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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Find My Luna

By Genevieve Edwin



Wake up, Zelda, August called as he tapped Blue who was sleeping soundly.

Huh? What is it? she asked tiredly.

Its morning Zelda, get up ..

But I dont want to, she whined turning to the right, backing him.

Come on Zelda, we dont have much time left, August called glancing at Beiber who was watching them quietly.

He’s been quite moody since they left Augusts family house.

They went back to the same hotel because it was already late when they returned.

But they had plans of finding another hide out by morning which is why August came to wake her up.

Geez stop calling me that, Blue complained as she got up reluctantly…

First thing she did was search for Beiber.

Hey cutie, come here, she called getting off the bed.

Completely ignoring August, she fixed the bed before lifting Beiber up, she played with him a little then kissed his furs but he still looked moody or weak.

Do you think he’s alright? Blue panicked.

I… I dont know, August stuttered…

He could tell something was wrong but couldn’t make out the problem.

He tried to mind link him but the link was blocked.

Or maybe he was blocked out.

His mind drifted to his grandma, he already discussed with his brother through their mind link and they told him she would be buried tomorrow.

He felt sad.

They all knew she was going to die.

They knew what 777 meant to her but it was still hard for him take.

It was like a bitter pill was being forced down his throat.

He didn’t want her to die.

He wanted to live with her forever,she was the one closest to him.

Are you alright? Blue asking seeing the sad look on his face.

Ofcourse, i’m fine, he lied but he was caught.

She knew he was lying and she knew what it was that was bothering him.

Slowly she walked towards him then stopped right before him, lifting his face to look at her.

I’m sorry about grandma, she spoke remorsefully…

Its fine Zelda, its not your fault.

No, its totally my fault, we shouldn’t have gone to her, she died because of me, she cried taking her hand off his face.

Its not your fault Zelda, grandma was going to die anyway.

But not yesterday, not in that manner, I should have saved her.

I’m sure grandma wouldn’t like to hear you blame yourself over this, look, grandma knew she was going to die, we all have known for the past 40 years.

What does that even mean?

Remember she told you she has been waiting for you?

Ye.. yes, that’s like the first thing she said, Blue replied wondering what its all about.

Grandma had a vision 40 years ago.

As punishment for her crime, she was told she would die when she clocks 777 years old thats after meeting you, you meeting with her was predestined, its no mistake at all and its not something you would have stopped.

You mean you knew this and you still took me to her? Blue asked.

We want her alive but she was already fed up with living, her human mate died hundreds of years ago,she’s been totally fed up with life since then, he responded…

Beiber meowed and both of them stared at him, he was still dull.

He’s not sick, August said knowing Blue would want to suggest taking him for treatment.

But he is….

He will be fine, we have to leave here before Saraphina finds us, he said

How will she know we are here, there is no phone with us besides you haven’t told me what sin grandma committed.

Oh yeah grandma, he said with a chuckle

What’s funny?

It seems even 500 years ago grandma was a rebel, he said laughing…

A rebel?

Yeah… Grandma came from the descendant of Emily,the witch who sealed the border.

What border?

The border that separates us from humans.

Blue shook her head, a lot of events unfolding since she left her sisters house.

Her head was full already, she felt her head was going to explode any minute.

You mean the border wasn’t sealed before? she asked.

Thousand of years ago, our kind lived with the humans knowing of their existence.

They used to interact but we had our different villages away from them.

Grandma said they loved us, they loved out abilities, they loved our powers,the little fairies and our strength.

Why was the border sealed then if they were living in harmony?

A doctor named Dr…. uhum … how could I forget, I used to know his name,August said trying so hard to recall the doctors name.

He looked towards Beiber for help but Beiber snubbed him as usual…

You can skip the name, just tell me what this doctor did.

Thanks, he replied with a smile.

He started to capture our fairies for experiment, he tortured them, traeted then like they aren’t humans.

I know we aren’t humans but we aren’t immune to pain or hurt.

That’s a very terrible thing to do, Blue expressed her displeasure.

Dont tell me he wasn’t punished,She asked.

Well, the vampires you know, Us, he said pointing at himself with guilt on his face making Blue wonder what they did.

Is it that bad? she asked, I mean you weren’t part of them right? Wh@ťěver it is they did shouldn’t make you feel guilty,I won’t judge you at all, I promise, she said like she read his mind..

Beiber meowed then wiggoed his tail like he was impressed, he was proud of how his mate thinks but he was still scared,he didn’t know how she would treat him when she finds out about him being with her all these while, silently..

Will she not judge him too?

They.. they acted a littel too rash, some of the vampires went into the human villages, they rescued our fairies, some with their wings broken, others bruised while some were found dead.

Angrily, they ki||ed the doctor and his family.

They drained their blood.

Oh… my… God, Blue exclaimed.

It didn’t end there, those who had a taste of humans blood wanted more but they weren’t allowed to.

King Vladmir gave his rules,no vampire was allowed to drink human blood, we aren’t murderers but those vampires revolted, they wanted human blood and when they couldn’t get it,they went rogue.

They started going secretly.

Alot of drained dead bodies with bite marks were discovered every morning.

They weren’t listening to the king anymore,they wanted their own village, their own king, their own rule.

They became incredibly powerful.

That was when Emily was called to close the border, it took her ten years to learn the spell she used

It can’t be opened by anyone and no one except her and her descendants can open the border.

Wow, that’s quite a story.

Does this mean you can open the border too? she asked.


But you… you said grandma is a descendant of Emily.

That ability ended with grandma.



You see, Grandma is a vampire,she wasn’t supposed to get the power transferred to her since she is not a witch .

Grandmas father was a vampire but because she was their only girl child and the power wasn’t going to die with her mother, neither could a male get it, she was taught to use it.

But grandma… grandma decided to experiment it after her mom died.

She got too excited seeing what the outside world was like, without thinking of the consequences, she strolled out.

She came here, into the human world.

She met a man, fell inlove with him at first sight that was it.

She never returned.


You are joking right? Blue asked laughing

As funny as it sounds, that’s the truth.

She was like a sixteen years old inlove for the first time, he was her mate, so she didn’t bother about anything else, she chose her path without considering the fact that there was a death penalty for what she did.

She didn’t think of the fact that she was the only key for all the villagers to get here,she took the key along with her, shutting the border, August giggled as he said that.

He tried to picture what his grandma must have been like back then, he wondered how inlove she must have felt to abandon everything for this man she just met.

But if grandma lived up till 777 years,what was her punishment then? Blue couldn’t help but ask.

It was at that period that King Vladmir died and King Wright became the king.

Grandma said she never felt anything, no one visited her or haunted her dreams.

Her husband also didn’t get thr_@tened, she waited for years for her punishment but it never came.

And you all never wondered why he didn’t punish her?

Grandma did, the new kings silence was scarier than the punishment she expected to get.

She still had her powers,she still had her visions.

It was like nothing was taken away from her but then…..

Then what?

It was me, he said with a forced smile.

You what?

40 years ago when mom had that vision, she was told that I have been the one paying for her sins.


Why? Blue asked and he smiled warmly

Grandma ?

How do you think August is paying for grandma’s sins?

If she was the only key, what happens now that she is dead?

And if she was the only key, how did Saraphina get to take Blue out?

Do you think Grandma helped her?

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