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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE DEVIL SON – Episode 32

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?The Rebirth ?

#season 2
No edit ‼️
Errors are bound to occur but pls bare it
*Do not copy or repost if u dont want bad things in ur life*
Theme:dark powers,love and hatred

Settings: Human world,demon realm and the gods era.

? Episode one?

[His new side,the devil himself]



Following the death of his mate and his decision to leave the human world forever,he left for the demon realm where he met his brothers and father who welcomed him as expected.

Prad’h and his brothers were fuming in silence as they dare not say a word to their father’s decision to crown Jake just days after he came into the demon realm.

Prad’h was even more angry after his father assigned him to look after Jake’s practice and training so he can control his powers quickly.

Jake on the other hand seem to get a hold of his powers already as he often end up beating up his brothers in a training or duel.

Everyday seem like a new world to him,he knew he accepted this himself, he’s not ready for it but the power in him demand it and he surrender to it and now he feel suffocated.

He grew stronger every single day and his strength is becoming unbearable to even his own body, he find it hard staying in his human body most of the time as he always felt the urge to unleash his powers.

The trembling bodies and voices became a music to his ears and entertainment to his eyes,he love the smell and taste of fear kore than anything and even his brothers are scared of him.

They knew they won’t have succeeded if they tried to stopped their father from releasing all the chain of doom in his body, they still couldn’t figure out how he’s so strong even more than their father.

They all remembered the day he was crowned as the new devil and the new ruler of all demons and the king of all superior beings.



The hall was dead silent and everyone have their own thoughts going on in their minds as they await the devil himself to tell them the reason they are all summoned.

It’s been decades since a gathering like this happened,all kind of creatures are present but only their rulers are here in the hall and none of them could guess why they are here.

The werewolves,the lycanthropes, the vixens,demons,vampire and even shifters like anaconda,boar,bear,tiger,fox and many others.

He who rules them is callous and unpredictable so they all tried their possible best not to think aloud or even show their doubts on their face.

Soon,he walked in followed by his three sons ,he give a cool tempting aura as well as a terrifying aura and his face is cold and deprived of emotions,they seem lively and lifeless at the same time .

He walk up to his throne gracefully and his sons sat on the three chairs on the left side of the throne while he waited for everyone to settle from their bowing before he begins.

“You all must be surprised that i asked u all to be present today”he voice gave a chilling mixed aithority feelings and the lower rank leaders of the shifters couldn’t hide their fears.

He continued shortly after the first sentence “you wll seem surprised that father called you here today”prad’h smirked coldly and no one say a word .

“Well,he will be returning to hell to continue ruling there while he will leave his throne on earth in the hand of his successor”he smiled but anyone could detect a hint of anger and thr_@t in his voice,many thought he’s the next ruler and that’s why he’s acting Ç0çƙy but none of them dare to voice their own opinion.

But their faces gave them away,some have the look of anger, while others didn’t really believe his words as they knew the devil to be rather a cunning and dangerous creature.

Everyone want to know who among the three children will be the devil’s successor as well as the next devil on the throne.

“Come in…….”the devil voice was calm and warm but no one came in as everyone has expected.

“LUCIFER !”he voiced boomed and echoed through the whole hall at once and many fell down unable to withstand the authority and power the voice held right now.

A figure appeared at the doorway and many who were able to catch the first glance of his face stare in disbelief and even look at the devil who’s sitting on his throne then back at the young boy that came in through the door.

But something is off about this boy,not only does he look like the devil himself but he gave off a terrific aura which is likely to suppress even the devil’s terrifying aura.

Many trembled at the sight while others tried not to be intimidated by an ordinary boy but aren’t really during a good job in hiding their fears as well.

Even though he gave out a powerful aura,the boy walking up towards the devil seem rather nervous feeling the aura from all these creatures even though all their aura combined is nothing compare to his.

Being nervous doesn’t mean his scared of them,his face lack any expression and his eyes are colder than ice and every single details about him screamed the devil son!

“Welcome my son…….as well as the new ruler”the devil announced as soon as jake got to his ride side on the throne.

Everyone present was shocked by this revelation and many stare at the boy in shock and his eyes dimmed dangerously when many express their thoughts and seems unbelievable to them for someone like him to be the new ruler.

“He’s too young and inexperienced,how can we be sure he won’t misuse his powers, powerful or not,your son or not, he’s too young,i disagree”one of the most powerful demons present disagree at once.

Jake’s eyes flickered dangerously and within a blink of an eye, he’s standing right in front of the demon who just talked and without a second thought dig his hands into his chest and a terrifying screaming followed as he breaks the ribs of the demon then crush his heart right in his chest before dropping the dead body.

Demons aren’t ki||ed so easily,demons can’t be ki||ed just anyhow either but he send fears into everyone’s heart the way he squeezed and crushed the heart in seconds.

