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Friday, October 18, 2024
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✩ A
( Fairies from Netherland… )


By Authoress Rhema ?







“Problem!!” A fairy ran to the garden with full speed and was panting heavily.

“I heard that the witch got away” she added afterwards.

People looked at themselves before standing up.

“You mean that black witch? How did that happen?” Roman was sitting somewhere, asked.

“Someone stole the spell book, I..

As that fairy was talking, another one rushed in and Interrupted that fairy. “Guys it was Eliza! She stole the book and released the witch!!” She was panting heavily as she announced.

“What?” That one caught Brielle’s attention and she stood up.

“Dramas are still going on in the dark room, come check it out” the fairy replied and ran back.

Brielle looked at Roman before running off, Roman and the other fairies followed behind to go see what really happened.


In the dark room, Brielle caught Charlie standing by the door and she ran in to stand beside her then Brielle’s eyes caught the broken mirror and Eliza’s body laying on the floor.

“Isn’t that Eliza?” She said with narrowed eyes.

“Brielle we found her here and the pieces of the book, I think the witch managed to deceive her but how did that happen? Eliza is a good girl” Charlie muttered with her eyes getting misty.

Brielle scoffed a bit.

“Good my foot, I bet she allowed herself to be used by the witch because she couldn’t hide how jealous she was anymore” she rolled her eyes afterwards.

Charlie sighed and bit her lips, soon the other fairies arrived. Seeing the broken mirror frightened them $h|t-less.

“Oh my gosh!! The witch is free? Are we in danger!?” One of them said and the rest couldn’t help but panicking hard.

Brielle, Charlie and Roman looked at themselves like they didn’t know what to do. Even the senior fairies were a bit scared.

Soon a senior elf flew in.

“Goddess Silver has called us to meet at the orange garden around 5pm for a meeting concerning this case, please don’t be frightened and return to your rooms” the elf announced.

Charlie led the fairies out while Eliza’s body was taking away by some senior fairies.

“Eliza’s death is mostly our fault. If we had protected that book very well like it’s our job then she wouldn’t have gotten used like this” Freya said sadly as she was watched them take Eliza’s body away.

Blazer sighed guilty and rubbed her shoulders.

“I should be more guilty, I just hope the other fairies are safe” he muttered.



It was really noisy in the senior classroom. You can see some guys talking at the back, some couples making out, some eating. People like Jade and Sophie were taking pictures together while Nora was blocking her ears, trying to read.

Soon the English teacher for the class walked in.

“Good morning class, how was your night?” Mr Samson asked with a smile as he adjusted his glasses.

The students acted like he wasn’t in, Jade and Sophie were still taking pictures and laughing.

“My night was fine, what about you sir?” Nora was that one who replied.

Mr Samson looked at Nora and forced a smile. She’s the only one who listens and answer all his questions in the class and it’s a good thing but he’s tired of her a little.

“Same, thank you” he cleared his throat and faced the board. “So who can tell me about our last topic and where we stopped in the textbook?” He then asked.

The students still acted like he wasn’t in, it was only Nora who was raising up her hand which made him sigh.

“Go ahead Nora, tell us about our last topic” he said dryly.

Nora smiled and sat straight.

“We were talking about one thousand spellings in the word that are spelt incorrectly and in our text book we stopped at page 234 and exercise 10” she replied with her chin up.

“Thank you Nora, so class we are gonna continue from where we stopped… You see in this modern world a lot..”

“I’m sorry to interrupt this class” a fat man who’s known as the principal, walked in. He stood in front of the class and all the students attention went to him.

“Good morning class I’m sorry for interrupting your class but some students all though not new will be joining us here” he announced.

The class began murmuring.

“Principal Gabson, there’s no more room, I don’t think we can take in anymore students” Sophie said with an eye roll.

Mr Gabson smirked.

“So you’re saying that, you can’t make in any room for DMGH?” He asked and students eyes brightened.

Noise started as the boys walked into the class. Seeing Declan again for the first time this week, Nora’s heart skipped a bit.

“Hey everyone” Declan waved, even his voice could draw a girl closer to him.

People especially girls began screaming out for them but Mr Gabson had to shut them up.

“You will do this later, let’s accommodate them for a little while, their classroom got burnt down” he said and nodded at the boys before leaving.

“Okay you boys find were to sit so we can keep the class flowing” Mr Samson then took over.

The boys nodded and began looking around. A lot of people were screaming their name and making space for them to come sit.

Luckily they were two empty sit at the back, Micah and Gael took it, Harrison sat with a girl that pushed him over to her side while Declan looked around, looking for where will be conducive.

“Declan here!” Sophie screamed as she pointed her sit but Declan’s eyes went to Nora sit.

When Nora saw him staring, her heart skipped beats. Is he going to come over? And he began walking towards her then stopped right in front of her.

“Hey, mind if I join you” his smile had cute dimples on. Nora kept blinking, she forgot how to reply or react for a while.

Jade looked at Nora from behind and silently rolled her eyes.

Nora finally nodded and Declan took the empty space beside her. This would be the second time he’s beside her, she was so excited and nervous.

If Nora had looked back, she’d have seen the amount of glares she was receiving at the moment. Declan didn’t pay any attention to her anymore as his attention was on the teacher but Nora couldn’t concentrate.

Her mind kept reminding her that Declan was sitting beside her. She didn’t dare turn to look at him or she might burn and melt on her chair.

Throughout the class, Nora couldn’t pay attention to the teacher and the students were also focused on DMGH.

“I hope they fix our class soon” Micah muttered, seeing the amount of eyes that were staring at him.

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