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Friday, October 18, 2024
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AGREEMENT – Episode 19

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❣️ Agreement.?‍❤️‍?

?? our marriage??
??is just a??
? piece of paper?

Indian romantic ?
?My Special Day?


I received a call from Piya the day before for inviting me to celebrate. How I wish to go but I know I could end up hurting her more.

That night she was awake again just to be wished by me but I being a jerk I messed up again. I don’t know how I always manage to do that.

But I was aware that we weren’t going anywhere in this relationship and would only hurt each other. I doing it more often. So better not to get affected.

I had to sleep alone the entire night and God knows how difficult it was for me. I slept pretty late, maybe in the early morning. I didn’t even use the entire bed afraid to mess up her clean side.

When I woke up I was wrapped in my duvet and I was aware it was Ahana.

At the dining table Sara told me that everyone had left already. I just wanted to have a look at her once.

I was in no mood to spoil her day. But still I had an uneasy feeling in my stomach.

Finally at around 12 pm, I called Jen.
” Is Ahana in the office?”

” No… Sir. We both left together. I think someone came to pick her up.” I hope Jaai wasn’t that someone. I hung up quickly.

” Hello…. Mike… I have a work for you. It’s confidential and personal.”
” Yeah… Sir. Anything for you. ”

” I ll Whatsapp you a number and a photo. Keep an eye and update me.

I want her to be save and sound. I hope you get it.” I said firmly.
” Yes… Sir. And can I know who is she?”

” My Wife….. I want the updates quickly. ” I said and hung up.
Mike quickly Whatsapped me her location which her pics.

I was updated in each hour. She went to the theatre, orphanage and club. I was really upset now. But she looked happy anyways.

Jaai was always with her. She smiled with those cute dimples could make anyone’s day.

It was around 11:20 and still no sign of her. She is very responsible and is well aware of what she does provided she isn’t drunk.

That though of her made me more worried.

I shouldn’t be but I was. I wanted her to be back now. Just then a car pulled in front of our gate.

I was standing in the balcony like the other day.

I guessed who it was. I don’t like it when that person comes anywhere near her vicinity but can’t help it.

She hugged him tightly. I saw her coming to the house. She was looking gorgeous. Her dress was really too revealing.

She looked more beautiful in reality.

I quickly took my place to pretend that I was working but the truth was that I couldn’t work at all. T

he entire day, all I did was sulking. My mind always drifted to her when I saw those pictures.

Wanting to be by her side always. But it was my fault as I refused to go. I don’t have any reason for not going,although.

When she entered our room I was really angry that she spent her day with Jaai and couldn’t help but taunt her and her reaction was legit.

” I don’t need any of your gifts. Take them back and try to flatter someone else.”

She threw the bag towards me. How hard I had worked to find the best of everything and this is what I get in return.

I got up with my cell and showed her the pictures.

” Then what the hell are these? Look at you. You have roamed the entire city wearing this.”

She looked flabbergasted. She gasped and I could see she was really pissed off.

That look said it.
” Ansh…. My God…. You were spying on me. How could you?” She shouted.

” I wasn’t spying. I was just being protective. ” Is what I could manage to defend myself.

” You…” She said putting her finger on my chest.

” Don’t need to be protective about me. I can very well protect myself. You can’t, You Won’t and You Shouldn’t…. Do This. ” She said tucking her hair behind her ears.

” Really… In this condition. And I definitely Can, and I Will.. Do It. ” I said.

” Wh@ťěver… Yeay!! … Anyways I have my friends with me. I don’t need your assistance. You better be busy with your work and fake meetings.”

” Ahana…. Come on now. At least accept this. ” I said pointing towards the bag on the bed.

” I don’t need any of your formalities. I am pretty sure you are doing all this, because Dad asked you.

And when a person doesn’t even wish you on the b’day then what’s the use of emotionless gifts.

Better save it for someone else. I don’t want anything from. Huh! You can’t even give it to me directly.

” She said and was about to leave when I grabbed her from her waist and pushed toward the wall.

” Ansh… What the hell… Let me go… ”
” What do you want from me? ” She squirmed more. She asked while I held her more firmly. Her scent was doing wonders to me. I was trying hard not to capture her.

Her rosy lips were deceiving.
” Leave me now…..” She said struggling.
” Where are you going?” I said as I loosen the grip.

” That’s none of your buisness. ”
Now I could see tears brimming in her eyes. So I made her cry finally.

No matter how hard I try not to hurt her I end up doing the opposite. I have to stay away from her.

I loosen my hold and all of sudden she went to her wardrobe and pulled her clothes and went away.

I suppose she went to the guest room. I wish we didn’t have a guest room, or else she would have stayed.

I wanted to wish her but then I ruined it. I felt guilty making her sad.

The way she ran away broke me up. I know one day she ll run away from my life as well.

I couldn’t sleep the entire night. It’s 4 in the morning and I decided that finally I should check on Ahana.

I quietly crept in the guest room. I saw her sleeping form on the corner of the bed. She didn’t need bother to change.

