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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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AGREEMENT – Episode 8

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❣️ Agreement.?‍❤️‍?

?? our marriage??
??is just a??
? piece of paper?

Indian romantic ?
?My Special Day?



When I got off the lift, the sight which I saw left me distraught. Ansh was with a girl and she was sticking him like a glue stick.

I knew already that many girls would be head over heels for my handsome husband. He was charming indeed but that charm didn’t work for me anyways….

But anyways I shouldn’t feel anything. Wh@ťěver he wants he can do. He is a Free Bird.
I must remember that we have signed an Agreement. But still this wasn’t expected from him.

I saw them leave the office in Ansh’s car and then I engrossed myself in my pending work. The presentation had to be absolutely perfect. I don’t like to face humiliations in front of the dealers.

” Ma’am…Ansh sir has forgotten to do these. ” Jen came with a bunch of files.

Wow!! More work…

” I ll do them… Leave them here. ” I had to do his work too along with mine.

I busied myself in my work to prevent me from thinking about them. Jaai was busy and Ma had gone for some yatra (related to God) so I was all alone like always.

She always engaged herself in the Godly activities. She said it felt divine to be a part of it. Sometimes even I join her. It gives a lot of peace and calmness.

I reached home late. Ansh still wasn’t back. I wouldn’t sleep. I always felt a bit of restlessness in his absence. I just want to see him home once before sleeping.

Luckly Jaai called me. I was getting bored anyways. Unfortunately, Ansh had to come at that time. But I was relieved seeing him home and drifted to sleep quickly. The entire day’s work had left me exhausted.

I woke up with a strong manly after shower cologne in my nostrils. Although That was pleasing. When I opened my eyes rubbing them I found myself tangled in Ansh’s arms.

He was sleeping peacefully with my head against his chest. The entire night we were like this and I didn’t even realised.

No doubt I slept peacefully but how come I was unaware that he was this close to me. I tried to move but he held me more close to him.

? : Let’s Party…?
Start from the beginning
I had to get up before he wakes up like this. Or else he ll blame me again like he did it earlier.

And then he’ll forget like nothing has happened. His serene face was so cute. His perfect eyelashes making his eyes look even more beautiful.

I know I am being a quite descriptive nowadays but I always tell the truth.

I couldn’t resist my self and ended up kissing him on his forehead. My lips lingering there for a few seconds. I don’t think he must have realised. How wonderful it would be if he was so calm when is awake…

Somehow I escaped from his grip and quickly got ready for the office. Ansh was still fast asleep when I returned from the shower.

I was upset that yesterday he went out with some random girl and didn’t care to answer me but then it’s his life and he isn’t answerable to me.

‘ You Live and You Learn to Let Go ‘

The earliest you learn this the better you ll make out of your life.

I came to the conference room and set up the necessity things required for the meeting. I turned and was to trip off due to the chair behind me when strong arms surrounded me. Saving me from tasting the ground. Then I saw the similar brown eyes staring me.

” Thank You …. ” is what I managed.

He helped me up and whispered in my ears.

” Welcome always. And Thank you for the morning kiss. I wish to have more of them. ”

My opened wide. What? He was aware.

” Ma’am…Sir… The directors are here. Should I bring them in?” Jen entered. Quickly we came to our original positions. I nodded.

The meeting went on exceptionally good. Our merger had brought profits to all our investors and the charity funding which was under my supervision had become much better now. Everyone was in their best mood.

At the end of the meeting, a business party was planned which involved a get together of all the investors and top level clients in order to strengthen the ties within the company.

It had to be a more of casual party involving drinks, dance and food. Close buisness friends and relatives were also to be included.

I was excited coz it would freshen up my stressed out mind and I would have some peace. Ansh was a moody person and he had a lot of mood swings.

Sometimes he showed affection and sometimes the opposite. Later the entire day he just ignored me. I did the same. I appointed the organisers for the arrangements.

Since it was on a short notice the gala need not be that extravagant. It was on the coming Saturday ie just after 5 days.

I hope that the party doesn’t bring me more surprises. I already have had a lot of them.


My designer had designed a magnificent white gown with red laces. It looked astonishingly beautiful. It wasn’t that heavy but it was decent. The flares made it look more flamboyant.

The radiating red laces on the borders added cherry to the cake. It wasn’t backless but had a bit low neck line. It was a strapless knee length gown. The perfect red sandles did the job.

I wore a white Pearl necklace, a bracelet and a lip gloss. I don’t like dark colours. I was all ready in half an hour. My hair was left loose to touch my bare shoulder.

But my mood was not at its high peak. In deep inside my heart I felt like something bad is gonna happen.

