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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HEARTBEATS – Episode 6

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( I Think I
Love You … )


By, Naomi Cindy B.






Cora and Abigail quickly caught Virginia before she could pass out, and they took her out of the hallway.

JoJo quickly released herself from Butter and stepped back, looking at him shockingly.

Butter was looking at the wounds on her face and knees, she really looks too pitiful.

“Let’s talk” JoJo said and limped out of the hallway.

Butter followed her, and they entered an empty class together, then she faced him.

“Why did you help me?” She questioned, and he scoffed

“Why else?, Cos you got these wounds because of me” he replied, and she let out a scoff too.

“Why did you add to my problems!!!” She shouted loudly.

“What the f_ck are you talking about?, Shouldn’t you be happy that I helped?” Butter said surprisingly.

“The first help you rendered got me these wounds, and you expect me to want another help again?, Virginia will murder me!!” She shouted.

“Look I know I shouldn’t have helped you pick up the books yesterday, I’m not the kind of person who acts concerned but I just don’t know why, but you…. Do you always enjoy getting beaten up?” He said, and JoJo sniffed, brushing her hair with her fingers slightly.

“You don’t have hands?, You love how they beat you up?, Stand up for yourself too fool!” He shouted angrily.

“It’s my life not yours! You all have rich parents and all!, But all I have is an h@ťěful dad who doesn’t care about weather i breath or not!, My poor mum takes care of me by borrowing loans from sharks and banks!, Mum went through a lot before I got admitted here, and you want me to fight back at the SUNFLOWERS?, They can easily frame me and say I’m the one who bullied, and I’m sure the whole school will support them cos no one likes me here!, At the end I’ll be rusticated!, I don’t want that!!!” She shouted.

“So…you plan to keep going like this… even if they ki|| you?” He said without blinking.

“Yes, so stop helping, it’ll only bring me problems” she said flatly and walked out of the class.

Butter sighed and dipped his hands into his pockets before walking slowly out of the class too.

“Butter!” James appeared, hanging his arm on his neck immediately.

“Get lost” He pushed him away, and James curved his lips cutely.

“What’s wrong with you these days?” He asked, and Butter stopped to face him.


“Yesterday you picked her books, she got in trouble today because of that, and you saved her too, are you ok?” James asked.

“Just go to your LT” Butter rolled eyes and started walking away.

“I’ll be home before you!, What should I make?, Macaroons?, Spaghetti?, Butter!!” James shouted, and Butter smiled lightly before entering his block.



Draco was busy snapping pictures of nature around the green field, and his camera won’t stop clicking every minute.

Kavita is sitting at the bleachers, watching him with interest.

To everyone else, he’s weird and unusual cos he’s mostly quiet and cold, but she knows everything about him. Everything.

He’s just a deeply wounded guy.

Draco snapped the picture of a gecko across the field, and she stood.

“Snap me” she said, posing s*xily.

“I don’t snap humans, and you know” he replied curtly, turning somewhere else.

Yeah, he has never snapped a human with his camera, he even h@ťěs snapping himself.

He noticed the body of the camera is slightly broken as a result of how JoJo kept bumping into him.

The two falls made it crack.

“Why don’t you like snapping humans?” Kavita asked when she finally got to him.

“Let’s go to class” he said, carrying his cross bag from the base of the bleachers.

He started walking away, but Kavita pulled him back.

“You’ve been acting different since last night after the mission, Did I make any mistake?” She asked.

“You really don’t know?”

“Did I trespass?”

“We were ordered to clear Costa alone, you shouldn’t have shot the driver, ki||ing the driver was needless” he replied and left her standing, walking away.

Kavita blinked and scoffed before carrying her bag.

“My p@zzy will calm you down” she smiled to herself before running to join him.



“I can’t believe it!!!, My potential boyfriend held the waist of that spooky face?, Urgg!!!” Virginia screamed, holding her head as she stumped her foot around the whole house.

“I’m sure she purposely fell on him , such a prostitute” Cora huffed on the couch.

“We should rather be thinking of how to punish her right now” Abigail said, and Virginia suddenly stopped ranting.

“This time, I’mma ki|| her for real, do you still have Jago’s line?” Virginia replied.

“Of course, it’s on my phone” Cora replied, giving her the phone.

Virginia took it and dialled a line.

“How many of your guys are available?… Three?, Good, I need y’all to rape someone till death… tonight”



Immediately the second class ended, JoJo got Snow’s jacket from her backpack and walked to her seat.

“Thanks….I washed it” she smiled, pointing it at her.

Snow looked at the jacket somehow before standing.

“I don’t wear what someone else has worn, you can have it” she said and started walking out, but JoJo blocked her quickly.

She rolled eyes meanly, and JoJo smiled again.

“About the….the classes I talked about, can you teach me what I don’t understand?, I really need…

“I don’t want to, so get lost” Snow interrupted coldly and left.

JoJo sighed, looking at the jacket with her.

Butter was looking at her from his seat, thinking of various things in his mind till she left the class.

On getting to the door, she met Draco who was just about to enter the class.

She almost bumped into him again but she stopped herself in time.

“I won’t make your camera fall again today” she smiled lightly and walked away.

Draco turned to watch her till she went out of sight, then he proceeded to walking into the class, and someone else bumped into him.

Though his camera didn’t fall, but when he saw the person, he felt angry.

It’s Butter.

“I h@ťě bumps, so watch where you’re heading” he glared, and Butter scoffed

“You literally bumped into me, not the other way around” he rolled eyes, and they started glaring at each other.

They don’t talk to each other, they’ve never tried it but it’s obvious they don’t like each other, they don’t just.

Draco entered the class and Butter left the class eventually.


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