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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HEARTBEATS – Episode 27

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The band removed from her hair, and her brown hair fell on her back and shoulders.

Butter lost his senses and brains immediately, the stopwatch fell from him as he stared.

Draco was watching from the door, he has been standing there since they started.

“I’ve had enough fresh air” Snow said beside him.

He left the door and went back to his angle.

Snow looked at JoJo and Butter before following him.



“What’s up?, You’ve been smiling crazily since you came back from school, should I start running?” James said teasingly, settling on the couch with a toasted bread in hand.

” I have every reason to smile” Butter replied .

“I see you made up with jojoflash” James smiled, eating from the toast.

“Yeah, it was the hardest thing I’ve ever tried, saying sorry to that motherf_cker” Butter replied.

“Punching him was really wrong , truth be told” James said.

“You should be on my side, not his own” Butter replied.

“I’m an upholder of Justice, no space for Favouritism, active criminologist!” James said, and Butter hissed, but a large smile covered his face again when he remembered his moment with JoJo at the gym, especially when her hair loosened.

“Gawd, Drake you’re totally mad” he muttered to himself and stood.

“Not madness, it’s love” James replied, and Butter was about to reply when his phone buzzed.

It’s an update in the major group.


He bit his lip hard, and when he really clicked on the next post, it’s the video.

Porn video of his mum with two male pornstars, she was getting f_cked by the two of them, threesome!

He regretted clicking the video immediately, and he threw his phone at the wall before rushing to his room tearfully.

“Drake!” James rushed after him, but he already locked the door.

“Drake don’t hurt yourself again, Drake!” He banged at the door.



“Come fast!, We have to be in the front!” Snow pulled JoJo into the crowdy hall, and they started making their way to the front.

“I’ve never watched from the front” JoJo replied happily.

“Then you’ll start today” Snow replied and continued pulling her till they got to the barricades.

“I can’t believe this!, I’m in the front!” JoJo gushed, getting her phone.

“You have lots more to enjoy as my kitten” Snow replied.

“Aww!, I love you Snow!” JoJo hugged her tightly.

“I love you more kitten!” Snow hugged her back.

Sunflowers were watching them from behind.

“Your smiles and happiness will be short-lived” Virginia said.

“Can’t wait…” Cora rolled eyes.

“For our plan to fall in place” Abigail replied.

“It’s another night to listen to the voice of the angels!” The MC shouted.

? Bring them out!!!!

“Three prettiest guys in Stanford, three most beautiful angels in Cali!”

? Whoa!!!!!

“Guess the title of the song?” The MC said jovially

? Lustre’s face!!!!

“Lustre’s face? How funny” the MC laughed and comported himself before speaking again.


? OMG!!!!

“Knight in shinning.. armor?” JoJo whispered to herself.

“Give it all up for… LOVERBOYZ!!!”

Insane screams filled up the full hall immediately.

“My muses!!!!” Snow screamed, positioning her phone camera well as beautiful confetti started raining on stage, red and blue lights shone together with them.

Suddenly, bright lights replaced the blinking ones, bringing the pretty guys to view.

? S*xiness of the freaking highest order!!!

? I wanna just die!!!

Luke and Walton were facing the crowd, smiling charmingly while blowing kisses.

” Gosh!, Isn’t Luke so cute?” Snow said.

“Of course” JoJo replied, focusing on Lustre.

Lustre’s back is on the crowd, and his fans wouldn’t stop telling him to face them.

The intro was fast, so the song started early.

LUKE: Whenever you’re around me
I wanna hold you in my arms
Millions of things surround me
But I see only you.

Lustre finally faced the crowd, and everyone started going insane immediately, though he’s wearing a mask as usual, but his charms are just unhidden.

“Knight in shining armor” JoJo muttered and tried imagining him as Draco, but she hit her head.

“I must be crazy” she giggled and joined the screaming.

LUSTRE: (Only you)
Stay beside me till the end of everything
Be my melody till the end of the song.
Don’t let me go.

WALTON: (it’ll hurt)

LUKE: don’t let me go

WALTON: (I love you)

LUSTRE: lemme be your knight in shining armor….



The concert ended after fifteen minutes, and the crowd started departing immediately.

Snow got a message from her housemate in the hostel.


Her eyes widened immediately.

“You ok?” JoJo asked.

“I need to go kitten, my housemate needs me!, I’ll see you in school tommorow baby!” Snow replied and gave her a peck before rushing out.

“Hope everything is ok” JoJo muttered worriedly and started walking out alone.

As if planned, it started raining immediately she got out.

“Why so sudden?” She said, standing at the covered balcony.

Her phone rang, and she quickly got it from her pocket, thinking it’s her mum, but it’s Butter.

They actually exchanged numbers earlier at the gym.

“Hey Butter!” She beamed.

“You sound happy” he replied.

“Of course!, I attended Lustre’s concert, I heard his voice again!” She replied happily.

“Cool” he replied.

“Wait .. why the sad voice?, Is something up?” She asked.

“No, I’m just waking up so I’m tired, are you back home?”

“No, I’m stuck in front of the hall without an umbrella or jacket, I think I’ll freeze to death” she replied.

“The rain is heavy!” He said immediately.

“I know, I don’t know when it’s gonna stop” she replied, looking at the torrential downpour.

Butter hung up immediately, and she looked at her phone screen.

“Why?” She said and was about to return it to her pocket when it rang again.

“Who the hell is…

She stopped talking when she saw knight on the screen.

“Draco?” She said and picked without hesitation.

“Hey knight!” She smiled.

“Are you home already?” He asked.

“No, I’m stuck in front of the hall, don’t know what to do and I’m freezing” she replied, rubbing her bare arms.

She’s wearing a armless woolen blouse.

“Stay there” he replied


“Don’t think of entering the rain” he replied and hung up.

“What’s up with them?, Why are they hanging up on me?” She pouted and pocketed her phone.

She’s the only one there, everyone else left in their cars already.

She went closer to the end of the balcony and stretched her hand to the rain, collecting rainwater with it.

“The coldness reminds me of him” she whispered, smiling cutely as the water continued dropping on her palms.

She was still on it when two cars stopped in front of the hall at a time.

She strained her eyes as the doors opened.

Her eyes widened when Butter came out of the first one, but it widened more when Draco came out of the second.

They both covered their heads with umbrellas as they rushed into the balcony.

She faced them shockingly, looking from one to another.

“I’ll take you home” Butter said.

“Do you want me to take you?” Draco said.

“Huh?” She blinked, staring at the two speechlessly.


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