And my intuition never fails. But today I wished it fails.

I got all decked up. I was upset that Ma was not able to accompany me. I didn’t see Ansh anywhere. wonder where the hell he is. I thought we must be going together.

I tried calling him but no answer from his end. There is a height of irresponsibility. And Ansh ensures that he exceeds that every time.

Dad and grandpa would also be present there. We had to at least pretend in front of them.

After waiting for half an hour I finally decided to get going. When I reached the venue I saw Ansh’s car in front of me.

I got down and simultaneously Ansh got down helping a girl with him. I stood still there staring them.

Ansh was in his best like always. He smell of his cologne reached me. Davidoff Coolwater…..

He was a casual tonight. Wearing a black t-shirt and a blazer on it. It may be called semi formals. He wearing blue jeans and black shoes. Looking as charming as always.

The girl was Jia. Ansh and Jia both, hand in hand were entering the hotel. I saw Jia wearing the most revealing of all the clothes.

I wonder how is she so comfortable. I am sure she is after Ansh’s money. She knows he is married.

God…. Am I angry now??
No…. I don’t have any reason to be….

How could he do this in a buisness meeting? Then he saw me staring him. He came near me after whispering something in Jia’s ears and she smiled and entered alone.

” Hi… Wify… You are late. I could see that why. Hmmm…. Common on let’s go in. ” He said. Looking at me from my forehead to the tip of my toes.

” How irresponsible of you Ansh. I was waiting for you. You didn’t answer my calls. When I come here this is what I see. What if Dad sees you like this?”

” Chill… Ahana…. They will be busy with their partners. You enjoy and let me enjoy. It’s a party. I hope you know what a party is. Anyways remember the agreement. ”

” I know what a party is….. I don’t forget things… Get off now. I don’t even want to pretend anything . ” I said angrily.

Saying so I started walking. But quickly from behind Ansh grabbed my hand and kissed me on my cheeks. There were many people around us who saw and smiled. He grabbed my hand and entangled it in his.

I tried to push him away but held me more tighter and whispered,
” Stay… ”

” Someone seems jealous and hurt
.. Huhh…. ” He said winking.

I punched him in his stomach lightly and he glared at me.

” I haven’t given anyone in this world the right to hurt me or make me jealous.. Okay… ” I said.

He just stared me. His orbs matching mine. He was a bit taller than me so he had to bend his head a bit to look me.

” And to kiss you… ” He asked in my ears.

I just want to h@ťě him more now. He can’t go around kissing me whenever and wherever he wants. I am very upset and fed up now. All this was so fake and I couldn’t even stop it. How much I tired he always beat me in this.

” Someone else is waiting for you Ansh… You better go. ” I said when I saw Jia throwing daggers at us when we entered the banquet hall.
I didn’t feel cheated because from our first night together I didn’t expect anything from him.

As soon as we entered the banquet everyone greeted us. It was beautifully decorated just as I had ordered it to be.

A while later Ansh left my side and was again with Jia. I should be happy that now I am all alone but I couldn’t be happy. I wish Jaai was here. It was the first time I felt so lonely.

I don’t know why but I felt a bit jealous seeing Ansh and Jia dancing and laughing not that because Ansh was my husband but because first time in my life I felt that I needed someone to love me more than I did to myself.

Life is very Long to Be Lived Alone, By Yourself…… Without someone special…

It seems Exciting when we have someone to Love and Take care of…

They both took me outside in the garden. The fresh air was doing good to me.

” You can share wh@ťěver you want if you feel like. I know that Ansh had something going on his mind when he married you but then he was very happy with the events going on. ”

Of course I wouldn’t tell them about the Agreement. They were Ansh’s best friend and I couldn’t let them judge him.

I hugged Piya tightly. She returned it warmly.

” Thank you. I needed this the most. I was missing my Ma. I haven’t seen her since days. That’s why. And yes things between me and Ansh are not good but they are not worst. We ll sort things quickly.

He wanted some freedom and that’s what I gave him. He ll understand us soon. ” I said. I hope he does before it’s too late.

” But Ahana… How could you do that. I know you are in a arranged marriage but that doesn’t give him all these rights. He is still dumb. I swear if Mir did anything like this I would ki|| him. ”

” I would never do that love… ” Mir said hugging Piya. I smiled seeing them happy.

” Of course you wouldn’t that Mir. You both love each other. Now stop wasting your time and go enjoy. I am fine. I ll be back in a minute. ” I said pushing them back.

” Are you sure Ahana? If you need anything tell us. ” Mir said.

” Ya… Sure Thank you. ”
I said.

