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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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?YOU ?
(Two worlds apart ?……



Who in the world could be called beautiful?

A lady with glossy skin? dimples? babyfaced and long dark eyelashes? blue eyes?

Where in the world could be termed beautiful?

Captivating and enchanting sites? Magical? Mystical? a fairyland?

What in the universe could sparkle that bright and be proclaimed as beautiful?

Gold? Silver? diamonds?

Beautiful you, as heavy and enchanting as the name sounds are just words on a piece of paper

Words that make you cry? or laugh? smile?

Who could have written such powerful words that made mafias, kings, presidents, lawmakers…… just name it all, tremble? They all tremble to listen to it, you got that right?

Beautiful you, are the words in a song………

What if it refers to a human? what if the words, each word in a line goo a particular woman?

Now, meet the STARS, a popular music band in the whole of Korea. Is the powerful songwriter of beautiful you among them?

Just call the STARS; girls faint, boys smirk, women beam, and men chuckle.

The STARS is made up of four boys:
Sean Clark
Teddy Lee
Arnold Bentley
Ryan Connor

The first letters of their names form the band.

Sean Clark; is handsome, hot, attractive….just name it all. He is our rap monster, the best rapper among the STARS. He is also the oldest among the boys, aged nineteen

Arnold Bentley; is a flirt and a total playboy. His links alone send girls drooling and fainting. The playful one in the group is the lead dancer. He chases everything on the skirt, he had broken lots of hearts. He changes girlfriends like he is changing boxers but still yet, tons of girls are out there lining out to be his girlfriend. He’s the same age as Sean, just that Sean is older months

Ryan Connors the baby of the group is seventeen years of age. He has that voice that makes you get emotional but knows one thing; he is a shy cutie. He can’t even look in the eye. Other members of the band had done a single solo but this cutie here is just too shy.

The last but not least, Teddy Lee, the leader of the band. He got the looks, body, and voice but Teddy is an introvert. He always wants to be alone and he speaks less to other members of the band.

Who will bring him out of his shell??

Lest I forget, he is the richest idol in the whole of Korea. His network alone can feed the works for years. Such achievement for a young star, you can say wealth is him, but it has come to stay with him

Not only wealth he’s got, but he also has that air of superiority around him. Who dares speak when he is talking? The President? a wealthy politician? They all humble themselves before him. He is not a lawmaker but no decision of the lawmakers is taken without his involvement.

Despite all of this, Teddy is down to earth. He is the most humble person you would know. Most of his shares In endorsement deals are given to less, orphanages, and the less privileged.

Then still under the Blitz agency, there is another band; a girl’s band though. The MOON GIRLS.

This group consists of ;
Hazel Blake
Bethel Remington
Daisy Pascal

I’ll just do a brief introduction on these casts

Hazel Blake: The leader of the band. She is the lead vocalist and also a beauty goddess herself. She has feelings for Teddy but knowing the type of person he is; always reserved. She can’t even move an inch closer but she is trying her best to get his attention. The media has it that they are dating and that alone is like a lifetime achievement for her but it’s not true though.

Bethel Remington; is that hot-tempered and cunning type of person(always coming up with plans) which made l’s favorite.

Daisy Pascal; the last member of the band. She is hot and segzy combined and also a great dancer. She is the neutral one in the group; go to practice, concerts, shows, and others with them but has never seen them. Always lowkey

What happened when these four idols fall in love with a girl? Who could it be?

Will they clash and disband?

Will there be tears and betrayals?

If you want answers to all of this, stay tuned and read to the end


(Two worlds apart ?….)





They (Sean, Arnold, Ryan)were all in the living room when Sir eddy entered, he is actually the group manager . They all had their separate managers though.

“Guys!!” He called clapping his hand to get their attention which he got.

“I have good and bad news for you, which one should I say first?”He said with his usual smile

” The good one”

“The bad one”

They looked at each other before turning to face Sir Eddy

“Where is teddy?” He said finally noticing his absence.