I neared her. I could see the faint marks on her cheeks. I was the whole and soul reason behind it. Her blanket was not on her properly, exposing her skin.

I covered her properly. I felt for the office. I didn’t want to face Ahana.

Also Dad and Grandad included.

I reached office too early and obviously there was no one. It really felt bad and lonely to be alone everyday and every time.

I have everything but still nothing. It’s Ironical.
I engrossed myself in the work. Aleast being alone is beneficial for the company at least.

We are the #1 now in the country. Of course more than half of the credits goes to Ahana also. She too worked day and night to make us this capable.

Whenever I try to sleep or close my eyes. Her face comes alive. How she laughs with those kids and of course Jaai.

And how sad she is with me. I have only given her sadness while she has always tried to feel my life with happiness.

I was looking at the pics I had of hers. She looked so cute even while sleeping. Ya.. I stole one of her sleeping form.

Sir….” I was interrupted by Jen. She was my and Ahana’s common secretary now after the merger.

” The meeting is scheduled at 10.” She said. It was already 9 now. Everyone would have come. I didn’t realise I had spent almost 2 hours doing nothing.

” Jen…. Is Ahana in her cabin?” I asked finally.
” No… Sir. It’s only your meeting. Mam hasn’t arrived yet. She texted she ll late.” I nodded.

Of course she ll be late now. After all what I have done yesterday night will make her upset.

The meeting went smoothly but my mood wasn’t that smooth.
I wanted to see Ahana but didn’t have courage.

I didn’t go home that day. I slept in the office itself.

The following two weeks weren’t that good. We met but didn’t say a thing.

Avoiding gazes but stealing glances is all that we could manage. It was also making me frustrated. But still she would be awake when I went home late.

And surprisingly, I never left home without her coffee. It would always be ready for me in my car.

I don’t know how well she manages it, and I have got addicted to it.

” Hey…. Piya…” I was sitting in my cabin when Piya called me.
” Ansh… I thought you have forgotten we exist. It’s almost been a month since I have seen you.” She said.

” Yaa… I have been quite a busy lately.” I wasn’t that busy but I didn’t feel like socialising.

” Hmmm… Ahana said the same thing. Anyways I have called to invite you to my baby shower. And dare you gave me excuse I ll ki|| you for sure. You have to make it. ”

Oh!! Wow. That’s awesome. Say my congrats to Mir. Of course I ain’t missing my champ’s special day. ” I said.

I was really happy for both of them. Mir and Piya had always been my best friends from college. They deserved all this happiness. I wonder when will I experience all.

” Okay… Then, see you on Sunday. It’s from 9 am onwards. Don’t be late. And yes I have asked Ahana to come a day prior to help me out. Hope you don’t mind.” The funny part was that I wasn’t aware. We rarely spoke.

” Of course not. Bye Take care.” I hung up. I ll have to buy a good present for them. I wonder what Ahana is planning.

I thought to make a move. It was already Thursday today so I had two days to think of something good. I went to her cabin and heard her faint laughs. Yeah!! I was eavesdropping again.

” Yaa… J that’s Awesome. I think Piya and Mir will love that. I am going a day before so you ll have to manage it all by yourself. Hope you ll do it.

Don’t upset me.” I heard saying. I was feeling rage inside. So she had already planned. Why was I getting affected.

It’s her life and we decided not to interfere in each other’s life. Actually I decided that. I made her sign, then why……. I was about to return when I heard her more.

Oh!! Ansh…. He is so busy now a days. I don’t think he ll be able to make it. He surely must have agreed to show up but I don’t think he will.

So you don’t worry and I want everything to be picture perfect. Bye… See ya..”

I left. I didn’t want to hear more. She had given up on me. There nothing left now. She didn’t ask me once and already had planned what to do with that Jaai.

I ll prove her wrong. I ll surely attend the baby shower. I want to see what their expression is and the hell is that surprise.

I swear I ll not be able to get a good sleep now. Although I didn’t have one since long.

I called my designer, Fray, actually she is Ahana’s, to bring the best suit for Sunday. It was a grey one.

Basically I don’t have a great choice but I also manage to get some attention. Later that evening I went to buy presents.

I had to go all by myself. Firstly I didn’t understand what to buy but then the salesperson helped. I bought clothes and lots of toys. Once I was satisfied I asked them to deliver it to my office.

I didn’t want Ahana to know about it. It has to be a secret.

Sunday arrived sooner than
expected. Piya had invited everyone. Raichands as well as the Sehgals.

The ceremony was at their home itself. I could say their bungalow. Dad and grandad were coming by themselves. Ahana left the day before.

I didn’t see her at all. My designer sent my attire at my office itself. My office had become my first home now.

I took the gifts and left. It was already 10. Actually I wanted to surprise those who weren’t expecting me. When I reached there their house was beautifully decorated.

The guests had already arrived. I quickly rushed in. Two people followed me with the gifts.
Mir was standing in the doorway.

