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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{Being a substitute}

Written by Shabby write



I open my eyes gently, the sun shining directly to my eyes, revealing the view of patients on sick bays, my parent beside me, Anita also, tears flip off my eyes, “what the hell am I doing here?, I need an answer and not sweet talks”, I said…… “Katryn please stop been like these been for the sake of your child and Calvin”, my mom said.

I look around and with my view it a hospital, my head began aching me as I begin to recall all that happened to me, the accident and how Alex set me up, Calvin and Derek, I wish I could celebrate your birthday, am sorry Derek, am sorry I can’t fulfilled my promise.

I look down on my stomach, I took my right hand and place it on my stomach, twinnie be strong for dad and mom, I said smiling as tears was dropping from my eyes at the same time…. “why is this happening, baby pray nothing happen to your dad”, I said touching my tummy again.

I turned and see Anita, Branden, Aiden,Maya and Liam, I can’t believe they will be here so early…….. “Hey guys, how are doing?”, I ask anxiously…… ” We are doing pretty well, how is your health and calvin”, Branden said.

“Am good but I don’t know that of Calvin, I will go check on him and see if he his okay, Braden i just regain my memory and am leah”, I said…. “Leah don’t blame yourself, you never cause this, so don’t feel bad and let go visit Calvin in his ward”, Braden said pushing my wheelchair.

My heart break into pieces as I see Derek crying, the little boy who have always been happy and smiling, “Calvin please wake up, wake up for the sake of our unborn child and Derek”, I said as I walk up to him.

I walk solemnly toward him, I raise his hand and lie it slightly against mine, “am sorry for letting you pass through all these alone, am sorry for putting you and our son in pain”, I said lifting his hands on my tummy.

“Ma’am he won’t blink an eyes, he have been like this since he was here, the doctor diagnosis confirm that he will be okay”, one the nurse who is watching us said.

Before I could even turn my gaze to Calvin, I saw his eyes opened…. “Oh dad you are awake ” Derek said running to his father…… “Calvin why?, Why will you go this far, you don’t have to risk you life for me”, I said placing a kiss on his forehead.

He look at me and sigh heavily, before talking, “am sorry, if I don’t lay my life down for my family who then will do it, if I don’t protect you and Derek, who else who do that”, he said…. Those words really make heart ache, “am sorry I left you, am sorry am the cause of all these, but why did you refused to open your eyes, the doctor confirm that you are healthy and you are suffering from shock”, I said cleaning his eyes with back of my palm….. “am sorry I refuse to open my eyes, for I fear if I open my eyes It won’t be you, I want to keep seeing this precious face of yours”, he said kissing me without noticing the present of Braden, Anita, Liam and Maya.

They all scoff and chorus, “we are lost”…… Their voice bring both of us to reality, I opened my eyes and break from the kiss, “I wish to have more of you”, he whispered into my ear…… “am sorry guys, you aren’t lost, we are the one lost”, I said smiling.

“Good of you, why not we go outside to view the beach and also celebrate my birthday it at the front of the hospital”, Derek said….. “Okay but we aren’t prepare for birthday “, Calvin said…. “but I am dad, don’t worry let go”, he said as Calvin stand up.

I also feel like having more of him, his cute even when his sick, his lip taste like strawberry, i feel like it was our first time of meeting, have never seen a man who cherish a lady like him in my whole life, even when am lost he brought me back to life, even when I fall he lift me, he even when am injured he cure me, he is really an angel to me, he is God sent, the tap of Anita brought me out from my thoughts….. “oh, what the hell are you thinking of, you better come out and have fun, Derek and his uncle, Braden are really prepared for the event and Oops you won’t wanna miss it”, Maya said dragging me out of the ward to the beach.

Calvin pov
Am over zealous, my pregnant wife and Derek are safe, I didn’t lost anyone, as for Alex who frame her self to be Leah, I bet I will make life miserable for her and the miserable motherf-__-ker who sent her.

The party begin, different snacks and music was played, it is really fun to watch people dance, sing and play, I turn my gaze and Suprisingly I saw Leah(Katryn) in a pure pink silver gown, and silver coloured heel, she look like an angel, I hurriedly run to her and hug her like it was our first time of meeting, like we both are lost and just found each other, we kiss each other passionately, all eyes were on us but we didn’t care.

“Thanks for standing by me, Calvin you are not just my husband, my children father to be andThanks for standing by me, Calvin you are not just my husband, my children father to be and Derek father but you are a man with heart of gold, your type are rare, people like you are too hard to find, even when I run away you still come for me, even when am lost you bring me back to reality, when am worthless you make me worthfull”, she said kissing me again, this time more unique making my arms shiver…… “don’t mention dear, you are like an angel to me, you are a blessing to me, if I don’t love and cherish you then what will I do, I promise I will forever make you the happiest moment”, I said carrying her in a bridal style into the guests suit specially prepared for us.

Alex pov
“I really regrets all my action, the person who send me on this mission have denied me, he lied of not knowing me, so am gonna rust here in this prison, I still have no one to blame, I am always after the goodies and that the reward, regrets indeed”, I said crying as hot reap reach my back sending me back to work.

“I wish I am dead, I wish this isn’t happening to me, I want to die”, I said as my eyes become blurring all of a sudden.


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