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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HIS BULLY – Episode 62

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“Stop right there, you are cheating” Elena yelled breathing heavily while chasing Celine round the sitting room

“Never, catch me if you can” Celine yelled back, Elena stopped running and slumped on the couch, Celine came back grinning at her

” Do you realize you are pregnant, you ran like a wild dog” Elena scoffed and Celine rolled her eyes and sat beside her

” Did he really dumped me?” Celine asked rubbing her flat tummy

” Who?” Elena asked

” The father of my unborn child of course or was it a one night stand that leads to this pregnancy, I can’t even remember him and it annoying”

” And why would he do such, he loves you more than himself and it not a one night stand, stopped thinking too much and…..”

” Stop thinking too much and what? You keep on saying that he went on a business trip, travel and lost his phone, blah blah, just stopped lying to me, I don’t care where his is right now, to hell with him and his f_cking business trip” Celine snapped and Elena gulped hard

” Celine please calmed down……”

” Go change into something nice let go shopping, I will be waiting in my room” Celine said and went upstairs, Elena sighed sadly and stood up

“Her hot temper, gosh” she muttered and stood up

” Did she take her drugs today” Mrs Helen asked climbing down the stairs, you may be wandering why, later that day, Celine wake up and she became worse, she was completely acting like a mad woman and seeing how pitiful Mrs Helen looked, the doctor gave Celine a psychotropic drugs to be taking everyday instead of wiping her memories and it helps a lot

“Yes mom”

” Please take good care of her okay, I want to visit my husband, see you guys later”

” Sure mom” Elena replied, Mrs Helen patted her shoulder before leaving the house, Elena went to her room, she changed into something casual and went to Celine’s room, she meet her applying lipstick on her lips

” I’m ready” Elena said

” Let’s go then” Celine said and walked out of the room while Elena followed behind



Nelson came out of the bathtub, water dripping from his body, he carried a towel and tied around his waist before walking out of the bathroom

” What the f_ck” he yelled as he quickly turned around not wanting to see dalia’s naked body, it has always been like these for the past three months, Dalia coming to his room naked, always trying to force herself on him

” Come on, don’t be shy, this is not your first time seeing me like this” she muttered shameless and stood up coming to him

” Wear your clothes and leave my room or you will regret” he said angrily but still didn’t turn, Dalia smirked, she went closer and tried dragging the towel from his body, Nelson quickly turned and pushed her away, she fell on her butt

” You are so shameless” he said looking at her disgustingly

” Why are you always doing this to me, why do you keep on pushing me away? It hurts so much, I’m your girlfriend for crying out loud” Dalia yelled tears running out of her eyes

” Girlfriend?, I can never date someone like you, you are too cheap, stopped being desperate I can’t love you even with my memory, stopped trying” he glared at her h@ťěfully before going to the dressing room and shut the door in front of her, Dalia folded her fist tightly, she carried her clothes and put them on before leaving the room in anger

Nelson finished dressing up and left the room, he met Sonia waiting for him in the sitting room

” what did you do to her, why did you make her cry” Sonia snapped, Nelson rolled his eyes, it not something new

” She is your girlfriend, when are you going to stop treating her like trashed” Nelson rolled his eyes and started going to the kitchen

“And where are you going”

” I want to make something and eat”

” Dalia made breakfast”

” I don’t want to eat her food” he snorted and went inside the kitchen, Sonia clenched her fist

“That bastard” she muttered through gritting teeth

Nelson entered the kitchen and made cereal, he placed it on the kitchen counter and started eating it slowly pressing his phone, Sonia bought him a new phone and throw away the old one

” Son” Sonia called and entered the kitchen, she came closer and tried touching him but he moved away from her

“Seriously, are you mad at me” she asked but he didn’t say anything

” I’m only trying to help, the poor girl is hurts, just tried getting close to her, she is a sweet girl” Sonia added

” I don’t like her a bit, I h@ťě her as much as I h@ťě you” Nelson said and Sonia eyes widen

” What” she asked in disbelief

” Yes I h@ťě you guys” Nelson said

” Then you should learn how to love her because she is your future wife and guess what, she is pregnant for you, she is carrying your child, she is three months gone” she snapped and wanted to see his reaction but she get none, he only scoffed

” I can’t remember sleeping with her….”

” Oh yes, you can’t remember because you Lost your memories….”

” And that’s why you are trying to take advantage of me”

“Nobody is taking advantage of you, you can see it yourself” she show him the video of him and Dalia, the one in the clubhouse, Nelson only look without saying anything

” Cat got your tongue” Sonia smirked

” Get ready, you are taking her for shopping” she collect the phone from him before leaving the kitchen, Nelson chuckle and face his food

” Two can play the game” he smirked and walked out of the kitchen, Dalia stood up immediately Nelson came out the kitchen

” I’m ready, let go” he said and her eyes widen

” OMG, are you for real” she asked happily, Nelson scoffed and walked out, Dalia quickly followed behind

Nelson entered the back seat, Dalia joined him behind and the driver drove out


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