They both left hand in hand and smiling. They were very sweet. Ansh is very lucky to have them. But I am sure he doesn’t realise that.

I h@ťě myself for being so emotional. My eyes were so used to my tears now that I couldn’t control myself. But I have decided to overcome them and enjoy myself tonight.

I walked towards the bar with energy. I ll show that idiot that I am not alone anymore. Although I didn’t drink. I decided to do that tonight. Something new to try out…

” What will you have mam? ” The bartender asked.

I didn’t know what to order but thanks to the movies that I watched I knew what to order. Sometimes movies surely help in lot of things.

” Tequila.. Please… ” I said.
He served me and with a gulp I drank all of it.

Eeww.. Yuck!!… It tasted a bit bitter. I didn’t knew it would be so bad. I wonder how people drink it with so ease in movies. I saw some people drinking it like they are drinking water.

But a while later it felt like heaven. When the bitter drink passed through my food pipe, it felt like a burning sensation. But then.. It was more than just good. It was a paradise.

” I think… It’s your first time mam…. Isn’t it? ”

” Ya…. But it’s d@mn good. What else do you serve?”
Hope I am not sounding like a amateur person. ?
Didn’t matter although….

The bartender served me with various new kinds of drinks and I had so much fun. I was actually laughing now alone. The alcohol was doing its job well and I was feeling good for the first time in the entire 2 months.

I drank some shots with lemon and had a Rare Rum (That’s what the Bartender said). He also made me taste some weird kind of mixes of several carbonated drinks and lots more.

No doubt why people resort to drinking when they feel lonely. It takes away all the pain and now that’s what is happening to me.

I feeling so relaxed as if a huge burden has been lifted from my shoulders. I feel happy and relaxed internally. My heart feels good.


I didn’t go back home that day. I didn’t want to face Ahana after all that I was doing with her. I already had called Jia asking her to join me to the party.

I saw Ahana calling me multiple times but I ignored her. I didn’t know what to say when I pick up the call. What reason should I give for my behaviour?

When I got down from the car the first thing saw I saw was Ahana, standing with elegance in her beautiful white gown. She looked breath taking.

I tired a lot avoiding myself but the way she was glaring at me made her look more beautiful. She looked like a fairy in white.

I will want to ki|| each and every guy who’ll lay eyes on her. I’m sure she is going to attract a lot of admirers.

Finally I went towards her and she was throwing daggers at me. I thought she’ll ki|| me then and there.

She looked a Perfect Partner that any man needs tonight. I am unlucky tonight. Her white gown with crimson borders was making her glow more.

Her hazel brown eyes penetrating mine seeking answers for my actions. The way she handled the hair fallen on her face would make you look at her for eternity.

Of course, I didn’t have any right on her so all I could do is to describe those beautiful moments.

How I wish to dance with her tonight but I didn’t had the right to. So I was stuck with Jia. Again, that’s my fault of bringing her.

” Ansh… Where the hell are you lost? Focus on your steps. ” I heard Jia say as she pulled me towards her. Now I just h@ťě her touch too.

I nodded her. But my eyes were constantly searching for Ahana. Where did she go?

A while earlier I saw her with Mir and Piya. All of them went out in the garden some time ago. I saw Piya holding Ahana.

I don’t know what happened but curiosity was building in. They took her in the garden I suppose, my eyes wandered till there only.

I saw Mir and Piya back in the ball dancing and making merry, but my eyes were still continuously searching for her. I wonder if she returned home.

I doubt she did.
She never leaves her work half done. All of sudden my eyes fell on a white gown shining in the darkest corner of the banquet.

She was sitting at the bar and was laughing uncontrollably. The bartender was serving her drinks. Anger filled in me. I knew that Ahana didn’t drink then why the hell was she even sitting there.

The tender looked a jerk. Pervert. Wait till hold his neck, taking advantage of my gullible wife.
How could Ahana do this? Anger was fuming in me now.

” Ansh… Where are you going? Come back. ” I heard Jia shouting.
” Go home and don’t call me. I’ll call you later. ” I said without even looking at her.

My eyes were all focused on that one person who looked like an angel and on whom some devil eyes were sticking like glue. I would readily ki|| each and everyone with my bare hands. How dare they even look at my Wife…..

What!!! Did I say….. Wife…..
Did she really meant that to me?
I didn’t had that answer yet but at this moment I want her to be with me and that too safe.

” Ahana…. What are the hell…… What are you doing ? ” I said.
” Ohhhhhh!! So someone is finally frreeee now.

Can’t you see I am enjoyinggggggg. Didn’t you asked me to. He is Jack and he is a superbbbb bartender. I enjoyed fullyyyy. Thankkkkk uuuuuu Anshhhhhh” She said hiccuping.

