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HomeOBSESSIONS: It All Started With A BetOBSESSIONS: It All Started With A Bet – Episode 71

OBSESSIONS: It All Started With A Bet – Episode 71

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✍️ Authoress Cathy ✍️





Fabiola sighed as she brought out her box from her room. She really didn’t want to leave but she also didn’t want to stay here knowing Swayer is still acting like a Ɓîtçh.

She met the girls in the living room, all except Swayer though.

Anna sighed on seeing her. She didn’t want Fabiola to go. She was already sad about what’s happening between Seb and Sway Sway and now Fabiola.

“Do you really have to go?” Anna asked with a sad face.

“Thank you for your hospitality.” Fabiola smiled and began rolling her box out. She noticed Mave and Ivory weren’t present but that wasn’t her concern anyways.

Anna sighed the moment she shut the door.

“I really don’t like how things are turning out. I wish we could go back to before when it was just us.” She sighed.

“Now you see why I never liked Sebastian joining us at first. I knew something like this would happen.” Chrystal scoffed.

“It’s not Sebastian’s fault but ours. We caused this the day we accepted the bet.” Fiona sighed.

“I never accepted anything. I was against it from day one.” Anna frowned.

“And I didn’t even like Sebastian like that. Yes he’s hot and kind blablabla but he’s not my type. I go for rich guys.” Chrystal rolled her eyes.

“This shouldn’t be a medium to insult anyone Chrystal.” Fiona cautioned.

“What do we do about Swayer? She hasn’t left her room all morning. it’s a good thing today is Sunday.” Anna sighed.

The door opened and Maeve came in looking exhausted. She went straight to her room without saying a word to the girls. After a while, the door opened again and Ivory came in, looking tired as well.

Chrystal furrowed her brows as she went straight to her room as well.

“Why do I have a feeling those two are up to something?” Chrystal asked a bit curious but got no answer.

BLOCK 4 3pm

Sebastian groaned as Shaun shook him gently. He’s been asleep all morning.

The first thing he felt was his aching head that he had to hold his head to calm it down but nothing worked.

“Jeez, what happened to you?” Shaun asked with a perplexed expression.

Sebastian tried standing but felt like throwing up, luckily Shaun had a bucket in his hand so he just handed it to him.

“I knew you would need it after seeing the empty bottles on the ground.” Shaun said as Sebastian emptied his stomach in the bucket. He weakly placed it on the ground, feeling very weak.

“Are you ready to tell me what happened and why you’re naked?” Shaun asked and that’s when Sebastian noticed he had no clothes on.

“What?” He asked, looking around and found his clothes lying on the ground.

“Wait, you don’t know what happened?” Shaun asked and Sebastian shook his head. He remembered clearly how he bought the drinks on his way here but he was very sure he had his clothes on so how come they are on the ground?

“I have no idea why I’m naked.” Sebastian muttered, picking up his clothes.

“Why is Fabiola back in Natasha’s room?” Shaun asked and Sebastian frowned.

“I wanted to actually tell her to move out but I’m glad she’s done that already.” He said coldly.

“Wow, when last did I hear you talk that way.” Shaun chuckled, sitting on his bed.

“You wanna tell me what happened?” He asked and Sebastian sighed before narrating everything to him.

“Now I know why Natasha advised you to stay away from them. She might have said it because she was into you but she still ended up being right.” Shaun said with a sigh. He was beginning to think they were not so bad until now.

“That’s in the past now. I’m not interested in their drama anymore.” Sebastian sighed and got up. He felt like trash right now and needed a bath.



The famics entered the school building and all eyes were on them. They weren’t suprised though since news flies fast in this academy.

“Gosh I can’t wait for our final exams. I’m done with this attention.” Anna groaned as they walked to their lockers.

Swayer remained quiet as the rest talked about one thing or the other. She has been mute for two weeks now. Even the teachers are worried.

She doesn’t answer questions when asked but she did solve problems correctly on the board. Mrs Marshal had asked her to come home so they could talk about her recent behaviors but she’s not even planing on doing so. She just wants to be alone right now even though the girls have refused to leave her side.

