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Friday, October 18, 2024
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THE GIRLS CLUB – Episode 10

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Later that evening, Philomena’s phone kept ringing.

“Who has been calling you none stop?. And why aren’t you answering your calls?.” Joshua asked curioused.

“It’s Lawrence. I guess he is mad at me for not being at home for the couple photo$h00t that we were supposed to have today.” She said putting her phone on silent mode.

“What a psycho. He must have been enjoying the fame that came from being your partner and manager. There are lots of ladies who compares their relationship with yours. If only they knew what they are tapping into.” Joshua said

“Yeah. That’s social media for you. I know a lot of girls that are in a better and peaceful relationship. Yet, they still wish to be like me because of the expensive cars, bags, shoes, and clothes I flaunt online with a smile that came from a broken and crushed heart. And whenever Lawrence got me new designer stuffs, he hurriedly snaps it and post it online with the caption, a gift to remind babe of how much I love her. And guess what? The comment section will be filled with lots of comments like awwn, the best man ever, man like Lawrence, I will love oo, God when?, I tap into this kind of love, love is sweeter when money is involved, bla bla bla. And most of these comments will be coming from girls that are in a better relationship. At times, they end up comparing their hardworking and caring boyfriends to Lawrence. Not knowing that in every new gift he got for me, I must have been R@P£D, drvgged or beaten the previous night. If only some of these girls would understand that sometimes they are better than the person they are wishing to be like. If only they would learn to stop comparing themselves with people they see online. If only they would learn to appreciate themselves and their partners. But I won’t blame them. People are not interested in the story behind the glory.” Philomena said disheartened.

“I can practically relate with that you know, my ex girlfriend had always wanted a perfect man like Lawrence. She doesn’t fail every day to remind me of how imperfect and outdated I am. I have practically sacrificed a lot to make her happy. But in the end, the comparison didn’t let her appreciate my efforts. And here I am today. Back to being single.” Joshua said.

“So cynthy still broke up with you after everything I told her? Well, you can’t blame her. Ladies are moved by what they see these days. She just wants a partner that will showcase her all over the internet. Not knowing that it’s not about how much you are being showcased online. But how much you are being treated offline and behind the camera. So many people have lost it honestly. That’s how they keep losing diamonds because they keep chasing stones. But do you know we both have some things in common?.” Philomena said.

“Things like?.” Joshua asked curioused.

“Things like making sacrifices for people who end up not appreciating our sacrifices. Just like my sister Vera. She got pregnant for her school boyfriend and when I tried to caution her, she said so many unbelievable and hurtful words to me instead.” Philomena said.

“You really love your sisters. Don’t you?.” Joshua asked smiling.

“I do. Infact, it’s safe to say, I’ve practically been living my life for them. Do you know why I bought this beach house in the first place? It was so we could hang out together here in the beach when they’ve graduated and when I’m finally freed from Lawrence. I also bought two houses under their names hoping to hand over the keys to them on their graduation day. I had plans to settle them and make sure they can stand on their own. That’s how much I love and think about my sisters.” Philomena said smiling with tears in her eyes.

“How old are you?.” Joshua asked curioused

“This is the first time Someone has paid interest to my personal life. Well, I’m just 23 going to be 24 soon.” Philomena replied.

“23? And you are this matured upstairs? My goodness. Your ways of reasoning are so matured for someone of your age. How come you speak, reason, and act like a 30 years old lady?.” Joshua said marveled.

“Hahahaha. I guess I will take this as a compliment that has a little touch of insults.” Philomena said laughing out loud.

“You know what? You look beautiful when you laugh.” Joshua said with a serious tone.

“It’s been long since I had a good laugh. Thank you Josh.” Philomena said smiling at Joshua.

“So tell me, what has been your dreams?.” He asked.

“Dreams? Hahahaha. I stopped dreaming long time ago. I dream and think about my sisters now.” Philomena said laughing.