And emphasising the words. I know it was the drinks that were bringing this crazy side of hers out. But Frankly I liked it. She is always so Conservative. I could see a new Ahana.

” Ahana…. You are so drunk….”
” Sir, this lady is very sweet. Why bother yourself. I ll handle her. ” He said. As soon as his words left his mouth I punched him hard in his face, making blood ooze out his broken lips.

My single punch was more than enough to bring his teeth out.
” Dare!! You speak anything again. Remember whom you are dealing with. Ansh Raichand and she is my wife. ”

” Ansh…. ” Ahana called.
” Ahana… Keep quiet. You are not in your senses. I am glad atleast you recognised me. And you… She’s my wife. Get out now. And dare you show your ugly face again or I ll blow it off. ” I said to him.

A commotion was created and Mir and Piya came there.

” Ansh!! Oh! God…What happened to Ahana? This evening she seemed a bit dull. Need any help. ” Mir said.
” No Thanks. ”

I said without looking at him. I carried Ahana with me towards the car. I didn’t gave a d@mn to what others would think. I just needed her to be safe and sound.

I wonder what that tender must be serving her. I knew that it was because of me that she was forced to drink.

I asked my driver to bring Ahana’s car home as she always drove by herself and I preferred a chauffeur because I drank and she didn’t but today the situation got reversed.

Ahana looked so innocent while sitting beside me. Her eyes showed so much purity.

Am I responsible for all this that is happening with us now?
” Ahana… Are you out of your senses? How can you drink? Look at yourself. ” I said angrily.

” Answer me dammit… Look at me. Stop avoiding me. ” I shouted. How can she ignore me. She was avoiding my glaze.

Ansh… Am I the one who is avoiding you? And anyways Why do you care?
If you really did then you wouldn’t have kept me waiting and not answering my calls.

And now you want an explanation. Why should I give you one. Why did you do that? And you are not suppose to tell me what I should do. It’s my life and I can doooo wh@ťěver I wannnttt… ”

She said exaggerating the last words.

She asked not looking at me. Ya… I know it was all my fault but I wanted to stay away from her.

” Even after this condition of yours you could have managed ? He might have tried to hurt you. I have to protect you.” I answered calmly.
” No… Ansh… I am not talking about it. Tell me Why did you bring Jia with you? I was waiting for you.

And I don’t need your protection. ” She never confessed things but I knew that the alcohol was making her vulnerable. Even in that state she can argue so well.

I didn’t answer her because honestly I didn’t have one. I tried to keep quiet but she was mumbling something. Finally we reached home.

Thankfully Dad and grandad weren’t back and they didn’t know what happened. I took her to our room, carrying her in the bridal style.

She had her arms around my neck her sweet perfume making way in my nose. Her head perfectly resting in the crook of my neck.

” Ansh… You didn’t answer me. Are you not happy with me? Please I am now fed up of pretending things. ” She said.

I put her in the bed and removed her sandles.
” Why Ansh… You are such a dipole. Once you act so good and at the next moment you are so cold. I know you don’t like me but I am trying…. Am I not? ”

She was nearly on the verge of breaking down. I have never seen her share things. Maybe she did share it with Jaai but I don’t think so. She is a person who might like to keep things in her heart but now she was opening up.

Maybe she may regret later so I need to stop her.

” Ahana… Please sleep now. ” But still she kept on saying something. I made her drink some water.
” Ansh… I am uncomfortable. Please help me change. ” She was in her gown and her body carried it perfectly.

I bought her night wear and handed it to her.
” Go to the bathroom Ahana and come back quickly. Don’t slip and hurt yourself. ” I helped her towards it. Thankfully she didn’t ask for something more.

Ansh… Please help me with the zip. I can’t reach there. I think it’s stuck ” She called from inside .

Oh! I wish I wasn’t there but I couldn’t resist. I could have called Sara but I didn’t. I wanted all of her myself and I don’t want anyone to see her like this. I dimmed the lights a bit so that she could feel comfortable.

I unzipped her dress, her body feeling warm against my fingers. She went in the bathroom and changed. I wish I could touch her more. But glad it stopped. She wasn’t sober and I felt like I was taking her advantage.

She came back, looking all fresh with her flowery fragrance. When she was changing inside even I changed my clothes. I got into a comfortable sweat pants and a t-shirt.

But the effect of alcohol was still there when she returned. I held her and put her in the bed.

” Ansh! Do you really h@ťě me? Am I that bad that you can’t even stay with me? ” She asked all of sudden when I was about to leave.

