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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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AGREEMENT – Episode 6

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❣️ Agreement.?‍❤️‍?

?? our marriage??
??is just a??
? piece of paper?

Indian romantic ?
?My Special Day?



I didn’t realise for how much time we were like that until I heard someone’s grumpy coughs.

It was Ansh. He was staring at us like a bloodhound. I simply ignored him.

I was very glad seeing Jaai. I didn’t want anyone to ruin our happy moment. We met after almost a year.
” How in the world are you here?

How did you know we were here?”
I had many questions popping up in my mind.

” I came for you, sweetie. ” He said smiling.

” Of course… For whom would you come anyways……… Ma. You knew it, Right? ” I looked at her, she was smiling widely.

” Ya.. He called me yesterday. I said we will be here. So he said he’ll surprise you. Even Dad and grandpa weren’t aware. Jaai dear.. We exist.

Will you leave Ahana for a moment? ” She called him.

Jaai went and greeted everyone. Dad, grandpa and Ma. Everyone was delighted seeing him. They knew him since our childhood.

” Son, when did you return? ” Grandpa asked.

” Grandpa, just 2 hours ago, the flight landed. Ma… And Uncle how are you? ”

” We are fine… ” Both said together. Jaai had a good rapport with everyone. He was our business partner too.

” Actually, everyone else must be thinking who the hell I’m. So I’ll introduce myself since Hana didn’t do that…. Hello everyone. I am Jaai Mehra……

I am Ahana’s childhood best friend. I missed her Suicide mission so I am here to give her condolences. ” Everyone was laughing.

Ansh was standing emotion else, still drinking. I am really astonished what happens to him.

” Wh@ťěver… J.. Actually He was in New York at that time for some business . He partners with us in communications. Meet Dad.. And grandad. ” I introduced him to my in laws.

” And this is Mir and Piya Malhotra… Ansh’s friends. And this is Ansh. ” Jaai extended his hand but Ansh has his ego bigger than anything else in the world.

Why the hell was he acting this way? I didn’t treat his friends in such a rude manner. That’s not fair.

A while later Mir and Piya took leave. They were very sweet. They spoke with Jaai too. How are they friends with Ansh is still a question.

Ansh is still busy and engrossed in his drinking. He rarely looks up. Just a brief glances when our eyes meet.
Later, Dad Ma and grandpa left for home.

My in laws returned to their rooms. I asked Jaai to stay. We met after a long time. I had to talk to him. We have to share a lot of things.

I was saying goodbye to everyone when Jaai went near Ansh. And
I followed him.

” Hi… Ansh… Nice to meet you. ”
” Hmmm…. ” He said.

I won’t let him insult Jaai more. This isn’t fair.

” J… Come along. I ll show you around. Anyways how was New York. ” I asked. Ansh was still closeby.

I got myself a cold cola and Jaai a drink. I don’t drink apart from some formal meetings or parties.

Ansh was staring us. I could feel it.
” New York was too cool for me with hot babes… What motivated you for this mission? ” He said laughing.

” You ditched me… So I had to do this…. I am trying to move on. ” I said faking tears.

We were laughing the entire way out in the garden. He knew I was kidding. We were best friends and never considered each other more than that.

He made me feel myself whenever we both were together.

A felt like I was laughing after years. Jaai put his hand around me and I felt home finally.

But behind me I could feel two brown eyes following us. At that moment I didn’t care.

I told Jaai everything that happened in last 3 to 4 weeks. Beginning with the chaos till us coming back from Switzerland. He seemed sad.

” Hana…I thought you loved him. I wasn’t aware that Uncle and Grandpa…… It’s upsetting Hana….
I thought you found Love in a year. I was so happy for you. ”

” That’s a far reality which I don’t think is possible. But you know what I’ll try and make things work out. ”

I said proudly. I wasn’t aware how. I told him what Ma felt about Ansh too. And it surprised me more when he agreed with Ma.

