowan opened the door when he saw that he was the one.

“Rowan …”, He didn’t finish his statement when Rowan punched harry so hard, making him fall.

“What the hell did you come to say? What excuse do you have for using your brother for your selfish interest and stealing his girlfriend?”, He asked.

“If you were so worried that I would steal your position then you should have just sent someone to ki|| me or even poison me, no one would know about me anyway.”

“I didn’t mean for this to end this way, I Don’t know what got into me and I didn’t mean to separate you and Nevaeh, I was selfish.”, Harry said.

“Having no brother is better than having a brother like you, you are despicable.”, He yelled.

“I’m really sorry Rowan, I’m sorry for the pain that dad and I have caused you.”

“If you are truly sorry then hand the company over to me when dad hands it to you and break up with Nevaeh.”, He said.

“You can’t do it right?”, He asked after harry became mute for a long time.

“I —- I will do it.”, Harry replied.

“Then when you do it, I will forgive you but if you can’t …. Then just disappear from my sight forever, don’t make me ever see your face ever again.”, He said and pushed harry out.

“If you need anything, you can just inform …..!”

“Of course I should, after all you have to do anything I say.”, He said and shut the door on Harry’s face.



Heaven checked again and luckily for her, his day was opened.

She thought of letting him know that she was around first but she knew that he would waste no time in chasing her away.

His was scattered, it wasn’t like before. There were empty bottles of beers everywhere and the pieces of the glass he broke were still on the floor.

Everywhere was just so different which made her think that Rowan wasn’t around.

Heaven quickly took care of the places she needed to take care of and she placed the food she made for him on the table.

“Good morning!”, She greeted seeing him come out from his room.

She wondered why he was wearing his face mask but she didn’t dare to ask, at least not in this situation.

“He went straight to the fridge to take a bottle water.

“I made this food for you.”, She said and he walked towards her.

“So what should I call? Nevaeh or heaven? Should I be grateful that you decided to confess and stop fooling me or were you expecting me to run after you just because you already apologized.”, He said but she said nothing.

He went to the table and took the food she bought and threw it in the trash right before her.

“I have never felt this betrayed than what you and your sister did to me, you must have felt so happy seeing how stupid I was to have fell for your lies. I don’t want to see your face ever again, you should just leave.”, He said pushing her towards the door.

“I am sorry Rowan…. I really thought of telling you the truth many times but I was afraid—- afraid that I would face the reality that it isn’t me you love but Nevaeh.”

“I don’t want to hear any of your excuse, if you think doing all these will make me love you or accept you instead of Nevaeh then you are wrong!”, He said.

“I know that —- but no matter how you push me, I will never leave you alone. I promised not to ever leave you so no matter what you do to me, I will accept it. I will continue to come and see you everyday and give you food even if it will end up in the trash.”, She said.

“Nothing can make me forgive you, everyone has played me enough.”, He said and shut the door.

“I’m sorry Rowan, I didn’t mean to deceive you.”, Heaven said inwardly as tears rolled down her cheek.


? “Mr Harry! Do you need anything?”, Leon asked after picking his call.

?”Do you want to have a drink with me?”, He asked after so many contemplation.

? “Okay.”, He replied and hung up.


“Is there something you want to talk about? Is there something on your mind?”, Leon asked seeing harry drink so much.

“No …. I just wanted a drink partner.”, He replied and Leon just nodded.

“If you are in a situation that someone who you owe something is asking you to do something that means betraying another person, would you do it?”, Harry asked.

“Can you tell me what the problem is? You listened to me when I needed someone to talk me, I can do the same for you.”, Leon replied.

“I’m such a terrible elder brother, all I did was to hurt Rowan.”

“There is still a chance for us to make everything right, we can still make it up to him.”

“He wants me to break up with Nevaeh and hand the company to him, he said he can only forgive me after doing it.”, He explained.

“So what do you plan on doing Mr Harry?”

“I don’t know —– I will probably do what he asked, Nevaeh was never mine to begin with and I first had the intention of just using her to get to him but no matter what I feel for her now, Rowan surely loves her more and that’s why I should probably give him what I stole from him.”

“What about Nevaeh? How you told her? She said that it’s you she loves.”, Leon said

“She only said that because she was confused, with time she will definitely come to realize who she truly loves and as for the company, Rowan deserves it more than me. Once my dad hands the company to me, I will expose everything that dad and I has done to him and give it to Rowan but I feel like I am betraying my dad.”

“What will happen to you after you hand over the company?”

“I don’t know yet, maybe I will leave the country to meet mom, dad will be very disappointed in me and I can’t handle that.”

“Aren’t you running away from your problems?”

“Name it wh@ťěver you want, to me it is avoiding any further problems.”

“I am only telling you this because you won the challenge, if you tell anyone about this then I will make you fired before I hand over to Rowan.” He thr_@tened.

“I won’t tell anyone Mr Harry, how is Mr Rowan doing? He doesn’t want to talk to anyone of us and I am worried about him.”

“Keep trying your luck, he might decide to forgive you one day.”, Harry said.

“How did you make him open the door?”, Leon asked.

“He opened the door because he wanted to punch me, nothing more.”, Harry replied.

“Oh I almost envied how lucky you were.”, Leon said.

“Just drink and forget what I said, just know that if I hear it from someone else you should consider yourself fired.”, Harry said and he nodded.


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