I knew I was wrong but I can’t say I h@ťě her. Of course I don’t. I can’t.

I grabbed her in my arms not answering her questions coz I really didn’t wanted to.

She too for the first time hugged me with all her might.
I think she didn’t like seeing me with someone else. But she will never confess that she was jealous.

God!! I made Ahana Raichand feel jealous…. It really seems like an achievement.

But I know she will never agree to this. Even I didn’t do seeing her with Jaai.

I know the same logic, I am independent and I don’t need you, is what she would say.

But is it really that difficult to give in.
” Ahana…. ” I said her. She was still clutching me tightly. I could now feel her shallow breath near my neck.

Her eyes were shut and she was sleeping on my chest. She must be exhausted after such an hectic day. Working and then this business party.

I laid her on the bed and was about to leave her there when she clasped my hand unconsciously.

Her grip was firm and her hands were soft. Quickly I crept beside her in the bed coz even reluctantly I had the best sleep, sleeping beside her, in her warm embrace.

No nightmares and no bad dreams. Only peaceful sleep with sweet smell.

As I slept beside her and she cuddled and wrapped my arms around her. I should know it’s unconsciously.

She will never do anything like this in her somber state. I should keep that in my mind.

Her brownish black silky hair falling on her face. Oh! God what am I thinking. I have to get over it.
Just then something beeped. My cell was on silent mode.

It can’t be mine. Then I realised it was Ahana’s cell phone which was on the table. With my free hand I checked whose the hell was texting my wife at such an hour.

I saw the message and there was anger building up. The ID was
‘J Hero’ …

‘ Hey! Hana Queen… Where have you been? I am Missing you already.

Hope your party was awesome. I know you looked stunning coz white suits you. Take care sweetie.

Call me back.. Everything is fine here. Hoping it to be same there.

Ansh… Please help me with the zip. I can’t reach there. I think it’s stuck ” She called from inside .

Oh! I wish I wasn’t there but I couldn’t resist. I could have called Sara but I didn’t.

I wanted all of her myself and I don’t want anyone to see her like this. I dimmed the lights a bit so that she could feel comfortable.

I unzipped her dress, her body feeling warm against my fingers. She went in the bathroom and changed. I wish I could touch her more.

But glad it stopped. She wasn’t sober and I felt like I was taking her advantage.

She came back, looking all fresh with her flowery fragrance. When she was changing inside even I changed my clothes. I got into a comfortable sweat pants and a t-shirt.

But the effect of alcohol was still there when she returned. I held her and put her in the bed.

” Ansh! Do you really h@ťě me? Am I that bad that you can’t even stay with me? ” She asked all of sudden when I was about to leave.

I knew I was wrong but I can’t say I h@ťě her. Of course I don’t. I can’t.
I grabbed her in my arms not answering her questions coz I really didn’t wanted to. She too for the first time hugged me with all her might.

I think she didn’t like seeing me with someone else. But she will never confess that she was jealous.

God!! I made Ahana Raichand feel jealous…. It really seems like an achievement.

But I know she will never agree to this. Even I didn’t do seeing her with Jaai.

I know the same logic, I am independent and I don’t need you, is what she would say.

But is it really that difficult to give in.
” Ahana…. ” I said her. She was still clutching me tightly. I could now feel her shallow breath near my neck.

Her eyes were shut and she was sleeping on my chest. She must be exhausted after such an hectic day. Working and then this business party.

I laid her on the bed and was about to leave her there when she clasped my hand unconsciously.

Her grip was firm and her hands were soft. Quickly I crept beside her in the bed coz even reluctantly I had the best sleep, sleeping beside her, in her warm embrace.

No nightmares and no bad dreams. Only peaceful sleep with sweet smell.

As I slept beside her and she cuddled and wrapped my arms around her. I should know it’s unconsciously.

She will never do anything like this in her somber state. I should keep that in my mind.

Her brownish black silky hair falling on her face. Oh! God what am I thinking. I have to get over it.

Just then something beeped. My cell was on silent mode. It can’t be mine. Then I realised it was Ahana’s cell phone which was on the table.

With my free hand I checked whose the hell was texting my wife at such an hour.

Who the heck was he to call my wife stunning. I am sure it’s that idiot Jaai. She saved his number as Hero.
How could she? And how did he know what Ahana was wearing?

There were questions boiling in my mind. Then I saw that she jad send him her pics on Whatsapp. Like, seriously she did this…. Why???

But why am I even checking her phone and her personal messages. Do I really have the right over her and do all this. I think I have lost that right a long time ago.

In between Ahana made her hold towards me more firm. Her long slender fingers making her hold on my t-shirt tighter.

