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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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❣️❣️❣️?CHAPTER 28?❣️❣️❣️
“Avery wait!” Rex shouted and I stopped and took a deep breath.

I didn’t really want to create an emotional scene so I sniffed, wiped my tears off and turned around with a smile.

“Hi, so you’re the new CEO.” I said foolishly but with confidence.

Rex walked towards me, showing me his cute smile, he’s looking handsome as usual especially with his grey tuxedo and his messier hair making him to look hot.

I stepped backwards and looked at another side “So let’s start this meeting already.”

Rex held my hand and I yanked it off giving him a death glare “Don’t even touch me.”

I felt sad and guilty, I didn’t even know how it happened between me and Gianna.

I can’t believe my eyes, Avery! She’s so beautiful as usual with her flawless skin, beautiful face, amazing eyes, cute pink soft lips. She’s seems a little bit chubby and thicker which makes her look more cute.

I smiled happily, feeling glad that I see Avery. I’ve been nothing without her, I’m just so happy that she’s here.

“Did you too know each other?” Dad asked.

“Well, y…”

“No.” Avery cut in “We’ve never met before, I have no idea who he is.”

I see the sadness in his eyes as I said such lies. I feel so bad but he deserves it.

I fake smiled to everyone as my hands shaking and my heart is beating for no reason.

I have to hurry up and get out of here before Rex knows that I have his baby.

He still doesn’t deserve to know. Thank God, Ria is not with me.

He broke my heart, almost ruined my life so I have nothing to do with him, expect our child.

If Rex knows about Ria, he’ll want to get closer to me because of the child, and I know how much he wanted a child from me so bad that he couldn’t stop having segz with me those times.

Thinking about it makes me sick and blush.

“So let’s get this meeting started.” Mr Orlando said.

I brought out my phone and texted mom.

Avery ✉️ Don’t come to the meeting, just wait for me in the car.

Rex sat at his top position and I had to sit close to him because I’m a CEO too.

He can’t just stop staring at me with his amazing eyes but I have to look away.

“Umm Dad, can you please take over, I don’t feel so good.” Rex said and I know he’s lying.

“Okay son.” Mr Orlando agreed as both of them stood up and switch seats.

Rex sat right in front of me and locked his eyes on me, making me to shiver more.

“So Miss Trent…”

“I’m not Miss Trent anymore, just Miss Avery or call me Miss Carmichael.” I said to Mr Orlando.

“Who’s Carmichael?” Rex asked.

“My boyfriend. Why?” I lied.

Rex chuckled and I rolled my eyes.

“Okay Miss Carmichael, I’m so glad you agreed about our partnership business.”

“I didn’t really agree with you, Mrs Carmichael did.” I said.

“Which means your company also agree.” Rex said.

I rolled my eyes “My company belongs to me so I still didn’t agree. You know what? I think I should just leave. This deal is cancelled.” I said angrily as I took my bag, stood up and was walking away.

“But Miss Carmichael…”

“You can’t leave.” Rex snapped and I stopped.

I glared at him “Oh yeah? Why not?”

He brought out some papers “Because Mrs Carmichael already signed up the contract, so no can’t back down on this one, not for any stupid reason.”

I clenched my fist, everyone’s starring at me making me to look stupid.

?What’s wrong with her?

? She’s too arrogant.

? It’s not like her company is already big and successful. Just a small useless place.

? I h@ťě her.

? So foolish.

“Quiet everyone!!” Rex yelled at his employees.

I gulped as I went back to my seat and Rex gave me a sad look “I’m sorry.”

It feels like his apologizing to me about the past. I rolled my eyes as its developing tears.

Why does it have to be now? After hurting my feelings, embarrassing me in front of everyone. Why now?

I still didn’t mean to hurt Avery like this. What should I do? I don’t want to see her cry in front of everyone. They’ll think it’s because they’re whispering and her.

I cleared my throat “Um I think we should reschedule the meet…”

“So what did you want us to do about the business, Mr Orlando?” Avery cut me off, talking to my dad, those tears are magically gone “Because I think we should bring some of our products to your company to advertise and sell then we do the same to your product. Am I right?”

? Good idea.

? It’s a good idea but still don’t like her.

? Impressive.

Avery gave me a smug smile with a glare and focused on the meeting. My dad is looking a bit confused of what’s going on.

