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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(Being his chef)

Written by: Ella N.K

Copy at your own risk??


Not edited, so expect errors.


“Get ready Miss Peyton, you and I are traveling tomorrow” he blurted out, making Peyton blink like she just got tons of sand in her eyes.

“Sir?” She asked to be sure she heard well.

“You and I are traveling tomorrow” he repeated, without sparing Peyton a glance.

His face seriously fixed on his laptop.

“But why,what for?” Peyton asked concurrently.

“We have a cooking competition that we must go for” he said.

“We?” Why do you want me to go with you,and why are you informing me now? She asked furiously.

“Can you ask one question at a time?”

“Okay” firstly,it was prompt,I just got the update now about my restaurant being selected.

“Secondly” I chose you because I want you to go with me.

“Have I answered your question?” He asked, staring at Pey.

“Is this guy crazy or what?

Who the hell does he think he is to order me around like i live under him.

“He must be really crazy” she thought before speaking out.

“Sir” the fact that I work for you does not mean you can order me around, I have my own life to live.

“Do you even care if I have other plans?”

“I’m sorry,but I don’t think I’m coming with you” Peyton said sternly.

Nolan was shocked to hear her say that.
Well,he actually didn’t inform her on time.

It isn’t his fault though.

“Then you might as well quit the job” he blurted,regretting it immediately.

“What did I just say” $h|t! What the hell is wrong with me?

“I’m trying to make amends here,why am I making everything worse” he said inwardly, praying that Pey would say something positive or agree to travel with him.

But it wasn’t quite what he expected or hoped for.

“Then I quit” her voice came piercing in his ears.

The “I quit” kept resounding in his ears as he saw her walk away,banging the door very hard.

“Peyton, wait” he tried calling but she had already left.

He hurriedly rushed down the elevator, straight into the kitchen.

Peyton was gone already, she was that fast.

“May” where is your colleague, Peyton? He asked May.

“She left” May simply said.

“f_ck f_ck f_ck! He cursed,May starred at him in confusion wondering what happened between the both of them.

Because, Peyton didn’t say anything to her,she just left angrily.

“Do you know her home address? He asked calmly.

“Y..yes sir” she stuttered.

“Let me have it,he said and May typed it down for him.

He left and got into his car hurriedly and drove off.

“She’s the only one who cooks well,among all the chefs.

“I have to go with her if I really want to win that competition” he kept saying until he saw Peyton on the way,not too far from the restaurant.

He parked and got down.

“Peyton” wait, please,he pleaded.

“What do you want from me” Peyton questioned.

“Can we talk in the car,please”

Peyton thought for a while before obliging.

They got to where he parked and he opened the front door for her.

She stared at him then breathed out before going in.

“Umm” he started, placing his right hand on Peyton’s but she yanked it off.

“Peyton” I’m sorry about what I said, believe me,I didn’t mean what I said.

I don’t know what got over me.

“Please don’t leave,the restaurant needs you…..I need you,he said calmly.

“Take your job back and return to the restaurant,please”

Peyton kept mute as she didn’t know what to say.

“Okay” I’m going to ask for your permission now.

“Can you follow me to the competition?”

“Why did you choose to go with me,we are about ten in the restaurant, why choose me? Peyton finally spoke.

“Truth is” ha! He breathed before continuing.

“You cook better than everyone in the restaurant” he said.

Peyton blushed, hearing what Nolan just said.

“You know what” it’s fine if you don’t want to come with me,I will pick someone else, he said forcing a smile.

Deep down,he wants her to say yes.

“It’s fine,sir” I will go with you,Peyton said.

Nolan almost hugged her due to how happy he felt, but he controlled himself.

He doesn’t want to scare her the more, as he’s still trying to win her heart.

“Thank you Peyton,this means a lot to me” he said, but Peyton only smiled.

“Can we go back to the restaurant?” He asked and Peyton nodded.

He drove back to the restaurant and alighted from the car,opening the door for Peyton like the gentle man he has become.

Peyton just kept getting new shocks.

This isn’t the boss she’s been working with.

“I hope this goes well and he doesn’t have anything off his sleeves” Peyton said to herself.


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