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HomeCORDE D ‘AMORE (Strings of love)CORDE D 'AMORE: Strings of love - Episode 14

CORDE D ‘AMORE: Strings of love – Episode 14

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[Strings of love ]
# 5 in the DE LUCA SERIES]

♟️ Spark’s libary 2023


✍️By authoress lenity Faithful


Tags ☠️: Mafia , love ,Cold ,Hot , Erotic , maid , billionaires , Ruthless , Music , forbidden.

©️ Copyright [ Do not copy or Repost without permission from me the writer or else …You’d not like my actions ]






” Sign the contract coure mio ,I have somewhere to be ” I said staring at the stubborn woman in front ofe and she shook her head immediately.

” Not until the S*x is out of the game ,I don’t need your money . Stop trying to play me ” she said and i smirked.

” I’m not deleting it ,it’s either we reduce it or Increase it . ” I said and leaned into my chair properly as she stared at me .

” Send me to jail then ”

” Miss Hanson you need to Calm down first … We can come to a conclusion , no one needs to go to jail ” Dimitri said and she sighed .

” It’s preety obvious your friend wouldn’t take no for an answer so I rather stay in prison “she said and I chuckled.

” I’m sorry for Mr De Luca’s Attitude Miss Hanson , we Can do something about the situation..” Dimitri said and she sat back down .

” segz six times in a week is just absurd and I agree with you miss Hanson , …I think We should reduce it ” Dimitri suggested.

” I’m not sleeping with Mr De Luca , that’s it ” she said immediately as if the thought of sleeping with me was enough to scare her away.

Girls would do anything to be in my arms ,I’ve been the one saying No , but here’s this hazel eyed Beauty saying No …and meaning every single word of it .

” Fine ,since you do not want to be intimate with me it’s okay . I won’t force you anymore ” I said and she looked Relived .

” That doesn’t mean we wouldn’t show the intimacy between us in front of my mom. She’s a very smart woman and will know we are in a pretend relationship if We don’t look Inlove with each other” I said and she rubbed her forehead.

” Your mom ? So you’re trying to Decieve your own mother ? She asked and I rolled my eyes.

” Sign the contract and let’s get this over with ” I said and Dimitri brought out a new set of papers.

She went through them and signed immediately .

I’m not stressing myself trying to convince her into sleeping with me . She’d be the one asking for it and by then I’d remind her of the words she threw on my face.

After signing the contract she stood up and walked out of the table immediately .

“Stubbornness ,a trait in all De Luca Daughter in-laws ” Dimitri teased .

” Is Dylan planning to marry Already ? I asked and he burst out laughing.

” Trying to Escape the topic ? I teased .

” That woman and I can’t breathe in the same space , Dimitri so forget it if you think I’m gonna have something to do with her after this one month ” I said and he chuckled.

” Y’all say that from the beginning Emelio ,right now all I want is your happiness . You’ve suffered for too long ” he said and patted my back.

” Did you tell anyone about this ? I asked gesturing towards the papers .

” No one knows . Not even the Don ” he said and I rubbed my forehead

” And Yvonne ? ” I asked.

” Telling your Cousin means telling the whole family ” He said and I laughed .

” So …You like her ? He asked and I stared at him .

” Like who ? I asked frowning.

” Are you trying to Deny it Emelio ,you never chase a woman they’re always the ones after you ,try you’re blackmailing Kate to date you ” Uriel teased .

” I’m doing this because I want mom off my neck and I’m interested in getting in between her legs , feelings just out of the Equation” I said and Uriel laughed.

” Finally you admit you wanna f-__-k this girl ,I knew it ! He said immediately and Dimitri laughed.

” Too bad she’s not interested ” He teased .

” Oh please she would be , she’s only proving stubborn ” I said smirking.

” She doesn’t look like that Emelio , you might end up Frustrating yourself . Stop your Playboy ways ,try to know her better maybe just maybe you can find happiness Again ” Dimitri said with a worried look on his face .

” Then watch her Die a painful death because I made her my weakness ? I learnt a bitter lesson with Sophie and I’m not about to make the same mistake ” I said immediately.

” You’re just being stubborn” Uriel said from the other end.

” Didn’t you say we have work today ” I asked changing the topic and they both sighed immediately.

We left the my penthouse and Gary ran out immediately .

” Boss should I take miss Kate to your Estate ? He asked .

” No ,I’d pick her up myself .” I said and he gave a nod .

” Sure Boss ” he said and Joined me and Uriel in the Car .

Throughout the Ride my mind went back to the woman in my penthouse and I sighed .

She’s really something else ,I can Already imagine the Drama that comes with being involved with her .



Immediately Mr De Luca and his friends left , I was the only one left at his penthouse .

He had a large protrait of his late fiancee in the sitting room .

I can only imagine ,how happy and inlove they both where before her Demise .

Is he trying to forget her ? Is that why he wants me to grace his bed ? I wondered in frustration.

Thank goodness We no longer have to do anything like that .

I can’t imagine having S*x with a man who’s still inlove with his late fiancee .

I felt bored alone in the penthouse , He had Different things around and there was no one in the Penthouse Accept the Security outside .

I went into his Room and it looked Beautiful ,just like the one in his Estate .

There was a large picture of him and Something caught my eyes . A familiar looking ring I swear I had seen somewhere.

It looked so familiar I know it has something to do with the underworld.

He was clad in a black suit , looking All Dominant and segzy .

