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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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BAD BOY’S CRUSH – Episode 56

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. ❤BAD

?Make a choice Bella!!?Chloe or Nicc!!?? ?

Highschool romance


(Memorable times???)

Writer’s POV

*The moment he said ‘hey’ she stopped in her tracks and turned her face to him*

*d@mn! Those looks she gave him made his whole body shiver terribly *
* He held himself forcing out a smile making his dimples appear on his cheeks*

*A fresher? **He asked roaming his eyes at her, *
* She nodded her head*

* He guessed so*
*Your name? **He asked and she stared at him nonstop as if he didn’t know what he was saying *

*He felt intimidated immediately and he smirked acting kiddie*

*She gasped and it seemed like that instant the whole noise stopped *
*What is happening! Did he just hold her waist!!!*

*My name is Chloe*he said stopping her in her tracks
*She took a glance at him really surprised *

*So he is the Chloe? He’s not even as handsome as Nicc yet he’s the school prince charming*
*She scoffed at that thought*

*What’s your name? **He asked her and she didn’t wait up for a reply before storming her way out of the class*

*My name is Bella**she said calmly almost unheard*

*He smiled brightly this time looking at her with a lot of admiration in his eyes *
*You’re as cute as your name **he mumbled fanning it out instead of saying it….*

*Why are you following me? *She asked him with an intimidating look in her eyes

*He smirked admiring her face once again, it haven’t been long he saw her face yet it felt like he already miss it*
*I should be asking you that too… why are you following me? **he threw back the question to her*

*Hmmmm…. **She muttered and continued in her tracks till she was almost at the gate of their school, she stopped with her head tilted to the direction of the sky*

*Soon, he saw her spreading out her cheeks as it cupped up showing her teeth *
*She was smiling!! With her two hands pointing at the sky*

*Jeez! She has such a good smile, it was fun staring at her face this time *
*He looked up to the sky to know what was so fascinating to her and he saw a group of birds flying about in the sky*

*He didn’t know when he started smiling too without words… *

*She’s too beautiful to be spoken to… He reasoned *
*Sitting next to her is okay with him cux he could feel her breath and scent so next to him*

*He’s contented with it, he shouldn’t get greedy now*
*He assured himself nodding his head at himself and it was then he realized that he was sweating profusely even at the cold weather *

*What’s this you’re going to eat? **She asked and he giggled before replying *
*pasta**he replied and she almost touched his plate of food*
*Really, I love pastas, can I have a taste? **She requested and he almost choked cuz of excitement *

*She wants to have a taste of his food! **He packed some of the long strands of pasta into his spoon and offered it to her *

*She parted her lips a bit and his hand which was holding the spoon grew shaky by just staring at her lips as she took the pasta into her mouth and chewing carefully*

*She’s so beautiful when eating too! Everything about her is just so beautiful *
*He watched her carefully as she made a face of *extreme yummy look* on her face *

* Her soft br**st touched his chest slowly and softly which made him gasp before her whole body landed into him*
*Ahhhh, a thunderbolt!! **She exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around his waist *

*He couldn’t think anymore, all he could hear were faint sounds coming from all directions, all he cared to hear of was her soft cries over the thunder bolt which hit the sky without stopping for a moment*

*What is she doing to him?* *Why does he feel this way about her? Her hair scent penetrated its way into his nose and he took in those pleasant scent wishing it never goes away*

*Will she stay with him like this forever? He wish this rain will fall on the both of them like this*

*Here let me sing for you**he suggested and she looked at him with admiration in her eyes*

*I can sing**he assured her and she gave a small laugh before nodding her head which meant that he should go on*

* He cleared his throat suddenly getting nervous until he started singing *
*?Mummy has a child,child has a teddy bear, daddy got a car… *

*She started laughing at the funny song he was singing…. *

*Hop on my back**he said to her when she complained of not going home with a stained skirt, she will be embarrassed when people look at her back*

*He would’ve persuaded her that with his sweater around her waist noone will notice but he wanted to have the pleasure of having her on his back *


*You’re okay now,**she sighed pulling her palm away and preparing to go*
*Uhm… Are you going back to school? **he asked her nervously and she nodded *

*Yes, you want to come? *

*Of cuz! That’s what he want!* *To be with her in any way he can!! *
*Yeah… I mean… Wait a little and I will… I mean *
*Stutters won’t let him speak *

*I will wait for you downstairs **she helped him out walking out of his room *
*Immediately the door banged close, his cheeks flushed out into a smile and he landed on his bed feeling so happy*

* So so happy!!… *


*He was still thinking and redressing inside the car when a figure came out of the gate*
*An amazing figure! A figure which is really better if you described her with the word AMAZING*

*She smiled coming close to where his car was parked*
*He came out of the car to be sure his eyes weren’t deceiving me*
* And it wasn’t! *

*It was Bella!! *
*Chloe! **She called softly but he was too dazed to speak *
*How can someone be so beautiful??!!… *

*He wanted to say that here is more romantic and noisless than that party, he wanted to say that being with her was never a regret*
*He wanted to say that she’s too beautiful to love Nicc that jerk! but no words came out of his lips *

*He was so dumb staring at that cute face of hers and a pretty smile which danced about on her lips *


