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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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SILENT MOANS – Episode 77

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Margo came to spend the night since tommorow is the engagement, but all that’s in his mind is Beauty, just her.

He has been texting her, but she hasn’t been replying.

He practiced like he’d die just to beat Frankie in the swimming competition, and though it seems she’s into Frankie, he still wants to to go on that one date with him, but it seems impossible right now.

He looked at his phone again and was about to send another text to her when Margo can into his room and hugged him from behind.

“I can’t wait for tommorow seriously, we’re finally getting engaged!” She gushed, annoying him to the core.

He removed her hand from his tummy and faced him, then he held her face and kissed her lightly, surprising her.

“Cody” she whispered when he broke it.

“Wanna drink with me?” He asked, and she nodded happily

“Yes baby!” She smiled.

He kissed her again and left the room.

He went to the cellar and got a bottle of wine which he opened and poured into two cups he added sleeping pills to one before taking the two upstairs.



One of the maids opened the door when Daisy rang the doorbell.

“Miss Daisy!” The maid smiled, and she stepped in.

“Where’s Micky?” She asked.

“She hasn’t come out of her room yet” the maid replied.

“And what about her parents?”

“They’re on another business trip to Florida again” the maid replied.

“The Ɓîtçh?” Micky said furiously from the end of the stairs.

She actually heard Daisy’s voice from her room, and that was what pulled her out.

“Micky” Daisy said, and Micky rushed downstairs to give her two slaps at once.

The maids gasped.

“What the hell are you doing in my house!” Micky demanded with burning eyes.

“I know I’m not worthy of stepping into this house but…. but please…can you forgive your boyfriend?” Daisy replied


“Please.. he’s really suffering and he hasn’t eaten anything too just like you since it happened, can you please look at him again?, It’s all my fault” Daisy started crying.

“I joined Scott Hills high with the aim of dating him even if he has a girlfriend, I was so determined to break you two apart without thinking of the repercussions, I never knew how selfish I was till it happened, I can’t continue watching him wallow in sadness like this, please….” Daisy went on her knees.

“Please forgive Simon and get back together with him I beg you”

Micky swallowed hard as she watched her.



Davina was sitting alone in the living room, thinking about what Drayton did earlier in school, she hasn’t been able to stop thinking about his words since she came back from school, it got glued to her heart so hard.

For the first time in one year, she didn’t think about Frankie for several hours.

She sighed and her phone buzzed, Drayton’s message.


She finished reading and sighed, and that was when her mind went to Frankie and what happened that night.


Davina finished taking off Frankie’s clothes with the thought of f-__-king herself with his Ďïčk, but when she held his Ďïčk, it wasn’t erect.

It kept falling back since he’s sleeping.

She bent over it and was about to start sucking it when he turned his body.

She got scared, thinking he’ll wake up, so she got down from the bed hurriedly and ran out of the house.


Davina sighed and stood from the couch.

Though she has been trying to get pregnant for him since then, but the trick at the hotel didn’t work, and she’s somehow glad right now that it didn’t.

She got another text from Drayton.


She started typing a reply.



Axel has been in his room since he came back from work, he hasn’t even eaten dinner cos he has no appetite at all.

His mind kept shifting to what Malia told him in his office earlier.


“I I …. I can explain” Malia stuttered.

“I’m listening” he replied gently, and she swallowed hard, picking on her nails as she started talking.

“I…I … Aborted there times, for Charles my ex” she said.


“I loved him so much that I always did what he wanted, back then whenever I got pregnant, he’d always say we’re too young to become a couple, so I always ended up aborting the babies, I know it sounds stupid but…

“Of course it’s stupid!, How the hell would you even think of abortion!, You don’t value your life?, What if you died!, What if your womb got damaged?, What if you lost something special!, And you don’t feel pity for those babies?, How could you Lia!” He shouted, and she started crying.


“So if I hadn’t found out like this, you planned to keep it from me?” He interrupted.

“No trust me I was planning to tell you soon Axel, I was..

“How soon Malia!, Just how soon!” He shouted, and she cried more.

“I’m so sorry, I’m sorry..

He got his suit and started walking out of the office furiously.

“Axel wait!, Axel…”


Axel roughed his hair and dipped his face into his pillow, not knowing when tears escaped his eyes.



Mrs Aston opened the door to Cody’s room and was surprised to meet emptiness.

She quickly entered fully and found his closet opened, half of his clothes are gone.

Half of the shoes on his rack are gone too.

Her eyes widened when she saw Margo sleeping on the bed.

She tapped her, but she only changed position and resumed her sleep

“No” she muttered and sighted a letter on the stand.

She went for it and her hands started shaking as she read.


“Cody!!!!” She screamed after reading it.

She started going down

Mr Aston came in and held her before she could fall.

“What’s happening?”

“Cody… Cody is…gone!!!”



Frankie is still in bed, receiving treatments.

Though he’s conscious, but the pains from his wounds are hellish

Franco, Dooley, Malia and his mum are beside him.

Daniel didn’t allow Beauty to come to him, he had her trapped in the house.

“So….this is the reason why you refused to tell me about her, she’s still underage Frank, getting her indulged in dating is risky, and you did those things to her?” Carolyn said.

“Who cares?, We love each other, isn’t that what matters?” Frankie replied.

“Daniel is just so stubborn” Franco said.

“He’ll come around, it’ll just take long” Malia replied as Carolyn started stroking Frankie’s hair.

Philip came in immediately, and Frankie made to stand up but his pains held him down.

“What the hell is this monster doing here?” He said h@ťěfully.

“I invited him over” Carolyn replied.

“Really?” Frankie said.


He closed his eyes immediately and covered his face with the cover clothe.

Carolyn looked at Philip, and he sighed.

Malia left the ward and kept trying Axel’s line till she got to his car, but he’s not picking.

He hasn’t been picking since what happened yesterday

She inhaled and dropped her phone, then she drove home.

Daniel was in the living room, just staring into space when she came in.

“Daniel it’s ok now, it’s time to finally stop!” She shouted.

“Big sis do you know how disappointed I am right now?, She’s still underage for the love of Miss Lissa!, How…

“Miss Lissa?”

“Wh@ťěver!, Nothing is happening between them ever again!, And first thing tomorrow morning, she’s travelling back to Vegas!” Daniel shouted.

“She’s going nowhere!, Wait who’s the eldest in this house, me or you?” Malia replied.

“I don’t care big sis!, Her flight has already been booked!, I don’t care how much she cries, she’s leaving!” He shouted, and Malia was about to reply when they heard a breaking sound in upstairs.

They exchanged glances and ran upstairs.

They opened the door to Beauty’s room and were shocked to the core when they saw her window is broken.

She actually broke it with the chair and she’s nowhere to be found.

“No this is not the right time to go out!, Uncle Jax is out there!” Malia said fearfully, and Daniel jumped out through the broken window.

It led to a balcony, and he ran down the stairs.

Beauty is totally out of the compound already, so he got in his car and drove out.


Beauty was already exhausted as she ran down the road, but she wasn’t ready to stop, she badly needs to see Frankie before the end of today, else she might just do something crazy to herself.

As she ran, she looked back to see if Daniel or Malia’s car is behind, but she saw none.

She stopped a taxi and got in, but immediately she got in, she started feeling drowsy as if she got sedated.

The driver removed his cap and faced her.

Her eyes would have widened if not for the drowsiness.

“Uncle… uncle…Ja..

She wasn’t able to say the rest when she slept off.

“We met again, my toy” Jax laughed evilly and drove away.


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