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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HEARTBEATS – Episode 57

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“Baby!!” Aurora exclaimed when Draco came into the big mansion with Victoria and JoJo.

JoJo’s eyes widened when she saw she’s on a wheelchair, but she quickly controlled herself as Draco knelt in front of her wheelchair to hug her.

“I missed you!” She gushed, pouring kisses on his face afterwards.

“I missed you more mum, did you eat dinner already?” He smiled.

“Of course baby!” She smiled, and he kissed her hands before standing.

“Pretty girl!” Aurora smiled at JoJo, and she quickly returned it.

“Good evening ma’am”

“Aww!, She’s cute!, Please tell me she’s my daughter-in-law!, Please!!” Aurora faced Draco.

“She is” Draco replied, and her eyes widened.

“OMG come here come here!, Come here!” She widened her arms, and JoJo quickly went to hug her.

“I love you already, what’s your name?”

“JoAnn” JoJo smiled.

“Preferably JoJo” Aurora said, holding her face like a baby’s.

“Yes ma’am” she replied, and Aurora hugged her again.

“Finally!, Dream come true!”

“Aurora?” Victoria said suddenly, and she looked at her.

“Vikki!” She shouted.

“Aurora!” Victoria shouted and rushed to hug her too.

Draco and JoJo exchanged confused glances.

“It’s been a decade!” Aurora said.

“I know, right?, How have you been?” Victoria said.

“I’ve been legless” Aurora replied.

“I’m so sorry, I heard about the accident but I couldn’t reach you, I lost your contact” Victoria said.

“You’re here now, that’s all what matters” Aurora smiled.

“Can you both explain what’s going on?” Draco asked.

“Actually, she was my friend in highschool” Aurora replied.

“Aww!” JoJo smiled.

“Even better, so she’s gonna be staying here from now on, something came up” Draco said.

“Victoria you’ll stay here?” Aurora said happily.

“Yeah” Victoria replied.

“Yess!!!” Aurora shouted and hugged her again.

Draco and JoJo exchanged glances and smiled



Snow’s mum is actually a removed fashionista, so she left her hostel and went to the main mansion to dress up for the dinner with her help

She just finished wearing makeup, and Mrs Denmark is currently wearing the long gorgeous gown for her.

She helped her zip up and smiled when she looked at her again.

“You got your beauty from me” she said, and Snow smiled.

“I must win tonight, it’s a must” she said.

“Of course daughter!” Mrs Denmark pecked her, and her phone rang immediately.

After she finished speaking on phone, she sat dejectedly.

“Is this about my lost twin sisters again?” Snow said.

“Yeah, no leads yet” Mrs Denmark sighed.

“You’ve been on it since eighteen years ago mum” Snow sat beside her.

“I just desperately wanna find them, your dad controls the Cyber world in the whole of Cali, but you know nothing about computers, even your senior brother Derek knows nothing too, who knows… My lost twin daughters might be computer geniuses” Mrs Denmark started crying, and Snow hugged her slowly.

“Mum stop crying, please”

Derek has been watching from the door, and immediately he left the door, he dialled a number.

“Keep watching them, just make sure mum never finds them cos the moment that happens, I’m gonna ki|| them”



The party was already going on when Draco’s new red limousine drove into the park, and immediately he came out, eyes widened.

He wore ear studs for the first time, and he’s too tempting to blink away from.

? MG!, Hottie!!!

? ki|| me!!!!

? f-__-k my future!, Draco is the real deal!

He walked to the other door and opened it, then he tendered his right hand.

JoJo placed her hand on it, and he helped her out.

Eyes widened again cos everything she’s wearing is just too expensive and dazzling, she’s glittering!

Her heels made her almost same height with Draco, and immediately she stepped out, Draco planted a soft kiss on her lips.

? Aww!

“After you, my lady” he smiled.

“No, let’s go in together” she replied, and he smiled before linking their arms.

As they made their entry, loud screams erupted from everyone in the hall, it was mad.

Butter was staring at JoJo speechlessly, and his eyes kept getting bigger.

Abigail said Snow’s eyes were on Draco, and they almost fell without getting pushed.

Heads kept turning to them till Luna appeared.

“Here comes my favorite couple!, The ki||ers!, The hotties of humanities department!, The cuties!, My main people!, My future Mr and Mrs Klein!, My specs!, My joygivers!, My heartwarmers!, My chocolates!, My gingers!…

Everyone were already clapping so much before she could even finish.

