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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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??{ His Human Mate }??

Written ✍️: Cisca. H.

Chapter 22:


Writer ✓


She dragged the necklace forcefully out of her neck, tossing it to the floor.

She squeezed her legs to her chest, sobbing at the pains he had caused her. Bella came knocking on her door but she didn’t want to open it for her.

” Just go, okay. I wanna be left alone. ” She cried.

” Diana, please just listen to me. ” She pleaded.

” I don’t wanna listen to anything. He h@ťěs me, Bella, he doesn’t want me around. I just feel unsafe here, I’m just scared of him, I’m scared to live under this roof with him. ”

” I know, and it’s all my fault he did this to you. ” She apologized, ” I never knew he still cherished the necklace. It’s almost two years and he has never asked for it, so I thought he had forgotten about it. I’m sorry, Diana, just please don’t take the necklace off. ”

She looked at the necklace, but hesitated to pick it up. Then she looked away, sobbing silently to herself.


Bella angrily left her room to Derek’s office. He was searching for a book in his shelf when Bella banged the door open without knocking. He had thought it was someone else but when he saw her instead, he wore off the angry look.

” Bella? ” He called, surprised.

She walked closer to him, dashing him a hot slap on his face. He held his affected cheek, throwing her a hard gaze.

” What was that for? ” He angrily asked.

” That was for being so stupid, Derek. What the heck has gone over you this week? You’ve been acting strange and I keep wondering if you are really my brother. ”

He took off his hand from his cheek. ” I don’t understand? ”

” You don’t have to, Derek, because it has gone over you. You hardly think before you take actions, innocent people end up bearing your wrath! ” She yanked.

” Is this because of the necklace? ”

” What else? Tell me, what else could have made you gone mad this morning?! ” She yelled.

” Bella, you know how important that necklace means to me. You know the pains that follows each time I look at it. ”

” Then why does she have to bear that pain? ”

” Because she doesn’t deserve to be with it! ” He yelled back.

” Yes, she does! ”

” No, she doesn’t. ” He said coldly. ” And I don’t want to see her with it anymore. ”

” Is this how your hatred towards humans is, that you have to lay it all on her? She’s innocent, Derek, and for christ sake try to see that in her! The more she tries to get used to this place, the more she tries to understand everything about us, you keep giving her reasons why she shouldn’t. If you so much h@ťě her, why then did you bring her here at the first place! ”

” You… shut… ” He held himself from slapping her, turning his back at her. ” I don’t want to have this conversation with you again. ”

” And what if I insist we die this case here, what are you gonna do to me? You’re gonna slice my throat like you did to those humans? Or you’re gonna have me punished like you did to those guards? What, tell me? Are you gonna strangle me by the throat like you almost did to Diana? Or you’re gonna hurt my wrist like you did her few minutes ago? Tell me! What, you gonna do? ”

He turned to her, ” Bella… ” He held himself not to do anything stupid. ” That’s enough. ” He warned.

She walked more close to him, ” Allison is gone, in as much as I love her as a friend and a sister, I care for Diana too. If you really want this relationship to work out for the both of you, if you want her to feel this bond and accept you as her mate, then you have to act like a human being for once. ”

She left him speechless, slamming the door hard behind her.



Not for long, Micheal entered. His eyes studied the room, the desk was already turned upside down. Papers scattered around, and the chairs were broken in halves.

Then he looked at the angry Derek who was breathing heavily, he came forward to him. ” What happened here? ” He asked, still surprised at what he was seeing.

The whole place looked like there was a fight, and it was difficult to know where to begin with. ” What happened? ” He asked again.

” I’m a mess, Micheal, and Bella is right about everything. ” He said after a while.

” What are you talking about? ” Michael asked, not sure if he understood a thing.

” I almost hurt her, I keep hurting her, now she sees me as a monster. Bella too, she’s scared of me now. What’s wrong with me? For twelve years I’ve waited for her, I’ve wished to have her and now I do, I keep hurting her the more. I’m supposed to love her, I’m supposed to be there for her but… ” He shooks his head, ” I’m not. ”

” It’s not your fault, Derek. ” Michael said, trying to calm him down.

” Then who’s fault is it? Who? ”

” Is it about the necklace? ”

Derek nodded.

” Derek, ” he called calmly. ” I think it’s time you have to let go of Allison. It might be difficult, I know but you just have to. ”

” I’ve tried. I tried but I can’t. Even if I can, it’s just so difficult for me to. ”

” I know it’s difficult to get ride of your first love, but if you want Diana to accept you, then you need to start accepting her too. Allison is gone, let Diana take over your heart. I’ll talk to her. ”

” It’s pointless, she already h@ťěs me. ”

” Let’s not conclude yet. While you stay here, I’ll go talk to her, okay? ” He tapped him by his shoulder.

He nodded, ” Okay. ”


Michael ✓

I went to the lake site, May told me she was there. From a far distance, I saw her throw stones on the water. She seems to be happy doing that.

I stood behind her, I’m sure she had noticed me but, she kept doing what she was doing. I know she still h@ťěs me too. What do you expect, I kidnapped her.

” Hi, ” I said, but she didn’t stop doing what she was doing.

” What do you want now, to kidnap me back to New York? Cos I’ll love it. ”

I chuckled. ” I’m not here to take you away. ”

” So, what are you for if I may ask? ” She stopped throwing the stones, now she was looking at me.

” I just wanna talk. ” I simply told her.

” Oh please, don’t tell me you’re here to apologise for doing what you did because I won’t forgive you. ”

I smiled, ” Honestly, that’s the first reason I’m here. ”

” So, what’s the second reason then? ”

I smiled again, turning my gaze at the lake. ” We barely talked since I brought you here, so I thought I should just have a little chat with you. ”

She scoffed.

” I know you h@ťě me, and I’m totally fine with that. I’m not trying to talk to you for you to forgive me or.. wh@ťěver. I just wanna talk to you, that’s all. ”

” Okay.. I’m listening. ” She said reluctantly.

” Bella told me how you feel about everything around, she said you’re getting adapted to everyone. ”

” Not everyone. ”

” I know, and that’s including me, right?. ”

She looked at me, scoffing again. ” You know, if I really h@ťě you, I wouldn’t be talking to you now. ”

” I’ll take that as no then. ”

” Hey, don’t have high hopes yet, I never said I’ve forgiven you. ” We smiled. ” Honestly, I was really angry at you for what you did, but I found out that doesn’t worth it. I get it, you were only following orders, and some f_cking destiny, I totally get that too. Bella once told me, sometimes we find ourselves in circumstances we don’t want to, but we’re left with no choice but to accept it. Guess that’s what I’m about to do. ”

” It’s everywhere, I understand how that feels to be taken from the people you love without a good-bye. Leaving your career and dreams behind without enjoying the fullest of it, and I’m sorry for that. ”

She removed her eyes, gently rubbing her eyes so I won’t notice. ” I’m here to be with him right? I’m here to be by his side, but he doesn’t love me. ”


To Be Continued…

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