*Bella**he repeated *
*I want to tell you something* *he said bracing up himself for what he had to say*
*Something like you being a player? Right?? I thought am your friend? I thought Nicc was worst not knowing you’re even a snake **she busted up and his jaw dropped*

* Everything he wanted to say disappeared from his mind*
*Uhm… Bella its not… *
*Not what? You drink right? You smoke too?… **She stopped talking for a second*

*All his body was shaking and for a moment he thought he was daydreaming *
*I’m sorry but I don’t think I will be a friend to someone like you*
* His legs seized at those words she just uttered before brushing past him… *


*Look it might sound stupid to you but … But…. I like you**he confessed and it felt like she was gripped by a powerful force *

*Brad was right! *
*. .. I mean I like you so much right from the first time I saw you… **He continued *

*You have girlfriends**she cut him short *
*I’ve broken up with them all**he snapped at her with all the seriousness in his eyes and face*
*Why would he break girl’s heart like that? *

* She sighed again *
*You smoke*
*I stopped that a while ago*
*You drink too*
*I will never drink again*
*You are bad**she added and he smirked before replying *
*Make me a good guy then*

*She shook her head, he’s a green snake, she must beware of him*
*He will hurt her the way he hurt his girls too, he will find another person someday and love her! *

*And to crown it all, her heart doesn’t beat for him! *
*Chloe…I’m sorry*


*Let me be your girlfriend, I… *
*She stopped talking staring at his face*
*Bella… **he mumbled her name really surprised *
*What got into her? Yesterday, she vehemently refused him and today she’s different! *

*What? You don’t love me anymore? **She asked and he shook his head *
*I do love you so much Bella *
*Then make me your girlfriend *


*Break my heart many times Bella, I won’t let you go*
*Use me, run to him anytime… I won’t care either *
*Hurt me, run away each time I need you…. I won’t still care but just one thing I have to tell you*
*I love you so much Bella and this is might be my price for loving you… *Chloe said from behind her


*He pouted his lips which made it more segzier for her and even more inviting *
*Maybe she won’t be able to resist it again *
*Kiss me**he mumbled feeling shy but she smirked*

*That was what she wanted too, she didn’t waste anytime placing her lips into his and felt him take over her lips as if his life depended on it…. *


*?I’m sorry for being angry with you*
*He apologized*

*?I’m sorry for being angry with you Chloe*
*She repeated *

*?Punish me*
*He added and she smirked*
*?Punish me*
*She repeated feeling relieved again, her headache was gone too…… *


*Chloe! **She called sobering up again and tearing up the more *
*He dragged her away making her run with him, he cornered, taking another turn around the school building running until he pushed her to the school wall*
*He closed in at her pinning her two hands to the wall*

* His gaze peered into her eyes*
*She made to tell him what happened to her but he cut her out *
*Don’t say a word, I believe you*….


*I love you Bella….I love you Bella*
*Bella I love you so so so so so so so so much… Bella I love you*

*How many times will you tell me that? *
*I will tell you that everytime Bella cuz that’s how I feel about you*…


*Then do you love me? *
*He asked filled with hope that she might say yes since she doesn’t love Nicc anymore*
*I love you Chloe and I will do anything not to make you run away from me*


* She cleared her throat looking at him*
*What is he trying to do to her?**She asked and he glared at her from her wet hair to her legs and then to her face and lips too*
*You want to know what’s he’s gonna do to her? ** he asked staring at her lustfully *

*She began to fidget, she now got the message, she tried to pull away but he was too fast to pin her down on the couch with him ontop of her *
*Her eyes widened and blinking at intervals *

*Wh… What are… What are you… What are you doing? **She stuttered with her breath getting stiffer which turned him on the more *
*What that guy is trying to do to her, don’t you want to know? *

*She closed her eyes and opened them again nodding her head with her face all red and hot *
*Really? You want me to do this? *
*She nodded her head with her eyes deep into his *

* He kissed her forehead but then stopped changing his mind *
*He sat her up and then asked her to pull off her clothe*
*Why? **She asked nervously*
*I want to see how pretty you’re*

*She couldn’t speak*
*Will you love me after this? *
*Do you trust me? *
*She nodded her head*
*So much **he smiled *
*Then pull off…… *


*Bella, I didn’t want to tell you this but you’re the most sweetest thing I’ve ever tasted and for the fact that am the first guy to know you *
*I feel like am blessed already *he gave a slight chuckle playing strings on her hair

*You’re really pretty Bella, so pretty even with your eyes closed **he giggled *

*She can’t wait to tell him that she will choose him over everyone in this world, she can’t wait to fully confess her feelings to him*
*Tell him how much her heart beats for him and how much she want to stay by his side come what may *

* And tell him also that her virginity is worth him, he deserves it and she’s so happy to be someone he loves, someone who stole his heart away *
* He thought her how to love and how to hurt greatly*

*How handsome he is, how his smiles makes her heart tripple and prepare to burst out, everything about him makes her happy, she won’t be any happier except if she’s with him*
*He makes her feel like she’s the most beautiful woman on earth and worth loveable *….
“Doctor! Doctor!!!! Call the ambulance!! Someone should call the police, there’s an accident… ”

She opened her eyes briefly when she heard those voices but then blacked out again when she didn’t see Chloe breathing…..


Who remember all these? And who can tell me which episode each of it came from?

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