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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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??{ His Human Mate }??

Written ✍️: Cisca. H.

Chapter 28:


Writer ✓

” You shouldn’t have let him come. ” Micheal said.

” I didn’t. ” He told him, ” According to his letter, he was supposed to come next week. He just came unexpected and I can’t send him away. Trust me, I don’t trust this Reyhon of a guy. ”



Diana ✓

” What did you just said? ” I asked May as if I didn’t hear what she had said clearly.

” The White Wolf, they are coming. ” She repeated.

” Sorry for asking but, who are the White Wolfs? ” I asked again.

Don’t blame me, I’m only trying to understand this whole pack of a thing.

” Oops, I forgot you don’t know anything about wolves. ”

” Maybe I can know about them from you. ” I grinned.

” I’m not that good at explanations and… you’ll find it a lot difficult… ”

” Don’t worry, I’ll understand. ” I winked.

She licked her lips, ” Okay, ” she started. ” The White Wolfs are some kind of pack who thinks they are the greatest. Maybe that’s because they are. But on the other hand, they have the craziest alpha, I mean a real crazy one as I heard. ”

” Why would a crazy alpha wanna come here? ”

” I don’t know, ” she shrugged. ” I also heard in one of alpha Derek’s conversation that the White Wolfs wanna join forces with our pack, guess that’s why they are coming. ”

” A crazy alpha wants to join forces with our pack? ” She scoffs, ” Excuse me, that’s incredible as well as the craziest thing I’ve ever heard. ”



Writer ✓

Alpha Derek stood at the front of the entrance door of the castle with Diana and the others.

Reyhon smiled awkwardly as he stepped out of the car which had brought him.

There was a lady who stepped out with him, she has a brown shoulder level hair and she was putting on a red splitted long gown.

She looked beautiful, but she wasn’t putting on a smile on her face. She held her small red purse in her hand as she walked behind him.

They walked to the stair Derek stood. ” Hello, Derek it’s been a long time. ”

” Indeed, it has. What do I owe this visit? ” He asked.

” Well, I’m certain you read my letter and my visit was clearly stated. ” He smiled.

” Of course, I did. And if I am right, you clearly stated you were coming next week. And… today doesn’t look like next week to me. ”

He chuckled, ” Well, I would say I needed the request urgently, so that’s my reason for being here. Have I answered your question? ”

Derek smirked evilly. ” Shall we? ” He ushered.

” Of course. ” His gaze met with Diana who looked away almost immediately.

She went close to Bella, ” I don’t like him, ” she whispered.

” No one does. ” Bella whispered.

Derek and Reyhon went to his office while Diana, Bella and the lady went to the drawing room.

It’s actually Diana’s first time of being in the drawing room, so many things about the castle seems to baffle her day by day.

The girl hesitated to sit down but after Bella had ushered her to sit, she sat down.

” Hi, ” Diana started with a smile.

” Hi, ” she returned the smile.

” My name is Diana Craig, I’m Derek’s mate and she’s my sister, Bella. What about you? ”

” My name is Pamela, I’m Reyhon’s mate. ”

” Wow, it’s nice to meet you, Mela. ”

” Delighted to meet you too, Diana. ”

” I wanna ask you a question, and… it might be kinda annoying but would you mind if I ask?… ” She nodded, ” Are you a wolf? ”

” No, I’m a human just like you are. ” She replied. ” It’s complicated, you know. ”

” It’s never complicated when it involves a fellow human, trust me, I understand how it feels. ”

Bella who has been standing by the window, turned to look at the two girls who seems to be getting along with each other.

” No one does and… I don’t think I wanna talk about it now. ” She said, looking away from Diana’s gaze.

” It’s okay, no one’s gonna force you to. ” She was beginning to like the girl but, she doesn’t know why she was acting that way.

She doesn’t doesn’t want to think too far but,,, she kinda thinks there’s something bothering her. But, why is she being so secretive?

She won’t ask but,,, she honestly wanna listen to wh@ťěver the problem was.

But asking wasn’t the right option,,, it really isn’t. So, she’s just gonna forfeit asking.

” Look, Mela, ” Bella said, leaving the window to where they sat. ” I understand why you’re hiding the whole thing to yourself, and we aren’t trying to be so inquisitive to your business but, if there’s anyone you can talk to, it’s us. ”

She looked at Diana who nodded a smile at her. ” It’s okay, no one is gonna know about this except us. ” She assured to.

She hesitated, but she had to. ” You guys shouldn’t have accepted Reyhon’s request, you all made a big mistake. ” She said.

Bella looked at Diana, ” we don’t understand, what is that suppose to mean? ” Bella asked.

” Look, Reyhon isn’t a saint, he’s a monster… and a segz freak too. I don’t believe he just wanna join forces with you guys, I think there’s more to it. ”

” Can you… be a little bit specific? ”

” Reyhon is doing this for his own gain and as soon as he gets what he wants, he’s gonna turn his back on you all. I wanted to send a letter to you guys but.. ”

” Why didn’t you do it? ” Diana asked.

” Because I don’t wanna cause trouble, Diana, ” she sighed. ” I needed help, I thought that if I write the letter, alpha Derek will be of help. ” She looked down, ” Reyhon harasses my best friend every night, he does that to almost every girls in the pack but specifically her. Let’s just hope he doesn’t do that to anyone here, ” she looked at Diana, ” let’s just hope he doesn’t do that to you. ”

” And why would you say that? ” She asked.

” Didn’t you see the way he looked at you? What do you think that look was for? Believe me, that guy is a Ďïčk. ” She sighed angrily.

” Hey, hey, ” Diana went to sit close to her, ” no one is gonna hurt me, especially not him. Look, you don’t have to worry about anyone getting hurt here, we’re safe here. ”

” I’m not scared of anything else, I’m just so scared to believe my instincts. ”

” What does your instincts tells you? ” Diana inquired.

” Someone’s gonna get hurt, maybe not today. ”


To Be Continued…

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