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Friday, October 18, 2024
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Sunny was on her way to her office when Jace suddenly appeared before her.

“Oh my God!” She screamed frighteningly.

Jace smiled before tucking one of his hands into his pants pocket.

“Hi love” he waved with his other hand.

Sunny frowned and tried to walk past him when he suddenly blocked her path.

She faced him with an exasperated sigh.

“What do you want?” She asked frustratingly.

“You,” he said.

“Me?” She stared at him unbelievably.

“Yea…. I need your help” he muttered.

“In what?” She folded her arms across her chest.

“A proposal,” Jace whispered.

“A.. what?” Sunny asked confusingly.



Jaime entered the class, holding Layla’s hand in his.

Wyatt stared at them before taking his gaze away. He already gave up on her but it still hurt as his heart still kept beating for her.

Jaime walked to Mickey’s seat, Lilian was beside him.

“Hi guys, meet my girlfriend,” Jaime grinned.

“Wait… Your girlfriend?” Mickey asked shockingly.

“Yea,” he raised their interlocked hands and Lilian jumped up happily.

“Finally!” She screamed.

She faced Layla.

“You made him go through a lot, yunno? I should have scolded you a bit but I wouldn’t do that since you’re my friend” she said.

Layla smiled.

“I know and I’m gonna make it up to him now that my memories are back” she said.

“Your memo…”

Layla nodded, cutting Mickey off.

“Wow!! That’s great! Things are now falling in place” Mickey smiled.

“Right,” Lilian smiled.

“He can be jerky sometimes but you just have to put up with him, okay?” She winked.

“Lilian!” Jaime frowned.

They all laughed happily.



“Are you sure you don’t need to visit the hospital?” Charles asked as he came out of the bathroom with Hailey.

“You’ve been sleeping all day and your face kinda looks pale” he muttered, helping her to sit on the bed.

“Should I? I just feel weak” she whispered, resting her head on his shoulder.

Charles placed his arms around her shoulder, rubbing it softly.

“You should, I don’t want you to fall sick, it’s gonna affect me too” he said.

Hailey smiled.

“So baby, while we’re at it… Where would you like to travel to? I mean, with me alone… Just the two of us” he suddenly asked.

Hailey raised her head from his shoulder to stare at him.

“Paris. I’ve always wanted to visit that beautiful place and explore everywhere with the man I love and that’s… You” she muttered.

“Should we go today?” He asked.

“Today? That’s so sudden. We haven’t even prepared ourselves” Hailey said.

“Just leave everything to me… Will you go to the hospital while I pack our things?”

Hailey did a rethink for a while before nodding her head.

She changed her clothes and Charles helped her downstairs.

“I told you I can walk” Hailey giggled when Charles carried her in his arms on the stairs.

“You don’t look well, and I love it this way” he smiled.

They got outside and he placed her inside his private car gently before facing Lewis.

“I want you to drive her to the hospital, make sure she’s safe” he ordered.

“Yes, Boss” Lewis entered the car and drove out of the house.

Charles faced his guards.

“Follow them, make sure she’s in no danger or you lose your heads”

“Yes Boss!”

Charles went back inside.



Hailey sat in the Doctor’s office anxiously, a test had been carried on her like the Doctor said and she was told to wait for the results.

“I’m sorry for keeping you waiting, Miss,” Doctor George said when he entered the office.

“It’s fine, sir,” Hailey smiled.

The Doctor sat down and adjusted his spec.

“So, what’s wrong with me? Am I sick or?” Hailey asked curiously.

“You’re not, Miss. According to the test we carried on you, we discovered that you’re three weeks gone” The Doctor smiled.

“Three weeks gone?”

“Congratulations Miss, you’re three weeks pregnant” The Doctor said.

Hailey gasped loudly.

“I’m pregnant?” She asked to be sure she heard the correct thing.

“Yes, Miss”

Hailey touched her stomach, she couldn’t believe a being was growing inside her.

“I’m pregnant?” She whispered again.

She wasn’t sure of what she felt at that moment. Of course she was happy about the fact that she was going to be a mother, but what about Charles?

Was he ready to be a father? Will he be happy about the news?

And her parents? How will they react to it?



“Are you there already?” Charles asked Jace over the phone.

“Yes, and you?” Jace asked.

“We’ll join you soon,” Charles said.

Hailey entered the room, her face was straight but deep inside her, her mind was a little bit troubled.

Immediately Charles noticed her presence in the room, he quickly ended the call with Jace.

“Cara, you’re back?” He smiled.

Hailey nodded lightly.

“So, how was it? You’re fine, right?” He asked.

“Er, yea. I…” She was about to say something when there was a knock on the door.

“Come in,” Charles said.

A boy entered and bowed his head.

“Your luggages are ready sir” he announced.

“The car?”

