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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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SEDUCE ME – Episode 65

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A man in his late fifties, sitted in a huge chair in his suite, smoking.

The flames of the smoke circulated around his room, as he keeps puffing out the cigar he was smoking.

And his face differs from his age, he looks young despite being in his late fifties.

He was still enjoying the pleasure he got from smoking, when the footsteps of a girl on high pencilled heels enters his suite.

She was wearing a tight black jumpsuit, making her look like a Mafia girl.

Her long hair was packed in a ponytail and it falls down to her her waist.

“Good evening boss”. Her voice greeted.

He drops the cigar in the ashtray and looks at her.

“Yes Margarita”.

Margarita drops an envelope on the table.

“I just got a call from Jailbird, and he will be realese from jail soon”. Margarita said and he smirked.

“Finally, my son will be realese”.

“That’s true boss”.

“And that Adrenaline mob, any news about it”. He asked.

“Seems like he hasn’t stop searching for the mob boss, but little did he know that the black wolves has longed being changed to the Dragon Mob”.

Gams, being the Don of the Dragon Mob smirks.

“He joined the mafia world, just to bring us down, but too bad, he won’t be able to find us, that’s why, when we strike, he won’t know”. Gams said and laughs.



Fallon was still looking at her injured knee, urging a painful gruts every single seconds.

“This hurts so much”. She mutttered in pain.

A knock came on the door and Fallon wondered who it was.

“Come in”. She managed to say, since she can’t get up from the bed.

The knob of the door, twisted and Chevy enters.

“Hi”. He said waving at her with a smile.

“What’re you…No, how did you know my room”. Fallon asked looking surprised.

Chevy smiles.

“Jupitar told me where to find you, am sure you know she’s my sister”. Chevy said smiling.

*Is he the god of smiling, why’s he always smiling*. Fallon mutttered inwardly.

“Seems your knee got worst”. Chevy asked sitting beside her and Fallon shifts backward, Chevy chuckles.

“Am not a vampire, so what’s with the discomfort”. He asked.

“Am fine, my knee doesn’t hurt, not even one bit”. Fallon said.

“Really”. He asked and Fallon nods her head.

“Alright”. He said and slaps her injure knee.

“Ouch!!!, What’s was that for!”. Fallon halfyells in pains.

“I thought you said it doesn’t hurt, I was just checking it out”.

Fallon glared at him and he returns it with a wink and his enchanting smile.

Chevy held her leg, and Fallon tries to withdraw it from him.

“Just stay put, I just want to help you treat your wounds”. Chevy said.

And with that Fallon kept her knee. Chevy brought out the ointment from his pocket, and began applying it on the surface of Fallon’s knee.

“Ouch”. Fallon mutttered.

“Sorry”. He said gently, blowing air into her injured knee.

Fallon looks at him as he did that.

Kent looks at the ointment in his head as he headed for Fallon’s room.

He was about opening the door of her room, but stopped halfway, when he heard Fallon laughing from inside.

“Your so funny Chevy, can you stop dancing that way”. She said laughing.

“Am a descendant of the Micheal Jackson’s family”. Kent could hear Chevy’s voice from Inside.

“Stop”. Fallon said laughing.

Kent sighs.

“Are they friends now”. He muttered. He looks at the ointment in his hand and sighs.

“Guess there’s no need for this”. He said and threw it away.



Braxton enters her room and Spooky quickly stood up from the bed.

“Where the heck have you been”. Spooky asked.

“No where Spooky”. Braxton answers sitting in the bed.

“Really, nowhere, then why’re you always leaving the clan”.

“I was just getting some fresh air”. She replies smiling.

“Really, just getting fresh air….Are you up to something”. Spooky asked.

“Of course not Spooky, can’t I go out anymore”.

“Yes you can, but your recent going out is unpredictable, if the boss notices it, your dead”. Spooky said.

“His never going to find out, his too busy with his romance with Megan”. Braxton said taking off her pencilled heels, unpacking her hair from it’s ponytail.

“I do hope you going out is just for a show and nothing else”. Spooky said.

Braxton gulped down hard, before looking at Spooky with a smile.

“Is just for a show”. She said going to the closet to take off her jumpsuit.



“Are these all you need”. Axton asked Megan, when she was done picking out clothes.


“Just this, isn’t it little”.

“You called these little, is not asif am going to wear all of this anyways, so let’s go with this”.

“Are you sure”. He asked.

And Megan nods smiling, Axton returns the smile and they both went to the attendance.

And she began checking the things they bought through the barcode (price scanner).

When she was done, she helped them package the things they brought, and it was more than 100 shopping bags, containing different clothes and accessories.

After it was being arranged inside the car by the attendances of the boutique, Megan was about entering the car with Axton, when she spotted someone.

“Aunt Linda”. She mutttered, she quickly close to car door and went to her, Axton also followed suit.

“Aunt Linda”. Megan calls her again when she finally got to where she was.

“Who’re you”. Linda asked, trying to figure out who she was.

“Aunt Linda, is me Megan”.

“Megan”. She asked taking a closer looks at her, and when she finally recognize her, she gasps.

“Megan”. Linda exclaims hugging her, and Megan galdly hugs her back too.

“I thought you were in San Francisco with your Dad, so what’re you doing here”. Aunt Linda asked.

“My Dad is long dead Aunt Linda, and how I came to Russia is probably a long story”. Megan said.

Aunt Linda smiles, caressing her face.

“Your just as beautiful as before, but guess you still have this little body of yours”. She said and Megan laughs.

“Anyway meet my boyfriend, his name is Axton”. Megan said wrapping her hand around Axton’s arm.

“Good evening to you ma’am”. He greeted with a bow.

Aunt Linda looks at him and smiles.

“Your boyfriend is so handsome Megan, oh my, time finally flies so fast, my little baby girl back then is all grown up and even has a boyfriend”.

Megan giggles.

“Anyways, since your here in Russia, you must have collided with Miguel right”.

Megan’s eyes widened.

“My brother is here in Russia!!”



Fallon came out from her room and sees Kent standing by the door, and she won’t denied the fact that she got startled on seeing him.

“What’re you doing here Kent”. She said trying to stand properly because of her wounded knee.

“Does your knee still hurt”. He asked.

“Why will you even care if it does”. Fallon asked.

“I ask a question, shouldn’t it be answered, why’re you then answering my question with a question”. Kent said.

Fallon takes in her lips.

“Am fine”. She tries to leave but Kent held her.

“Your friends with Chevy”.

“Yes…I’m”. She replies taking her hand from him.

“I don’t know you easily make friends”. Kent said.

“His fun to be with, so I see no problem making him my friend”.

“Celine”. Chevy calls her, walking up to them.

“Why’re you calling her Celine”. Kent asked.

“Cos is her real name, and is a matching name with mine”. Chevy said smiling.

Kent sighs tucking his hands in his pocket.

“Let’s go”. Chevy said.

“Where’re you both going”. Kent asked sharply.

“Am taking her to the hospital, so that the doctor can run an x-ray on her, since her knee still hurts”.

“But you just told me your okay”. Kent asked, looking at Fallon.

Fallon sighs and face Chevy.

“Let’s just go”. She said.

Chevy takes Fallon’s hand trying to leave with her, but Kent held her second hand.

“Don’t worry Chevy, I’ll take her to the hospital myself”. He said pulling Fallon to his side

“Don’t bother”. Chevy replies pulling Fallon to his side.


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