“Stop it. Every one of us had a dream we were so passionate about while growing up. So what’s yours?. If you had the opportunity to go to school like your sisters, what course would you have studied?.” Joshua asked curioused.

“I had always wanted to be a medical doctor while growing up.” Philomena revealed.

“Wow!. That’s nice. Then you must start dreaming again. Everyone have the right to dream. I want you to start preparing your mind from now on. Cause once all these is over, you will be going back to school to fulfill your dreams. Enough of thinking about others. It’s time to think about yourself.” Joshua said.

“I can’t remember the last time anyone asked me about what my dreams were. Thank you so much Joshua. You must be my answered prayers.” Philomena said smiling helplessly at him.

“You won’t blame anyone for not asking you about your dreams. Cause they thought you were already living in your dreams based on how happy you have always appeared to be in your pictures. Besides, having a rich and influential boyfriend and being a celebrity is a dream come true for most women. Anyways, this won’t do. Tell me what are the things you’ve always wanted to do if you were free to live your life?.” Joshua asked Standing to his feet.

“Well, first, I’ve always wanted to go camping, I also want to go on a trip with my grandmother and sisters. Also, I’ve always wanted to go on a real date, have a taste of what real love feels like, and what a good and romantic segz feels like.” Philomena said.

“Wow. That’s a strange wish you have there. I guess I will have to make your first wish come true for now. Then the rest can be fulfilled when you meet the right man who will love, adore and treat you right.” Joshua said.

“You know what? It feels like a heavy load has been lifted off my shoulders after opening up to you. How about we drink ourselves to stupor tonight? at least, to celebrate my first time sleeping outside Lawrence’s house, and opening up to someone.” Philomena said with a big smile across her lips.

“Alright. I think that won’t be a problem. After all, I don’t have anyone waiting for me back home. So let’s get drunk tonight.” He said smiling back at Philomena.

That night, they drank and chatted freely till they got drunk.

“Joshua.” Philomena called drunk.

“Yes Philomena….” Joshua responded totally drunk as well.

“Can you please grant my wish now?.” She asked smiling at him.

“Which of them?.” He asked.

“Can you show me what passionate and romantic segz feels like?.” She said completely drunk.

“No Philomena. That’s only for couples. We aren’t couples.” He replied.

“But we are both single right? And we won’t be cheating on anyone.” Philomena said.

“Yeah. That’s right but…” He tried to give her excuses. But Philomena put her finger across his lips shutting him up.

“Shhhh…..enough of the excuses and restrictions tonight. Teach me everything I need to know about real romance and love making. I need to unlearn everything I’ve learned so far.” She said gazing into Joshua eyes.

“Do you know that you get bolder and more daring when you are drunk?.” Joshua asked removing her hand from his lips.

“f-__-k what everyone says. f-__-k Lawrence, f-__-k everyone. I just want to get loosed tonight.” Philomena said leaning towards Joshua.

“You asked for this.” He said grabbing her by her waist. He slowly pulled her closer into a deep, warm, gentle, and romantic kiss that sent vibration all through Philomena’s body. She felt a different feeling that night as Joshua’s hand ran through her dress and slowly unzipped it. She was still trying to get over the sweetness she was feeling when he went down to her bosom.
And for the first time in her entire life, Philomena felt like a woman and understood what romantic love making was. As every stroke he gave her eased her pains and stress.

When they were both satisfied, they slept off peacefully in each other’s arms.

Joshua woke up the next day and found a written note beside him.

“Thanks Josh for making me feel something different for the first time in my entire life. Thank you for giving me hopes to dream again. I would like you to keep the video safe. I’ve gone back to get evidence of Lawrence’s deeds. My video alone won’t be able to bring him to Justice. We need concrete evidence against him. And if I die trying to get these evidence, I hope you will let my video go viral and let the world hear my story. Thanks so much. Have a nice day.” The write up said.

“What in God’s name is she trying to do? Has she gone nuts or something?.” Joshua asked with his heart racing fast for Philomena.

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