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Friday, October 18, 2024
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THE DEVIL SON – Episode 83

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In the city,people are seen hurrying out of their houses in cars and some even decided to walk as they know the traffic that will occur will only endangered them.

Houses are burning as the flying creatures they clearly didn’t offend decided to leave ruin by their appearance.

Everyone is headed in only one direction and that’s the underground railroad and the underground safehouse meant for war emergency.

The underground railway might not be able to take all of them out of the city safely so the safehouse is also an option to stay until it’s over.

Rain of fire balls fell on houses and tall building and creatures with wings flew around, hijacking kids from their parents and dropping them from the sky.

Corpses are all over the ground and blood stream around the streets and highways as they ki||ed.

Their are headless corpses among them and their are those with several missing limbs too.

Form D ,E and F with special forces F and G soon arrived around the city and start during what they are meant to do.

The special forces are in charge of fending off the attacks while the forms did the same while at the same time helping the people.

The situation might be considered under control on their side the moment they appeared but that can’t be say for special forces A and D who are in charge of the air battles.

Their helicopters were immediately set on fire even before they began to launch any attack.

Out of over fifty helicopters that took off, almost ten have been burned back to the ground while the other open fire at the demons.

But it seem like there’s a shield protecting them, even those that were hit by the bullets didn’t slow down their attacks a bit.

Few even use their wings to hit the helicopters or to take the bullet which is very effective in both ways.


Light stare anxiously as Lucifer passed out ,she didn’t have anywhere to take him to.

She wanted to take him back in time but not in this state,his soul won’t go with her to the past unless he’s conscious.

She seem to be having bad feelings about him just lying there like a sleeping log of wood.

She knew about what’s going on in the capital but allowing Lucifer to break free will definitely worsen thing,he will likely turn the entire city into ruins the moment he joined that battle.

Suddenly he opened his eyes ans light stood up immediately,ready her stance for battle in an unusual manner.

“It’s only half an hour now,he won’t be breaking the chain”she thought but was proven wrong immediately.

His muscles twitches in and cracking of bones were heard loud and clear.

Thread of golden chains become visible on his body and light felt her heart racing faster.

“His true powers was released with the last chain of doom”anyone who heard her saying this will certainly be confused as they didn’t come out as a statement nor as a question.

Lucifer’s wings which are also bound by the now visible divinity bound start moving slowly but hardly.

Even Lucifer stood up with it and his muscles suddenly bulge out and the next moment,his wings spread widely and proudly behind him.

“He broke free”light mouthed and her eyes met with Lucifer’s murderous own but she didn’t coward away from his gaze.

She met his gaze firmly and bravely” i will ruin you!”he yelled but each word come out louder than the others.

“That’s if you are strong enough to”light replied smiling and this infuriates him as he stare dagger at her.

The next moment, they both attacked at the same time and the impact send the place they are standing to shattered into nothing but ruins.

They were both sent flying into mid air from each other’s attack.


The students who were meant to return to the senior classroom to continue judging their seniors were all seen in the corridor looking like they just see ghosts, even seeing ghosts won’t make anyone paled as they all are right now.

The seniors and the school staffs are no different from their students either, they all look shocked.

?Have you guys heard the news
?I saw it with my two eyes
?The live cameras on the streets were on
?Yh,they seem to he broadcasting it with the street camera since everyone has to leave
?My mom worked at the antihuman force
? Really?
?Yes, she told me they are demons,she said we human might have likely infuriated them by capturing Lucifer before and trying to again
? God,this is scary
?I just want to hid underground
?What if they come here too
?Yh, Lucifer was in this city before

Everyone was talking about the same thing in the entire school and no one dare to even guess what these people getting slaughtered might be going through .

“Luka,call mom, I’m scared,what if dad decided to join the battle?”princess said anxiously.

“I’m trying the call is not going through,i think they both switched off their phones”luka replied.

“Mom and dad want to go back to the capital today, I’m glad they cancelled that plan”Camila breath out in relief.

“The first video released by an unknown source showed both light and Lucifer fighting after he transformed into some being i don’t know”Adrian showed them the vid released about forty minutes ago.

“Light is not human too!”many people around them exclaimed.

“I’m always suspicious of the girl, she’s too daring with Lucifer”Justin said and Adrian nods.

“That’s not the case,look he seem to be in pain because of wh@ťěver she did, maybe the demons attacked because of this?”Franklin also pointed out.

“You are quiet sensible but foolish too”Adrian said and Franklin glared at him.

“The antihuman forces attacked too but they had to leave cause the building is collapsing as light fought Lucifer, there’s likely a connection,he was attacked and captured the first time he came into this city, getting caught by human repeatedly or getting targeted by them can easily infuriated him”Justin said.

“I always knew you are more sensible than this brainless goat here”Adrian said referring to Franklin.

“Let’s see the live ongoing on the street “Camila suggested and Adrian immediately changed the video.

“At this rate,at most only close to tens of thousands people will survive,their are so many corpes,the capital held over 500,000 thousands people definitely all of them won’t make it to the safe area”Emily said tearing up at this rate.

“Romeo’s calling “princess frowned and pick up the call slowly and put it on speaker.

?Mom want you guys out of the school, take along as many students as you can,go to the city’s antihuman force safe house, there’s a fifty percent chance Lucifer will Come over there”he yelled into the phone.

Princess turn even more pale hearing this and hang up while dragging luka up as well.

“Can we go to the capital? Mom and dad called Romeo instead of us, I’m scared”she cried.

Luka hugged her tightly biting back his tongue to quickly stop himself from yelling at her for her foolish words.

“Guys,what are you still sitting around for, let’s get out of here when we still have the chance”Luka yelled at his friends.

They all stood up immediately to go and spread the news but Adrian pushed Emily to his car instead.

“We’ll go over to your house and get your parents and sister”he said “thanks”Emily said quickly as they left the school ahead of others.

? Heavenly realm?

Mia watch the ongoing chaos with the goddess of war herself and keep glancing at her.

“Hurry up and end this”she yelled “no, they are meant to die today,why should i stop,all these people are fated to die by this means,being the goddess of war doesn’t mean I’m irrational,i don’t start wars that are not fated”the goddess of war replied.

Mia turn her attention back to the capital in particular and clenched her fists tightly.

Demons flew around in their small numbers but cause ruins that a thousand of human can never cause within such a short period.

She then glance at her son who’s fighting his fated mate, they were both on par as they fought.

They were covered in wounds and fresh blood and everything around them is suffering from their powerful and deadly attacks.

While Lucifer is the dark one and attacked with dark energy,light as her name indicated is the light in this fight, all her attacks are pure like light itself.

She once again look at the city called the capital of the country, which stood proudly with tall buildings and beautiful houses like there are no poor people there.

Now, both the rich and the poor were being ki||ed like Chickens as they run for their dear lives.

“This is a disaster,a real hell on earth….. is fate really this cruel?”she asked no one particularly.


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