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Friday, October 18, 2024
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SILENT MOANS – Episode 73

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It’s full to the brim already, wish students.

Each team gathered in one place, singing songs to cheer themselves up.

Beauty, Allyson, Cody and Frankie are in the front of the blue team, singing along with the others.

Anytime Cody tries to make contact with Beauty, Frankie comes in between, stopping him.

When it got too much, he stayed there permanently, blocking her from him.

Cody looked at him, and their eyes met.

They were staring at each other when Beauty held Frankie’s hand.

He faced her, and she pecked him immediately.

“Hey we’re in public” he whispered.

“No one saw me” she winked, and he smiled before kissing their interlocked hands secretly.

Cody saw that and swallowed hard, staring at their interlock.

Allyson fell beside him, and he looked at her.

“Let’s do well” she said.

“Yeah” he nodded, still looking at Beauty and Frankie.

“Beauty Holland, Frankie Styles, your attention is needed in the broadcasting room” a teacher announced, and they both left immediately.


At the red team, Daniel, Dooley and Franco stood in front of the team, looking straight.

“Wait… Who died?, Why is anyone not talking?” Franco suddenly broke the silence, and they both faced him.

” I’m getting prepared for the race” Daniel replied, stretching his arms.

“I’m just sad that my Micky is not here” Dooley pouted.

“Simon went home already, i don’t like their absence at all” Franco replied, and Daniel sighed.

“Let’s just do our best and make team red proud” Daniel said.

“Of course, we can!” Franco shouted, and they stuck hands.

From team yellow, Davina, Margo and Drayton are in front of the team, not talking to each other.

There’s nothing to talk about anyways, all they’re waiting for is the competition.

“Welcome everyone to the tenth sports festival of Scott Hills high!” Frankie’s voice said through the broadcasting speakers, and everyone listened attentively.

“Last year’s was enjoyable though I wasn’t here, but I watched the video!” Beauty’s tiny voice said.

“So we wish this year’s will be more interesting, please make your teams proud!” Frankie said.

“Have fun and make memories” Beauty added, and everyone clapped as the sports officials appeared in the yard, miss Lissa inclusive, they were led my the sports master.

“Representatives for the relay race should step forward please!, From each team!” He announced.

Dooley, Franco and Daniel came out for red.

Frankie, Beauty and Cody came out for blue.

Drayton, Margo and one other came out for yellow.

The pink representatives stepped out too, and they were arranged on the starting lines.

Beauty will is the first leg of blue.

Dooley is the first leg of red

Margo is the first leg of yellow.

“Get ready please” the sports master said, getting the toy gun.

Margo smirked at Beauty, and Beauty smirked back.

Dooley looks determined as she bent slightly with the others.

The gun was shot, and they all picked up the race, running madly down the lane.

Margo was taking the lead at first, the yellow team members went wild with screams as she gave others a long gap.

She was running as if she was injected.

Dooley is after her in the second place, while Beauty is third presently.

Margo was already getting tired as the rave got to half, and that was when Dooley started picking up

The red team members started screaming hard.

Margo was unaware of what’s going on till Dooley ran past her like wink.

? Dooley!!!!!!

All the team red started singing victory songs till she passed the baton to Franco.

Franco took it and started running crazily like fan.

? Franco wacko!

? Franco Psycho!

Beauty caught up with Margo too, and the blue team members went crazy with loud screams immediately.

? Go Beauty!

? Go Beauty!

? Go Beauty!

She didn’t stop to rest till she passed the baton to Cody, and Cody took off like flash, going after Franco who has already gone far.

? Cody move fast!!!

Margo hasn’t passed the baton when she fell on the ground.

“I can’t do this anymore!!!!, My legs will break!!!, I can’t!!!” She cried loudly.

The guy she was supposed to pass it to had to run to her .

He took the baton from the ground and started running

Cody couldn’t catch up with Franco anymore, it’s impossible cos Franco already passed to Daniel.

Daniel took off like bold, and some seconds after that, Cody passed to Frankie.

Frankie started running after Daniel.

The yellow guy passed go Drayton too, and the hottest race started.

Frankie… Daniel… Drayton.


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