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Friday, October 18, 2024
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Chapter 37

By : Kebby NG Media Services




It’s been weeks s!nce Rach£al and h*r mom started to live with us and not once have I forgot what I saw on that day.

Th£y haven’t gotten close to each oth*r and Christoph*r keeps on mak!ng h*r life h£ll.

Have been try!ng to figure ©vt j√$t what happened b£tweeΠ th£m but today I found ©vt and am so angry, so very angry that Christoph*r had kept it a secret.

Hold!ng a picture !n my h@nd, I walked !nto h*s study unannounced.

“Why can’t you knock?” h£ asked

“Why didn’t you tell me that you were th£ one dat!ng Rach£al’s moth*r at first ?”i asked

“What rubbish are you say!ng?” h£ asked

” Wh£n you were still !n your y©vth, you were th£ one dat!ng h*r but you got anoth*r woman pregnant and $h£ left you for your broth*r, ever s!nce th£n you have been bitter with h*r and your broth*r, you s£nt th£m away from th£ island and have never forgotten h*r for once”

“Shut your m©vth Denise”h£ warned

“You are happy that $h£ came b@¢k and that your broth*r is dead,you th!nk you two can get b@¢k with each oth*r but $h£ has been reject!ng you and that is why you are angry with h*r and to punish h*r you make th£m live !n that little house at th£ b@¢k” $h£ said

“Are you done?”h£ asked

“Am not, tell me th£ truth Christoph*r, do you still love h*r?”I asked

“Am not go!ng to answer you”h£ said

“You still have feel!ngs for h*r?”I answered my question myself

“I don’t!”h£ said suddenly

“F!ne th£n, will you prove it to me?”I asked

“What do you want me to do to conv!nce you that I have no feel!ngs for Rach£al moth*r”

“Let me do what I like with h*r”I said


“Let me h@ndle h*r, let me do as I wish with h*r and if you don’t meddle once, I will believe that you don’t love h*r “I said

“Do you really have to go to such length, can’t my word be enough!”h£ asked

“It’s not enough! Cade fath*r made me believe all of h*s lies, I won’t do th£ same with you so I need your answer! Will you let me do as i wish with h*r”I asked aga!n and s1©wly h£ nodded.

“Good th£n”I said and th£n I left th£ study.



That year I did a lot of th!ngs to Rach£al and h*r mom and I dont regret it .

I knew that Rach£al mom was !nnocent but because I was jealous of h*r and angry at Christoph*r, I became cruel towards h*r and h*r daughter until I got rid of th£ two of th£m.

Even wh£n I got rid of th£ two, Christoph*r still loves h*r, h£ still keeps h*r h@nd Ker chief and that alone drives me crazy.

Have only ever seen th£ birth mark on th£ two but see!ng it on Emily today must mean some th!ng or it doesn’t

Th*s is driv!ng me crazy, I thought feel!ng so frustrated and angry at life.

Both moth*r and daughter are dead and th£ dead can’t ever resurrect, neith*r will th£ past come b@¢k to haunt me.


“wh-_-re can Emily be?”I thought as I went !n search of h*r

It’s been a while and I haven’t see h*r any wh-_-re,I thought as I got to th£ patio only to see h*r th*re.

$h£ was th*re with h*r Mich£al and Gracie and judg!ng from th£ir expression th£y were talk!ng of work.

Th£y all looked serious and someone said some th!ng funny and i watch£d th£ three ©vt loud.

It’s been a while that Emily has been h*re, yet $h£ never laugh£d ©vt that loud before.

Have I only been caus!ng h*r pa!n that $h£ h@rdly smile,I thought as I kept on starr!ng at Emily, who kept on talk!ng while $h£ smiled so brightly.

Seems like have been do!ng so, I thought feel!ng like a s¢vm bag.

“Are you sure that you won’t regret your decision?” Stephanie asked as $h£ came to sit beside me.


do you mean ?”i asked
“j√$t look at th£m! Do you th!nk h£ is only after work!ng?”$h£ asked and i gave Mich£al a look. ” h£ is try!ng h*s best to get Emily attention and if you are not ¢ar£ful,h£ might succeed”$h£ said.

“So make your m©v£ before it’s too late”$h£ added and walked off.

j√$t see!ng Emily get along with Mich£al drive me nuts and I feel so jealous but th*re is noth!ng I can do than to j√$t face up to it and I must do my best to w!n Emily love and attention.

Putt!ng on a smile and feel!ng determ!ned to achieve some th!ng, I went towards th£ group.

“You don’t m!nd me stay!ng right?”I asked and th£y agreed well apart from Emily who kept on starr!ng at me strangely.

“Mich£al why don’t you m©v£ h*re, Mr Callaghan sit is next to h*s wife, so let h*m sit th*re “Gracie said.

Mich£al got up reluctantly and I sat d©wΠ beside Emily.

$h£ would have m©v£d if only I hadn’t put my arm @r0vnd h*r, mak!ng it known to every one and most especially Mich£al that $h£ belongs to me.

“Well it’s a good th!ng you are h*re Cade, we have to talk ab©vt th£ resort advertisement”Emily said as $h£ m©v£d ©vt of my arms

“We have come with some idea, will you like to see it?”$h£ asked as th£y set a laptop !n front of me.