Their first class today was biology and she wasn’t looking forward to it. It meant she would have to sit next to Sebastian since he was her partner and it hasn’t been a pleasant class for her ever since their quarrel.

As they all walked to the biology lab, Natasha approached them with a concerned look on her face.

“Hey, umm can we talk?” She asked Swayer but Swayer didn’t even spare her a glance. She looked like a walking dead right now.

“Maybe some other time. I do t think she’s in the mood.” Chrystal said and they began walking away but Swayer didn’t move. She finally lifted her gaze to Natasha.

“I’m… sure …you.. you’re.. happy.” She said after what seemed like forever. it’s her first sentence in two weeks.

Natasha frowned as she didn’t understand where Swayer was coming from.

“Why would I be happy? You look like your about to die.” Natasha said with a frown.

“You have him all to yourself now.” Swayer muttered z tearing up.

“Wait, is this about Sebastian? He’s actually the reason I asked if we could talk.” Natasha said with a frown.

Swayer kept mute so she continued.

“I don’t know what exactly happened between you two since rumours aren’t entirely true but wh@ťěver it is, it broke Sebastian. He’s not the same anymore. He barely smiles and even though his academics are alright, it’s obvious he’s not himself. I miss the old Sebastian, I miss my friend so please, try to fix it before it’s too late.” Natasha rushed her words.

“I know I’ve been a Ɓîtçh for a while now, trying to get him to like me but I’ve changed. I still love Sebastian but as a friend and I want him to be happy so please, make him happy again and fix yourself too.” She added and walked away before Swayer could say anything else.

Swayer wiped tears to avoid her face getting red this early. She wanted to go to class but she just couldn’t move and so she went to the only place she knew that gave her little peace.


Natasha entered the lab and smiled at Fabiola who didn’t look too happy before taking her seat next to Shaun.

“How is she holding up?” Shaun asked as he glanced at Fabiola before facing Natasha. She’s been down since Sebastian told her about Swayer’s confession and not even him, her boyfriend could make her feel better.

“I don’t know what to say. Its like wh@ťěver happened affected the trio. Swayer, the culprit is a mess, Sebastian the victim is also a mess and his sister is also down. It hurts seeing your friends sad and you can’t do anything to help them.” Natasha muttered sadly.

Shaun was about replying when Mr Griffin come in and the class began. That’s when they noticed Sebastian and Swayer weren’t present.


Swayer kept crying as she stared at the pool. She was thinking of what Natasha said and all that happened including her assault. Her accident in Canada with quicksand, the wave that knocked them out of their boats, all of it.

Nothing good happened this term. She would have said meeting Sebastian but look where that got them. It almost ruined her friendship with the girls and now she’s hurt Fabiola who is dear to her and Sebastian whom she loves.

She slowly stood up, moving close to the water. A crazy idea popped into her head and she found herself moving closer to the edge.

She closed her eyes and spread her arms wide, ready to fall but the moment she let go of her balance, a strong hand grabbed her waist, preventing her from falling.

She froze as she recognized his scent but refused to open her eyes for fear that it might be an hallucination.

Sebastian pulled her from the edge before letting go and that’s when she opened her eyes. She was already crying just by looking at him.

“Don’t tell me you were about ki||ing yourself.” Sebastian said with a frown. Swayer just stared at him, letting her tears fall. Seeing him caused her more pain, especially since he stopped her from drowning herself.

Sebastian sighed and turned around since she wasn’t ready to talk. He couldn’t stand seeing her tears but he wasn’t ready to talk to her too. He just came here to clear his head as he didn’t want to attend the class and sear next to her with the way things are with them.

“Wait.” Swayer called immediately. She wouldn’t waste this opportunity.

Sebastian turned back with a straight face, waiting for what has to say. When she didn’t say anything still, he turned back to go. He won’t have her waste his time for nothing but what she said next made him stop again.

“I love you Seb.” Swayer said with a broken heart.


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