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Friday, October 18, 2024
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On the other hand, Crucifix had gotten to his destination; a rural area full of vegetation and mud houses. The sun had set, gradually giving way for darkness. Crucifix could be seen staring at a very old house that had undergone several renovations. On the walls were paintings of ancient totems and faces of who Crucifix didn’t even know how he related to them. It was a sanctum of his ancestors. It seemed creepy, horrifying and quiet. He could only hear the chirping of insects and distant chattering of children at the neighborhood. Suddenly, a very old woman on a white garment came out from the house with the help of a staff. Her face and skin had wrinkled up. The hair on her head had also totally turned grey. She was actually older than Geb. She wasn’t a relative of the mind readers, but assumed most of their properties base on the role she played in their lives a long time ago.

“Mama Obiageri?” Crucifix dropped his bag on the floor when he saw her. He gently embraced her warmly without letting go of the old woman. Though he hadn’t spoken any word but Obiageri could sense his grief and emotional break down. So she gently pulled him off with a hand on his shoulder as she stared into his eyes.

“Obe..” she called Crucifix in their native language. “You look pale. You’re devastated emotionally. Well, I’m not surprise. A kid with your ability is bound to suffer emotionally. Your emotions are the slaves to your thoughts, and you are the slave to your emotions. But don’t get too bothered, what worries you, masters you. Feelings are something you have; not something you are. The most important decision you make is to be in a good mood.”

“But feelings can’t be ignored, no matter how unjust or ungrateful they seem.” Crucifix found his voice. “I don’t want to be at the mercy of my emotions. I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them.” he added.

“Who have you offended, Obe? What have you done to have your emotions tingling painfully?”

“I’m a thing of ridicule, people distance themselves from me. I’m a mess, mama. Also, i think I’ve made a costly mistake. I’ve performed lovcilia but.. but..”

“But she doesn’t see you worthy to be hers” the woman completed the sentence.

Already, Crucifix had started shedding tears as he continued. “I know it’s very silly of me at this age to perform that. I was carried away by my feelings. I love her so much, ma…”

“Sssshhh” Obiageri placed a finger across his lips. “You don’t need to feel bad, my son. She’s the one who’s not worthy to have you. Did you tell her how much you love her?”


“Then never worry. I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. She will come around. Those that will not hear will be made to feel.” she began caressing his cheek.

Crucifix’ tone changed. “No, mama, I want to rewrite the wrongs in my life. I do not want the ability to read people’s mind anymore. I know you can help me. And I want to get the ribbon of my ancestors to do away with this feelings in order to…”

“Shut your mouth!” Obiageri rebuked him. “Watch your thoughts, they become words; watch your words, they become actions; watch your actions, they become habits; watch your habits, they become character; watch your character, for it becomes your destiny. Your destiny is not to die in the quest of your ancestral ribbon.”

Crucifix stepped back from her. “Then what do you suggest I do? To live and have a tragic life if Margret doesn’t marry me in the future?!”

Obiageri lowered her voice. “One ought to hold on to one’s heart; for if one let it go, one soon loses control of the head too.” she said.

“What do you mean by that?”

“I don’t think you’ll be needing the ribbon of your ancestors.” she replied, smiling as her eyes were fixed at one direction. That got Crucifix woozy and wondering. What could be amusing the old woman? He thought. To confirm, he turned, following the direction of her eyes. Oh, my God! You won’t believe who he saw; Margret!!

The girl stood a few metres away, shedding tears. She wore a fairy red and black stribe short skirt and red canvases on her feet. A black tight top had the shape of her Břě@šť well structured in her bra. The fair complexion of her body could be more attractive than the structured mammary gland, looking young and fresh like an untouched ripped mango. She was an epithom of beauty exceptionally created by God himself. I must say Crucifix had a high taste to ever thought he could have such a girl, melting in his arms. It was not just love, it was bravery, peceiverance, determination and endurance. Though to him, he had failed on all that, but here was the girl, not just standing before him in the middle of nowhere but shedding tears too.

“Margret?” Crucifix called her name to be sure he wasn’t seeing a ghost. She looked at Obiageri, wondering if she did magic to sense her presence. Before he could turn his eyes back to Margret, the girl had run and hugged him tightly.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” she kept saying on his shoulder as the tears kept dropping. “Thank God I found you.” she added.

Crucifix couldn’t believe it!! It was one of the happiest day of his life!! Oh, the poor boy never let go of her again as he wrapped his arms across the damsel. He felt complete, satisfied, peaceful, like nothing matters most to him again than the very body of Margret in his arms. What about Raina, a kind and lovely girl who was ready to make him the king of her kingdom too? It’s just pitiful that what Crucifix was searching for on top of a tree was just down on the ground, waiting for him but was so blind to see it. Wait.. No! He saw it but chose not to see it. Now, it seems like he has finally gotten the one on the tree. You know what I’m talking about.