The devil who was seated calmly couldn’t help but smirk at his son while his other sons stare at their little brother in shock, there’s no doubt,this new side of this boy will be more terrifying than their father’s.

Finally everyone quiet down after jake returned to their father “i won’t be staying forever,jake from now on you are not jake again but lucifer,my only legitimate son and successor,you are now crowned the new devil of earth”he said placing his hand on Jake’s chest and he screamed all of a sudden.

The earth shakes and the sky rumbles and he felt something tightening his body’s cell and then it felt as if it was broken and he let out a loud war piercing demonic growls.

The sky rumbled again and this time around,the moon turned red even though it’s not the blood moon yet and everyone was shocked at this while the more intelligent one among them quickly realized that the former devil has just break the final chain of doom used to restrict Lucifer’s powers.

That night turned bloody as he looses control for some minutes and bodies of few of the rulers are scattering on the ground,they simply fell victim of the release of the locked beast in lucifer.

#present time*

Years have past but they still fear the little boy of that year who is over a Century old now eno ine dare go against his orders.

He choose fayr as his personal adviser even though he hardly listen to this brother of his but he do few times.

Things have changed a lot from when he was crowned,a century have passed and a lot have changed,many shifters left to live among human even though they didn’t loose their origins,they are now mixed with human and are even producing hybrids of their race and human.

Lucifer who is also the devil didn’t stop then from doing this and he seem not to care at all about the human world.

Being the fearless and callous ruler,he doesn’t have any fear and to himself he doesn’t want to ever step into the human world as they are the cause of his mate’s death that year.

He h@ťěs human more than anything and doesn’t want anything to do with them even though even his own brothers enjoy staying in the human world.

While on his throne sitting silently in the eternity darkness as usual,fayr walked in grinning.

He bow slightly and was about to start greeting lucifer when he stopped him”direct to your reason if being here”he cut him off at once.

Fayr awkwardly smiled”tonight is prad’h mating ceremony,he hope u can grace his ceremony with your presence”he said and Lucifer stare at him for a while.

“You have to go lucifer, he’s your brother and he recently find his mate after over a century of staying all alone”fayr added hoping lucifer who act more like a lifeless stone still have a little feeling left in him.

“Let’s go,i smell something bad coming”his demon said and he stood up at once”fine,i will be there”his voice is cold and emotionless,it as if all the feelings in him are drained all of these years.

He walk off into the darkness and soon appear again dressed in his usual all black with a hint of flaming red on his clothes which mark his eyes and hair.

Even though the mating ceremony is not really important among the demons,they felt like they will be blessed if they celebrate it and since prad’h is indirectly a prince from the former devil, it’s necessary for him to celebrate his own.

Pradh’h who always want the throne dare not challenge his little brother who is insanely powerful and ki|| without emotions,he has no doubt that if he tried to betray him, Lucifer will ki|| him without any emotion.

He could only grow knowledgeable,smart and clever and also train more to increase his ski||s and powers.

Different shifters and creatures have their own ways of gaining more powers and demons have many and the easiest is draining powers from others.

Many who want to live as a human without having hybrid children would give up their powers and allowed it to be drained out of them,if they are strong enough,they survived and if they are too weak, they died .

There is higher chance of surviving if your power is drained by someone from the powerful bloodlines such as prad’h so he’s often in charge of draining their powers.

“Brother,lucifer sent a message”fah’n rushed in and prad’h was both shocked and angry “he will be attending your mating ceremony”he added qnd Prad’h raised an eyebrow.

“Fayr that fool, and Lucifer I’m sure he’s coming to steal the spotlight as usual,he better not ruin ly ceremony or else i will show him he’s not the most powerful one here”he was fuming and sneered.

? Later that night?

The whole mating ceremony went on as planned and it was one of the best,the decorations and other important part of the ceremony are of high quality.

Everyone still find it hard to believe that the handsome devil really attend the ceremony,no one us allowed to dress casually as they are all dressed in extraordinary clothes.

Even Prad’h mate couldn’t stop herself from boasting about this to her friends and family as she felt proud that the most powerful of all attend her mating ceremony.

Soon it was time for everyone to depart but something unusual happened,the moon suddenly turned bloody red even though it’s not the blood moon yet, something that happened only after lucifer came into power.

Who is this new powerful creature that his or her power seems to be on par with the devil himself and even lucifer couldn’t help but frown at this.

But then a thunderous rumble was heard later and the sky spark with thunderstorm and lightning and waves of energy pass by.

Lucifer was lost staring at the red moon and this suddenly awake something in him, what he thought have died in him seem to be alive as he felt it shocking himself to the core “who owns this aura and intoxicating scent?”he thought to himself.


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