“I’m here” Ted replied coming down from the stairs

He had his headphone on his neck, he popped the gum he was chewing making a sound. He catwalked stylishly to take his seat

“Well..The song was hit with billions of views in an hour, your fan base grew stronger and more cash” he said with a wink

“When are we getting the money?” Arnold said making them turn to face him

Sean and Ryan bursted into laughter making Arnold pout

“Your access to your account is still blocked” Sir eddy said with a wide grin

He can’t he less than happy, at least the flirting attitude of Arnold reduced.

“What!! isn’t it up to a month already?”Arnold yelled with a pained expression

” Dummy, it’s just 20 days. 10 days to go”Ryan answered with a mocking smile earning a glare from Arnold

“You all need to go back to school” Sir eddy muttered audibly

“No!!!”They all shouted except teddy who was pinging his phone

Sir eddy shook his head with a smile

” What’s the bad news?”Teddy said softly not even bothering to look up

“You have to go to Vietnam for a concert ” he answered sighing deeply

“What!!?”Arnold expounded faking a crybaby face

” I’m sorry, The concert is in two days time so get enough rest by then”Sir Eddy said before walking out.

Arnold moved closer to Teddy

“Ted!!” he pouted holding his arm

Ted gave him a questioning look before turning back to face his phone

“Can you tell Sir Eddy we don’t want to attend the concert?”

“What happened to your mouth?” Teddy replied standing up

His phone rang out

“Practice by 4pm” he added before picking the call

“Alberts, how did the donation go?” he questioned taking the stairs

“Practice? Just ki|| me” Arnold said slumping on the couch closing his eyes

Ryan chuckled and took the stairs, obviously to get some rest before the practice while Sean went to the wine cellar.

Arnold opened his left eye scanning the empty sitting room.

“I h@ťě them all” he whined closing his eyes back.


Arnold opened teddy’s door stealthily before tiptoeing in.The sound of rushing water could be heard, Teddy is obviously in the bathroom.

Arnold moved closer to his bedside table and found exactly what he was looking for. The bathroom door opened and Ted came in dripping wet with a towel on his waist. He’s the true definition of handsomeness, his skin is as clear as crystal and very pure

“Why are you here?” he asked

Arnold bit his bottom lips thinking if what to say

“It’s time for practice” He finally said looking at his wristwatch

They still had like 20 minutes but what can he do?

Ted looked at hm with a surprised expression before walking to his wardrobe

“I’ll be there in a jifty, inform the others”

“Why are you finding it difficult to master your lines?” Ted ran his hands through his hairs

“I need a break, I’m f***ing exhausted”

Ryan gulped down his water also with a tired look on his face. They’ve been practicing for hours non stop.

“Just tell Sir Eddy to cancel the concert” Arnold added

Teddy took his headphone and his bottle of water and meant to walk out but he stopped turning to face Arnold

“Return my credit card first thing tomorrow morning” he said finally walking out

“I love you so much, Ted” Arnold shouted blowing kisses

“I’ll see you guys tomorrow” he added before rushing out

“Good night”Ryan said also taking his leave

He is obviously going to sleep out tonight


Hazel rushed down the spiral stairs looking all dressed

” Where are you going to?” Daisy asked with raised eyebrows stiring her coffee

“Why are you asking?”

“I’m just surprised… I mean it’s still early”

Just then Bethel came down the stairs also dressed

“You both are going together?”

“Isn’t it obvious?”

Daisy turned to look at Bethel then at Hazel

“Safe journey” She muttered taking the stairs

“Always acting like a saint” Hazel scoffed

“Ignore her… Can we go now? I can’t wait to see Arnold”Bethel gushed

” When will you accept that he doesn’t have feelings for you? You are probably one of his flings”

Bethel’s eyes widened in shock

“Did you just say that to me?” She asked

“Who else is here?”

Bethel glared at her and meant to walk off but Hazel held her hand

“Aren’t you going to see Arnold again?”

“I’m not,youu just spoilt my mood. What makes you think I’m one of his flings? He f***ing promised to stick to me”

“And you are believing him? Arnold is playboy, he isn’t ready for love”

“I’m gonna tame him and make him mine” Bethel declared and Hazel let out a smirk

“Can you take a step forward by going with me to their mansion?”

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