” Remember what Ma said… Everything will be fine. Anyways you always have me. Call me and I will be there… ”

I couldn’t tell him about us signing an Agreement. I didn’t have the guts. We met after such a long time and hearing this he would be more upset. So I kept that matter aside for a while.

But frankly it was ki||ing me inside since I didn’t tell that to anyone.
We talked almost for about 1 hour. I didn’t realise it was 11:30 now. Good time flies fast.

” I think I should leave now. See you tomorrow at the office. ”

” J… I have shifted my base to the new office. I ll send you the address. ”
” I already have it… You know I have my sources. ”
” Yeah!! The one who knows all… “I mocked him.

We returned to our living room. Surprisingly Ansh was still there. His eyes were all red now.

I thought he must have slept till now. But he was still in the same position when we left.

” Ansh… Bye.. Hope to catch up soon. ” Jaai said.

” No need to be formal. I don’t like strangers being in my house this late. ” He said looking at his watch.

He was making me angry now.
” Ansh… J is not a stranger. He is my… ” Jaai caught my hand. Asking me to stop. He hugged me and left.
Jaai always does this.

He h@ťěs fighting no matter how right we may be in our deeds. He rarely angry and is one of the calmest person I have known.

He always makes my temper cool when I am angry. In the past year I missed him too much. There was no one to make me serene.

But I was gald he returned.
He believes in that quote,
‘ If someone has done something wrong, then he doesn’t have the Right to be Angry, and if he is correct then there is No need to be Angry.’

After Jaai left even Ansh got up.
” Ansh? What do you think you were doing?”

“As I said I h@ťě strangers in my house. Also… I saw how happy you were meeting your long lost boyfriend. Weren’t you? ”

What? Is this what made him angry? I thought we weren’t gonna involve in each other’s personal life.

No doubt he must have been. He must have thought he is the only one who has smart looks that makes girls go crazy.

Ha!! Jaai is smart and good looking. Handsome could be an understatement for him.

He is tall and slim with a perfect body. He is an avid exerciser. He almost never misses his workout. He’s surely a hotshot that made Ansh jealous.

” J is not my boyfriend…. He is.. ”
” Your best friend… That’s more than your boyfriend… Right?

The way you both were sticking around the entire evening? ” He completed my sentence.

Wh@ťěver…Jealous!! Me!! because of him….. Huh!! Never…. Not even In your dreams. I have many girls who die for me. I just don’t want him near my house. ”

” Excuse me… He’ll come whenever I want or he wants. You are not the one who will order me around. ”

Before I could say something he went in our room and locked it.
I was standing outside.

Wait! What…. Did he just walk out from a on going conversation. How could he do that? Where am I gonna sleep now?

” Ansh…. Open the door…. Open it now …. I am

tired I want to sleep. ”
I said banging from outside. But those shouts were gone to deaf ears. I was tired already.

After making everyone happy with the gifts I was awarded one happy moment but it was destroyed by my dear husband.

I didn’t have the energy left to go to the guest room which was on the third floor. The couch seemed appealing.

It had some pillows so I made myself comfortable there.

I was really agitated on Ansh. He is too much to handle. What nonsense was he saying about girls and all? Does he really have girlfriends…

Drooling over him?
Anyways that shouldn’t be my business.

This is what he thinks about me. I never imagined him to be so cheap. Anyways I don’t care. But still. my eyes were wet.

No matter how much I tried to control my myself I couldn’t. I felt so small when he said those words. I don’t think he deserves my attention too.

Amidst all this I didn’t realise I fell asleep on the couch. It wasn’t comfortable but I didn’t realise as my tear struck eyes shut down.


Ahana!! Dear… Why in the world are you sleeping on the couch? ” I heard Dad was shouting from his floor.

I think I overslept. I turned around and saw that I was wrapped in a blanket. I knew I hadn’t taken it the night before.

