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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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PSYCHO BEAUTY – Episode 30

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Godiva’s gaze remained fixed on the desktop infront of her but her mind was far away

She has been thinking about what Mary told her and the incident that happened in the woods

The more she thinks about it, the more it doesn’t make sense to her

” How come I was fine?” She wondered and a knock came in, jolting her outta her thoughts

” Come in..” she said and Gianna walked into the office then bow

” Is something wrong?” She asked

” Not really but Mr Ajay came by. He said….

” Tell him I’m not in the mood for partnership, tell him to come back some other day” She cut in and Gianna bowed before leaving

” Maybe I should go see him.. ” she thought before standing on her feet.

She took her nose mask and left her office

She met Ajay and Gianna talking and stopped beside them

” I will be out for a bit, I might likely go home from there. So take care of things over here and make sure y’all go home early”

” Miss Mo…. Mr. Ajay trailed off when he realized she was no longer there

” You should come back some other time..” Gianna said and walked away too

” Why do they seem to have same personality?” Mr. Ajay wondered, staring at Gianna untill she was no more.



Alora’s car drove out of the place when Godiva’s car drove in..

The two girls didn’t see each other.

Diva alighted from her car and looked around

” I can’t believe I’m doing this..” she muttered then wore her nose mask before finding her way into the club

Smell of cigarettes and alcohol lingered in the air which made her cringe

” He works here?” She wondered looking around and Arnold was the first to see her

” How can we help you miss?” He asked

” I can’t hear you..” Godiva said loudly because of the music

Arnold grabbed her hands and started pulling her out of the club

” What are you doing? Stop touching me ” She yanked his hands off when they got out of the club there she met Raphael parking some goods into the store house

She glared at Arnold before turning to Raphael

” Hey..” she said but he didn’t reply or even spare her a glance

” Pretty girls have been looking for you a lot lately. First it was Alora now this one, though she looks rude..” Arnold whispered to Raphael and he scoffed

He was done arranging the goods into the store and made to walk out but Godiva held him back

” Are you seriously ignoring me?” She scoff loudly

” I really h@ťě your guts…” She grimaced

” And I h@ťě seeing a face as ugly as yours ” he released his hands and made to leave but she still held him back

” I’m really here for business and nothing more, I’m gonna pay you millions of dollars if you agree.” She said

He released his hands from her grip and made to leave again but this time, Arnold was the one who held him back

” It’s millions of dollars stupid. Where do you think you are heading to? You know you never had the chance to finish college nor take care of your grandparents. This is an opportunity dude”.. Arnold said

” I don’t want to have anything to do with her Arnold. You just don’t know how much of an ingrate she is ” Raphael said and walked out on them

” If he doesn’t want the job, can’t I take it in his place? He’s quite stubborn yunno” Arnold said

” No thanks.. he’s the one I want for the job..” Godiva said

She was damned angry already but she was trying her best to act cool

” Alright, if you insist. I’ll just talk to him then.. ” Arnold replied and she flashed him a fake smile before going back to her car

” Bye.. ” Arnold waved and Godiva just forced a smile before driving out of the place


Godiva stomped into the house looking furious

Alora greeted her but she wasn’t even listening as she walked into her room

” Is something wrong with her?” Alora wondered settling on the couch

” How dare he turn me down? Is he out of his mind? After telling him I’m gonna pay him millions of dollars?”

” He must be crazy, real crazy ” she ranted before sitting on her bed.

The door burst open seconds later and Vespertine walked in

” Is something wrong? Why are you home? It’s still early. Did a teacher bully you?” Godiva asked

” No one dares, I just felt like coming home..” he replied, walking into her room fully.

” You don’t look good either, is something bothering you?” Vespertine asked sitting next to her on the bed.

He was now use to her snake bedspread

Godiva exhaled before explaining things to her brother

” Really? ” Vesper asked, surprised while she nodded

” Then why don’t you do as Mary suggested ” he asked

” The guy is playing hard to get. Can’t believe he rejected my offer of paying him millions of dollars..”

” He did what?” Vespertine exclaimed. ” Where is his place? ” He asked

” Why? ” Godiva asked back

” Nothing, just feel like making new friends..” he replied

” He works at Mola bar ”

” What’s his name? ”

” Are you interrogating me right now? If yes, I don’t know his name ” Godiva shrugged

” It’s fine then ” vespertine stood up from her bed and headed for the door

” You should eat more, you look so skinny.. Larina won’t be happy ” Godiva and he chuckled before leaving to his room

He met Alora in the sitting room, engrossed in the series she was watching that she didn’t even noticed his presence



Vespertine dressed and left his room only to meet Alora on the couch

” You slept here?” He asked and she nodded

” When did you come back? I didn’t see you enter the house yesterday ” she yawned

” I came but didn’t want to disturb you from what you were watching.. anyway bye, I’ll head out first ” he said and with that, he left the house to the parking lots..


Arnold and Raphael were cleaning the Club cos they couldn’t do it the previous night since they were tired.

Arnold had tried talking to Raphael about the offer but he always avoided the conversation

They kept cleaning quietly and Cerlia walked in

Raphael looked away when he realized it was her and resumed cleaning like she wasn’t even there

” Pepper, can you please talk to him?” Cerlia said in tears and Arnold exhaled

” You should go home Cerlia, Raphael isn’t in his right state of mind cos I’ve been trying to convince him to accept an offer but he’s been refusing, maybe next time..” he told her

” Raphael..” Cerlia Called but he ignored her totally

Vespertine entered that moment and started looking around the place

” Who are you and what are you looking for?” Arnold asked

” One question at a time. I’m vespertine Moreno, the cutest dude on Earth and I’m looking for the ugly m*therf-__-ker who rejected a million dollar offer..” Vespertine replied and they all looked at him like he was insane

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