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Friday, October 18, 2024
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??{ His Human Mate }??

Written ✍️: Cisca. H.

Chapter 15:

‘ This is impossible, ’ he wondered. ‘ How? ’

It should be a relief to his hearing but… it wasn’t. ‘ How is that possible? ’ he asked thoughtfully.

” You are free to see her, ” said the doctor.

Aunty Tracy noticed his expression from the doctor’s office. He looked shocked than she is.

She was wondering why the news wasn’t a relief to him as it was to her. Besides, he was the most concerned one yesterday, why is she the most excited one now?

” Kel, ” she called as they got to the door. ” You don’t look happy, why? ”

” I am happy as well as surprised too. It’s a miracle, nothing like this has ever happened before. ”

” Okay. I’ll go get something to eat. ” She said leaving to one of the stores in town.

He entered. He saw her fingers made moves and her eyelids blink twice.
He rushed to her, holding the hand that had moved.

” Diana, ” he called.

She finally blinked her eyes open after the fourth time he had called her name.
Her eyes opened, showing a dark purple colour as she gasped, exhaling slowly.

She blinked and the purple colour disappeared. Shocked at what just happened, he loosened his grip on her.

Staring around her environment, her gaze met him. It took her time to recognize his face.

She Mõ@ɲed as she tried sitting up, but he held her back on the held. ” Don’t bother sitting. ”

” Uncle Kelvin? ” She called weakly, recognizing his voice.

” How are you feeling? ”

” Not okay, my head hurts. ”

” You do remember, right? ” He asked,

” I remember everything. What did the doctors say? ”

” Nothing much, just a slight brain damage which seems to have healed already. ”

She groaned painfully, sighing. ” Are you alright? ” He asked worried.

She nodded a weak ‘ yes ’ at him. ” I’m fine, just the headache. How is aunty Tracy and the others? ”

” They are all fine. Tracy went to buy something we’ll eat, she’ll be here soon. ”

She nodded again.

” I’m sorry Diana. ” Came the soft words out of his mouth.

She wondered why he might have said that. He has always been a good man to her, why would he be apologizing to her?

” For what? ”

” It’s all my fault you got hurt… ”

” Uncle… ”

” You’ve been through a lot since you were little, I thought I would be a good uncle by bringing you over to the state but yet, I haven’t. ”

” Uncle kel, you’ve done more than enough for me and I am okay with that. You don’t have to give me the whole world just to prove how good you’ve been to me. Stop blaming yourself for my condition, it’s no one’s fault neither is it yours. You don’t have to be sorry for what keeps happening to me, it all has nothing to do with you. ”

The door opened and aunty Tracy walked in. ” Oh my, Diana you’re awake already. ” She screamed excitedly, as she went to give her a hug.

” How are you feeling? ”

” Just a little headache, that’s all. ”

” I understand, such a condition is really not funny. I’m so happy you’re awake. ” She grinned.

” Thanks guys for checking on me this few days, I know it’s really not that easy but… thank you. ”

” Oh, ” she beat her hand on the air, ” it’s nothing. Come on, I bought us something to eat. Guess you might be starving. ”

” Of course, I am. ”



Diana has spent more extra two days at the hospital, uncle Kelvin on the other side has talked with the doctor in charge of Diana’s case to discharge her as she was already getting better.

Aunty Tracy was making Diana’s favorite dish as they were expecting her back home that day.

Uncle Kelvin has dressed up about to go when Queen rushed to him. ” Dad, can I follow you? ” She asked.

” No, kitten, you stay back with your mother. ”

” Dad, ” she folded her fist by her both sides, ” but you promised me that I will follow you. ”

” Not all promises are being fulfilled, sweetheart. Why don’t you wait patiently until we return? ”

” But I want to go to the hospital with you. ” She insisted.

” Well, I say no. ” He refused.

” Come on, babe, let her go. You promised her already, it’s unfair to break it now. ”

” Pretty please, ” she begged with her palms together.

” Fine, let’s go. ” He rolled his eyes, moving ahead of her. ” Where did they brought you from. ” He muttered to himself but little Queen could hear it.

” From mom’s womb, remember. ”

” Hey, I wasn’t talking t… ” He pointed at her.

” Come on, dad, Diana will be waiting for us. ” She ran to the passenger side, hopping in.

” I can’t believe you, ” he said as he entered the car.

” What? ” She asked, staring widely at him.

” Nothing. ”

She bursted out laughing, holding her stomach. ” You can’t believe me because I’m following you to the hospital. But trust me dad, I’ll try not to be a pain in the @zz. I promise. ”

He started the car, zooming out of his compound to the hospital.
Queen was holding his hand as the quietly head to ward 349.

” Dad, aren’t we getting any closer yet? ” She asked, tired.

” Trust me, we are almost close. ” He assured her.

They finally got to room 349. Queen loosened her hand from her father’s hold, pushing the door open as she rushed to hug Diana.

” Queen, take it easy. ” Her father warned.

Diana sat up to embrace Queen as she jumped on her body, ” Oh Queen, I’ve missed you so much. ”

” I’ve missed you too, aunty Diana. Does it… ” pointing at her head, ” does it still hurts? ”

” Nah, just a little. ”

” Dad almost refused I’d come along. ”

” Really? ” She looked at uncle Kelvin who looked away. ” Don’t mind uncle Kelvin, sometimes he’s really… ” She made made a guessing face, ” what will I say? ” She whispered in Queen’s hear who bursted out laughing.

” Yeah. Yeah, that’s right. ” She stopped laughing, bringing her face closer to Diana’s, as if she was studying something on her face.

” What is it, Queeneth? ” She asked.

” Why is your eyes purple? ” She asked, pointing at her eyes.

” What? ” She snapped, ” How is that possible? ”

Queen laughed out loud, clapping her hands. ” I tricked you, aunty Diana! Did you see your face? It was almost like, mom.. I’m scared. ” She kept on laughing.

Uncle Kelvin who looked also surprised, quickly hid his expression as soon as Queen started laughing.

” Come on, Queen, you scared the $h|t out of me. ”


Kelvin ✓

But was that really a joke?

Or was she only kidding not to have seen anything?

What if it had come and gone so quickly, and it will all look like a joke to her?

I won’t blame her for being such a jerk sometimes, she’s just a kid.

” Come on, guys, mom will be waiting for us. ”

Queen whispered something into Diana’s ear, her eyes widened in excitement.
I hope it’s not what I am thinking.

She gasped. ” Really? ”

” Yeah. ” Queen nodded. ” So get your @zz up and let’s get going. ”

We waited for her to change to the cloth we had brought for her, leaving the room as we exited the building.


Writer ✓

Diana excused herself to the toilet, as she was heading to where Kelvin and Queen were waiting for her, someone tapped her by the shoulder.

” Excuse me, ” she flinched at him, ” I’m sorry to have startled you. ”

She chuckled softly, ” It’s okay. How may I help you? ”

” Are you Miss Craig? ” He asked.

” Yes, I am. Is there a problem? ” She asked back.

” No, not at all. ” He gave her a convincing smile. ” There’s someone who always comes here every night to check on you, he asked me to give you this. ” He handed her an envelope, not spending a second of his time, he left.


Another suspense ?? What will be in this envelope. Cisca, stop ki||ing us with suspense ???

To Be Continued…

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