Maybe, Sara our maid might have done so. She was very nice. I had a good bond with her.

” Actually Dad, Jaai left a bit late and I was very tired. The couch was seemingly appealing. So!….. ”

He was laughing now. He ascended down. Just then Ansh too came out of the room. He was all decked up in his Armani.

I could smell his scent from that distant too. Davidoff Cool water. My favourite. I too used it occasionally.

Ansh… If you can wrap Ahana in the blanket and why didn’t you carry her to the bedroom too. ” Dad said.
Ansh looked away and didn’t answer. So it was him.

” Ahana.. He is always like this. He is so glum in the morning. I thought marriage will change him. But…. ”
” Yeah!! It’s fine. Dad….. Where’s grandad? ”

” He went to the dining room already. He needs his breakfast after his morning walk. ”

When Ansh came, he was sitting on the chair busy with his forks and knives and I was folding my blanket when Dad continued.

” Ahana… You are always welcome to our room if someone refuses to open it. I am a gentleman anyways.

You don’t need to shout at that idiot. Anyways I am leaving for some work Ahana, please take care of that project. ”

” Yes Dad…. ” I replied as He left smiling. I was shocked. Did He new what happened yesterday night? Ansh too looked up for once but then he. was back to his normal being.

I don’t think he realised what Dad said. I showered, had breakfast and went to the office. I had an important meeting with the partners. Jaai was also gonna come.

Ansh’s cabin was diagonally apart to my cabin. We shared a giant balcony. It didn’t matter although.

When I came to the office Ansh was already in the corridor with our common secretary, Jen.

They were standing very close to each other. I tried to ignore him. He was laughing all the time.

Ansh and I come to the office separately in our cars. Neither of us wait for each other.

” East or West…. ” I was happy Jaai came. He came just as I reached the office.
” We are the best… ” I continued

” Hana’s my Queen ”
” And J’s my hero… ” I completed and we had a friendly hug. We always greeted like that. I enjoyed that moment.

I noticed Ansh was looking at us from the corner of his eyes. I liked it. He was trying to make me jealous…. Haha!!

I don’t know but we were getting in some game.
” J…. You came in time. I was just gonna make me some coffee. Join me. ”

” Love to. Ansh… Morning. Join us for the coffee. ”
” This is my office… Mr. Wh@ťěver. You better… ”

” Ansh… You are forgetting. This is mine too. ” I said cutting him off. I grabbed Jaai’s hand and took him in my office.

I am sorry J. He is behaving like an @$$h0le. ”

” Hana… He is not. Maybe he is messed up. ”

” I don’t believe you are taking his side. Even I am messed up. ”
” You and Ansh are on the same side… Isn’t it? ”

” No… We’re not J…”
” Believe in Ma… You have everyone who loves you. I think he doesn’t have anyone expect those girls whom he thinks like him but they are after his money.

Please try and understand him.”
” J…. How can you know him so well.

We were together for almost 1 month and still I don’t get him. You just met him.

You know what I don’t want to talk about it now. ”
” Try to look in his eyes. You ll see the void. Ma must have noticed it.”

J…. No doubt I love
you and Ma so much. I promised her that I’ll make things work. But Ansh is impossible to handle. ”

” I love you too. See you have us but he doesn’t. I know you are already jealous of what you saw outside.

Don’t give me that looks. He is your husband. And remember nothing is impossible because even impossible says I M Possible.”

” Oh! Mr. Who knows all. Thank you. But you made him jealous yesterday. But, thanks to you, I had to sleep on the couch. ” I told J. He was laughing.

” I know…. Hahaha!! Seriously. Your back must be hurting now. ” He said laughing.