I walked out of the meeting room, strolling down the big hallway.

I can’t believe I have to see that son-of-a-Ɓîtçh again. Why is he everywhere? More worse I still have to work with him.

Why is fate bringing us together again? I h@ťě Rex, he broke my heart having segz with my best friend.

I would have called off the agreement but my company really need the profit to grow.

“Whoa!” I was pulled into an office, he closed the door and slammed me against it, glaring at me.

You already know who it is.

I pushed him away “What’s your problem? Why are you always doing this? Don’t you even get old from doing it?”

He smirked as he pressed himself in me, caressing my face, giving me his brown beautiful eyes.

“I’ve missed you so much, your eyes, your hair, your lips, your beauty, you.” He said softly.

I’ve missed him too but I still didn’t want to see him because he almost destroyed me.

I tried to push him away but he grabbed my waist tightly.

“Rex, let me go.” I said, acting annoyed but Rex didn’t answer.

“I said leave me alone.” I winced, no reply.

“Let go of me!!!” I cried as I punched his face and get staggered.

I tried to open the door but it’s locked “You’re not gonna leave me again and ever, Avery.” Rex smirked.

“Rex, open the door.” I said.

“First, we do a quickie.” Rex pulled me and lay me on the table then went on top of me.

“Rex, stop.” I cried.

He ignored as he started kissing my neck passionately.

I don’t know why but I’m still not in the mood. Maybe because of my hatred for him or because my body hasn’t heal totally.

“Rex, stop it, my body is just healing!!!” I pushed him away and stood up, feeling a bit weak.

I’m not supposed to say that.

He frowned confusedly “What did you mean?”

Oh no! He’s not supposed to know anything about me having a baby.

“It… It’s known of your… I have to leave, I’m late for some meeting in my office.” I said and wanted to open the door but it’s locked.

“What’s wrong with you?” Rex approached me and held my hand “Are you okay?” He asked.

I removed my hand “I said leave me alone, what’s your problem?”

“You’re not going anywhere till you tell me, what’s wrong.”

“Nothing’s wrong, okay? It’s just a minor sickness, no big deal, so just leave me alone and open the door or I’ll scream.” I said.

“Don’t even dare.” Rex glared.

I ran to the door and starting banging it “Help!! Help!!! He’s trying to rape me!!!”

Rex grabbed my waist and pulled me back and covered my mouth “Shhh… Okay, okay. I’ll open it.”

He released me and opened the door and I walked out immediately.

“Idiot.” I muttered.

Why do I feel Avery is hiding something from me like something really important?

I have to find out and get my woman back.

I know I’ve wronged her but it was unintentional, I don’t know how it happened.

I walked out of the office building, blushing a little that I saw Rex again.

Honestly, I’m so happy but I don’t want to show it to Rex because he ruined me and I won’t forgive him for that.

I don’t even know why I still have feelings for him. I just h@ťě him so much.

I went straight to the garage where my car was, and I entered and met Mom tickling Ria.

“Aren’t you adorable my little pickle.” Mom squealed and Ria giggled as spits coming out of her mouth.

I smiled happily starring at my baby, I can’t believe that’s Rex’s daughter. Well, people will believe because she looks just like Rex but She’s mixed.

Rex will h@ťě me and take my daughter away if he finds out. I won’t let that happen.

“Avery!” Mom snapped me out of my thoughts.


“Why are sweating and paced out? How’s the meeting?” Mom asked.

I lay my palm on my forehead and notice I’m actually sweating because of what happened. Wow.

“The meeting is fine. But why didn’t tell me what the O stands for in the O’Empire?” I asked.

“What Orlando?” Mom scoffed.

“Yes! Why didn’t you tell me and You didn’t tell me about the new CEO, then you still sign the contract without my permission.” I complained.

“Because you trusted me with the company and you were not even angry and where’s this coming from Avery? What’s the problem?” Mom retorted.

I bent my head “I’m so sorry for yelling, it’s just… You should have at least tell me that the CEO is Rex.”

“You mean Rexford?” Mom asked “Wait… That’s the Rex you’re talking about that slept with your best friend the day you found out you’re pregnant for him?”

I nodded “Yeah.”

Mom gasped “That means Ria’s his daughter.”

“Shhh, don’t say that out loud and let’s get out of here.” I said.

The driver went in and drove off…


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