When they saw me he came and gave me a tight hug. I missed him too.

” Buddy… I thought you won’t come. But I am really happy you made it.” I nodded. He took me inside and I saw Piya. She was glowing. I hugged her.

” Piya… You look beautiful. And cute….” I said. Her traditional dress was suiting her. Mir was also wearing a kurta.

” My baby really cares for me.” She said laughing and putting her hand on her grown belly.

I signalled the helpers to put the gifts on the table.

” Ansh… This wasn’t necessary. Why did you bring so much.” Mir said.
” It’s for my champ. I don’t want the baby to think that his uncle is not loving. ” I replied.

I looked around. I saw Dad, grandad, Ahana’s dad and grandpa chatting. Ma was also speaking to Piya’s parents. Mir’s parents were there.

But amongst everyone I didn’t see Ahana. She was suppose to reach first.

Hey… Searching for someone?” Mir asked.
” Nope…..” I replied but before I could finish myself Piya jumped in.

” Of course…. He is looking for his wife. Ahana…. Isn’t it. Actually I am sorry I took her from you for some day but I swear if she and Jaai weren’t there I wouldn’t have made it…. ” She and Jaai. So he was also present.

“…… Ahana has been a saviour. She has done all the arrangements. She went to brings the sweets. Must be back in a minute. ”

I looked around. Everyone was traditionally decked up and I was the odd one. Just then I saw her.

She had so many packets in her hand that I couldn’t see her clearly. I went near to help her before she falls but Jaai came to her rescue. I saw him holding Ahana from her waist. He grabbed all that.

She was smiling. Jaai was no where to be seen till now, and suddenly comes in like a hero.

I h@ťě him more. He too was wearing a kurta.

For Ahana beautiful would be an understatement. She looked stunning. Her hair was down, normally its tied up.

She was wearing a traditional attire. That wasn’t covering her at all.

Revealing her perfect curves. I h@ťěd it more when her colour was matching with that of Jaai’s. They both looked like a couple.

She was in a yellow blouse and a long yellow leghenga or you can say a long skirt with flares and a brocket laces and a pink colour dupatta. A minimal jewels and she looked the most beautiful person.

” Ansh…. Isn’t your wife gorgeous? You are lost already. Stop gaping. She’s yours already. ” I heard Mir. Piya was laughing now.
I wish……

” I swear Ansh… Ahana’s a Sweetheart. She took charge and has put up such a wonderful function for us.

She’s made everything so special. You are lucky. ” Piya complemented.

” Hey… Ahana. Look who showed up.” Piya called her. When she saw me our eyes met.

I thought she wouldn’t like it but eyes said otherwise. She came near us smiling. Followed by Jaai.

” Hi… Ansh. We thought you won’t come. You are always so busy.” Jaai said and I wanted to punch him.
” Actually.. It’s high time I prove someone wrong.”

I replied. I think Ahana understood what I meant.

” See… He has brought so many gifts.” Piya showed them and felt they both ll be surprised coz I beat them already but Ahana was so happy.

” That’s so sweet of you Ansh. I am sure the baby ll love it. Isn’t it J?” She said smiling.
” Absolutely….”

” Piya…. But there are still many more to come… Just wait and watch…” Ahana said. I wonder what is she talking about.

Then the ceremony began. All the traditional customs were followed under the guidance of the elders.

Everyone was dancing and secretly I clicked some pics of Ahana.

” Ohhhkkk!! It’s time to cut cake come on…..” Ahana called everyone and brought Piya and Mir in the centre.

It was 3 tier cake and had all the cute baby things decorated on it. Ahana was looking more excited than everyone else.

After that, when everything was done all the guests had left and only family members were felt she signaled Jaai to bring something.

I saw him coming with something wrapped in paper. She asked Piya and Mir to open it.

I was astonished. It was a photo frame of all the three of us when we were in college. Just like the old times.

” It’s from me and Ansh…..” She took my name too. And I wasn’t even aware.

” I just want your friendship to stay like this forever. True friends are blessing in disguise. ”

And then some people followed bringing baby cradle and nursery items.

” It’s from the Raichand’s.” She said. While she was thinking about the entire family, I being a jackass though only about myself.

Ma too brought some more presents along with Jaai.
” It’s from Sehgal’s…” She said.

And this is from my side to the little one… ” Jaai said. They were not something huge. So Jaai was only helping Ahana to do this which I wasn’t even aware.

” Ahana…. But Ansh already brought so many goodies…” Piya said.
” Piya… I really wasn’t aware of all this. Consider it as something bonus. But I am really happy he did this…..” Ahana said, the smile persistent.

I was really feeling proud of myself. She was so caring. Just then the photographer came to click the pics and asked everyone to assemble.

I saw Jaai and Ahana standing near to each other. I quickly went to her side. She gave me such a huge smile. God!! I missed it.

I quickly snaked my hand on her soft and bare waist and she quickly reacted to me mouthing what…. But instead I winked her
” Say Cheesee….” Is what I said…..




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