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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(Being his chef)

By,Ella N.K

❌Copy at your own risk❌?


Not edited, expect errors.

__________CHAPTER 28&29__________

“N…Nora” he called again.

The moment Nora set her eyes on him,she started having intense flashbacks.

Images of a young girl and guy playing scrabble, giggling and laughing.

“Moooom….Nolan is being a cheat”

“Can’t you two behave like adults and stop acting like babies?” Mom teases.

“I’m gonna ki|| you,Nolan” the young girl said and started chasing after her brother.

“Slow-coach,better run faster” the guy teased.

They were 17 yet,always play like babies.

That’s how close and strong their love was.

All these were running through Skai’s head,but the images were blur.

She couldn’t tell why she was having such an intense flashback.

Her world was spinning, she was starting to feel dizzy and at the same time felt like she was going crazy.

She held her head like it was going to leave her any time soon.

Gradually,she started retracing her steps back and began running.

Nolan was still in dilemma.

He was shocked, he was confused, he was frustrated and totally lost.

“No….Nora! He tried to go after her but no,he couldn’t move.

He was completely glued to the ground in shocks.


Peyton who had heard the unpleasant noises, came out to see what was happening.

There, she saw Skai running out of the building.

“What did you do to my sister?” He turned to Nolan who looked frustrated already,and asked.

“Nora is the same sister she has been talking about?” What the hell is going on? He questioned himself.

“What did you do to her,answer me?! She yelped as tears streamed down her cheeks.

“If anything happens to my sister, I’m never going to forgive you! She whimpered and went after Skai.

“Nora yo….you’re ali…. He broke down as he couldn’t complete his words.

He was completely devastated.

Peyton is mad at him and wouldn’t even listen to what he has to say.

He just found out Nora is alive but she can’t remember him?

What else can happen to him that would be worse than what is happening to him now.

After he had regained himself, he got up and started going after them.

He didn’t quite get too far when he got a call.

“It’s an unknown number, I don’t have time for this”! he screamed.

But the call came again and again.

It was too persistent that he had no other choice than to pick.

“Hello,who the hell are you and what do you want?” He thundered over the phone.

“If you want to see your sister and girlfriend alive,then you must do as I say” the baritone voice came scaring the life out of Nolan.

“What….who…..what have you done to them”! He yelled,but the call had been disconnected already.

“Arrrgh” he growled and flung his phone on the walls of the building.

It broke instantly,though it was still usable.

He paced from one end to the other,ruffling his hair.

He went to the broken phone and picked it up,removed the Sim and flung the phone away,again.

He inserted the Sim in his other phone,thank goodness he has lots of phones.

He quickly dialed Gray and told him what was going on.

He hurriedly went to the phone and switched it on.

Copied the strange number down and sent it to Gray.

“Track this number, now,my sister and p
Peyton have been kidnapped” He said and continued pacing around.

Gray was surprised to as why he said his sister has been kidnapped.

Didn’t he say his twin sister was dead?

Nevertheless,he arrived almost immediately.

“What the hell is going on,dude?” Gray asked.

“My sister is alive,but she’s been kidnapped, together with Peyton” he explained.

“What?” Gray asked amidst gasps.

“Call the cobs” Gray suggested.

“Why didn’t I think of that earlier” Nolan slapped his brain and was about doing as Gray said when the call came in again.

“What do you think you’re trying to do?” Do you love your sister and girlfriend at all?

“Involve the cobs and I will send only their heads to you” he said with so much seriousness.

“I can see your every move,you’re standing right in front of your friend.

“So don’t you dare play games with me”

“Now,do as I say” he ordered Nolan who obeyed everything he said.

He doesn’t want Peyton and Nora to be hurt,not even a scratch should be on their bodies.

Nolan and Gray followed the instructions and did as were told.


Peyton and Nora were taken into a dark room,so dark that one could barely see.

Forcefully, they were made to sit on the cold floor.

Neither of them understood what was happening.

Skai was sobbing,likewise Peyton.

She tried her best not to cry,as she kept consoling Skai.

Skai on the other hand was still trying to understand what happened earlier at the restaurant.

“What do you want from us?” Brave Peyton asked.

They only laughed and ignored her.

A woman walked to where they were seated, wearing a mask.

Her servants bowed for her as she enters.

“He’s taking so much time,boss” one of them said.

“He’ll be here in 5..4…3….2….1

Before she finished calling number one,Gray and Nolan appeared.

They were indeed watching his every move.

The moment Gray saw Nora whom he has always known as Skai, he quickly ran to her.

“What’s wrong baby, why are you here?” He asked,innocently.

Nolan didn’t hesitate to do same to his baby and twin sister, but got confused at the same time.

“Wait,you two know each other? Nolan asked

“Yeah,she’s the one I’ve been telling you about and promised that I would bring her to the mansion”

Now,Nolan was really going crazy.

How have all these been happening yet, he does not have any idea.

“This is Nora, my supposed dead twin sister” Nolan said.

“What?” Both Gray, Peyton and even confused Nora asked at the same time.

Confusion ensued.

“So Skai is his twin sister and I had no idea” Peyton thought.

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