“Aww” JoJo started blushing.

“I own you any car you like!” Draco said.

“OMG!, DracoAnn!” Luna shouted, and the clapping doubled.

“And don’t forget my name… it’s…

“Luna!!!!” Everyone screamed, and JoJo started laughing.

Luna made to return to her seat, but she bumped into Butter, and he held her before she could stagger down.

“Careful” he said, and she blushed as she let her go.

“Now the climax of this dinner, the most handsome and beautiful humanitarian!, The nominees should come on stage right now!” The MC announced, and everyone started clapping hard as they started going up.

They’re three girls and guys in total.

Draco, Butter, and Walton

JoJo, Snow and Virginia.

“The votes have been casted by the students fairly, and the results shall be pasted through the teleprompter right now!” The MC said, and everyone held their breaths as the teleprompter came on, but instead of the results, a picture showed.

Snow’s before and after.

Everyone started gasping shockingly.

Her before was so ugly that everyone started laughing immediately, and Snow’s eyes widened.

? What’s this?

? It’s plastic surgery, isn’t it obvious?

? So plastic also competed for the most beautiful

? Unbelievable!

? I wanna puke!, She’s so ugly!

? Snow get out please!

? Plastic face!

Virginia smiled secretly as everything happened so fast.

Snow was already quivering, and her eyes were already teary and red as she watched her former self.

Two minutes later, the results came on screen.

JoJo and Draco won with the highest votes, and everyone started screaming.

Snow walked straight to JoJo and slapped her, leaving everyone dumbfounded.

“Snow!” She gasped shockingly, holding her face.

“You’re the only one I told about it, you betrayed me!!!, You did it!!!” She shouted.

“What the hell are you talking about!” JoJo shouted, and Snow made to slap her again but JoJo held her hand and slapped her with her other hand, twice on the same cheek.

Snow’s cheek stung as she held it, staring at her unbelievably.

Before she could process that, Luna rushed to the stage and slapped her too, then Winter came up.

“Ɓîtçh!” She spat and slapped her too.

Pictures and videos started.

“If anyone should be called a betrayer, it’s definitely you!, Can’t believe you call me your kitten everyday only for you to send a rogue to kidnap and thr_@ten me!, I almost ran mad with the thr_@t texts you sent you undeserving Ɓîtçh!” JoJo yelled in tears.

Snow’s eyes widened.

“I overheard you talking to your rogue on phone in that empty class yesterday, how could you!!!” JoJo shouted again, and Snow’s tears finally fell.


“Don’t call that name!, Don’t dare!” Luna shouted.

“I h@ťě you!!!” JoJo shouted, and Viola entered the hall immediately.

She started running to the stage, confusing everyone.

“Brother!!” She shouted, finally climbing the stage.

She hugged Draco, and a gunshot followed, the bullet hit her back instead of Draco.

“Ah!” She gasped as blood splattered out.

Draco’s eyes widened, same as everyone’s.

“Viola!” Kelly shouted from the crowd, running to the stage.

“Viola!!!” JoJo, Luna and Winter shouted at once, rushing to her.

Draco suddenly saw a masked someone slipping out of the hall through one of the numerous backdoors, so he gritted his teeth and left Viola for the girls.

He ran as fast as flash out of the hall.

Seems Kelly also saw the person cos he ran out too, and they both started chasing him.

He’s a fast runner, so it was hard to catch up.

He entered one of the buildings, and Draco entered with him through the front.

Kelly entered through the back, and they caught him in the middle.

“Motherf-__-ker!” Kelly spat and threw him a punch which he dodged, but immediately he stood straight, Draco punched him, and he staggered.

He tried to get his gun but Kelly hit his hand away from his pocket before kicking him.

Draco punched him, then Kelly did too, Draco punched him again and Kelly did again.

He kept going back and forth as he got punched, and when Draco punched him for the seventh time, he tried to grab Draco’s fist…

Draco grabbed his wrists instead, then he twisted them, breaking his wristbones.

“Arrggg!!!” He groaned, falling on the ground heavily.

Kelly removed the mask on his face immediately, and Draco smirked when he saw who it is.

“I swear I’ll burn you alive and nothing will happen!” Draco spat.


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