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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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PSYCHO BEAUTY – Episode 20

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Alora got into Mike’s home since she knew the passcode. She smiled before climbing the stairs to his room but her steps faltered when she heard loud moàns coming from his room

She blinked continuously, not wanting to believe her ears. She proceeded to the door and held the door knob twisting it open slowly

Her eyes went wide and she staggered slightly at the sight in front of her

Mike was busy banging a blonde girl. He was so engrossed in the fun he was having that he didn’t even realize she was there

” MIKE !!!” She called, drawing his attention as tears gathered in her eyes.

Mike immediately sprang up from the girl he was banging when he saw her

” f_ck you Mike !” She said in tears, and stomped out of the room

” Alora ” Mike quickly put on his boxers and went after her

She was about entering her car when he got hold of her

” I’m sorry Lora, it wasn’t…. A slap anded on his face before the words could leave his mouth

” Don’t you ever touch me, you ba.stard” she yelled, entering her car driving away to only God knows where

Mike sighed, ruffling his hair as he watch her drive off roughly

” That $h|tbrain ” Alora cursed, gulping down the seventh glass of Vodka

She’s been at the club ever since she left Mike’s place. It was late already and she was the only one remaining in the club but she didn’t care

” You need to go home young lady..” Raphael and Arnold said but she was too drunk to even hear them

” How dare he cheat on me? How could he go about sleeping with other ladies.. ” she burst into tears and suddenly grabbed Raphael

” Aren’t I good enough? Aren’t I beautiful enough? Why did he choose to play me? why..?” she sobbed, pouring herself another glass. She made to bring it closer to her mouth but Raphael took it from her

” That’s enough, you’re drunk ” he said and she laughed like a lunatic

” You don’t have to worry about that, I’ll call my cousin now, She’ll come pick me up ” She said tipsily reaching for her phone in her bag but it wasn’t there

” Oh, I left it in my Car!! ” She exclaimed, laughing hard

” Where’s your car?”

” I have no idea ” she shrugged, bursting into laughter again

” I look pathetic don’t I?” She smiled, standing up on her feet.

” I should be on my way now ” she said again and made to take a step but she stumbled and almost fell but Raphael was quick enough to catch her

” She’s drunk, You should take her home Raphael, You know I can’t ” Arnold said and Raphael sighed staring at the girl

” What’s your name?” He asked

” Alora..” she smiled and with that she lost consciousness on his arms.

He inhaled deeply before carrying her in a bridal style out of the club

” Good night buddy..” Arnold tapped his shoulder gently mounting his own bike while Raphael nodded as he watch him drive off

” Hey, Alora..” he tapped her and she opened her eyes and resumed crying again

” Stop crying, You just have to mount the bike so we can go home. I can’t leave you here cos It’s kinda dangerous out here at night.. ” Raphael said, helping her mount the bike.

He did same and gently wrapped her hands round his waist

” Hold tight so you won’t fall okay?” He said and she did as said

” Your back feels warm ” she said her head on Raphael’s back.

She held him more tightly as they rode home

Raphael gently placed her on his bed and covered her with the quilt

He made to stand up from the bed when she held him back. He stared down at her and she immediately held his shirt bringing his face closer to hers

She placed her lips gently on his, kissing him softly and immediately fell back asleep in the process

A frown creased his forehead as he stared at her sleeping face.

” I know it’s hard, but you just need to move on that’s all..” he sighed and with that, he left the room for her


” When is she coming home?” Godiva wondered, checking her time again

” 12 am ” She sighed, returning her gaze to the TV

She was doing what she was best at doing; watching horror movie at night and laughing loudly

The maids were shaking in their quarters.

Vespertine kept turning on his bed unable to get some sleep due to how loud she was laughing

He got his earpiece and connected it to his phone before plugging it into his ears but it still wasn’t helping mattes cos he could still hear her laughter vividly

He was frustrated but what could he do? She already gave him $50k so he just had to endure it for the night..


Godiva’s gaze was still on the Tv . She didn’t get any sleep through out the night that she now had dark swollen circles under her eyes

The maids did their job but she still didn’t bulge from where she sat. All her attention was on the movie she was watching and finally it came to an end

” OMG.. ” she stretched her body staring at the maids with her red eyes. She looked really funny but no one dares laugh

” Do your job and get yourself out of my sitting room.. ” she stood up finding her way to her room

” I’m going to school already” Vespertine said, staring at his sister speechlessly. He shook his head before walking out of the house


Alora eyes snapped opened and she yawned loudly

” Godiva!! ” She called looking around then it dawned on her she wasn’t at Godiva’s place

” Where am I? Was I kidnapped?” She gasped

” What am I doing here?” She whispered and the door burst opened

” Oh my…. f_ck, he’s handsome..” she blinked rapidly

” Are you okay? ” Raphael asked sitting next to her with a tray of hang over soup.

” This is gonna help with the hangover ” he said placing it on the bed while she only stared at him

‘ Did I just found my… soulmate?” She blinked again

” Are you okay?” Raphael snapped his fingers in front of her, bringing her out of her thoughts

” Huh? I…I’m fine ” she smiled and he nodded

” But How did I get here? Who are you?” she asked

” Don’t you remember?” Raphael asked back while she shook her head in denial

” You were very drunk last night that I had to bring you here even when I was uncomfortable with having you around”

” Sorry about that and Thank you.. ” she smiled and he nodded again

” what’s your name? ” She asked

” Raphael..” he replied

” I’m….

” Alora.. you told me yesterday..” he cut in

” I owe you one ” she smiled, drinking from the hangover soup.

She just kept stealing glances at him and smiling to herself. He was just too handsome for her to look away

” You’re cute, your girlfriend is so lucky ” Alora said trying to find out if he had a girlfriend

” Yeah, she is and I’m glad I’m dating her.. ” he replied and her jaw dropped

Why would he say it so bluntly to her face? She wondered

” Anyways, thanks for your hospitality.. ” she smiled, staring at him

She had to move on and if she had to do that, it had to be with the guy in front of her


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