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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HEARTBEATS – Episode 52

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( I Think I
Love You … )


By, Naomi Cindy B.







Butter came out of the bathroom and met JoJo waiting in front of it.

He actually went in to change since his clothes were all wet, JoJo gave him one of her baggy joggers and hoods to wear actually.

“You’re shaking, seems you caught the flu” JoJo said and felt his temperature by touching his forehead gently.

“It’s high!, Come you need to swallow some pills” she said, taking his hand.

She took him to her room and made him sit on the bed, then she got pills from a container which she dropped on his palms.

“This will suppress the flu” she said, getting him a cup of water which he swallowed it with.

Victoria opened the door and peeped in.

“Is he the one who payed my loans?” She asked.

“No mum” she replied, and Butter looked at her

“Is he sleeping here?” Victoria asked, and JoJo’s eyes widened.

She was about to say no when Butter answered yes, making her eyes turn rapidly to him.


“Yes, I’ll sleep here since it’s still raining” he replied.


“JoAnn come for an extra quilt” Victoria said and left.

“What are you doing!” JoJo mouthed, and Butter smiled.

“You want me to go out and catch a cold?” He pouted cutely, and she pushed his forehead before leaving the room.

He fell on the bed and smiled, closing his eyes.

“Mummy you shouldn’t have asked that question!” JoJo said when she arrived at Victoria’s room.

“What?, Isn’t he your boyfriend?” Victoria asked, and JoJo gasped.


“Is he not?” Victoria asked, coming closer.

“He’s not” JoJo replied, and Victoria smiled.

“You really don’t have a boyfriend?” she said.

“Goodnight mummy!” JoJo said and quickly got the quilt, then she ran out of the room.

“Get a boyfriend!, I want a son-in-law!” Victoria shouted after her.


JoJo got back to the room and spread the quilt on the floor, then she lay on it, leaving Butter dumbfounded.

He sat up on the bed immediately.

“Don’t tell me you’re sleeping on the ground” he said.

“Should I have slept with you on your bed?’ she replied, and he stood from the bed.

“Use the bed, I’ll sleep on the ground instead” he said.

“The flu will come back if you sleep on the cold ground” she replied.

“I don’t care, it’s better if I catch it than if you do” he said, and she sat up, looking at him for a while before standing.

“Ok, I’ll sleep on the bed, happy now?” She smiled shortly and made to climb the bed, but he suddenly hugged her from behind, and she stopped moving with wide eyes.


“Can we stay like this for a while?” He whispered, resting his head on her shoulder.

“No Drake” she replied and released herself immediately, then she faced him.

“Let’s just sleep ok?, It’s late already” she said and climbed the bed , that was when Butter saw the anklet on her ankle.

“That…” He said, and she looked at him.


“That anklet” he muttered, staring at it while picturing the one he saw on the ankle of the girl with Draco, it’s totally the same.

“My anklet?” JoJo said, touching it.

“Wait…. you’re… you’re the girl with Draco in the morning, his new girlfriend?, Are you dating Draco now?” He asked as his throat started drying up.

JoJo stood slowly and faced him, looking at his fearful eyes intently.


“Are you? ” he interrupted, and JoJo inhaled before speaking.

“Yes, I’m Draco’s girlfriend” she replied, and Butter’s eyes widened completely.

“Do you… love him?” He asked with the remaining life in him.

“Yes,I’m in love with Draco” she replied, and he smiled sadly.

“You’re right, I should go” he said, and with that, he rushed out of the room.

JoJo rushed after him and held him.

“It’s still raining, you can’t enter the…

“No, it’s better than staying here with another guy’s girlfriend” he interrupted and left after taking his hand gently from her.

JoJo sighed, watching him till he shut the door, then her phone buzzed.

She got it, and her eyes widened when she saw it’s a message from Firefighter.


It’s been long since they chatted, so she replied ASAP.

She was typing as she walked back to her room.

MIMI: Things like?”

FIREFIGHTER: I don’t even wanna talk about it Mimi, I’m emotionally downcast, and I…. I’m running mad

MIMI: Calm down, take a deep breath and close your eyes.


MIMI: Wh@ťěver it is, try to be on the low for as long as possible, it helps me, it might work for you

FIREFIGHTER: Ok, I’ll try that, thanks for always being there

MIMI: Speaking of which, when should we meet?

FIREFIGHTER: We’ll talk about that during out next chat

MIMI: I can’t wait!

Immediately they ended the chat, Draco’s call rang loud, and she smiled as she picked.

“Hey knight!”

“Asleep already?” Draco asked coolly.

“No, you promised to call so I was waiting” she replied.

“Did you wait for long?”

“Yes, and I’m angry” she pouted.

“I’m sorry ok?” He replied, and she smiled.

“Are you really competing for the most handsome?” She asked.

“I’m gonna skip school that day, I h@ťě it” he replied.

“No, can you do it for my sake?, I’d love to see you drip” she said, and he laughed.


“Of course!, Please baby” she made puppy faces, and he chuckled.




“Yes!!!” She screamed, and he smiled.

“Let’s do VC, I want to see your face” he said.

“Me too” she replied, and she cut the call to make a VC immediately.



“Why are you wet!, Did you purposely enter the rain?, Why do you like hurting yourself!” James shouted immediately Butter entered the house, all wet from the rain.

Butter ignored him and started walking to his room, but James held him.

“Talk to me, do you wanna get sick again?” He said, and Butter roughly took his hand from him.

“Stop treating me like a kid!, I can cater for myself!, I’m an adult!” He shouted, and James looked on shockingly as he entered his room.




After ending the video call with JoJo, Draco left his studio since that’s where he sat throughout the call.

He was smiling handsomely as he stepped out, but immediately Kavita came in, the smiled cleared off.

“Kept forgetting to change my door password” he muttered as she walked to him.

“I don’t remember seeing you smile as bright as this when we were still f-__-king” she said, standing in front of him.

“Haven’t you been following us around?, I saw you” he said, and she smiled.

“Wasn’t expecting less from a smart assasin” she said, and he walked away from her.

“What are you doing here?”

“Can you give me the last f-__-k?” She said in a pleading tone, and Draco smirked as he turned back to her.

“You have one minute to get out” he muttered warningly.

“I want your Ďïčk inside me!!!, I might die tonight if you don’t give it to me so please!, Let’s f-__-k Draco!, I don’t mind even ten minutes!, Just f-__-k my p@zzy so hard till I forget my name!” She shouted desperately, and Draco smiled dangerously.

“30 secs left” he he said, walking to her.

“I’ll destroy that girl if you continue treating me like this!, I’ll get rid of her if that’s the only way to have you again!!!” She shouted and stormed out of the house.

Draco rolled his eyes and entered his studio again, getting his phone.

He started typing.

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