She must be feeling nauseous. It’s a terrible feeling. Getting drunk for the first time. The morning will be even more worse.

Thinking about what happened the night before.
I think I am going to have some fun in the morning.

I just hope she doesn’t get hysterical in the morning. But anyways tonight was fun…… Something new is what I discovered in Ahana…

Her funky look when she drinks.
Her smile with those beautiful dimples on the cheeks making her look even more beautiful.

Her rosy lips whom I had the privilege to taste only once, shining in the night light.
I saw her sleeping form beside me.
I still had her phone in my hand.

I kept her cell aside taking that Jaai off my mind and wrapping Ahana in my arms not wanting to leave her anytime soon.

She engulfed her face
Soon I fell in deep calm sleep. Peaceful and serene.

I woke up with a terrible headache. My head was throbbing badly.

I wasn’t able to get up as I was captured by someone’s strong arms. When I turned to have a good look it was none other than Ansh. As expected.

I wonder why now a days he sleeps beside me. I just h@ťě it. His strong cologne always arouses me. Our legs were too tangled making my escape more difficult.

Luckily I saw a glass of water on my table. Beside it was a tablet. I was able to get it. It felt good drinking it. Yesterday I was at the buisness party and then….

OH! GOD!! All of sudden all the events of previous night started playing in my mind.

I don’t clearly remember everything but I surely remember that after speaking to Mir and Piya, I drank a lot for the first time. Then Ansh came and gave that bartender a good punch. That’s all I could remember now.

I recall asking him something but can’t. Oh! My head. How in the Earth did I changed?
Did Ansh….
I can’t even dare imagine something like that. Why did I drink so much? I wish I didn’t do that, at least I could remember things.

There was sweat forming at my forehead. I remember Ansh coming to the party with Jia. I was jealous would be an understatement but wouldn’t I be.

He was my husband at least for namesake. I had the right to be upset.

” Hey! Drunken… What is that brings so much worry on your face this wonderful morning? ”
I heard that familiar voice.

So he finally woke up. I was so busy thinking that didn’t realise when he got up. He moved beside me messing the bedsheets more.

His face was exactly inches away from mine.

” When did you wake up? ” I asked.
” Just when you were busy thinking hard about what happened yesterday night. Isn’t it sweetie?” He said smiling.

Making me feel more aggressive.
” Dare you call me sweetie. Okay! And Get off… Why do you always sleep beside me when you h@ťě me.” I said pushing him away.

I regretted it when I saw his change of expression but I didn’t show my regret. I got up from the bed and he followed me behind.

” Don’t you remember anything? Your soft body and my hard one…” He said nearing me. He was standing exactly behind me now.

I barely reached till his jaw line, maybe till his nose. His face was rested on my shoulders. God!! How can a person smell so good even in the morning.

I doubt he already brushed. He smelled like the after shaves.

I was 5’5.6 while I think Ansh was near about 5’9 or maybe 5’10. He was a tall person. He was the tallest in the family . I think his eyes were closed and he was savoring every bit of the moment.

” Go back…. Ansh…
No… I don’t remember anything. What happened yesterday? I know actually nothing happened. I slept and it was you who came and slept beside me. Why didn’t you go to that Jia? Huh??? ”

I said still trying to push him away. But still his hold didn’t loosen up. It was getting firm now.

There was a mild cool morning breeze flowing in the room through our large balcony. It felt smoothing.+
” Huh! Poor Ahana doesn’t remember a thing. You were so drunk that I had to carry you along with me home and sadly had to say a goodbye to Jia. When I brought you here you forced me to help you change and then…. ”
Ansh said bringing me back to my senses.

I pushed him hard. This time I made sure he left me. His silky black hair was all messy. I must say Ansh has the most beautiful hair I have seen. They are always perfectly cut and in shape.

But He has this weird habit of moving his hand through his hair always.

” Oh! Shut up, just Shut up. I don’t want to hear anything more…. How could you do that Ansh…” I hit him hard on his chest. His chest was actually very hard. I was feeling pain in my palms now. Thanks to all the gym.

He moved his hand through his hair again and I am sure they must be very soft to touch. Although I have never touched them I could feel it. He looked astonished at this behaviour of mine.

There were tears in my eyes. That wasn’t even possible. It wouldn’t happen. I never thought Ansh could do anything like this. I kept on sobbing and hitting him.

” I never expected this from you.. You are so cheap…. ” But before I could same something more, his lips came in contact with mine. His kiss was soft and demanding asking my permission. I felt weak with touch.

If this continued and if I allowed him I would give in. I pushed him away. But he grabbed me more tightly and kissed me before realising me from his grip. It was only a peck this time.