Yeah, it was hurting a bit.
” Anyways, Hana… I came to tell you that I am leaving for London tonight. I am going to meet Ma, Uncle and Grandpa. I just came to see you. ”

” But… J you just came. We didn’t hang out together either. If Tiara and Kay will know that you left they’ll ki|| me. ”

” Hana …. I know. I called them. They will meet me near the airport. I have some business to attend in London. You are here to handle my shares so I am a free bird. ”

” That I doing from quite a long time. You are ditching me again. Leaving me alone. You can’t do this. Please J…. You just came yesterday. ”

” You need to sort things with Ansh. He is a good man. I’ll FaceTime you. Please take care. Love you. ”
” I am angry with you. ‘ Jaai came and hugged me.

” I have a long journey. Please smile Hana… I don’t want to see your cranky face. ” I tried smiling but had tears in my eyes. I didn’t want to stay alone with Ansh.

” C’mon…. You are a strong woman. Show that Ansh who you are and what is he missing. Bye… Take care of yourself and his. ”

” Love you J…. How can you be so sweet?” I made a face.

” Time makes you…. ” He said. We shared a long hug. I was feeling bad.
” I am going home. Will give Regards to Ma… ”

” OKAY… ”
When went out of my office and Ansh was still there. I realise the curtains were moving when we were inside but I let it go. There was a very strong breeze out.

I bade a good bye to J and was off to work. Jen, my secretary had set up a number of meetings.

I didn’t see Ansh the entire day. I was glad. I didn’t wanted to feel more humiliated although it wasn’t my fault.

When I was done with my work, it was around 8. I locked my cabin and surprisingly Ansh was also not around. He must have left I thought.

My cell phone was vibrating. It was J…
” Hey… You cancelled your plan about London ? Missing me already? ” I said.

” No I was just passing by. My flight is at midnight. So I thought ll drop you. ”

” That’s great. I’ll be down in a moment.”


What the hell were they both doing inside? It’s been almost half an hour. I really doubt this Jaai now.

He has appeared from no where. I wasn’t aware that Ahana had a long lost friend.

How can she do this. I know we signed an Agreement but this doesn’t give her the permission to do wh@ťěver she wants in front of the entire family.

I am standing outside her cabin from the last half an hour now.

Yesterday, that person appeared from no where and the entire night they were together. Ahana didn’t even notice me sitting there alone in the corner. She was so busy with him.

Good thing, I locked the door of the room yesterday night, not allowing her in. Serves her right for doing that to me.

At around 3, I wasn’t able to sleep. After twisting and turning multiple times, I went to check on her. My eyes met her sleeping figure on the sofa.

How I wish to carry her to the room but then I ended up covering her with a blanket. She looked so adorable while sleeping. Serene and calm.

I wish she is like this even when she wakes up. Her hair were falling on her face but I controlled myself from touching her soft fluffy cheeks.
Today morning too he came in the office. I saw them hugging inside from behind the curtains.

Ahana was crying. I am sure he must be brainstorming my beautiful wife.
Did I say beautiful??

Yeah!! She was. She had eyes same as mine. Hazel Brown.

Anyone could easily fall for her. I think Jaai is one of them. Secret Lover maybe.!!! It’s frustrating me….

I was standing close to the door of her cabin. I just wanted to hear a bit of their talking. It’s bad to eavesdrop, but I can’t help.

I didn’t hear what she told him but I am sure she was complaining about me.

I know I am an idiot I have made her cry so many times in the past month which I did not intend to.

I ll make it up for her. I screwed up in Switzerland too. How upset she must be. I even gave her fair skin some red marks.

I didn’t do that purposely but I was really upset that she was leaving all of sudden. It was my mistake that prompted her to do

so but I was busy. I forgot to mention that even in her casual attire she looked gorgeous.

Her shoulder long brownish black untied hair swaying while she constantly spoke with anger. One can completely get lost in them.
So, to make up for her I came early tonight.

I have prepared a magnificent dinner. Italian cuisine. I loved it. I think she ll like it too. Dad and grandad have gone for the movie so I have all the time for ourselves.

But where the hell is she. It’s already 9:00. She is usually back before me. Waiting for me always but I don’t turn up.