$h£ began to tell me of a slogan and also a name tittle but i was lost j√$t watch!ng h*r beauty itself, why did it take me long to notice how beautiful and well endowed $h£ is, have been such a fool ₱vsh!ng h*r away but no m©r£, I thought as I kept on starr!ng at h*r

“Urrrgh…..Cade? “$h£ called softly wait!ng for me to say some th!ng.

I came b@¢k to reality only to realise that I have been asked a question but have lost at starr!ng at Emily.


I haven’t been listen!ng”I said
“Because you got side tracked by look!ng at your wife, you two look good togeth*r, I wish I had some one who keeps on look!ng at me like you do with Emily”Gracie said happily but wh£n I looked at Emily it was to see that $h£ wasn’t smil!ng.

“Well that’s bad, if th£ boss wouldn’t focus, h£ will j√$t have to excuse us, as it is we have a lot of work to f!nish”Mich£al said

“Don’t be like that! I th!nk h£ is sweet “Gracie said to Mich£al.

“Guys please cont!nue with your work, I will like to talk to my husband”Emily said as $h£ ₱v||ed me by my h@nd.

We walked ©vt side and $h£ let go and turned to look at me coldly.

“Am grateful, grateful to you for br!ng!ng my friends h*re, you have no idea how happy I am at hav!ng some one to talk to at last”$h£ began

“Emily I…….”

“Let me f!nish please!”$h£ begged and i stopped giv!ng h*r th£ chance to speak.

“Thanks for br!ng!ng some one over that I can talk to, you were really cool and I like that you noticed how lonely how I felt and brought !n my friends, you’ve made my day by br!ng!ng th£m over but let it end th*re”$h£ said


“Let me f!nish speak!ng”$h£ said stopp!ng me aga!n

“As have said,I want it to end b£tweeΠ us Cade and that can only by done by you, you started all th*s farce so it’s only fair that you clean it up, as soon as we f!nish with th£ project, I will leave and…….”

“I won’t accept it, I won’t let you leave”I said

“You have no choice Cade, you don’t own me, we are not really married and so you have no claim over j√$t as I don’t have any over you, I will like it if you agree to my wi$h£s, I will get b@¢k to my friends, now that th£y are h*re, I feel m©r£ comfortable !n th*s house, Its a pity that I never felt that way with you Cade”$h£ f!ni$h£d and th£n $h£ walked off.

I stood like that for a while th!nk!ng ab©vt what $h£ j√$t said, $h£ was never comfortable because I never gave h*r my time nor my love.

I walked ©vt of th£ house and strolled @r0vnd a bit, I found myself walk!ng to b@¢k to th£ little house at th£ b@¢k.


did I come h*re? I thought as I kept on starr!ng at it.
“Still feel!ng guilty? “my moth*r asked as $h£ came to stand beside me

“Do you th!nk that I can feel good know!ng that if I hadn’t done what I did, those two at that house will still be f!ne”I asked

“It’s all !n th£ past Cade, m©v£ on already”$h£ said

“I can’t mom, no matter how h@rd I try I j√$t can’t stop th!nk!ng of h*r”I said

“You know earlier today I saw some th!ng “$h£ said


“Th£ same birth mark on Rach£al and h*r mom arm, some one else has it”$h£ said


“You should rath*r be ask!ng who?”$h£ said

“Who has that same birth mark mom?”I asked feel!ng like I was on edge.

“Your wife!”$h£ said and I staggered b@¢k a bit



“It’s strange that you haven’t noticed it, I noticed while $h£ was wear!ng h*r night gown, $h£ has th£ same birth mark but $h£ is not th£ one, don’t let your imag!nation run wild”$h£ said

“Why are you so sure?”I asked

“I got rid of h*r, remember, now go and have a rest, you need it”$h£ said as $h£ walked off

I still felt off ab©vt it, it doesn’t feel right!, Why will Emily have th£ same birth mark, I thought, I have to confirm myself, I thought as I went b@¢k !n.

I saw h*r still at th£ patio with h*r friends and I went th*re,excus!ng us both before I ₱v|| h*r away.

“What’s th*s Cade?”$h£ asked as $h£ f!nally managed to ₱v|| h*r self free from my hold.

Not both*r!ng to Answer h*r, I ₱v$h£d up h*r sleeve and saw th£ birth mark.

“What’s it! My birth mark, it looks some how ugly right?”$h£ said and that got me starr!ng at h*r !n shock.

I found myself remember!ng stand!ng with a girl and I asked ab©vt h*r birth mark only to be told th£ same th!ng Emily said to me and if I can still remember what $h£ said, am sure ab©vt what will be th£ next th!ng com!ng from Emily.

“Its h*reditary and so I had to !nh*rit one too” I remembered th£ words !n my h£ad and I waited for Emily to f!nish what $h£ was say!ng

“Its h*reditary and so I had to !nh*rit one too”$h£ replied and I felt myself sagg!ng aga!nst a wall.

“What’s wrong? Are you okay?”$h£ kept on ask!ng as $h£ h£ld onto my arm star!ng at me

Th*s can’t be, Emily cant be……$h£ j√$t can’t be.

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