Who’s this man and why is he so mysterious ? What really happens to ma’am Sophie.

Is he involved with the underground world ?I Wondered and shook my head to get rid of the thoughts.

Maybe just maybe I’m over thinking this .

I took a tour of the penthouse and had a nap in his Room .

When I woke up ,it was late already . I Was so tired and bored .

I can’t continue laying down like this ,I thought with a frown as I walked into the bathroom to take a shower .

I stripped off my clothes and soaked in the warm water and my insides relaxed to the sweetness.

After the shower I walked into his closet and took out one of his sweatshirt then strolled towards the kitchen.

The least I can do now is make Dinner I’m starving .

I Walked to the Sitting room and there was an Older woman cleaning the place .

” Oh Good Evening ma’am ” she greeted in shock .

Probably wondering When the Boss started dating a new woman .

” Oh it’s okay you can call me Kate ” I said smiling.

” You must be the Boss’s Woman ,you’re so Beautiful ” she said smiling.

” Thanks ma’am , it’s okay you can rest for today I would just do the cleaning myself” I said as my eyes softened in compassion.

” But it’s my job to do the cleaning” she said Worriedly.

” I’m not saying you should not ma’am ,I just want to help ” i said and she smiled.

” Thank you dear , you’re such a sweet child . May the Lord bless your home and give you all the happiness you deserve” she prayed immediately.

” Amen ” I said still shocked at her Serioseness.

” The Boss is so lucky to have you . By the way my name is Eunice ” she said and I gave a nod .

She kept me company for a while before leaving and I retired to the kitchen to make Dinner .

I was still on my Apron when My phone rang .

I stared at the Caller ID with eyebrows raised in shock .

” Royce ” I muttered under my breath .

Why is he calling me ? What does he want from me again .

Is it abkut the guy I ki||ed ? I wondered as my heart raced .

I stared at the phone Blankly until it stopped ringing.

What do I do ? I wondered in pannick and it started ringing again .

I picked it up .

” Hello Royce ”

” Hello Doll ” he said and I can imagine him smiling like a lunatic right now .

” What do you want Royce ? We had a Deal which I have closed so why are you still on my neck ” I asked immediately.

” This is what makes you so interesting Sweetheart ,the way you loose it ..that Hot temper of yours it makes you even more segzier than you Already are ” he said and I felt the urge to throw up .

” I want you at Wildrose soon Flame , I have a job I would like you to Do this time Around it’s an international one ” he said immediately.

” I’m done with the Business Royce . What makes you think I’d do an international one ? I asked immediately.

” You can’t say no to me ” he said with confidence.

” I will and I’m saying No Royce , No stop calling me I’m blocking your number after this ” i said immediately.

” Hmmn I’m sure that gang would love to hear the name and identity of the Hot girl that ki||ed the gang leaders son ” he said and I sucked under my breath .


That guy from the night was the son of the gang leader ?

What have I gotten myself into ? Why does my life come with unending Drama ?

” Think about what you want sweetheart ,we would talk about it when you’re thinking with your brain” he said and cut the call .

I clenched my fist in frustration . I should never have trusted Royce in the first place .

He’s just a dirty pig who would do anything to make more gain .

I can’t believe I’m being blackmailed Twice .

First Mr Emelio

Now Royce .

I walked out of the kitchen With a tray to set the table and my eyes Landed on Mr De Luca on the Couch in the sitting room.

” You’re back already ” I said in shock as my eyes moved to the clock then back at him .

” It’s Quiet evidence that you are not happy to see me ” he said and I looked away.

He was dressed entirely different from the morning .

One thing about Mr De Luca was the fact that he didn’t need to do too much to look good , he looks Drop dead gorgeous and his sinful Eyes is something every woman should be weary off .

” I made dinner ” I said and he stared at my legs to my face .

” You cook ” he said as his eyes trailed to my Ɲīpplës that stood out under the sweatshirt.

” I cook Sir …” I said gesturing towards the food .

” Why do I feel like you’re trying to poison me ” he asked Amusingly.

” If I want to ,it’s going to be a very simple job ” I said and dropped the tray on the dinning table I turned to leave and gasped when I bumped into his hard chest .

I looked up at his handsome face then back to where he was sitted.

How did he get here so fast ? I wondered in shock .

” What did you say ? He asked Dangerously.

” Read my lips ,I said ki||ing you isn’t a hard Tax Mr Emelio De Luca .I can do that if I want to ” i said and gasped as his strong hands grabbed my neck .

I tried to push him off as my A*s made contact with the table.

” Say that Again ? He dared as he came in between my legs and grabbed my thigh with his other hand pulling my soft body into his hard one .

” I can ki|| you if I …aahh ” I screamed as he digged his strong hand deep into my thigh .

” Listen here piccolina [ little one ] …you do not thr_@ten a De Luca like that ” he said and my heart beat crazily Against my chest .

I was so scared he’d ki|| me ,he looked so calm yet Dangerous .

” Now listen here piccolina , You have to be a good girl from today that’s if you don’t want me f-__-king sense into this head of yours got it ? He asked and I gave a nod in pannick.

” Words ” he said and I pushed against him Making his inside th-ru_st into me .

” F…”

” You’re a Bastardo Emelio. .a f-__-king Prick who knows nothing about how to treat a woman ! I spat Angrily and he stared at me blankly.

” Take that back ” he said softly.

” With all due respect sir , you Are a Bastard ! I said meaning every single word of it .



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