I fetched myself a drink. I had heard a bit of her and Jaai’s talk. He said he was going out somewhere. So, where is she now? I dare not call her. What will she think about me?

But what if….. I had all the wrong thoughts coming across my mind.
I was getting a bit tensed. I waited in the balcony. The alcohol was also having an effect over me.

I still remember that day when Ahana came to marry me. She looked amazing in the bridal dress. I can’t deny that.

Her fair face was glowing in the night light. Her perfect figure in the maroon bridal dress with a smiling face.

When she wore the jewel, their beauty seemed glorified.

Ahana was always different from the beginning. From the first time I met her in the business parties and meetings.

All the girls would try to impress me and throw themselves on me but she was just class apart.

Not at all interested in me. She was so independent. I don’t even think she noticed me once.

But now I don’t understand from where this Jaai came. I never had seen him earlier.

Now it was 9:45… Still her car was no where to be seen. I called in the office.

” Hello, this is Ansh. Have you seen Ahana leaving the office? ”

” Yes Sir, She left almost an hour ago. She left her car here only. She was with a friend a suppose. ”
” Was it a man?”

” Yes Sir… What happened? ”
But I had already hung up. There was rage in my body. What was she doing with him so late? Wasn’t he suppose to leave somewhere?

I pour myself more Whiskey. That Jaai was ruining my entire plan. I had prepared the dinner and she didn’t cared. But how could she know.

All I have done is only to make her cry. I even made her sign an Agreement. I didn’t even know she was willing to sign or not. Oh! God….

She has all the right to go with anyone she wants but why am I feeling so tensed. Just then I saw a white Mercedes stopping at our gate.

Ahana got out and as expected Jaai was with her. Even at that hour Ahana looked beautiful. Jaai is lucky to have her.

The Whiskey was really getting on my nerves. I wanted to leave but then I stayed.

Ahana was laughing like a teenager. She looked so happy with him. Maybe they went for a date. But isn’t she married now? , how can she do that. Who am I to stop her from seeing anyone?

Jaai really made her something else. From the balcony I had a clear view of what was going on provided I wasn’t able to hear anything.

Suddenly I saw Ahana and Jaai hugging tightly. My body was filled with anger.

I swear if he did anything else to her I ki|| him then and there. I saw him wiping Ahana’s tears. Why was she crying again? Then Ahana kissed him on cheeks and he left smiling.

I felt so agitated that the glass I was holding shattered into pieces. The glass pieces pierced my skin. But I didn’t feel any pain.

Although Ahana kissed him on his cheeks I felt cheated. How can I feel that way? I am not suppose to feel anything for her. She h@ťěs me and I h@ťě her too, Right?

She seems so unaffected when geirls are around me then how can I feel like this?

In the morning her face didn’t show anything when I was speaking to Jen….

Wait till she comes up. I ll show her. There was blood oozing out of my palms but I didn’t feel anything.

That weird feeling was something new in my heart but I didn’t like it. It wasn’t good for me.

I went downstairs and waited near the door. She came in. She was looking so calm and happy.

” Had fun wify? ” I asked sarcastically.
” Huh!! ” She reacted.

” Oh God!! Ansh! There is blood dripping out of your palms. Can’t you see it? ” She shouted running towards me.

She took my palm in her hand. Even her hands were covered in my blood.

Ansh! What happened? There are glass pieces here. I’ll put some bandage. Let me bring the first aid kit. ” She brought the first aid kit.

Her voice was showing care but why?

” How could you be so careless Ansh? Is it hurting? ” She was asking.
” What happened? Answer me. ”
” No! It doesn’t hurt at all.

” I said jerking my hand away from her.

” What… the hell. Ansh give me your hand..”

” I have already given it to you. Didn’t I? ” She gave me a puzzled look. She looked confused.