I don’t know but I should ki|| him for kissing me for the second time obviously on my lips. Stealing kisses has become his habit now.
But his touch created butterflies in my stomach.

I had a sensation that I never felt before.
The adrenaline was gushing in my body.

Was I allowing him just because he was my husband or was it something else which I wasn’t aware of? Now I h@ťě myself more for being so weak. He made me feel something different.

He made me weak with his touch also.
” Ansh…. ” Finally I gathered courage to speak. I wish he kissed me again but I couldn’t let that happen to me. I know he didn’t like me. He couldn’t like me ever. I can’t be his type and neither could he be of my type. NEVER.

It was all an attraction to him. Although I was happy that I didn’t surrender and kissed him back. I was proud of my self control.
” You can’t do this to me again and again. Do you get it? Ya… It’s true I don’t remember anything. Let me go. ” I cleaned the tears quickly.

Feeling vulnerable. I started to get going towards the washroom. I didn’t wanted to face him. After all what happened.

When I started taking small steps he pulled me towards himself in a tight hug. My face was engulfed in his chest.

My tears still flowing no matter how hard I try to stop them. I think I had wet his t-shirt too. I h@ťě being like this. But They just refuse to stop in front of him.

My mind asked me to push him but my heart just stayed. He wrapped me up in his arms.

” Ansh.. Leave me please. I don’t wanna speak or know more. I am done with you and me. ” I said.

” Ahana… Please I won’t let you go. Look at me… ” He held my chin up and continued. Our eyes meeting after a long time. And I could see was sincerity in them.

In my eyes… Do you see any guilt? I’m sorry but I was just messing with my wife for troubling me yesterday… ” He said and laughing out loud. He kept on laughing.

” Ansh…. Means… ” I said all in shock.
” I was kidding. I helped you get your clothes and you changed on our own. And then you slept like there was no tomorrow.

But I must mention you sleep like a baby. And Yeah!! My wife smells really good in the morning. ” He laughed. So that man fooled me. I was angry but then I hit me in his stomach.

” Idiot…. I was nearly gonna get an heart attack…. $h|t… ” He quickly put his finger on my lips.

” Never say anything like this. I won’t do any wrong to you until you don’t let me. I won’t make a move until you do. Okay…. Trust me…. ” He said looking in my eyes. I knew they were not lying. I don’t know till what time we were staring each other.

Maybe finding answers about where we were headed to in this weird relation. But then Why did he kiss me…..

” Guys… Next time you wanna stare each other in each other’s embrace then please take the liberty to close this door….. ” I heard a voice and at an instant we both withdrew ourselves. It was Dad’s.

” DAD…! ” We both exclaimed together.
” It’s fine. You look cute together. Anyways I came to remind you that we have an important meeting with the investors, hope you didn’t forget?” He asked grinning.

” No…. ” we both said together. Nodding he walked away smiling.
Ignoring Ansh I went for a shower, my head was still spinning. I had a crocin but still I didn’t got over it.

We didn’t speak the entire day. I was glad finally some peace of mind.
Although it wasn’t that kind of peace for which I crave for. Something was still missing.

And the meeting was superb. Dad and Grandad had rested all the responsibilities on Ansh and myself. I was happy that their hard-work has payed off coz I know that Ansh never compromised with his work. He was best at it.

Now both of them along with my dad and grandpa were going to retire and have fun.

They need some time fir themselves to enjoy their life after all the hard work they have done. I was delighted for all of them. When they are happy I feel the happiest person alive although I am not…..

Coz I have Ansh who is really giving me a hard time. The entire meeting he had his eyes on me and no doubt he did notice me stealing glances at him. He is a headache for sure…..

It’s been a week since the hangover. Ansh and I rarely meet or see each other. We both are extremely busy with the work. He comes home late after midnight. I keep myself awake and engage in some work or go for gym. After he comes he doesn’t even have his dinner. But once I see him and then I let the sleep encase me. I just want him home, safe. He sleeps in his study I suppose.

I never had a peaceful sleep after that day. We are happily avoiding each other would be an understatement coz I really miss him. I wouldn’t lie.

I rarely saw Ansh and whenever we came face to face all he could do is to smile. I smiled back.

I miss Jaai too, I wonder when the hell is he going to be back. I haven’t even spoken to him since long time.
Ansh and I were now married for almost 3 and a half months but still there is nothing like even friendship between us.

We are complete strangers. Not a outing, not a movie, nothing. I am now bored so I have decided to engage myself a bit more with my Ma’s NGO which works for the welfare of orphan children.

I had donated a good sum of money to them just the day before.