“It is ready, sir,” the guy said.

“Good” Charles faced Hailey.

“Let’s go, Cara,” he smiled.

“Our luggages is in the car already,” he added.

Hailey smiled lightly and followed him out of the room. She just didn’t know how to announce it to him.

Will he be happy about it? Or…

She just didn’t know what to think at that moment.



The car stopped at the airport, Charles came down from the car and Hailey did too with the help of his hand.

“Cara, can you stay here a little bit? I’ll be right back” he said.

Hailey smiled before nodding her head.

He pecked her forehead before walking away.

Hailey rested on the car and let out a sigh. Her eyes went to her stomach and she bit her lips gently.

“We aren’t even married yet, how could I be so careless?” She mumbled.

A guy walked to her.

“Boss said you should go to the plane, he’ll join you soon,” he said.

“Charles did?” Hailey muttered. Where’s he?

“Yes, ma’am”

Hailey sighed before following him. Why would he ask her to enter the plane alone?


Charles walked to where Jace was standing with Sunny. His eyes went to Sunny who bowed to him before he faced Jace.

“Why’s she here?” He asked.

“To help us, you need her help, right?” Jace said.

Charles smiled before nodding his head.

“Let’s just act along, okay?” He said to Sunny.

“Yes, sir”

“She’s coming,” Jace said, staring ahead of him.

Charles stared ahead and smiled when he saw Hailey coming towards them with one of his bodyguards.

“Good” he faced Sunny and pulled her to him by placing his hand on her back lightly.

“Just don’t do anything,” he whispered to her.

He placed his lips beside her cheek, in such a way that it would look like they were kissing.

Hailey was still walking with the guard beside her when her eyes landed on Charles kissing another lady.

Her eyes widened and her head sparked immediately, she marched towards them in anger.

“What the f-__-k!” She wrenched Charles out of Sunny’s hold and landed a slap on his cheek immediately.

“You bastard!” She spat!

She turned to Sunny and her eyes widened in surprise when she recognized her to be a staff in the company.

“You…” She raised her hand before staring at Charles in nothing but disappointment. Tears were beginning to stream down her cheeks.

“You… How could you do this to me? Was that why you left me alone there? So you could do this?!” She screamed. She felt hurt and betrayed at that moment. To think she already got pregnant for him.

“Cara I…” Charles tried saying when another slap landed on the same cheek, making it so red.

“Don’t talk to me, you bastard! I regret ever falling for you! I regret ever giving myself to you! You’re just an @$$h0le!” She spat. She glared at Sunny before walking away, cleaning her tears at intervals.

“Bastard!” She mumbled.

Suddenly a loud scream filled the airport and she stopped walking.

Everyone’s eyes were on something she didn’t know behind her.

Slowly, she turned back and her eyes widened in surprise when she saw Charles on his knees, holding a box in his hand. In it lay a diamond shiny ring, the most gorgeous ring she has ever seen in her life.

“Charles,” she whispered.

“That was a prank, Cara. How could I do that to my one and only? I can never cheat on you, Cara, not when we’ve gone this far”

“We might have not been together for long but I’m sure my heart was right when it screamed your name the night we met each other.”

“You are the reason behind my laughter and smile, you are my world. The one I wanted to find, to tell you that I need you all my life, from this day on till the rest of my life. Let me love you if not for the rest of your life then for the rest of mine.”

“I’m asking you to marry me, not only because I know that we’re made for each other, but more importantly because I know that I cannot live a single day of my life without you being by my side. Will you marry me, Hailey Brooklyn?” Charles asked, staring at her with the most affectionate look she has ever seen.

Hailey stared at him with her mouth agape. She wasn’t expecting this, really!

Sunny and Jace appeared with happy smiles on their faces.

Hailey stared at Charles before nodding her head frantically.

“Yes! Yes! Yes! I’ll marry you! I’ll marry you, Charles!” She screamed wholeheartedly.

A loud scream filled the airport and some started making videos.

Charles smiled and got to his feet, he gently put the ring in her finger before placing a soft kiss on it.

He pulled her to a bone crushing hug, beaming with smiles.

“Thank you, Cara,” he whispered.

Hailey broke the hug to look at him, she was in tears by now.

“I… I’m pregnant,” she whispered.

“We’re having a baby, Charles,” she whispered again.

Charles’ eyes dimmed and he carried her in his arms, twirling her around in joy.

“I’m gonna be a Dad! I’m gonna be a Dad!” He screamed happily.

He placed her on her feet before going to Jace hugging him tightly.

“I’m gonna be a Dad! I’m gonna be a Father!” He screamed, shedding tears of joy.

He went back to Hailey before pulling her to a deep kiss.

This was one of the happiest days of his life. Indeed, the coming of Hailey into his life was indeed a blessing to him.


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