” Is he your boyfriend? Did you two go on a date? Why didn’t you return home early? What the hell were you doing with him at this hour of night ? ”
She gave a angry look to me. She glanced at the clock hanging on the wall. Throwing daggers at me.

” I would have answered you if you had called me once. But you really don’t care. So it’s my life and I am not answerable to you at all. ”

She said angrily and got up to leave.
Suddenly I held her by her hand and pulled her towards me. She crashed with my hard chest.

Although there was blood dripping I held her tight.

” Ansh… Leave me. There is blood all over. ”

” Answer me dammit! Who is that person to you? You are my wife and I have the right to know. Did you kiss him?”

” Ansh!!! Stop it. You are insane. He is my best friend. Wh@ťěver we share I don’t feel like telling you. We are husband and wife only on papers.

Remember that Agreement which you made me sign. And what about that girl in Switzerland? Did I ask an explanation. If we kiss or not…. ”

” Ahana… Remember you are wearing that Ring in your hand….” I spoke holding her firm in my arms.

” Shut up Ansh…. You also remember you are wearing it too. Anyways How can you blame me.

It was your plan of signing the Agreement. If you roam around with girls on our honeymoon then it’s okay… it’s cool.

I am independent and wh@ťěver I do you shouldn’t care. J and I…. ”

We were both staring in each other’s eyes. Her glare was strong as her. Confident and fearless.

I was not able to take it more. She was talking and taking out all her anger.

And when I heard J… I lost my control. Her pink lips were already deceiving me. I slashed my lips on her before she would complete her sentence.

All of sudden she shot daggers at me. I increase my claim over her. But she was not responding. She just stood there and kept pushing me back. I felt rejected.

I was rejected by her and that wasn’t for the first time.

” Kiss me back Ahana… ” I said but she increased her struggle. Her lips were warm and smooth.

” Ansh…. Get off. What a devil are you…. How could you do this. ” She said. I finally released her. There were tears in her eyes.

I knew that I was her first one. Maybe she wanted it to be special from someone special but I ruined it. She ll h@ťě me forever now.

I released her and rushed to the study. I could hear her faint cries. I was angry with myself now.

But I wasn’t able to control myself. She looked so appealing and attractive.

But now this will help me get her off my head. It’s good that she h@ťěs me now. It’s best for us.

The blood was still dripping but I didn’t give a $h|t. I deserved all the pain in the world for hurting one of the most beautiful person on the on the earth.

And Ahana deserved love which she could get only when I am away from her.


I enjoyed my coffee with Jaai. He was leaving for the airport now. I bade him goodbye.

I was surprised to see Ansh’s car already in the house. Usually he comes late. I am the one waiting for him.

When I entered in Ansh was standing there with blood dripping down. He looked smart in casuals.

Jeans and a black v neck t-shirt. Black suits him. But why am I thinking like this?

I was worried. There was some weird pain in his eyes. And his palm was all blood drenched. The smile faded.

We got in a dirty fight over a stupid reason and in a moment something happened that I won’t be able to forget ever in my life.

He smashed his lips on me. They were warm. He was the first one to kiss me.

I never had a boyfriend. I know he was angry with me and hence was doing all this. He was hurt and he was hurting me as a revenge.

I felt weak with his touch. I wouldn’t respond. He held my waist. I finally pushed him away. He didn’t dare look at me. I felt my cheeks wet. He rushed towards the study. I felt so much insulted and angry.

It was my first and I wanted it to be special but maybe God had planned it this way. I wonder why didn’t I try to push him harder.

I saw around. At the dining table there were candles lit and along the food and a beautiful decoration. I wonder if Ansh did it. There was no one in the house too. Where were all the servants.

Sara cooked the food normally but I don’t think she did cook tonight. Dad texted me earlier that he was going for a movie with grandad.
The food smelled delicious but I wasn’t hungry now.