As usual I was in my cabin occupied with these thoughts and how miserably bad my life has become I heard my cell ringing.

I had a huge smile on my face. It was Ma.

” Hi…. Darling. How are are you doing? ” Hearing her chirpy voice was the best thing had happened to me in weeks.

” I am fine Ma…. ” Of course that was a white lie. I continued.
” How are you doing and How’s Dad and grandpa? And how was your trip? Are you well? ” I asked so many questions all together.

” Chill… Honey… I’m more than fine, never being better. Dad and grandpa are in their best moods, they are enjoying themselves with Ansh’s Dad and grandpa.

My trip was awesome. I hope that now I have answered all your questions. Anything else? ” She said laughing.
I laughed too.

” No… Ma. Nothing. Everything is perfect and I like it that way. ” I replied. Perfect was an understatement.

” Hmmm… How is Ansh and I hope that now everything is settled between you guys? Are you happy Aha.. ” She asked with all sincerity.

No one knew we signed an Agreement and I preferred not to tell anyone coz they ll worry about it more. It wasn’t necessary too.

How is Ansh is a question that even I have nowadays. I don’t see much of him.

” He is fine Ma… And everything is perfect. ” I said with false excitement.

” Good.. Actually I called you to inform that the Orphan’s Development Society, The Little Angel’s, to which you donated the money had invited all their philanthropists to a function to thank them for their help.

It’s like a charity event. You can even meet the children there. I know you like kids. And they know you well since you visit them. ” Ma said.

Of course I love kids. Dreaming of one day having my own but ya that’s still a dream.
” Aha… Are you there? ”

Yes… Ma.. I am listening. It’s wonderful. I always wanted to meet them. I ll be there. ”

” Cool. I have called Ansh also and informed him. He too seemed excited. You guys come together. It’s on this Sunday. Don’t be late. ” She said. Why did she invite him.

” But.. Ma.. I can come alone. Why did you invite him too. It’s fine I ll tell him not to come. ”

” Why? Ahana.. I want both of you together coz later we are going to have a family lunch later. If there are no problems between you then why are you hesitant? ”

” No.. Ma everything is Okay… We ll be on time. ”

” That’s Better. Anyways Ansh was more excited than you. I really feel that you are keeping him happy. He was in a good mood. Okay then see you soon. Bye. ”

” Bye Ma. Take care. ”
After she hung up I was wondering why in the universe was Ansh so happy. He has been rude to me since a week now. And in front of Ma he was acting like this.

He is really a dipole. I need to speak to him regarding the Sunday meet. We ll have to go together.
” Hey! Ahana… ” I was interrupted in my thoughts when a person entered my cabin.

” Oh! Hello Piya… ” Piya came.
” Actually Mir had some work with Ansh so he went to meet him and I thought dropping by to meet you. ” She said.

” Cool… Lets grab a coffee. ” I went near the coffee machine and made two cups.
” Tasty.. I like it. ” Piya said.
” Thank you… So where were you guys coming from. ” I asked.

” Actually we went to buy a present for Ansh. It’s his birthday on the coming Friday, that’s next week. We won’t have time for it later since we have a busy week. Don’t you know? ”

I gave a surprising look.
” Is it? No I wasn’t aware at all. ” I said.
” Ahana.. You don’t know his b’day. That’s surprising. ”

” He never told me. Anyways it’s good we met. Lets organise a surprise b’day party for him at our house. I’m sure he’ll like it. It may not be on a grand scale but some close friends and family. What say? ” I asked. I really wanted to make Ansh’s b’day a special one.

I didn’t know that Ansh’s and b’day were just a month and half apart. Actually I never did a background check on him.

That’s great idea. It’s been a long time we had a party in house. Ansh also fancies them.

During college days we all never missed one be it our friend’s or someone else’s. ” Saying so she laughed. And I laughed too, feeling excited.

I wonder what gift to buy for him.
” Piya, you can invite some of your close friends.

I’ll tell Dad’s and grandad’s too. Anyways Ansh and I are going for a charity event so I’ll meet Ma there. Will tell her too. Its gonna be fun. ”

I said smiling. I was really excited now.

” No doubt. When he has got such a lovely wife he has to be happy. I am sure he ll love it. ”

” Thanks Piya. I’ll coordinate with you. ”
” Fine… I ll take your leave. Mir text me. He is waiting outside. I’ll tell him and he’s gonna love it. ”

We bade goodbye and she left keeping me thinking about what I was going to do. I was very excited to surprise Ansh. Maybe after that things may sort out. It’s high time. I want him to be happy. After all he works so hard.

But first of all I ll have to decide for the gift. What am I going to buy???

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