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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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HEARTBEATS – Episode 58

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( I Think I
Love You … )


By, Naomi Cindy B.






Dalton smirked proudly, and Draco kicked him on the face, causing his face to hit hard on the wall.

Blood ran down the side of his face, and he started coughing.

“Who the hell is he?” Kelly asked.

“Aren’t you Dalton?, Micheal’s f-__-king senior brother” Draco said, and Dalton groaned, spitting blood away.

“Get up” Kelly ordered, but Dalton kept sitting.

Draco dragged him up and started taking him away into the darkness.

“What are you gonna do to him?” Kelly asked.

“You heard when I talked about burning something alive” Draco replied and continued dragging him away.

Kelly had no choice but to follow.



Viola has been admitted, and the bullet is currently getting removed so all the girls are waiting in the hallway.

JoJo is the only one sitting down, and she’s sobbing quietly as she did, thinking about Snow.

When she remembered how she stood up for her when no one did, how she hugged her and gave her comfort, she sobbed more.

She could still remember their first day as friends when they snapped various pictures together and went to register for the arts club audition together.

She covered her mouth as her sobs graduated to cries, and Luna sat beside her.

“Calm down baby love,, let’s just focus on Viola’s safety for now ok?” She said.

JoJo nodded, but she kept crying, so Winter sat on her other side.

“Baby stop crying already, please” she said, bringing her head to her shoulder slowly.

As she stroked her hair, Luna gave her soothing pats till the doctor came out to them.

“The bullet has been removed successfully, and she’ll be totally fine once she gets transfused with enough blood to make up for the one she lost” he said assuredly.

“That sounds soothing” Winter inhaled, and JoJo started trying to stop her tears.

Minutes later, they all went into the ward and met Viola unconscious on the bed, she’s truly getting transfused with blood.

“Toughie” JoJo sniffed, wiping her tears.

“I know, right?” Luna smiled, staring at Viola on the bed.

“Please open your eyes soon” Winter said, touching her hair.

“I wonder where her parents could be” Luna inhaled.

“Me too, I was so surprised when I heard she’s not Draco’s biological sis, I hope she meets her parents one day” Winter said.

“I have a feeling she will” JoJo replied and managed to smile dryly.

Someone entered the ward, and they all turned back to see Mrs Denmark.

“Snow’s mum?” Winter said surprisingly.

“I’m sorry girls, I entered the wrong ward”she smiled and rushed out.

“She looks so much like her mum!” Luna exclaimed.

“Swears, that devil is the carbon copy of Mrs Denmark” Winter replied, and Kelly came in.

“Where’s Draco?, You both ran out together” JoJo asked.

“He’s with the $h00ter” he replied, and their eyes widened.

“He caught the $h00ter?”

“Yeah, Dalton DeLuca”

“The senior brother of Micheal whom I almost got betrothed to?” JoJo said, and Kelly nodded as he walked in completely.

“You almost got engaged?” Luna and Winter chorused.

“Yes, I was planning to tell you guys once the party was over, it almost happened but Draco saved me” JoJo replied.

“So…to get revenge, he tried to ki|| Draco but Viola took it instead?” Luna said.

“Yeah, but Draco will take care of him, no need to worry” Kelly replied, looking at Viola only.

He wants to stroke her hair and hold her hands, but he’s scared about what the girls might say, so he folded his palms.



Dalton was tied to a pole, and the blood he’s bleeding right now is much more than the previous, he got more beatings obviously.

Draco was holding a gasoline keg, walking around in front of him, and he was already shaking with fear.

“Are you really… gonna burn me?” He asked cowardly.

“I’ve never gone back on my words” Draco smirked and opened the keg, then he started walking to him.

“No!!!!!!, Please don’t!, I don’t wanna die I beg you!, Don’t do it!, I promise to fly out of Cali and never come back!, I promise!!!”

“You shot one of my most important three people, you should at least pay for it this way” Draco replied and emptied the whole gasoline on his head.

“No!!!!!!!” Dalton shouted in fright as it started streaming down his body, then Draco brought out a lighter, his eyes widened.

“No!, No don’t!, No!!!” He cried like a kid again, and Draco put on the lighter without waiting.

He started bringing it closer to him, and he kept screaming, smelling death already.

A little before Draco would throw it at him, someone ran in, Micheal.

“No!!!!!!!” He shouted, running to Draco.

He fell at his feet and held his leg tightly.

“Please don’t burn him, I sent him to take revenge on my behalf so please!, ki|| me instead but don’t ki|| my brother!, Don’t burn my brother alive!!” He cried, and Draco smirked before turning to him.

“Please, please spare us” Micheal cried slowly, and he sighed, dropping the lighter on the ground.

He marched it to shatters immediately, then he bent in front of Micheal.

He raised his chin with a finger, and he smiled dangerously.

“You guys might be useful” he said.



Snow got home since two hours ago, but she spent the two hours at the driveway inside her car.

She has been crying non-stop, and the tears refused to stop as she kept thinking about what just happened.

Her day one with JoJo was the happiest day she has ever recorded in her life, the day she made a true friend, but she ruined that friendship by herself.

Now that she thinks about it, she’s a selfish and wicked unbelievable Ɓîtçh who deserves to die.

“I can’t believe myself, I can’t….why…why did I do that to JoJo why!!!” She cried again, hitting her head on the car window as her tears continued dampening her dress.

The award she was so obsessed with, she didn’t get it.

The guy she was obsessed with, she’ll never get him, and the only friend she made, she just lost her forever.

She was still crying as she got down from the car and entered the house.

“Welcome home miss, madam took boss to the hospital not long ago, he was constipated” one of the maids reported.

She ignored and started climbing the stairs, meeting Derek at the mouth of it.

“Why the tears?, You didn’t win the crown?” He said.

“Brother!!” She cried more, resting her face on his chest.

Derek started stroking her hair to calm her down.



JoJo got down from Luna’s car and they waved at each other before she drove away, then JoJo went in.

Draco is not in yet when she came in, so she sat on the bed and got her phone.

Though the pictures she snapped with Snow got dumped with her former phone, but everything was saved in the cloud, so she still has it on the account.

She went there and started staring at them, reminiscing about their first day as friends, and how her smile looked like the most beautiful thing on Earth to her.

“Snow why?, Why did you… Change?” She sobbed, her tears dropping on the phone screen.

The door opened, and Draco came in.

“Knight” she stood.

He walked straight to her and pulled her into a tight hug, letting his nose take in much of her chocolate scent.

“Unless you want me to go to Snow’s place and get her ki||ed tonight, stop crying” he whispered, and she quickly started sniffing back her tears.

“I’m glad you found out yourself, you know we can’t keep friends forever, some will choose to leave on their own while circumstances beyond control will drag some away, Snow left by herself, she made the choice so stop crying, ok?” He whispered, and she closed her eyes, hugging him tighter.

“Good girl” he smiled, giving her hair gentle strokes.

“The $h00ter?” She asked.

“Trust me I know what to do with them” he replied, breaking the hug to wipe the remaining traces of tears on her face.

He kissed her forehead afterwards, and she smiled as he hugged her again.


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