I wondered whether Ansh had dinner. He was bleeding too. But why should I care. He has hurt me today, doubted my integrity and forced me too. But, There was so pain in his brown eyes. Did he really mean that?
I called Sara.Where are you? ”

” Actually Mam… Sir gave us a half day today. He said he’ll prepare the dinner for you. If you need anything I ll come right away. ”

” No.. I am fine. ”
So Ansh had done this set up. But why?

I changed into my night dress. But I wasn’t able to sleep. I was really worried for Ansh. I turned in the bed and finally got up.

I went towards the study and was astonished to see the lights on. Was he still awake and working?

When I entered the sight was even more surprising. Ansh was sleeping on the study table. The blood on the palm had dried and there were still glass pieces in it.

There were bottles of whiskey around him. I don’t understand why men restort to drinking when in pain. Basically they are not as strong as women.

I am a emotional person so I cry my pain out, that doesn’t mean that I am weak. It just shows that I have a strong heart.

I brought the first aid kit and starting mending his palm.

Ahh! It pains Ahana. ” How did he know that I am here.

” Ansh! Get up. We’ll go to the bedroom. You need rest. ” I said.
I took him towards the bedroom. Then I removed his shoes and was about to wrap him in the blanket when I tripped and fell on him against his hard chest.

His red eyes opened and I would see pain in them which was caused by me. We were staring each other. His brown orbs matching mine. My hands were on his chest.

His strong cologne along with the alcoholic smell passed through my nostrils. Arousing butterflies in my stomach. I don’t know what to feel.

” Why Ahana? I did so much for you and you went out with him. Why? You ruined it. ”

” Ansh… You are drunk. Please sleep. We can talk tomorrow. ” I was still clutching him.

” I know you h@ťě me. But still… ”
” Ansh… He is my best friend. He left for London tonight. He came to bye. ” I saw relief in his eyes.

” Have your dinner. I have worked hard for it. It requires so much patience to cook. ” How can he be so sweet.

His rude, arrogant and egoistic side seemed to vanish. I knew it was his alcohol speaking and no wonder why we were still in that position. I should move now.

” How can I eat without you, Ansh. I know you worked hard. Please sleep now.” Suddenly he came near me.

We were not inches apart from each other’s face. I saw him staring at my lips. If he made any move I wouldn’t be able to handle myself. So I tried to get up but his strong arms drew us closer than before.

” Aahhh! ” I think I touched his wound.
” Ansh… are you hurt… ”
But before I could say more his warm lips were already on mine. Working in a perfect sync. I still didn’t had the power to respond.

I stood still. It was my first time. But it felt good to be near him. His warmness touching me.

His soul speaking to mine. I caressed his wounds. He placed open warm kisses on my forehead. Butterflies flying in my stomach and adrenaline gushing through the inner walls.
I wouldn’t take it more.

If I fall now then I know then I know that in the morning he’ll forget everything turning back to his old self hurting me more. The dream will break.

” Ansh… Please stop. You ll only regret everything. ” I said. He stopped suddenly and looked at my vulnerable form.

” Ahana… I don’t regret anything in my life. Remember anything. I do what I want… Okay. ” He placed a kiss on my forehead and made me lay with him on our king size bed. It was the first time in 6 weeks that we were sleeping together.

” Sleep…. ”

Saying so he wrapped his hand protectively on my belly and drifted to sleep. He looked so serene beside me.

I kissed his palm where he got the cut, probably due to me. I had bandage it well so it could recover fast. He seemed fast asleep by now.

But still after all this I felt good in so many days. I knew everything will change once the sun shines.

‘ There’s always a beautiful Rainbow after a Dark and Stormy Night…… Hoping that this Rainbow comes soon in our Life!!’

It was unique feeling although.
I tried lifting Ansh’s hand up but instead he grabbed me more tightly. So I gave up and let it happen.

I didn’t realise when my eyes shut and I slumbered into a deep sleep recalling the events that happened tonight.

Figuring whether it was Correct or not…..

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