Meanwhile, Obiageri had taken a seat outside, happily watching the teenagers explore the romantic reunion and atmosphere. Suddenly, Crucifix gently pulled Margret from his shoulder in a way he looked into her eyes.

“What are you doing here, Margret? How did you even know my way about? How did you know this place?” he asked enthusiastically.

“First, I know about you.” she began with a smile.

“What do you know about me?”

“That you’re a mind reader and that you’ve been the one dropping notes and gifts for me.”

Okay. The girl had said what she knew but never knew one thing; that she had been entitled to marry Crucifix in the nearest future. Hmm.. that gonna be another war to fight. Oh, I didn’t mention that Mrs Adams was secretly grooming a groom for her foster daughter, Margret. More problem to come.

“So how did you know all this and the way to this place?” Crucifix was still inquisitive.

Margret wanted to answer but she deviated to the old woman seated behind Crucifix. “You must be Obiageri.” she walked closer to her.

“What?!” Crucifix couldn’t believe it. “How did she know the woman’s name?” he thought.

“Obe, don’t be surprise. I’m more popular than you think.” Obiageri told him, holding Margret’s hand.

Margret looked back at Crucifix with a smile. “My nanny, mama Eda knows her. How do you think I Iocated this place?” she said…
Margret brought her phone down from her ear after trying Crucifix’ line. With the tears in her eyes, she ran out to the exterior building of Kenny High School, looking at everywhere like one about to get mad. She would have gone to Crucifix’ house, but didn’t know the direction. She would have called Raina to know, but she didn’t have her number. She would have located DeMar Street to meet her physically but she couldn’t recognize the direction too. Moreover, if she did, Raina wouldn’t be at home. Could it really be that she would never set eyes on Crucifix again? Reasoning all that, she broke down in a serious cry, sitting on a public seat.

“Margret, don’t tell me you’re crying because of the wood chopper.” Rose said, approaching with Alice.

Margret glared at her with red eyes. “Don’t you ever say a word at me again!” she warned. “I nearly lost my virginity to a liar because of you and your boyfriend. Like why the hell did you discuss my personal life with Kenny!?” she stood up. “I’m done with both of you!” she bagan to run towards the gate.

‘But I didn’t do anything!!” Alice shouted.

“What is wrong with her?” Rose spread her hands.

Alice disdainfully looked at her before taking off to her own way too. Wow, that was how the friendship ended.
Margret’s parents had gone out when she arrived home earlier than usual. She barged into her room, sat at the edge of the bed crying. Eda slowly opened the door.

“Margret?” She sad beside her. “You’ve been like this since yesterday. What’s the problem?”

“I finally know who has been dropping the gifts” she replied, sniffing in tears. Margret opened up to her nanny about how Caleb claimed to be the unknown person and how she discovered Crucifix to be the person and also a mind reader. “Now I just heard he has been expelled. I really want to apologise to him, mama Eda.”

Eda placed a finger beside her mouth, thinking critically. She suddenly turned to Margret saying, “Did you just say that Crucifix was identified as a true mind reader?”

“Yes?” Margret stared at her.

“No wonder the gift was dropped seven times. He must be one of the descendants of Obra.”

Bemused, Margret asked, “What does that mean?”

“Nothing.” she reply, refusing to go into details. Truly, Eda had the knowledge of the mind readers taught by Obiageri, her long time old friend.

“Mama Eda, you seem to know Crucifix more than I do.” Margret broke the silence again.

“I think I do. If he has been expelled from school and you have not really showed him any sign of love, there’s only one place he could go; Achara, to a woman called Obiageri. She inherited most of the properties of the mind readers.”

Margret stood up. “I need to go there. I believe I’ll see Crucifix there. You just have to cover up for me before my parents, please, mama, Eda. My mind will not be at rest until I see him.”

Eda exhaled deeply..
“That was how I located you.” Margret concluded, looking at Crucifix.

“Eda is your nanny?” Obiageri called the girl’s attention to herself. “Oh, I’ve really missed her. We met during the days of Okika, the great warrior of Achara kingdom.”

“Really? I read about the history of Okika.” Margret kept grinning.

“You only read, my daughter. Come, come and sit and hear it from the horses mouth.” She tapped a space beside the bench where Margret happily sat down while Crucifix gazed at both of them, smiling joyfully. Just then, Margret gestured to him to come sit beside her. When the boy sat beside her, she placed her head on his shoulder, enjoying the victorious history of Okika from Obiageri. Oh, Crucifix couldn’t have asked anything more!

After an hour of interesting story of Okika, Raina arrived. She was first sighted by Obiageri who stopped narrating the great story before Crucifix then lastly Margret.

“Raina?” Crucifix stood up. As he was going to meet her, the young girl hurried and embraced him warmly. “Thank God I’ve found you.” she said on his shoulder.

d@mn! Margret couldn’t help but to feel jealous at the juxtaposition between the two…..

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